47th President of the United States

47th President of the United States



25,788 posts

196 months

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Randy Winkman said:
Wheelspinning said:
Jeez; only around 3 days ago people were relishing how Biden would walk last nights debate, assuming Trump would turn up in the first place.
I could be wrong but I don't remember that. People might have been wondering if Trump would turn up but with regards Biden I think it was more case of people keeping fingers crossed and hoping for the best.
I don't recollect it either; I had low expectations and they weren't met.

Tony Starks

2,129 posts

215 months

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williamp said:
thatsprettyshady said:
I said this the other day - I'd take a Clinton, an Obama or even a Bush over any of these guys and in the UK it's the same, I'd take a Blair or a Major over any of the current crop of UK candidates.
Fascinating fact of the day (well, it is to me): Bill Clinton is younger then both of them, and he served as President back in the 90s!
It shows the US needs an upper age limit as well as a younger one. I'd say no one over 70 for president and 75 for senator. And they should have term limits on alot of their higher roles.


25,788 posts

196 months

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The life tenure without a retirement age for judges seems particularly anachronistic. It was probably fine when the founders were writing the constitution and people were lucky to live to 60, when the average lifespan is now well over 80 it's a problem rather than safeguard or a bulwark.

When it comes to senators or congressional representatives it's more equivocal as there are primaries for every election, if no one challenges then surely an incumbent should continue? But then contesting a primary for a senate or even a congressional seat is stupidly expensive, in states like California they can spend as much on that as is spent on a whole General Election in the UK; campaign finance in the US is so corrupting but putting in limits will be difficult as long as one party wants to make it more corrupt rather than less.


20,769 posts

194 months

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hidetheelephants said:
Randy Winkman said:
Wheelspinning said:
Jeez; only around 3 days ago people were relishing how Biden would walk last nights debate, assuming Trump would turn up in the first place.
I could be wrong but I don't remember that. People might have been wondering if Trump would turn up but with regards Biden I think it was more case of people keeping fingers crossed and hoping for the best.
I don't recollect it either; I had low expectations and they weren't met.
Some posts from the Biden thread prior to the debate:

Mortarboard said:
Going to be a lot of disappointment when the debates happen, and Joe biden isn't a bumbling old coot.

That's the problem with creating these false narratives- reality doesn't give a damn.

dvs_dave said:
Has everyone already forgotten Biden’s recent performance at the State of the Union? GOP shat themselves and said Uncle Joe had to have been on drugs. Its pathetic.

I expect Joe to dole out a similar drubbing and the subsequent shutting up of the toxic Biden muck spreaders. For a week, at least!


25,788 posts

196 months

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The former looks like low expectations to me; the latter fair enough.


20,769 posts

194 months

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From the Trump thread:

dobbo_ said:
They are just setting up the narrative for when Trump gets absolutely wrecked by "sleepy" Joe. It's rigged, before it has even started, he never had a chance. The debates were "STOLLEN" just like the election.


19,429 posts

262 months

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‘Preference falsification cascade’, when the group opinion suddenly flips against the zeitgeist they themselves constructed, knowing it was false all along.


25,788 posts

196 months

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It's a fast moving thread.


19,429 posts

262 months

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Wait till they ‘find out’ Harris is a moron installed for her race/sex credentials rather than a serious President in waiting. What an obviously dangerous position the Dems and Reps have placed their country in, what a system that allows this and what porcine herd mentality the masses have to believe any of this grift-riddled bluffing is real.


25,788 posts

196 months

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Polling shows she has popularity issues but she was a successful prosecutor and was elected attorney general, whatever she is she isn't a moron.


4,562 posts

162 months

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hidetheelephants said:
Polling shows she has popularity issues but she was a successful prosecutor and was elected attorney general, whatever she is she isn't a moron.
Popularity issues is a bit of an understatement smile

I agree that she clearly isn’t a moron, but she is very hard to like.


1,316 posts

33 months

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Randy Winkman said:
Wheelspinning said:
Jeez; only around 3 days ago people were relishing how Biden would walk last nights debate, assuming Trump would turn up in the first place.
I could be wrong but I don't remember that. People might have been wondering if Trump would turn up but with regards Biden I think it was more case of people keeping fingers crossed and hoping for the best.
Within the echo chamber forum known as the '45th President of the USA', it was a a clear topic that Biden would run rings around Trump, so much so that the faithful 12 then started to state that Trump most likely would not even turn up for the debate.


12,473 posts

265 months

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Posted for posterity. 28th June 2024.


9,882 posts

211 months

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Lester H said:
o, so true … and at the time we regarded Major as a dud.
He was a shrewd politician, I thought, but he did have an image problem.

Possibly the only politician whose image improved after it was found that he had been slipping Currie a length.


43,863 posts

153 months

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pork911 said:
TwigtheWonderkid said:
clawed her way up out of the gutter.
What has confused you?


19,347 posts

276 months

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Carl_VivaEspana said:
Posted for posterity. 28th June 2024.

God I hate the press. Its bene obvious forr years, but suddenly the press have noticed, and started to talk about it? His mental decline has been a problem for the last 4 years, but ignored by the media. Only now they are talking about it.

I wonder if they'll start to talk about his lies, or that maybe ne might be "the big guy" from the laptop emails and the bribes...


7,365 posts

186 months

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TwigtheWonderkid said:
pork911 said:
TwigtheWonderkid said:
clawed her way up out of the gutter.
What has confused you?
The claim that she clawed her way up from the gutter.


6,244 posts

58 months

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Wheelspinning said:
Within the echo chamber forum known as the '45th President of the USA', it was a a clear topic that Biden would run rings around Trump, so much so that the faithful 12 then started to state that Trump most likely would not even turn up for the debate.
Quote some then.

We can wait.



1,962 posts

168 months

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19,347 posts

276 months

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Mortarboard said:
Quote some then.

We can wait.

...when talking about the idea, someone said...

Mortarboard said:
He can't back out without looking like a tit.

He's salting the ground with the excuses. On the maga-radio station this morning, they admitted that all JB has to do to "win" the debate is cone across as competent. That's it.

Trump et al will all claim "drugs, uppers, etc"

Fox, Newsmax and the like will claim trump "dominated it"

The centrist/floating voter reaction is the only one that matters.
