General Election July 2024



26,523 posts

176 months

Monday 1st July
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Puzzles said:
ChocolateFrog said:
carlo996 said:
Oh they will lose. And smug individuals like you, once lightly pummelled in the wallet department will soon be back here crying. Once the thin veneer is gone, it’ll be the same stshow as every other lefty government biggrin
What are they going to take out of the average UK wallet?
IFS say the average earners have the lowest direct tax burden in a very long time, and compared to similar countries. Would they dare to level it out?
He's already ruled it out.

Wrongly IMO.


26,523 posts

176 months

Monday 1st July
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carlo996 said:
ChocolateFrog said:
What are they going to take out of the average UK wallet?
Well it won’t be hopes and dreams…will it wink

Just read their manifesto.

They probably will deliver on the ‘change Britain’ part but need to add the caveat *by borrowing a stload of money .
Nothing you can name then?


7,497 posts

39 months

Monday 1st July
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ChocolateFrog said:
carlo996 said:
ChocolateFrog said:
What are they going to take out of the average UK wallet?
Well it won’t be hopes and dreams…will it wink

Just read their manifesto.

They probably will deliver on the ‘change Britain’ part but need to add the caveat *by borrowing a stload of money .
Nothing you can name then?
Manifesto are just words to deceive.

Not sure there has ever been a government that has stuck to one.


5,166 posts

162 months

Monday 1st July
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I'm not going to start a new thread for this question but why are some people so reluctant to share who they're going to vote for.

Is it because they're ashamed or worried they'll be judged?


5,723 posts

109 months

Monday 1st July
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I’m not a betting man, and don’t know many folk who will admit to be tories, but can you get decent odds on both Labour and the England footie team bringing it home?

MC Bodge

22,159 posts

178 months

Monday 1st July
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bigothunter said:
Digga said:
bhstewie said:
Yeah I imagine a lot of people who never wanted PR back in 2019 will want PR on Friday hehe
True that.

FWIW, it cannot come too soon.
Proportional Representation - Eternal government by coalition in order to establish a majority in the Commons. Neither blue nor red, just grey.

Well if that's your goal whistle
Yes. The UK could become a modern country.

Mr Penguin

2,067 posts

42 months

Monday 1st July
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ChocolateFrog said:
Nothing you can name then?
They have said they won't raise the big taxes or cut spending because growth will pay for it and because of the OBR they can see what state the country's finances are in so it should be accurate. What plan B is if the growth doesn't materialise is anyone's guess.

However the IFS say their plans don't add up and something will have to give whether there is growth or not.

MC Bodge

22,159 posts

178 months

Monday 1st July
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ChocolateFrog said:
Just sat in the car at Morrisons and 2 guys on a new bike in balaclavas are going up and down the car park lanes.

Feels so distopian.
Are they canvassing for The Tories or Reform?


2,033 posts

206 months

Monday 1st July
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S600BSB said:
I’m not a betting man, and don’t know many folk who will admit to be tories, but can you get decent odds on both Labour and the England footie team bringing it home?
Labour take the Euro and the England team get elected to the HOC? Sounds good.

Mr E

21,849 posts

262 months

Monday 1st July
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Pistom said:
Is it because they're ashamed or worried they'll be judged?
It’s so bloody polarised that usually you don’t get an interesting exchange of views, you get a transmit only points scoring exercise.

I don’t have the energy most of the time.

MC Bodge

22,159 posts

178 months

Monday 1st July
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bhstewie said:
It is funny seeing people piss themselves silly convinced democracy is finished simply because the Conservatives look like losing on Thursday.
It was only democracy when the Tories were winning and the glittering turd that was "UK leaving the EU" narrowly won.


4,588 posts

147 months

Monday 1st July
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How do people think Rishi Sunak would respond knowing his votes are coming from "Cultural loyalty"?

What an idiot

Sheets Tabuer

19,230 posts

218 months

Monday 1st July
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Just had my local Conservative MP knock on my door, asked me a few things, asked me what I thought of Boris, I told him he's a bellend hehe

MC Bodge

22,159 posts

178 months

Monday 1st July
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Cobracc said:
It's hilarious...The Mail is properly losing it! They're begging their readers to stop a Labour 'supermajority'...whatever that is. Meanwhile a vote for Labour somehow helps Putin and would mean HIGHER TAXES!!! They must have missed their beloved tories raising taxes to the highest level in 80years and raising corporation tax from 19% to 25% heaping more pain on small businesses.

The tories don't deserve to win a single seat...!
They are very confused at the moment. Suddenly Farage (friend of the Trump and Putin) and whatever his company is called this time is threatening the Tories too.

MC Bodge

22,159 posts

178 months

Monday 1st July
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Sheets Tabuer said:
Just had my local Conservative MP knock on my door, asked me a few things, asked me what I thought of Boris, I told him he's a bellend hehe
What did you say about Boris?

MC Bodge

22,159 posts

178 months

Monday 1st July
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fourstardan said:
How do people think Rishi Sunak would respond knowing his votes are coming from "Cultural loyalty"?

What an idiot
She went to a top public school and is married to a billonaire too?


2,967 posts

202 months

Monday 1st July
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bhstewie said:
It is funny seeing people piss themselves silly convinced democracy is finished simply because the Conservatives made such a meal of things they look like losing by default on Thursday.
Edited for accuracy

Sheets Tabuer

19,230 posts

218 months

Monday 1st July
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MC Bodge said:
What did you say about Boris?
Wanted to know if party gate upset me, I said no Boris being a bellend upset me. Seems quite worried about reform but he has a 20k majority so don't think he has a worry about getting back.


3,842 posts

176 months

Monday 1st July
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carlo996 said:
The popularity will be short lived
Will that popularity be longer than 44 days?

Will they be hiding under a table like the previous Conservative PM?


6,574 posts

24 months

Monday 1st July
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ChocolateFrog said:
Nothing you can name then?
I can’t name a percentage of something that haven’t been lied to already.

Can you?

But tax raids are coming. It’s classic Labour.