Missing lad in Tenerife



9,275 posts

261 months

rallycross said:
The police said 6 volunteer People turned up to help in the search today
The father has complained that none of them were English. Four Spaniards and two Germans I think.


3,980 posts

134 months

carl_w said:
rallycross said:
The police said 6 volunteer People turned up to help in the search today
The father has complained that none of them were English. Four Spaniards and two Germans I think.
Were they eating 'that foreign muck' while supposed to be searching?


12,941 posts

240 months

carl_w said:
The father has complained that none of them were English. Four Spaniards and two Germans I think.
Boosting the stereotypical Brit scum bags abroad imagine!


3,496 posts

252 months

carl_w said:
rallycross said:
The police said 6 volunteer People turned up to help in the search today
The father has complained that none of them were English. Four Spaniards and two Germans I think.
That's not true, he said he was disappointed that not many brits had volunteered to help.

Louis Balfour

26,705 posts

225 months

tleefox said:
“Massive search” turns up nothing, which I think will lead to the local police calling it a day - I’.



11,662 posts

212 months

Louis Balfour said:
tleefox said:
“Massive search” turns up nothing, which I think will lead to the local police calling it a day - I’.

Im sure the 30K+ will keep the family out there for a while so they can keep looking.


9,275 posts

261 months

21TonyK said:
Im sure the 30K+ will keep the family out there for a while so they can keep looking.
£40k, well until they took some out


27,121 posts

164 months

TonyToniTone said:
carl_w said:
rallycross said:
The police said 6 volunteer People turned up to help in the search today
The father has complained that none of them were English. Four Spaniards and two Germans I think.
That's not true, he said he was disappointed that not many brits had volunteered to help.
Which puts a completely different slant on it, and far more likely.


Original Poster:

3,201 posts

187 months

98elise said:
TonyToniTone said:
carl_w said:
rallycross said:
The police said 6 volunteer People turned up to help in the search today
The father has complained that none of them were English. Four Spaniards and two Germans I think.
That's not true, he said he was disappointed that not many brits had volunteered to help.
Which puts a completely different slant on it, and far more likely.
What was he expecting?

People have to work etc

lets see what happens now with the GFM


26,417 posts

176 months

Guess we're going to have to wait for the book now.

Its Just Adz

14,382 posts

212 months

ChocolateFrog said:
Guess we're going to have to wait for the book now.
There will be a channel 5 hour long special within the month, I guarantee it.

Rusty Old-Banger

4,330 posts

216 months

And it will paint him as an angel who fell down a cliff and won't mention anything bad about him.


27,121 posts

164 months

cossy400 said:
98elise said:
TonyToniTone said:
carl_w said:
rallycross said:
The police said 6 volunteer People turned up to help in the search today
The father has complained that none of them were English. Four Spaniards and two Germans I think.
That's not true, he said he was disappointed that not many brits had volunteered to help.
Which puts a completely different slant on it, and far more likely.
What was he expecting?

People have to work etc

lets see what happens now with the GFM
Foreign nationals also work. There are a lot of retired British people in Tenerife.

The initial post read like the father was being xenophobic to those that had volunteered.

BoRED S2upid

19,848 posts

243 months

Be interesting to see what happens next on this one. Considering other missing people / little girls/ women falling into rivers etc…


17,100 posts

243 months

BoRED S2upid said:
Be interesting to see what happens next on this one. Considering other missing people / little girls/ women falling into rivers etc…
There’s not much more they can do. They’ve followed the playbook, starting from the last known (or presumed) location and working from there. They’re not going to be able to commit unlimited resources to finding a body. Unless Jay is hiding / kidnapped / has fled, he’s not going to be alive now; unless there’s evidence of kidnapping, there’s nothing to go on. As regards hiding or fleeing, neither of those are offences; adults are allowed to go to ground if they wish.

As I know all too well, beyond a certain point it is no longer about grid searching and just about luck. Michael Mosley is a great example of that. Observers believe finding a body in the outdoors is easy. It isn’t. The scale of the problem is almost-unimaginable - unless you search every nook & cranny, you could “cover” an area and still miss them.

By comparison, finding somebody “on the run” is much easier - they need food, water and (potentially) means of transport, all of which involve coming into contact with other people (or risking same).

I think the authorities hoped they’d get a huge turnout from their “mass search” call. And they needed it. 100 people might have covered a bit of ground in a week; a dozen for a day is a largely token gesture.

Whatever the circumstances, I feel strongly for his parents; nobody should lose a child like this.


9,312 posts

160 months

okgo said:

Are you serious! You’re asking if the police can access phone records?

This thread is fking mental.
And there I was thinking the sarcasm was visible from space. By a blind man.


17,100 posts

243 months

iphonedyou said:
okgo said:

Are you serious! You’re asking if the police can access phone records?

This thread is fking mental.
And there I was thinking the sarcasm was visible from space. By a blind man.
The short answer is, I believe, not all of them. Phone? Surely. Snapchat / WhatsApp / FaceTime? I don’t know.

As I’ve discovered with my sister, there doesn’t appear to be after-the-event tracking of phones easily available, in case it was that sort of record being thought of.


12,941 posts

240 months

As this happened in Tenerife would the U.K. police do any investigation at home? As in questioning his pal Lucy and the 2 guys from the air b n b who flew back to the U.K.?

If they did how would that get instigated as no crime has been committed in the U.K. ?


8,194 posts

208 months

rallycross said:
As this happened in Tenerife would the U.K. police do any investigation at home? As in questioning his pal Lucy and the 2 guys from the air b n b who flew back to the U.K.?

If they did how would that get instigated as no crime has been committed in the U.K. ?
What was the "McCann" crime that was committed in the UK? There is precidence for investigating crimes that affect Britons, but were not committed in the UK.

No ideas for a name

2,305 posts

89 months

98elise said:
TonyToniTone said:
carl_w said:
rallycross said:
The police said 6 volunteer People turned up to help in the search today
The father has complained that none of them were English. Four Spaniards and two Germans I think.
That's not true, he said he was disappointed that not many brits had volunteered to help.
Which puts a completely different slant on it, and far more likely.
It is somewhat misleading. Apparently the authorities did NOT want a bunch of holiday makers turning up to search.
Guardia Civil said, "To be clear, they are not asking members of the public, but people from volunteer associations or qualified who are experts in the rugged terrain. The area is a rugged, rocky area, full of slopes and with a multitude of ravines, paths and roads."

Ref https://www.canarianweekly.com/posts/The-Guardia-C...