General Election July 2024



4,872 posts

223 months

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Killboy said:
LGTM rofl

Resorting to scaring the boomers is a pretty sad look.

President Merkin

3,852 posts

22 months

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That big picture of Keir just makes me think ooh look, Kier.


7,801 posts

205 months

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You do have to admit the gall it took to tell someone to go deliver conservative propaganda to Brixton.


42,961 posts

238 months

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GSE said:
Rusty Old-Banger said:
Getting quite excited about tomorrow now.
So am I! It will be the first time I have watched the MSM news for a long long time, I switched off the BBC and all the others in late 2020, I couldn't listen to their one-sided covid propaganda any more. Presumably the BBC have got the Champagne in and ready. Are they going to be tripping over the empty bottles in the corridors on Friday morning, after the party, when their beloved socialists get in, just like they did when Blair was elected!
I think the good thing about tomorrow is that, if the polls are accurate, (virtually) everyone will be happy. Lefties will get far more Labour and Lib Dem MPs, those on the right mostly glad to be shot of the Conservatives.


2,466 posts

215 months

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Dave200 said:
Killboy said:
LGTM rofl

Resorting to scaring the boomers is a pretty sad look.
It's weird, there's a well known psychological phenomenon that means we can't truly process a negative... Don't press that button, we just hear press that button. You should always lead and advertise with a positive message.

All the Labour super majority, pictures of SKS, Labour this, Labour that... All the Tories are saying is "Labour, Labour, Labour". With barely mentioning themselves. The whole thing is completely amateurish.

I can only guess that the whole Tory plan is to lose, get rid of the dead wood, but also knowing that they've left the place as a right st hole and are bailing out... Maybe hoping labour are left with such a mess that 5 years time they'll be kicked out for having not achieved anything. Cynical, but maybe just the tories best bet, and then say "it's nothing to do with us, we only had 5 seats after all".

Edited by RemarkLima on Wednesday 3rd July 11:00


2,358 posts

242 months

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Killboy said:
LGTM rofl

I agree with all of that. Except for the vote conservative bit coffee


10,006 posts

160 months

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Telegraph reporting IHT limits to fall to 125k to raise revenue and support public services.

That would hit almost every home owner but we need money in the system so is what it is.

I won't vote tory but I do fear Labour tax rises. When Blair came in I knew it would not end well and when the 50% rate came in I earned under that but knew tax rises would eventually impact me as they have done.

What I have not seen is better services for all the extra tax. I doubt we will this time either. There seems to be a lack of truth. Either we need big rises (at basic rate sadly) or we need to stop providing some things.

Either way by Friday it's a done deal Rishi will be on his way out and the Conservatives will with luck be destroyed. 5 years of pain perhaps and then a new party can fill the void


10,685 posts

194 months

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Killboy said:
LGTM rofl

That's terrible.

It's a desperate message and I don't think it's going to appeal to the sorts of people it wants too, but mostly the Tories have painted KS as Kitchener, that's Boris style populism, it might have the reverse effect.

I get the impression sometimes the Tories are fighting this on the cheap, maybe they knew they couldn't win, donors are leaving them, maybe they're hoarding cash to ensure they survive into opposition. Seems very far-fetched, but I can't imagine a half decent copywriter / graphic designer coming up with that, even in a hurry. It looks like the work for a Workie playing around with Canva.


8,675 posts

118 months

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Gecko1978 said:
I won't vote tory but I do fear Labour tax rises. When Blair came in I knew it would not end well and when the 50% rate came in I earned under that but knew tax rises would eventually impact me as they have done.
The 50% tax rate was done in the last 8 weeks of their period in office. It was a trap - they knew it would be counter productive and raise no revenue. Now the Torys are doing the same trick with Non Doms.

Labour, in office won't do anything as dumb as the 50% tax rate. (Well not until their last weeks in office.)

Edited by BikeBikeBIke on Wednesday 3rd July 11:15


11,502 posts

242 months

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Killboy said:
LGTM rofl

The one we got from Jenkyns had that on the back, presumably another terrible central office idea?


5,503 posts

193 months

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I can never forgive Labour fir selling off hospitals in the 90s (then have the gall to say every other party will destroy the nhs)

I don’t like the fact they started an illegal war in Iraq basically over oil

And I don’t like the fact they sold our gold off

I don’t like that during lockdown they tried to force us into longer harsher lockdowns

I don’t like that when asked questions none of them will answer the question but they deflect it!
Conservatives weren’t doing too bad till the pandemic but the mess they made of all these parties no help to stop energy companies ripping us off just no help in general tbh

So I’m voting reform! Think their policies are brilliant tbf and it’s time we got off this constant merry go round if conservatives and Labour as nothing ever changes


24,408 posts

223 months

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carlo996 said:
blueg33 said:
I wouldn’t vote conservative with their current collection of candidates most of whom have been part of the last 10 or more years of absolute chaos and vitriol. I don’t think Sunak is the problem, he is part of the problem.

You can flip a turd over but it is still a turd.
The same can be said of Labour. Sure Starmer has been sprayed with Mr Sheen, but the lefty loonies remain right under the thin veneer.
I can't abide him, but I think he has done a far better, not perfect, but far better job of controlling the 'fringes' of his party than any of the last Tory leaders have done.


3,863 posts

28 months

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I have aside plenty of alcohol and snacks to follow everything from 10pm tomorrow night.

I'm done with the speculating. Just looking forward to seeing which predictions were accurate over the coming days and weeks.


19,018 posts

171 months

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SpidersWeb said:
Then of course remember that Sunak was not brought in as Johnson's chancellor because he was the right person for the job, having previously been a lowly junior housing minister, it was just that the existing chancellor, Javid, had got fed up with Johnson's Svengali, 'eyesight test' Cummings, and his demands to Javid to sack his aides and replace them with Cumming's selection. Sunak got the job not because he was the best person but because he was prepared to be obedient and do as he was told.

And finally Sunak, who lets not forget was only a junior housing minister before he got his rapid promotion, tries to pick up the pieces, whilst dealing with a party that is now mainly full of right wing nutters after Johnson had expelled most of those to the centre and left during the Brexit shambles.
Sunak was the chief secretary of the treasury and Javid’s number2 while chancellor. It’s not that hard to get some basic facts right I’d have thought however consumed by anti-tory zeal you might be in posting that rant……


11,502 posts

242 months

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ghost83 said:
I can never forgive Labour fir selling off hospitals in the 90s (then have the gall to say every other party will destroy the nhs)

I don’t like the fact they started an illegal war in Iraq basically over oil

And I don’t like the fact they sold our gold off

I don’t like that during lockdown they tried to force us into longer harsher lockdowns

I don’t like that when asked questions none of them will answer the question but they deflect it!
Conservatives weren’t doing too bad till the pandemic but the mess they made of all these parties no help to stop energy companies ripping us off just no help in general tbh

So I’m voting reform! Think their policies are brilliant tbf and it’s time we got off this constant merry go round if conservatives and Labour as nothing ever changes
I never liked the Skoda Estelle but it wouldn't stop me appreciating their evolution and giving a Skoda Superb 280 a chance.

Edited by thetapeworm on Wednesday 3rd July 11:31


24,408 posts

223 months

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blueg33 said:
isaldiri said:
blueg33 said:
I wouldn’t vote conservative with their current collection of candidates most of whom have been part of the last 10 or more years of absolute chaos and vitriol. I don’t think Sunak is the problem, he is part of the problem.

You can flip a turd over but it is still a turd.
My point was that you aren’t the target vote that DSLiverpool mentioned in terms of getting a ‘better’ result in this election as you have clearly been long determined not to vote for them anyway.
I would vote for them if they could even get back to the decidedly average party they were under Cameron and May. By not targeting me and people like me in Gloucestershire and putting forward "normal" people, they run a very real risk of losing the safe seat in Tewkesbury, not to Labour but to Lib Dem
I don't think they were remotely average under May. Lots disagree due to the Brexit referendum but for me Cameron's tenure was the last 'decent' Tory party


10,685 posts

194 months

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blueg33 said:
DSLiverpool said:
Sunak should have announced the election and stood down, virtually anyone but him would have had a better chance. Granted it’s still a whitewash but without Sunak it’d be less of one.
I don’t agree.

We would end up with a toxic nutcase like Braverman

To get my vote back they need to remove the nutters, the ERG etc
I'm pretty sure the Tories were going to stick the knife into Sunak any day, the polls were getting worse, so he called the GE knowing they'd have to back off. A Tory leadership contest is a messy nasty business and shows them at their worse to all but the true believers, doing that at the same time as a GE could have somehow been worse than what they're facing now. Ironically perhaps, if the Tories MPs could stop being the ruthless, greedy types they are for a few months, they might have contested a GE under slightly kinder economic news.

Friday morning is going to be a rough one in Tory Party HQ, even the kindest projections show them being cut down, I guess Sunak will resign, they usually do, maybe he won't, but he won't be leader in 2025, then they'll have to make a decision on their future, and it'll be an important one for all of us, whoever we usually vote for. Do they clean themselves up, rebuild around core values of opportunity for all and prudence, or step even further right towards populism, will they do the unthinkable and even invite Farage to join them, have whatever Reform MPs we get into the party.

I'm a centrist, so I'd like to see the likes of the ERG, Braverman, Boris, JRM and that Pound Shop Penfold Francois tarred and feathered and out the door.


10,006 posts

160 months

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BikeBikeBIke said:
Gecko1978 said:
I won't vote tory but I do fear Labour tax rises. When Blair came in I knew it would not end well and when the 50% rate came in I earned under that but knew tax rises would eventually impact me as they have done.
The 50% tax rate was done in the last 8 weeks of their period in office. It was a trap - they knew it would be counter productive and raise no revenue. Now the Torys are doing the same trick with Non Doms.

Labour, in office won't do anything as dumb as the 50% tax rate. (Well not until their last weeks in office.)

Edited by BikeBikeBIke on Wednesday 3rd July 11:15
The 100 to 120 k taper is a thing I hate the most


24,408 posts

223 months

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GSE said:
Rusty Old-Banger said:
Getting quite excited about tomorrow now.
So am I! It will be the first time I have watched the MSM news for a long long time, I switched off the BBC and all the others in late 2020, I couldn't listen to their one-sided covid propaganda any more. Presumably the BBC have got the Champagne in and ready. Are they going to be tripping over the empty bottles in the corridors on Friday morning, after the party, when their beloved socialists get in, just like they did when Blair was elected!
Blair? A socialist? Some serious revisionism going on there!


42,961 posts

238 months

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Unreal said:
I have aside plenty of alcohol and snacks to follow everything from 10pm tomorrow night.

I'm done with the speculating. Just looking forward to seeing which predictions were accurate over the coming days and weeks.
I've stayed up a few times before and noticed that nothing really happens until around 2am, and those results you do get have those teams running around desperately in order to be that early.

You have the exit poll, hours of speculating about the exit poll, lots of shots of schoolboys running with ballot boxes, and then things starting happening around 2am.

You could have had 5 hours sleep by then, so that is what I shall be trying to do.