47th President of the United States

47th President of the United States



43,863 posts

153 months

thatsprettyshady said:
I said this the other day - I'd take a Clinton, an Obama or even a Bush over any of these guys and in the UK it's the same, I'd take a Blair or a Major over any of the current crop of UK candidates.
When I think back to my youth, the politicians I used to deride, Leon Brittain, Lord Carrington, Norman Tebbit, Geoffrey Howe, Denis Healy, Tony Benn, and many more. None of them ever became PM or even party leader. But they seem like political giants compared to what we have now. Can you imagine that Truss, Johnson or Sunak could be PM back in the 70s or 80s. Not a chance.

In those days, even minor govt ministers had far more gravitas than those 3 clowns.

I think Labour are a bit better. Starmer is no superstar but he's clearly a smart guy, has had a proper career before politics, and I don't think he's corrupt, a womaniser, or has a tax avoiding billionaire wife. And Angela Rayner is a streetwise political brawler, in the Tebbit mould, who has clawed her way up out of the gutter.


19,347 posts

276 months

thatsprettyshady said:
I said this the other day - I'd take a Clinton, an Obama or even a Bush over any of these guys and in the UK it's the same, I'd take a Blair or a Major over any of the current crop of UK candidates.
Fascinating fact of the day (well, it is to me): Bill Clinton is younger then both of them, and he served as President back in the 90s!


9,882 posts

211 months

Rayner V Trump, now that would be a debate worth watching.


1,316 posts

33 months

Roderick Spode said:
Byker28i said:
Really, that was in response to those claiming Biden was senile... of which there's no evidence.
None whatsoever scratchchin

There was bountiful evidence even before last night's car crash - you chose not to see it.

Byker28i said:
For the record I don't hate trump...
The pigeon of disbelief has entered the chat. Your obsessional posting would suggest otherwise.
One of Trump's less recognised achievements has been living rent free in around a dozen or so posters heads who effectively 'run' the Donald Trump thread.


3,576 posts

218 months

Wheelspinning said:
One of Trump's less recognised achievements has been living rent free in around a dozen or so posters heads who effectively 'run' the Donald Trump thread.
Please don't be insensitive. You simply can't understand the destruction that TDS causes until you've lost a family member yourself.


6,244 posts

58 months

phil1979 said:
Wheelspinning said:
One of Trump's less recognised achievements has been living rent free in around a dozen or so posters heads who effectively 'run' the Donald Trump thread.
Please don't be insensitive. You simply can't understand the destruction that TDS causes until you've lost a family member yourself.
Owning the libs, eh?

Discourse was improving up until now....


Roderick Spode

3,203 posts

52 months

Wheelspinning said:
One of Trump's less recognised achievements has been living rent free in around a dozen or so posters heads who effectively 'run' the Donald Trump thread.
Hence why I stopped visiting or contributing to that thread years ago. A complete echo chamber with those dozen or so waiting to eagerly pounce on any poster who fails to agree with the prevailing narrative. We see snippets of it in here. For the record I have no dog in the fight, I think both options are appallingly terrible, I just don't ascribe to all of the swivel eyed hyperbole beloved of some contributors. Such wild assertions stifle meaningful discussion.


43,863 posts

153 months

gazza285 said:
Rayner V Trump, now that would be a debate worth watching.
I suspect she would chew him up and spit him out. Rayner is smart, quick witted and comes from a place that Donald Trump couldn't even relate to. But even if she wiped the floor with him, it would make no odds. Trump/MAGA is a cult, and like all cults, the members aren't interested in facts or truth.


19,347 posts

276 months

Another interestign thought:

If he doesnt step down, and if he does the second debate...

and hes just the same, then even more people might notice something is odd. Not that there is any sign of mental decline, Byker...

...yet if he's better, then there will be lots. And I mean LOTS.. of noise about him being on drugs to help him.

To face a second debate could be digging the hole deeper... yet by choosing not to debate, the absence will be the same same as digging a bigger hole.

The Dem's subbornness might have cost them the next 4 years. Crap.


1,316 posts

33 months

TwigtheWonderkid said:
gazza285 said:
Rayner V Trump, now that would be a debate worth watching.
I suspect she would chew him up and spit him out. Rayner is smart, quick witted and comes from a place that Donald Trump couldn't even relate to. But even if she wiped the floor with him, it would make no odds. Trump/MAGA is a cult, and like all cults, the members aren't interested in facts or truth.
Jeez; only around 3 days ago people were relishing how Biden would walk last nights debate, assuming Trump would turn up in the first place.

Now, after it turns out all of those fake videos showing Bidens gibbering, loss of coherence, drifting off or 'freezing' might actually not have been the deep fakes they were dismissed as, now all sorts of names are getting thrown into the hat to replace the guy just a few days ago was on top of his game...

Lester H

2,794 posts

108 months

TwigtheWonderkid said:
thatsprettyshady said:
I said this the other day - I'd take a Clinton, an Obama or even a Bush over any of these guys and in the UK it's the same, I'd take a Blair or a Major over any of the current crop of UK candidates.
When I think back to my youth, the politicians I used to deride, Leon Brittain, Lord Carrington, Norman Tebbit, Geoffrey Howe, Denis Healy, Tony Benn, and many more. None of them ever became PM or even party leader. But they seem like political giants compared to what we have now. Can you imagine that Truss, Johnson or Sunak could be PM back in the 70s or 80s. Not a chance.

In those days, even minor govt ministers had far more gravitas than those 3 clowns.

I think Labour are a bit better. Starmer is no superstar but he's clearly a smart guy, has had a proper career before politics, and I don't think he's corrupt, a womaniser, or has a tax avoiding billionaire wife. And Angela Rayner is a streetwise political brawler, in the Tebbit mould, who has clawed her way up out of the gutter.
I am a little sorry to have to agree. I remember these politicians, some of whom ( on both sides of the political divide) I regarded as duds .Carrington was an effortlessly posh, utterly entitled, laconic operator.. Now, they seem like decent statesmen. What a comment on how politicians have developed! As someone who leans to the right I have to agree about Rayner ,who has risen by her own charisma and not being a member of an elite public school.

Edited by Lester H on Friday 28th June 22:12

Edited by Lester H on Friday 28th June 22:16

Baroque attacks

4,619 posts

189 months

Roderick Spode said:
A complete echo chamber with those dozen or so waiting to eagerly pounce on any poster who fails to agree with the prevailing narrative.
Same as some would say of the Covid thread. Must be about perspective I suppose.

Baroque attacks

4,619 posts

189 months

bhstewie said:
How the utter fk did the Democrats end up here given they had four years to find a better candidate?
Stubbornness, stupidity, a lack of strategic thought?

Debate number two will have biggly viewing numbers!


19,347 posts

276 months

Lester H said:
TwigtheWonderkid said:
thatsprettyshady said:
I said this the other day - I'd take a Clinton, an Obama or even a Bush over any of these guys and in the UK it's the same, I'd take a Blair or a Major over any of the current crop of UK candidates.
When I think back to my youth, the politicians I used to deride, Leon Brittain, Lord Carrington, Norman Tebbit, Geoffrey Howe, Denis Healy, Tony Benn, and many more. None of them ever became PM or even party leader. But they seem like political giants compared to what we have now. Can you imagine that Truss, Johnson or Sunak could be PM back in the 70s or 80s. Not a chance.

In those days, even minor govt ministers had far more gravitas than those 3 clowns.

I think Labour are a bit better. Starmer is no superstar but he's clearly a smart guy, has had a proper career before politics, and I don't think he's corrupt, a womaniser, or has a tax avoiding billionaire wife. And Angela Rayner is a streetwise political brawler, in the Tebbit mould, who has clawed her way up out of the gutter.
I am a little sorry to have to agree. I remember these politicians, some of whom ( on both sides of the political divide) I regarded as duds .Carrington was an effortlessly posh, utterly entitled, laconic operator.. Now, they seem like decent statesmen. What a comment on how politicians have developed! As someone who leans to the right I have to agree about Rayner ,who has risen by her own charisma and not being a member of an elite public school.

Edited by Lester H on Friday 28th June 22:12

Edited by Lester H on Friday 28th June 22:16
I wonder if we can get back there.I know most politicians thesd days started out reading law at Uni; did they in the past? Are we missing accepting politicians from other areas which formed a rich seam of decent politicans in the past??

Lester H

2,794 posts

108 months

thatsprettyshady said:
Murph7355 said:
gazza285 said:
I still hope that someone comes to their senses and neither 45 or 46 will become 47, what an absolute st show U.S. politics is.
Our is hardly a shining light for democracy either.
I said this the other day - I'd take a Clinton, an Obama or even a Bush over any of these guys and in the UK it's the same, I'd take a Blair or a Major over any of the current crop of UK candidates.
So, so true … and at the time we regarded Major as a dud.

Randy Winkman

16,588 posts

192 months

Wheelspinning said:
Jeez; only around 3 days ago people were relishing how Biden would walk last nights debate, assuming Trump would turn up in the first place.
I could be wrong but I don't remember that. People might have been wondering if Trump would turn up but with regards Biden I think it was more case of people keeping fingers crossed and hoping for the best.

Lester H

2,794 posts

108 months

TwigtheWonderkid said:
gazza285 said:
Rayner V Trump, now that would be a debate worth watching.
I suspect she would chew him up and spit him out. Rayner is smart, quick witted and comes from a place that Donald Trump couldn't even relate to. But even if she wiped the floor with him, it would make no odds. Trump/MAGA is a cult, and like all cults, the members aren't interested in facts or truth.
Of course, she might charm him off his feet.


7,365 posts

186 months

TwigtheWonderkid said:
clawed her way up out of the gutter.


1,765 posts

47 months

williamp said:
Lester H said:
TwigtheWonderkid said:
thatsprettyshady said:
I said this the other day - I'd take a Clinton, an Obama or even a Bush over any of these guys and in the UK it's the same, I'd take a Blair or a Major over any of the current crop of UK candidates.
When I think back to my youth, the politicians I used to deride, Leon Brittain, Lord Carrington, Norman Tebbit, Geoffrey Howe, Denis Healy, Tony Benn, and many more. None of them ever became PM or even party leader. But they seem like political giants compared to what we have now. Can you imagine that Truss, Johnson or Sunak could be PM back in the 70s or 80s. Not a chance.

In those days, even minor govt ministers had far more gravitas than those 3 clowns.

I think Labour are a bit better. Starmer is no superstar but he's clearly a smart guy, has had a proper career before politics, and I don't think he's corrupt, a womaniser, or has a tax avoiding billionaire wife. And Angela Rayner is a streetwise political brawler, in the Tebbit mould, who has clawed her way up out of the gutter.
I am a little sorry to have to agree. I remember these politicians, some of whom ( on both sides of the political divide) I regarded as duds .Carrington was an effortlessly posh, utterly entitled, laconic operator.. Now, they seem like decent statesmen. What a comment on how politicians have developed! As someone who leans to the right I have to agree about Rayner ,who has risen by her own charisma and not being a member of an elite public school.

Edited by Lester H on Friday 28th June 22:12

Edited by Lester H on Friday 28th June 22:16
I wonder if we can get back there.I know most politicians thesd days started out reading law at Uni; did they in the past? Are we missing accepting politicians from other areas which formed a rich seam of decent politicans in the past??
Nobody with any brains would want the job, the pay is crap and every piece of your private life is open to being made public. You might have done something you regret 30 years ago at uni, for it all to be brought back up and bemade front page news. Like Cameron and the pigs head story


1,765 posts

47 months

J6542 said:
williamp said:
Lester H said:
TwigtheWonderkid said:
thatsprettyshady said:
I said this the other day - I'd take a Clinton, an Obama or even a Bush over any of these guys and in the UK it's the same, I'd take a Blair or a Major over any of the current crop of UK candidates.
When I think back to my youth, the politicians I used to deride, Leon Brittain, Lord Carrington, Norman Tebbit, Geoffrey Howe, Denis Healy, Tony Benn, and many more. None of them ever became PM or even party leader. But they seem like political giants compared to what we have now. Can you imagine that Truss, Johnson or Sunak could be PM back in the 70s or 80s. Not a chance.

In those days, even minor govt ministers had far more gravitas than those 3 clowns.

I think Labour are a bit better. Starmer is no superstar but he's clearly a smart guy, has had a proper career before politics, and I don't think he's corrupt, a womaniser, or has a tax avoiding billionaire wife. And Angela Rayner is a streetwise political brawler, in the Tebbit mould, who has clawed her way up out of the gutter.
I am a little sorry to have to agree. I remember these politicians, some of whom ( on both sides of the political divide) I regarded as duds .Carrington was an effortlessly posh, utterly entitled, laconic operator.. Now, they seem like decent statesmen. What a comment on how politicians have developed! As someone who leans to the right I have to agree about Rayner ,who has risen by her own charisma and not being a member of an elite public school.

Edited by Lester H on Friday 28th June 22:12

Edited by Lester H on Friday 28th June 22:16
I wonder if we can get back there.I know most politicians thesd days started out reading law at Uni; did they in the past? Are we missing accepting politicians from other areas which formed a rich seam of decent politicans in the past??
Nobody with any brains would want the job, the pay is crap and every piece of your private life is open to being made public. You might have done something you regret 30 years ago at uni, for it all to be brought back up and be made front page news. Like Cameron and the pigs head story