General Election July 2024



36,653 posts

227 months

119 said:
S600BSB said:
Interesting. Hoping Labour will get a decent working majority (they will need it) - say 60-80 seats. Would be super if the LDs were the official opposition and the SNP were left with very few MPs north of the border. Obviously, the best scenario would also be that there aren’t enough racists and homophobes to deliver a single seat for Reform - even in Clacton!
Do you have anything to back up your assertion that those that vote for Reform are racists and homophones?

Any web link or data will do.
Is your google broken? Or can't you see things you don't want to see?

Farage admits some candidates are racist and homophobic "Nigel Farage has insisted Reform candidates revealed to be using racist and homophobic slurs are "the odd exception".

Channel 4 News has carried out an undercover investigation within the Reform UK campaign in Clacton, exposing examples of racist language

Then you have a statement from a campaigner that is typical of the excuses racists make - Parker tells the PA news agency: “Of course I regret what I said. Christ, I’m not a racist. I’ve had Muslim girlfriends. It was typical chaps-down-the-pub talk.”

Mr Parker says to the undercover investigator:

“Sick mate. Sick m*****f******”, adding: “It’s a cult. I tell you what, if you don’t know about Islam, it is the most disgusting cult out”. “We’re f****** kicking all the Muslims out of the mosques and turning them into Wetherspoons.“


104,860 posts

263 months

blueg33 said:
119 said:
S600BSB said:
Interesting. Hoping Labour will get a decent working majority (they will need it) - say 60-80 seats. Would be super if the LDs were the official opposition and the SNP were left with very few MPs north of the border. Obviously, the best scenario would also be that there aren’t enough racists and homophobes to deliver a single seat for Reform - even in Clacton!
Do you have anything to back up your assertion that those that vote for Reform are racists and homophones?

Any web link or data will do.
Is your google broken? Or can't you see things you don't want to see?

Farage admits some candidates are racist and homophobic...
That was known already, some, it's more about the "all" false generalisations being posted.

Not long ago in NP&E Starmer was being discussed after he faced justified criticism for vowing to adopt a “zero-tolerance approach to antisemitism and racism” without Labour having any transparent systems in place to tackle such issues, That's The Guardian sentiment.

Sunak was rightly criticised for his refusal to engage with anti-Muslim prejudice in the Conservative Party. That's also The Guardian sentiment.

It's 'some' in these cases and unacceptable in these cases.


7,352 posts

39 months

blueg33 said:
119 said:
S600BSB said:
Interesting. Hoping Labour will get a decent working majority (they will need it) - say 60-80 seats. Would be super if the LDs were the official opposition and the SNP were left with very few MPs north of the border. Obviously, the best scenario would also be that there aren’t enough racists and homophobes to deliver a single seat for Reform - even in Clacton!
Do you have anything to back up your assertion that those that vote for Reform are racists and homophones?

Any web link or data will do.
Is your google broken? Or can't you see things you don't want to see?

Farage admits some candidates are racist and homophobic "Nigel Farage has insisted Reform candidates revealed to be using racist and homophobic slurs are "the odd exception".

Channel 4 News has carried out an undercover investigation within the Reform UK campaign in Clacton, exposing examples of racist language

Then you have a statement from a campaigner that is typical of the excuses racists make - Parker tells the PA news agency: “Of course I regret what I said. Christ, I’m not a racist. I’ve had Muslim girlfriends. It was typical chaps-down-the-pub talk.”

Mr Parker says to the undercover investigator:

“Sick mate. Sick m*****f******”, adding: “It’s a cult. I tell you what, if you don’t know about Islam, it is the most disgusting cult out”. “We’re f****** kicking all the Muslims out of the mosques and turning them into Wetherspoons.“
Ok. You can’t read either.

Anyway Farage has just been grilled on loose women most of which I couldn’t listen to due to sorting more important stuff out at home, but the bit I did catch was him stating that those campaigners that have been, have been removed.

Whatever that means.


36,653 posts

227 months

119 said:
Ok. You can’t read either.

Anyway Farage has just been grilled on loose women most of which I couldn’t listen to due to sorting more important stuff out at home, but the bit I did catch was him stating that those campaigners that have been, have been removed.

Whatever that means.
What can't i read?


7,352 posts

39 months

blueg33 said:
119 said:
Ok. You can’t read either.

Anyway Farage has just been grilled on loose women most of which I couldn’t listen to due to sorting more important stuff out at home, but the bit I did catch was him stating that those campaigners that have been, have been removed.

Whatever that means.
What can't i read?

Read my question again, maybe a little slower.


1,217 posts

223 months

Is it just me that completely switches off as soon as someone mentions racist?

Scottie - NW

1,294 posts

236 months

119 said:

Read my question again, maybe a little slower.
I can confirm that my 89 year old neighbour only has one phone in his house and is voting for Reform.

Maybe type the question again, a little slower?


1,924 posts

171 months

119 said:
Ok. You can’t read either.

Anyway Farage has just been grilled on loose women most of which I couldn’t listen to due to sorting more important stuff out at home, but the bit I did catch was him stating that those campaigners that have been, have been removed.

Whatever that means.
Was that before or after he claimed it was a C4 set up?


36,653 posts

227 months

119 said:
blueg33 said:
119 said:
Ok. You can’t read either.

Anyway Farage has just been grilled on loose women most of which I couldn’t listen to due to sorting more important stuff out at home, but the bit I did catch was him stating that those campaigners that have been, have been removed.

Whatever that means.
What can't i read?

Read my question again, maybe a little slower.
This is your question

119 said:
Do you have anything to back up your assertion that those that vote for Reform are racists and homophones?

Any web link or data will do.[\quote]

Those I cite above are likely to vote Reform considering they are representing the party. You can find the links yourself. But there is the data to back up the assertion.

Obviously its impossible to confirm that everyone that votes reform is a racist etc. Or is that the evidence you wanted? In which case you asked a question that you knew couldn't be answered. My daughter has names for people who do that sort of stuff.


1,924 posts

171 months

CallThatMusic said:
You know the country is well and truly fked when it can’t organise an election process properly.
Thousands of people leaving the country today and over the weekend with school holidays starting and no sign of their postal voting papers.
What’s the point in engaging if the system isn’t even capable of this simple action ?
And there’s little point in a review after the fact.
Not even Third World….
Is this another example of English taxpayers subsidising the Scottish holidaymakers?


7,352 posts

39 months

blueg33 said:
119 said:
blueg33 said:
119 said:
Ok. You can’t read either.

Anyway Farage has just been grilled on loose women most of which I couldn’t listen to due to sorting more important stuff out at home, but the bit I did catch was him stating that those campaigners that have been, have been removed.

Whatever that means.
What can't i read?

Read my question again, maybe a little slower.
This is your question

119 said:
Do you have anything to back up your assertion that those that vote for Reform are racists and homophones?

Any web link or data will do.[\quote]

Those I cite above are likely to vote Reform considering they are representing the party. You can find the links yourself. But there is the data to back up the assertion.

Obviously its impossible to confirm that everyone that votes reform is a racist etc. Or is that the evidence you wanted? In which case you asked a question that you knew couldn't be answered. My daughter has names for people who do that sort of stuff.
I’m sure she has.

Does she also have a name for people who post the type of assertion my question was aimed at?

Edited by 119 on Friday 28th June 14:18


36,653 posts

227 months

119 said:
blueg33 said:
119 said:
blueg33 said:
119 said:
Ok. You can’t read either.

Anyway Farage has just been grilled on loose women most of which I couldn’t listen to due to sorting more important stuff out at home, but the bit I did catch was him stating that those campaigners that have been, have been removed.

Whatever that means.
What can't i read?

Read my question again, maybe a little slower.
This is your question

119 said:
Do you have anything to back up your assertion that those that vote for Reform are racists and homophones?

Any web link or data will do.[\quote]

Those I cite above are likely to vote Reform considering they are representing the party. You can find the links yourself. But there is the data to back up the assertion.

Obviously its impossible to confirm that everyone that votes reform is a racist etc. Or is that the evidence you wanted? In which case you asked a question that you knew couldn't be answered. My daughter has names for people who do that sort of stuff.
I’m sure she has.

Does she also have a name for people who post the type of assertion my question was aimed at?

Edited by 119 on Friday 28th June 14:18
She has names for racists.


18,194 posts

269 months

Anyway, blah blah.

Can anyone with suitable data / spare brain capacity explain how the results will shape up if Reform's vote collapses on the day (as I suspect/hope it might). Will Labour:

• Still win with a landslide?

• Still win but with a smaller majority? (What I'd expect, given that Reform voters won't automatically default to the Conservatives.)

• Not win.


26,359 posts

176 months

Yertis said:
Anyway, blah blah.

Can anyone with suitable data / spare brain capacity explain how the results will shape up if Reform's vote collapses on the day (as I suspect/hope it might). Will Labour:

• Still win with a landslide?

• Still win but with a smaller majority? (What I'd expect, given that Reform voters won't automatically default to the Conservatives.)

• Not win.
Probably the difference between the Tories getting 75 seats and 125.

That would be my guess. It'll make naff all difference to Labour winning. Whether they have a 50 seat majority or 200 is really neither here nor there.

Mr Penguin

1,885 posts

42 months

Yertis said:
Anyway, blah blah.

Can anyone with suitable data / spare brain capacity explain how the results will shape up if Reform's vote collapses on the day (as I suspect/hope it might). Will Labour:

• Still win with a landslide?

• Still win but with a smaller majority? (What I'd expect, given that Reform voters won't automatically default to the Conservatives.)

• Not win.
I did this for the first MRP poll after the election was announced and if all Reform voters went to the Conservatives then the Conservatives would win 200-225 seats and Labour would have a comfortable but not overriding majority like Blair 2005, Thatcher 1987, Boris 2019.
Not sure how it changes if x% went to Labour instead of 0%.


36,653 posts

227 months

The more I look at the way our country has been run since the BJ government, the more I would prefer a coalition government where the radical headcases have moderation from the more balanced people.

I don't want the current flavour of Tories in power and whilst Labour are OK I don't think it will be beneficial to have total power.

But a Tory/Reform coalition would be a disaster as the headcases would rule anyway.


18,194 posts

269 months

Mr Penguin said:
I did this for the first MRP poll after the election was announced and if all Reform voters went to the Conservatives then the Conservatives would win 200-225 seats and Labour would have a comfortable but not overriding majority like Blair 2005, Thatcher 1987, Boris 2019.
Not sure how it changes if x% went to Labour instead of 0%.
Thanks Mr P thumbup


5,565 posts

109 months

Scottie - NW said:
I can confirm that my 89 year old neighbour only has one phone in his house and is voting for Reform.

Maybe type the question again, a little slower?
Very good!


40,645 posts

286 months

Murph7355 said:
Digga said:
I know, it is literally like watching the Muppet Show.

One of the greatest democracies on the planet and it's like visiting an elderly, once very much respected relative, as they sit, not reckognising you, incoherently soiling themselves in a care home.
How does one coherently soil themselves?

(Asking for a friend biggrin)
Never trust a fart.


9,125 posts

46 months

blueg33 said:
The more I look at the way our country has been run since the BJ government, the more I would prefer a coalition government where the radical headcases have moderation from the more balanced people.

I don't want the current flavour of Tories in power and whilst Labour are OK I don't think it will be beneficial to have total power.

But a Tory/Reform coalition would be a disaster as the headcases would rule anyway.
I would tend to agree with you on that.