General Election July 2024



25,849 posts

196 months

Thursday 27th June
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turbobloke said:
hidetheelephants said:
isaldiri said:
His record as a centrist that includes being fully behind Corbin (twice) but of course excused because he thought Corbyn wouldn’t win so that’s fine…..?
The same purity test applied to the tory party, seeing as they all backed Johnson and Truss they must all be soiled and incapable of changing, so they should all resign? Fatuous in both instances.
Magic Grandpa's magic is extra strong. I could smell it when working in Finsbury Park a few years ago. Almost as bad as the magic you can detect walking along Mare Street in Hackney
Evidence suggests the opposite; most labour candidates would rather be found reading Marx than have an endorsement from Corbyn, whereas a surprising number of tories actually had the golden deceiver produce a tiktok for them.


5,269 posts

33 months

Thursday 27th June
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Best summary of the politics of the last 14 years I've seen so far:

Well worth read before next Thursday.

Hants PHer

5,897 posts

114 months

Thursday 27th June
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Rivenink said:
Whatever it will bring, it's going to be better than the last 14 years of Tory corruption, sleaze and incompetence.
I think you're probably right about the sleaze bit. Many people who'd be typical Conservative voters are appalled at the ethical standards of this government. That said, the SNP are no better and the likes of Vaughan Gething demonstrate that dubious ethics are not unique to the Tories. I do, however, think that Sir Keir Starmer's Labour government will improve things in this regard.

As for incompetence, I'm not so sure. I mean, the Tories have been woeful but I don't agree that SKS & Co. will be much different. They don't appear to be offering much that's bold or innovative, their tax and spend policies are pretty much as per the Tories, they're a bit keener on Net Zero but only a bit. Other stuff too. They might be a little more or less competent but I doubt they'll be materially more so.


19,007 posts

171 months

Thursday 27th June
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hidetheelephants said:
isaldiri said:
His record as a centrist that includes being fully behind Corbin (twice) but of course excused because he thought Corbyn wouldn’t win so that’s fine…..?
The same purity test applied to the tory party, seeing as they all backed Johnson and Truss they must all be soiled and incapable of changing, so they should all resign? Fatuous in both instances.
Well if any tory was a cheerleader for Johnson and Truss especially at cabinet level then did an about turn to disown anything they said at the time and now claim they were a ‘centrist’, I’d consider them every bit as self serving and unprincipled as I do Starmer.


6,367 posts

24 months

Thursday 27th June
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turbobloke said:
Rivenink said:
carlo996 said:
S600BSB said:
Fortunately the vast majority of people in this country don’t want the extremes from either the left or the right anywhere near power. Long may it continue!
Yes, not long now for everyone to see the reality of your utopian Labour government rofl
Whatever it will bring, it's going to be better than the last 14 years of Tory corruption, sleaze and incompetence.
The future is unknown, so that's by no means certain, for at least hundreds of billions of reasons.
Let’s not bring facts into a tribal debate smile it’s lost on some the fact Labour were part of a truly terrible government and opposition. But that’s ok because the current lot are awful. Celebrating this race to the bottom should be mocked, not celebrated with any optimism.


8,194 posts

208 months

Thursday 27th June
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JagLover said:
We also import LNG and then export it through the pipeline network. Have to strip out these factors to look at economic performance.
That is clearly an import + added value = export.

It is no different to import manganese, add it to steel, and export it as stainless steel.


5,596 posts

109 months

Thursday 27th June
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turbobloke said:
Rivenink said:
carlo996 said:
S600BSB said:
Fortunately the vast majority of people in this country don’t want the extremes from either the left or the right anywhere near power. Long may it continue!
Yes, not long now for everyone to see the reality of your utopian Labour government rofl
Whatever it will bring, it's going to be better than the last 14 years of Tory corruption, sleaze and incompetence.
The future is unknown, so that's by no means certain, for at least hundreds of billions of reasons.
Dear oh dear TB.. This figure is consistent with existing estimates for reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, which is enshrined in law and also Conservative policy! Come on man - try harder. Or stop believing the junk in the Telegraph.


42,885 posts

238 months

Thursday 27th June
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S600BSB said:
Dear oh dear TB.. This figure is consistent with existing estimates for reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, which is enshrined in law and also Conservative policy! Come on man - try harder. Or stop believing the junk in the Telegraph.
You are quite correct in that there is no significant difference between the two parties, though Labour have more ambitious power generation targets.

This doesn't change the fact though that the costs need to be paid for and they haven't been budgeted for.


11,594 posts

247 months

Thursday 27th June
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pingu393 said:
JagLover said:
We also import LNG and then export it through the pipeline network. Have to strip out these factors to look at economic performance.
That is clearly an import + added value = export.

It is no different to import manganese, add it to steel, and export it as stainless steel.

Most steels contain manganese. Adding chrome and nickel defines them as stainless steels. /pedant


104,879 posts

263 months

Thursday 27th June
quotequote all
JagLover said:
S600BSB said:
Dear oh dear TB.. This figure is consistent with existing estimates for reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, which is enshrined in law and also Conservative policy! Come on man - try harder. Or stop believing the junk in the Telegraph.
You are quite correct in that there is no significant difference between the two parties, though Labour have more ambitious power generation targets.

This doesn't change the fact though that the costs need to be paid for and they haven't been budgeted for.

S600BSB's post is odd, it's as though their simplistic tribalism must apply to others. Lab, Con, so what. The issue is that May's silliness is simply unaffordable and both Tories and Labour have until recently been quiet on the cost of Net Zero. Another odd thing is that S600BSB is posting as though it's going to happen.

A third odd thing is that it's a Labour front bencher's words in the DT, it's not DT editorial, so either S600BSB doesn't understand the difference between primary and secondary sources, doesn't understand that shooting the messenger (DT) and name calling are both ad hom fallacies, and doesn't understand that Net Zero will do next to nothing for global temperature.

A report with working shown from Profs Lindzen, Happer and Wijngaarden calculated the impact on climate of global Net Zero by 2050 via CO2 emissions reduction, within the evidence starved CO2 ideas of the political advocacy group IPCC. The grand total of averted warming = 0.28 deg C. With the unproven positive feedbacks assumed by IPCC omitted, averted warming = 0.07 deg C.

UK is responsible for 1% of global CO2 emissions, if we transitioned to Net Zero tomorrow then the growth in emissions (not total) from Chna would cancel out our self-inflicted lunacy in months (just over a year).


5,596 posts

109 months

Thursday 27th June
quotequote all
turbobloke said:
JagLover said:
S600BSB said:
Dear oh dear TB.. This figure is consistent with existing estimates for reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, which is enshrined in law and also Conservative policy! Come on man - try harder. Or stop believing the junk in the Telegraph.
You are quite correct in that there is no significant difference between the two parties, though Labour have more ambitious power generation targets.

This doesn't change the fact though that the costs need to be paid for and they haven't been budgeted for.

S600BSB's post is odd, it's as though their simplistic tribalism must apply to others. Lab, Con, so what. The issue is that May's silliness is simply unaffordable and both Tories and Labour have until recently been quiet on the cost of Net Zero. Another odd thing is that S600BSB is posting as though it's going to happen.

A third odd thing is that it's a Labour front bencher's words in the DT, it's not DT editorial, so either S600BSB doesn't understand the difference between primary and secondary sources, doesn't understand that shooting the messenger (DT) and name calling are both ad hom fallacies, and doesn't understand that Net Zero will do next to nothing for global temperature.

A report with working shown from Profs Lindzen, Happer and Wijngaarden calculated the impact on climate of global Net Zero by 2050 via CO2 emissions reduction, within the evidence starved CO2 ideas of the political advocacy group IPCC. The grand total of averted warming = 0.28 deg C. With the unproven positive feedbacks assumed by IPCC omitted, averted warming = 0.07 deg C.

UK is responsible for 1% of global CO2 emissions, if we transitioned to Net Zero tomorrow then the growth in emissions (not total) from Chna would cancel out our self-inflicted lunacy in months (just over a year).
Haha! It’s the Telegraph reporting that is odd. But then they rely on old fools like you to be taken in. You should know better!

Edited by S600BSB on Thursday 27th June 13:14


2,434 posts

35 months

Thursday 27th June
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BigMon said:
We don't have an Indy standing and I'm wondering why. I'm half heartedly wondering if I should although I would be standing on a mandate of serving the community alongside no political party bovine faeces.

Not sure if that would be enough in the modern age.
Be careful what you wish for lol. Had a flyer yeaterday for an Indy which personifies to me how much of an amateur st show our politics are. I’m sure this chap is a lovely person full of good intentions but wtf is this all about?

And unfortunately for him our property is in a different constituency to the one he is standing in. Oops.


13,871 posts

287 months

Thursday 27th June
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M1AGM said:
Be careful what you wish for lol. Had a flyer yeaterday for an Indy which personifies to me how much of an amateur st show our politics are. I’m sure this chap is a lovely person full of good intentions but wtf is this all about?

And unfortunately for him our property is in a different constituency to the one he is standing in. Oops.
Darren Borrows statement to voters said:
Despite multiple submissions - and a mailing to 500 physicists - no rebuttal of the analysis has been offered. However, no remedial action has been taken. It seems evidence contrary to present belief is undesirable.

The concern is this:

In his Theory of General Relativity, Albert Einstein predicted time travels at different rates in the universe, and it is broadly accepted evidence now exists to support the claim.

And when measuring the distance of a light year, the parameter of time is used twice; once in the year of an earth orbit, and again in the second used to calculate the speed of light in metres per second.

It is a simple task to show these times must be inversely proportional. That is, as time becomes slower for the light, the year becomes an underestimate of the distance the light has travelled, and faster time for the light becomes an overestimate of distance. In an infinite universe, the scale of error is potentially infinite.

If this assertion cannot be disproved, a door opens to new ideas that may answer questions and change some of our beliefs about the universe; but it seems science authorities cannot acknowledge the possibility of error because they've been building on the certainty of a flawed theory for far too long to examine and expose such a simple mistake.

Most recently I tried to petition Lord Bragg in the House of Lords: on 1/6/21, 26/10/21, and 14/6/23, without success.

In order to best serve public interest, there now seems no other choice but to seek representation to affect positive change.

Please cast your vote for the candidate who you feel is best equipped to create the future you think is right.

I stand for the pursuit of truth and disproof in science, and if you think it is me I ask for your support AND vote.
Candidate for York Outer Oort Cloud, he's that far off the planet.


2,919 posts

36 months

Thursday 27th June
quotequote all
S600BSB said:
turbobloke said:
JagLover said:
S600BSB said:
Dear oh dear TB.. This figure is consistent with existing estimates for reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, which is enshrined in law and also Conservative policy! Come on man - try harder. Or stop believing the junk in the Telegraph.
You are quite correct in that there is no significant difference between the two parties, though Labour have more ambitious power generation targets.

This doesn't change the fact though that the costs need to be paid for and they haven't been budgeted for.

S600BSB's post is odd, it's as though their simplistic tribalism must apply to others. Lab, Con, so what. The issue is that May's silliness is simply unaffordable and both Tories and Labour have until recently been quiet on the cost of Net Zero. Another odd thing is that S600BSB is posting as though it's going to happen.

A third odd thing is that it's a Labour front bencher's words in the DT, it's not DT editorial, so either S600BSB doesn't understand the difference between primary and secondary sources, doesn't understand that shooting the messenger (DT) and name calling are both ad hom fallacies, and doesn't understand that Net Zero will do next to nothing for global temperature.

A report with working shown from Profs Lindzen, Happer and Wijngaarden calculated the impact on climate of global Net Zero by 2050 via CO2 emissions reduction, within the evidence starved CO2 ideas of the political advocacy group IPCC. The grand total of averted warming = 0.28 deg C. With the unproven positive feedbacks assumed by IPCC omitted, averted warming = 0.07 deg C.

UK is responsible for 1% of global CO2 emissions, if we transitioned to Net Zero tomorrow then the growth in emissions (not total) from Chna would cancel out our self-inflicted lunacy in months (just over a year).
Haha! It’s the Telegraph reporting that is odd. But then they rely on old fools like you to be taken in. You should know better!

Edited by S600BSB on Thursday 27th June 13:14
How old are you?


7,397 posts

39 months

Thursday 27th June
quotequote all
S600BSB said:
turbobloke said:
JagLover said:
S600BSB said:
Dear oh dear TB.. This figure is consistent with existing estimates for reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, which is enshrined in law and also Conservative policy! Come on man - try harder. Or stop believing the junk in the Telegraph.
You are quite correct in that there is no significant difference between the two parties, though Labour have more ambitious power generation targets.

This doesn't change the fact though that the costs need to be paid for and they haven't been budgeted for.

S600BSB's post is odd, it's as though their simplistic tribalism must apply to others. Lab, Con, so what. The issue is that May's silliness is simply unaffordable and both Tories and Labour have until recently been quiet on the cost of Net Zero. Another odd thing is that S600BSB is posting as though it's going to happen.

A third odd thing is that it's a Labour front bencher's words in the DT, it's not DT editorial, so either S600BSB doesn't understand the difference between primary and secondary sources, doesn't understand that shooting the messenger (DT) and name calling are both ad hom fallacies, and doesn't understand that Net Zero will do next to nothing for global temperature.

A report with working shown from Profs Lindzen, Happer and Wijngaarden calculated the impact on climate of global Net Zero by 2050 via CO2 emissions reduction, within the evidence starved CO2 ideas of the political advocacy group IPCC. The grand total of averted warming = 0.28 deg C. With the unproven positive feedbacks assumed by IPCC omitted, averted warming = 0.07 deg C.

UK is responsible for 1% of global CO2 emissions, if we transitioned to Net Zero tomorrow then the growth in emissions (not total) from Chna would cancel out our self-inflicted lunacy in months (just over a year).
Haha! It’s the Telegraph reporting that is odd. But then they rely on old fools like you to be taken in. You should know better!

Edited by S600BSB on Thursday 27th June 13:14
A bit like the 'old fool' that is going to potentially ru(i)n the country next week?

Or is that a different type of 'old fool'?


104,879 posts

263 months

Thursday 27th June
quotequote all
S600BSB said:
turbobloke said:
JagLover said:
S600BSB said:
Dear oh dear TB.. This figure is consistent with existing estimates for reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, which is enshrined in law and also Conservative policy! Come on man - try harder. Or stop believing the junk in the Telegraph.
You are quite correct in that there is no significant difference between the two parties, though Labour have more ambitious power generation targets.

This doesn't change the fact though that the costs need to be paid for and they haven't been budgeted for.

S600BSB's post is odd, it's as though their simplistic tribalism must apply to others. Lab, Con, so what. The issue is that May's silliness is simply unaffordable and both Tories and Labour have until recently been quiet on the cost of Net Zero. Another odd thing is that S600BSB is posting as though it's going to happen.

A third odd thing is that it's a Labour front bencher's words in the DT, it's not DT editorial, so either S600BSB doesn't understand the difference between primary and secondary sources, doesn't understand that shooting the messenger (DT) and name calling are both ad hom fallacies, and doesn't understand that Net Zero will do next to nothing for global temperature.

A report with working shown from Profs Lindzen, Happer and Wijngaarden calculated the impact on climate of global Net Zero by 2050 via CO2 emissions reduction, within the evidence starved CO2 ideas of the political advocacy group IPCC. The grand total of averted warming = 0.28 deg C. With the unproven positive feedbacks assumed by IPCC omitted, averted warming = 0.07 deg C.

UK is responsible for 1% of global CO2 emissions, if we transitioned to Net Zero tomorrow then the growth in emissions (not total) from Chna would cancel out our self-inflicted lunacy in months (just over a year).
Haha! It’s the Telegraph reporting that is odd. But then they rely on old fools like you to be taken in. You should know better!
The words in a senior politician's speech are of interest to me at election time, I can make my own mind up regarding their value without considering what a newspaper says about them, which is of no value to me at any time.

I know that the words of a Labour shadow are those of the Labour shadow, not the newspaper they're reported in, if you really don't know the difference between primary and secondary sources you're the bigger fool, age no bar, congratulations - in particular on the combination of hypocrisy and irony you bring to the thread when not understanding what's going on.


8,194 posts

208 months

Thursday 27th June
quotequote all
eharding said:
M1AGM said:
Be careful what you wish for lol. Had a flyer yeaterday for an Indy which personifies to me how much of an amateur st show our politics are. I’m sure this chap is a lovely person full of good intentions but wtf is this all about?

And unfortunately for him our property is in a different constituency to the one he is standing in. Oops.
Darren Borrows statement to voters said:
Despite multiple submissions - and a mailing to 500 physicists - no rebuttal of the analysis has been offered. However, no remedial action has been taken. It seems evidence contrary to present belief is undesirable.

The concern is this:

In his Theory of General Relativity, Albert Einstein predicted time travels at different rates in the universe, and it is broadly accepted evidence now exists to support the claim.

And when measuring the distance of a light year, the parameter of time is used twice; once in the year of an earth orbit, and again in the second used to calculate the speed of light in metres per second.

It is a simple task to show these times must be inversely proportional. That is, as time becomes slower for the light, the year becomes an underestimate of the distance the light has travelled, and faster time for the light becomes an overestimate of distance. In an infinite universe, the scale of error is potentially infinite.

If this assertion cannot be disproved, a door opens to new ideas that may answer questions and change some of our beliefs about the universe; but it seems science authorities cannot acknowledge the possibility of error because they've been building on the certainty of a flawed theory for far too long to examine and expose such a simple mistake.

Most recently I tried to petition Lord Bragg in the House of Lords: on 1/6/21, 26/10/21, and 14/6/23, without success.

In order to best serve public interest, there now seems no other choice but to seek representation to affect positive change.

Please cast your vote for the candidate who you feel is best equipped to create the future you think is right.

I stand for the pursuit of truth and disproof in science, and if you think it is me I ask for your support AND vote.
Candidate for York Outer Oort Cloud, he's that far off the planet.
What are the odds on him not being elected?

I'm just asking for a friend wink .


17,443 posts

282 months

Thursday 27th June
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Just out of idle curiosity, who in this congregation has ever been polled?

Never in my life have I been approached by a pollster.


26,417 posts

176 months

Thursday 27th June
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Had a flyer from George Galloway's party.

Something, something, Palestine.

Someone must be chucking them some money if they're leafleting in a 1.7% Muslim area.


40,665 posts

286 months

Thursday 27th June
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swisstoni said:
Just out of idle curiosity, who in this congregation has ever been polled?

Never in my life have I been approached by a pollster.
My clipboard radar is exceptionally well honed.
