General Election July 2024



40,709 posts

286 months

Mortarboard said:
Election calculus still giving the libdems more seats than cons. 10 seat or so advantage. It's going to be close.

Reform "down" to 7 seats.

Good for the Lib Dems. Good for breaking up the crap, 2 party politics that's clearly not working for the UK.

Onward toward PR.


6,315 posts

58 months

I'd expect Reforms manifesto will be changed to one line on July 5th - "get PR"



14,074 posts

99 months

Mortarboard said:
I'd expect Reforms manifesto will be changed to one line on July 5th - "get PR"

Perhaps not unreasonably.


5,298 posts

33 months

Mortarboard said:
Election calculus still giving the libdems more seats than cons. 10 seat or so advantage. It's going to be close.

Reform "down" to 7 seats.

The good thing about this is that if the LibDems do become the official opposition, then they will have to be covered by the BBC for "balance" as much as the governing party. There will be no responsibility on them to cover the Conservative party equally any more.

So, if you want the Tories gone, and you want them gone for good, and you're prevaricating over voting for the LibDems, there's a good reason to go for it.


52,625 posts

213 months

Yeah I imagine a lot of people who never wanted PR back in 2019 will want PR on Friday hehe


40,709 posts

286 months

bhstewie said:
Yeah I imagine a lot of people who never wanted PR back in 2019 will want PR on Friday hehe
True that.

FWIW, it cannot come too soon.


11,515 posts

63 months

Digga said:
bhstewie said:
Yeah I imagine a lot of people who never wanted PR back in 2019 will want PR on Friday hehe
True that.

FWIW, it cannot come too soon.
Proportional Representation - Eternal government by coalition in order to establish a majority in the Commons. Neither blue nor red, just grey.

Well if that's your goal whistle


3,832 posts

176 months

CivicDuties said:
The good thing about this is that if the LibDems do become the official opposition, then they will have to be covered by the BBC for "balance" as much as the governing party. There will be no responsibility on them to cover the Conservative party equally any more.
There will be no responsibility to cover Reform even if they manage to get one or two seats, but you can bet your life that all the broadcasters will give a massively disproportionate amount of airtime to Farage. Question Time every single week?


5,298 posts

33 months

SpidersWeb said:
CivicDuties said:
The good thing about this is that if the LibDems do become the official opposition, then they will have to be covered by the BBC for "balance" as much as the governing party. There will be no responsibility on them to cover the Conservative party equally any more.
There will be no responsibility to cover Reform even if they manage to get one or two seats, but you can bet your life that all the broadcasters will give a massively disproportionate amount of airtime to Farage. Question Time every single week?
The key thing is that the official opposition party has to be covered equally to the governing party. Of course other parties are covered also. And I agree, Reform get coverage disproportionate to their size.

Edited by CivicDuties on Tuesday 2nd July 10:26


3,832 posts

176 months

CivicDuties said:
SpidersWeb said:
CivicDuties said:
The good thing about this is that if the LibDems do become the official opposition, then they will have to be covered by the BBC for "balance" as much as the governing party. There will be no responsibility on them to cover the Conservative party equally any more.
There will be no responsibility to cover Reform even if they manage to get one or two seats, but you can bet your life that all the broadcasters will give a massively disproportionate amount of airtime to Farage. Question Time every single week?
the key thing is that the official opposition party has to be covered equally to the governing party. Of course other parties are covered also. And I agree, Reform get coverage disproportionate to their size.
And when, not if, Farage jumps over to what remains of the Conservative Party (shadow Home Secretary...) then it will be the Conservatives getting the disproportionate coverage over an official opposition LibDems.


6,449 posts

24 months

blueg33 said:
Well the Tories have set the bar very low so i think Labour will be more competant. A bloody goldfish would be more competent than the shower we have had since 2016
I think you’ve forgotten the previous Labour governments?

But, I’m sure you’ll be making the standard excuses when they don’t deliver anything they promise?


3,832 posts

176 months

carlo996 said:
when they don’t deliver anything they promise?
Have they actually promised to deliver anything?

I thought they were just stood there saying 'vote for us rather than that lot over there, frankly we can't be any worse'.

And an awful lot of people do seem to be taking them up on that offer, which given it is a pretty pathetic offer, doesn't exactly say much about what the public think of the Conservatives performance whilst in power or what they have delivered.


4,036 posts

217 months

Digga said:
Good for the Lib Dems. Good for breaking up the crap, 2 party politics that's clearly not working for the UK.

Onward toward PR.
Great for moving to the 1 party system that labour have in mind with votes for 16 year olds, votes for non uk citizens and the other vote rigging crap they come up with.


11,515 posts

63 months

philv said:
Digga said:
Good for the Lib Dems. Good for breaking up the crap, 2 party politics that's clearly not working for the UK.

Onward toward PR.
Great for moving to the 1 party system that labour have in mind with votes for 16 year olds, votes for non uk citizens and the other vote rigging crap they come up with.
Backed by a client state from an enlarged public sector, and Labour could seize power indefinitely.

President Merkin

3,849 posts

22 months

You two should probably have a cuppa & a sit down. You're hysterical.


3,832 posts

176 months

philv said:
and the other vote rigging crap they come up with.
You mean like the vote rigging crap that the Conservatives tried by giving the vote to people who moved from the UK more than 15 years ago?

Frankly a 16 year old or an EU citizen living in the UK has more interest in what is happening here and how it should be governed than someone who fked off almost two decades ago.


5,680 posts

109 months

CivicDuties said:
Mortarboard said:
Election calculus still giving the libdems more seats than cons. 10 seat or so advantage. It's going to be close.

Reform "down" to 7 seats.

The good thing about this is that if the LibDems do become the official opposition, then they will have to be covered by the BBC for "balance" as much as the governing party. There will be no responsibility on them to cover the Conservative party equally any more.

So, if you want the Tories gone, and you want them gone for good, and you're prevaricating over voting for the LibDems, there's a good reason to go for it.
Absolutely right. Really hope Reform don’t get 7 seats though - need to keep the door firmly closed to them.


5,680 posts

109 months

SpidersWeb said:
philv said:
and the other vote rigging crap they come up with.
You mean like the vote rigging crap that the Conservatives tried by giving the vote to people who moved from the UK more than 15 years ago?

Frankly a 16 year old or an EU citizen living in the UK has more interest in what is happening here and how it should be governed than someone who fked off almost two decades ago.
Quite right. No one cons like the Cons!


26,472 posts

176 months

Just sat in the car at Morrisons and 2 guys on a new bike in balaclavas are going up and down the car park lanes.

Feels so distopian.


6,449 posts

24 months

SpidersWeb said:
carlo996 said:
when they don’t deliver anything they promise?
Have they actually promised to deliver anything?

I thought they were just stood there saying 'vote for us rather than that lot over there, frankly we can't be any worse'.

And an awful lot of people do seem to be taking them up on that offer, which given it is a pretty pathetic offer, doesn't exactly say much about what the public think of the Conservatives performance whilst in power or what they have delivered.
I’m with you on Sunak, a more disconnected toff you could not find. It’s just that Labour…robbed pension funds, tried to start world war three, always leave office with unemployment higher, love envy tax, will be moving to the leftist policies once in, have no economic impact…apart for borrowing more.

The popularity will be short lived, that’s the byproduct of not governing and shouting ‘hear hear’ from the sidelines. When it’s time to actually do, there’s going ti a lot of sore pockets.

This is the benefit of having seen it all before. Unlike say someone swayed by Farage on a whim, I remember Brown, Blair, that utter Ed Balls, Livingstone, Scargill….the champagne socialists rogues gallery biggrin

But that’s life. Soon Starmwr will be gone, with his life long salary and taxpayer funded pension. The more things change the more they stay the same inevitably.