47th President of the United States

47th President of the United States



24,328 posts

116 months

thatsprettyshady said:
paulguitar said:
thatsprettyshady said:
tumbleweed in here, weirdly.
Lots and lots going on in the other two threads...
It's too much for me to check both, and at this point we may as well merge them hehe
I'm thinking about bailing out and moving to Nepal.


9,882 posts

211 months

I still hope that someone comes to their senses and neither 45 or 46 will become 47, what an absolute st show U.S. politics is.


17,401 posts

258 months

paulguitar said:
thatsprettyshady said:
paulguitar said:
thatsprettyshady said:
tumbleweed in here, weirdly.
Lots and lots going on in the other two threads...
It's too much for me to check both, and at this point we may as well merge them hehe
I'm thinking about bailing out and moving to Nepal.
Sure, why not?

Although I don't think your life will change as dramatically as you think if you stay put either.

I can assure you if Trump wins that the sky won't fall down and you won't have to start bowing down to Trump statues. Maybe take a break from CNN and realise that however passionately you may feel, it makes no difference in the grand scheme.

So you may as well go along for the ride. Or disappear off to Nepal / elsewhere.


24,328 posts

116 months

g4ry13 said:
paulguitar said:
thatsprettyshady said:
paulguitar said:
thatsprettyshady said:
tumbleweed in here, weirdly.
Lots and lots going on in the other two threads...
It's too much for me to check both, and at this point we may as well merge them hehe
I'm thinking about bailing out and moving to Nepal.
Sure, why not?

Although I don't think your life will change as dramatically as you think if you stay put either.

I can assure you if Trump wins that the sky won't fall down and you won't have to start bowing down to Trump statues. Maybe take a break from CNN and realise that however passionately you may feel, it makes no difference in the grand scheme.

So you may as well go along for the ride. Or disappear off to Nepal / elsewhere.
Well, I don't have CNN.

I was in the US for nearly all of the trump presidency, and it was relentless lunacy, never seemed to end. But I do sometimes think about just backing away from it all, perhaps not literally moving to Nepal, but you know, metaphorically. smile


19,347 posts

276 months

Remember there is no evidence of Biden being senile...

Is it too late for a replacement Dem?? Not that there is any need, obviously...


6,244 posts

58 months

g4ry13 said:
I can assure you if Trump wins that the sky won't fall down and you won't have to start bowing down to Trump statues. Maybe take a break from CNN and realise that however passionately you may feel, it makes no difference in the grand scheme.
Funding and military support for ukraine- gone
Further attacks on access to Healthcare
More religion in schools
Higher inflation

Reasons enough to vote for "inanimate carbon rod"



17,401 posts

258 months

Mortarboard said:
g4ry13 said:
I can assure you if Trump wins that the sky won't fall down and you won't have to start bowing down to Trump statues. Maybe take a break from CNN and realise that however passionately you may feel, it makes no difference in the grand scheme.
Funding and military support for ukraine- gone
Further attacks on access to Healthcare
More religion in schools
Higher inflation

Reasons enough to vote for "inanimate carbon rod"

Funding and military support for ukraine- gone
- Not necessarily a bad thing. The tactic of arming Ukraine to the teeth and fighting a proxy war with Russia isn't working. It's time to consider another solution to end this. In any case, Ukraine is not the problem of the US or UK to solve!

Further attacks on access to Healthcare
- Didn't Obama care fail anyway? The US has always been terrible in terms of healthcare.

More religion in schools
- Based on what?

Higher inflation
- President has little effect on inflation. Based on previous Trump performance there is nothing to indicate inflation is going to spike up.


17,401 posts

258 months

paulguitar said:
g4ry13 said:
paulguitar said:
thatsprettyshady said:
paulguitar said:
thatsprettyshady said:
tumbleweed in here, weirdly.
Lots and lots going on in the other two threads...
It's too much for me to check both, and at this point we may as well merge them hehe
I'm thinking about bailing out and moving to Nepal.
Sure, why not?

Although I don't think your life will change as dramatically as you think if you stay put either.

I can assure you if Trump wins that the sky won't fall down and you won't have to start bowing down to Trump statues. Maybe take a break from CNN and realise that however passionately you may feel, it makes no difference in the grand scheme.

So you may as well go along for the ride. Or disappear off to Nepal / elsewhere.
Well, I don't have CNN.

I was in the US for nearly all of the trump presidency, and it was relentless lunacy, never seemed to end. But I do sometimes think about just backing away from it all, perhaps not literally moving to Nepal, but you know, metaphorically. smile
May not be a bad thing.

Dedicating 8 years of one's life to posting links (not you, but a certain individual) on a daily basis would seem like a rather fruitless waste of time looking back on it. Especially when despite all of the efforts to post / argue about it has little impact and a second term is looking possible.


24,328 posts

116 months

g4ry13 said:
May not be a bad thing.

Dedicating 8 years of one's life to posting links (not you, but a certain individual) on a daily basis would seem like a rather fruitless waste of time looking back on it. Especially when despite all of the efforts to post / argue about it has little impact and a second term is looking possible.
Well, I don't think any of us posting here expected it to have any effect on the results...smile

I suspect if the traitorous one does get another go, the relevant thread will be even busier than last time.


25,788 posts

196 months

Ukraine is not being armed to the teeth, it could have been over by now if NATO states had directed perhaps 10% of the gross NATO defence spend at the conflict.


52,521 posts

213 months

It's uncomfortable viewing and listening.

Two things on Biden.

If that's what he's like in a TV debate is that what he's like if you work with him?

How the utter fk did the Democrats end up here given they had four years to find a better candidate?

Roderick Spode

3,203 posts

52 months

Byker28i said:
Really, that was in response to those claiming Biden was senile... of which there's no evidence.
None whatsoever scratchchin

There was bountiful evidence even before last night's car crash - you chose not to see it.

Byker28i said:
For the record I don't hate trump...
The pigeon of disbelief has entered the chat. Your obsessional posting would suggest otherwise.


17,401 posts

258 months

hidetheelephants said:
Ukraine is not being armed to the teeth, it could have been over by now if NATO states had directed perhaps 10% of the gross NATO defence spend at the conflict.
More than $380bn has been sent to them for the war effort.

You think better guns, tanks and F-22 / F-35s would have ended the war? I can assure you that nothing NATO (with exception of boots on the ground) chuck at it would have been able to end the war with Russia.


6,244 posts

58 months

g4ry13 said:
Funding and military support for ukraine- gone
- Not necessarily a bad thing. The tactic of arming Ukraine to the teeth and fighting a proxy war with Russia isn't working. It's time to consider another solution to end this. In any case, Ukraine is not the problem of the US or UK to solve!
Trumps solution is to let putin have it. That'll bring war literally to Europe's doorstep. Learn from history.

g4ry13 said:
Further attacks on access to Healthcare
- Didn't Obama care fail anyway? The US has always been terrible in terms of healthcare.
Romneycare, you mean? An outstanding success. However, the dobbs decision is being used to fk up birth control, infertility treatment etc. Literally letting thousands of poor people die.

g4ry13 said:
More religion in schools
- Based on what?
Big push now, emboldened by dobbs, and all "being sent to the Supreme court". Same playbook as before.

g4ry13 said:
Higher inflation
- President has little effect on inflation. Based on previous Trump performance there is nothing to indicate inflation is going to spike up.
Trumps tarrifs are directly inflationary. Big warning from industry already.



17,401 posts

258 months

Mortarboard said:
g4ry13 said:
Funding and military support for ukraine- gone
- Not necessarily a bad thing. The tactic of arming Ukraine to the teeth and fighting a proxy war with Russia isn't working. It's time to consider another solution to end this. In any case, Ukraine is not the problem of the US or UK to solve!
Trumps solution is to let putin have it. That'll bring war literally to Europe's doorstep. Learn from history.

g4ry13 said:
Further attacks on access to Healthcare
- Didn't Obama care fail anyway? The US has always been terrible in terms of healthcare.
Romneycare, you mean? An outstanding success. However, the dobbs decision is being used to fk up birth control, infertility treatment etc. Literally letting thousands of poor people die.

g4ry13 said:
More religion in schools
- Based on what?
Big push now, emboldened by dobbs, and all "being sent to the Supreme court". Same playbook as before.

g4ry13 said:
Higher inflation
- President has little effect on inflation. Based on previous Trump performance there is nothing to indicate inflation is going to spike up.
Trumps tarrifs are directly inflationary. Big warning from industry already.

I'm no good with the multi-quoting and it gets very messy.

This extrapolation that because Russia entered Ukraine that it will move on to other countries is misguided. I guess you are also of the belief that they are going to nuke London? We have NATO in place and I do not believe Putin has any ambitions to try and replicate what the little Austrian man attempted in the 30s/40s.

Hasn't Biden already introduced new tariffs on China? Maybe it would be a good thing for the US economy to produce some more things instead of chasing after products produced abroad at the lowest price under effectively slave labour conditions?


6,244 posts

58 months

g4ry13 said:
I'm no good with the multi-quoting and it gets very messy.

This extrapolation that because Russia entered Ukraine that it will move on to other countries is misguided. I guess you are also of the belief that they are going to nuke London? We have NATO in place and I do not believe Putin has any ambitions to try and replicate what the little Austrian man attempted in the 30s/40s.
That's some extrapolation of my post wink
It'll involve nato. Belarus is barely holding it together. And China will almost certainly decide it's time to take Taiwan. Pronably embolden rocket boy too.

g4ry13 said:
Hasn't Biden already introduced new tariffs on China? Maybe it would be a good thing for the US economy to produce some more things instead of chasing after products produced abroad at the lowest price under effectively slave labour conditions?
Specific ones to boost the infrastructure stuff, yes.

Trumps were blanket- all goods by country. 10% on all Chinese imports, for example. One of the reasons for connecting is expanding outside of China. Can't just add 10% to an iPhone and expect no repercussions!



38,038 posts

259 months

gazza285 said:
I still hope that someone comes to their senses and neither 45 or 46 will become 47, what an absolute st show U.S. politics is.
Our is hardly a shining light for democracy either.


1,962 posts

168 months

Murph7355 said:
gazza285 said:
I still hope that someone comes to their senses and neither 45 or 46 will become 47, what an absolute st show U.S. politics is.
Our is hardly a shining light for democracy either.
I said this the other day - I'd take a Clinton, an Obama or even a Bush over any of these guys and in the UK it's the same, I'd take a Blair or a Major over any of the current crop of UK candidates.


6,244 posts

58 months

thatsprettyshady said:
Murph7355 said:
gazza285 said:
I still hope that someone comes to their senses and neither 45 or 46 will become 47, what an absolute st show U.S. politics is.
Our is hardly a shining light for democracy either.
I said this the other day - I'd take a Clinton, an Obama or even a Bush over any of these guys and in the UK it's the same, I'd take a Blair or a Major over any of the current crop of UK candidates.
Bush Jr was certainly portrayed as a "simple country boy", but he did make decisions in the best interests of the country. Although arguably misled by people with malign intent at times.



4,624 posts

31 months

Murph7355 said:
gazza285 said:
I still hope that someone comes to their senses and neither 45 or 46 will become 47, what an absolute st show U.S. politics is.
Our is hardly a shining light for democracy either.
All of our major Party leaders are coherent & have some drive.

Any of them would run rings around Biden/Trump

It’s a sad state of affairs, hopefully Biden will be put out to grass & someone else will step in.
Biden must realise this, he is not doing the US any favours. You know when the games up.

Time is running out.