CV19 - Cure Worse Than The Disease? (Vol 19)

CV19 - Cure Worse Than The Disease? (Vol 19)



2,989 posts

40 months

Monday 8th July
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pavarotti1980 said:
PurplePenguin said:
Presumably the medical profession does take notice of yellow card data - at least at a trend level.
Is the data gone through and things like injection sight pain accounted for as insignificant?
Ask the MHRA

r3g said:
As is always the case with your lot with your extremely dumbed down 2 IQ and blinkered view of the world where everything is "BS" or a conspiracy if your beloved government PR outlets such as the BBC don't tell you what to think and believe, all these people who have died "suddenly" since 2021, many of which happened within a short period after receiving their shots, and all those now suffering probable life-long disabilities are just making it up and it's all in their heads. Just ignore them and cast them aside as dismiss them as unfortunate collateral damage from the safe and effective vaccines as per the government PR outlets. Send them on their way with a never-ending prescription of anti-depressant drugs to get them addicted to and then forget about them as they all have mental health issues and are imagining it all.
All you have to do is back up your claims with some form of information yet you only feel able to post another load of unconnected bks.

Big pharma also isn't a problem when you need it though is it....

Edited by pavarotti1980 on Sunday 7th July 22:23

Edited by pavarotti1980 on Monday 8th July 06:42
I posted plenty of proof in my earlier post about stage 4 of the Covid Enquiry on 22nd May 2024, which you choose to ignore, because it goes against your unhinged conspiracy theories.


5,176 posts

87 months

Monday 8th July
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andyA700 said:
I posted plenty of proof in my earlier post about stage 4 of the Covid Enquiry on 22nd May 2024, which you choose to ignore, because it goes against your unhinged conspiracy theories.
I hope you are on about r3g here smile

andyA700 said:
Post his/her name on here and I will report them to the police, because I think that he is a despicable person given the level of suffering which I and many others are going through.
Report some random person for what exactly?

Roderick Spode

3,279 posts

52 months

Monday 8th July
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It's hilarious to watch Luciano's mental gymnastics here.

"The one official medium by which the injured may report those occurrences is rubbish because some pals of mine scratchchin entered some false claims, thereby invalidating every other entry as false."

Suuuuure buddy. This definitely happened. I was the "Submit" button.

Meanwhile the 100% 'Safe and Effective' is definitely that, because the media told me so, and I've just dismissed the official reporting mechanism as false - "I need figures, no not those figures, other unspecified figures that I will further dismiss as unofficial and inadmissible..."

Would Sir care for the moon on a stick? It wouldn't matter anyway - pincushion experiment participants are desperate to refute any accounts of vaxx induced ailments, lest they disturb the miasma of cognitive dissonance that pervades wider society.


2,470 posts

215 months

Monday 8th July
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I thought this may be of interest here:

Given that the covid risk factors were higher for the old and the obese, this study highlights the damage done by poor diet.

The Lancet said:
In 2017, 11 million (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 10–12) deaths and 255 million (234–274) DALYs were attributable to dietary risk factors
So the message to eat well and look after yourself will hopefully become louder still...


3,632 posts

27 months

Monday 8th July
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Roderick Spode said:
It's hilarious to watch Luciano's mental gymnastics here.

"The one official medium by which the injured may report those occurrences is rubbish because some pals of mine scratchchin entered some false claims, thereby invalidating every other entry as false."

Suuuuure buddy. This definitely happened. I was the "Submit" button.

Meanwhile the 100% 'Safe and Effective' is definitely that, because the media told me so, and I've just dismissed the official reporting mechanism as false - "I need figures, no not those figures, other unspecified figures that I will further dismiss as unofficial and inadmissible..."

Would Sir care for the moon on a stick? It wouldn't matter anyway - pincushion experiment participants are desperate to refute any accounts of vaxx induced ailments, lest they disturb the miasma of cognitive dissonance that pervades wider society.
yes spot on as usual.


5,176 posts

87 months

Monday 8th July
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Roderick Spode said:
It's hilarious to watch Luciano's mental gymnastics here.

"The one official medium by which the injured may report those occurrences is rubbish because some pals of mine scratchchin entered some false claims, thereby invalidating every other entry as false."

Suuuuure buddy. This definitely happened. I was the "Submit" button.

Meanwhile the 100% 'Safe and Effective' is definitely that, because the media told me so, and I've just dismissed the official reporting mechanism as false - "I need figures, no not those figures, other unspecified figures that I will further dismiss as unofficial and inadmissible..."

Would Sir care for the moon on a stick? It wouldn't matter anyway - pincushion experiment participants are desperate to refute any accounts of vaxx induced ailments, lest they disturb the miasma of cognitive dissonance that pervades wider society.
yet I never said they were rubbish, but you have to be careful with using them as a paragon of 100% truth. Nothing really gymnasticy about it

r3g said:
yes spot on as usual.
Have you found that data yet?


2,989 posts

40 months

Monday 8th July
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Roderick Spode said:
It's hilarious to watch Luciano's mental gymnastics here.

"The one official medium by which the injured may report those occurrences is rubbish because some pals of mine scratchchin entered some false claims, thereby invalidating every other entry as false."

Suuuuure buddy. This definitely happened. I was the "Submit" button.

Meanwhile the 100% 'Safe and Effective' is definitely that, because the media told me so, and I've just dismissed the official reporting mechanism as false - "I need figures, no not those figures, other unspecified figures that I will further dismiss as unofficial and inadmissible..."

Would Sir care for the moon on a stick? It wouldn't matter anyway - pincushion experiment participants are desperate to refute any accounts of vaxx induced ailments, lest they disturb the miasma of cognitive dissonance that pervades wider society.
A most excellent post.


14,204 posts

190 months

Tuesday 9th July
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Boringvolvodriver said:
I saw this article today

I have always been interested in trying to understand why the change in policy occurred and how we ended up with the lockdowns that we did - this gives a bit more detail as to what May have played a part
I read the same article. I have seen comments previously about the role of the US security services, who pivoted based on a belief that COVID might be a bio weapon. It seems that this was an early acceptance of the lab leak theory, which was then strenuous denied by Fauci et al.

This is the first suggestion I have seen that this change in position occurred simultaneously in all of the ‘five eyes’ countries.

It would explain a lot and my recollection of the early response to COVID is that we were absolutely on a war footing. My local airport was closed and taken over by the military who were clearly planning for the absolute worst.

I remember the early days of lockdown with no flights overhead except the occasional Hercules type cargo planes.

This deserves discussion so thanks for posting and it’s a shame it got drowned out by the obsessive bickering on vaccines.


1,538 posts

37 months

Tuesday 9th July
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It does also go some way to explaining the layer 2 thinking behind the nightingale hospitals, we were told they were for covid but was that the whole story?


5,834 posts

240 months

Tuesday 9th July
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Lockdown enthusiast Patrick Vallance (lockdowns should have been harder and earlier) as Minister of State for Science, Research, and Innovation under lockdown enthusiast Kier Starmer (lifting restrictions 3 years ago was reckless). rolleyes

Well, at least we know the conclusions of the covid inquiry now. That should save a couple of years and a couple of hundred million quid. smile



9,344 posts

46 months

Tuesday 9th July
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Elysium said:
Boringvolvodriver said:
I saw this article today

I have always been interested in trying to understand why the change in policy occurred and how we ended up with the lockdowns that we did - this gives a bit more detail as to what May have played a part
I read the same article. I have seen comments previously about the role of the US security services, who pivoted based on a belief that COVID might be a bio weapon. It seems that this was an early acceptance of the lab leak theory, which was then strenuous denied by Fauci et al.

This is the first suggestion I have seen that this change in position occurred simultaneously in all of the ‘five eyes’ countries.

It would explain a lot and my recollection of the early response to COVID is that we were absolutely on a war footing. My local airport was closed and taken over by the military who were clearly planning for the absolute worst.

I remember the early days of lockdown with no flights overhead except the occasional Hercules type cargo planes.

This deserves discussion so thanks for posting and it’s a shame it got drowned out by the obsessive bickering on vaccines.
Whilst the article certainly gives further background and the evidence from Cummings would appear to show the involvement of others giving their “advice” , I am not convinced we will ever get to the bottom of the real reasons or rationale.

I maintain that the initial 3 week lockdown made some sense at the time although after that the response was all about politicians covering their own backsides against the public who had been scared to death. And that the vaccine was seen as the only way out without it becoming obvious that they had over reacted.

Hants PHer

5,919 posts

114 months

Tuesday 9th July
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Boringvolvodriver said:
I saw this article today

I have always been interested in trying to understand why the change in policy occurred and how we ended up with the lockdowns that we did - this gives a bit more detail as to what May have played a part
An interesting article so thanks for posting it. The article suggests a "lockdown until the vaccines" policy. But if that were true, why did Boris announce plans to lift lockdown in May 2020, why did schools and some shops reopen in June 2020 and why did we have Eat Out To Help Out in August 2020?

The article also hints that the plan was to usher in lucrative mRNA vaccines, so why did we also get alternatives such as Astra Zeneca's vaccine and Novavax?

Personally, I think a more likely explanation was a groupthink mentality among developed nations - Sweden excepted - rather than some switch to a Plan B (Plan Bill? Hmmm...). Collective panic and short term populism, in other words, as opposed to something darker.


9,344 posts

46 months

Tuesday 9th July
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Hants PHer said:
An interesting article so thanks for posting it. The article suggests a "lockdown until the vaccines" policy. But if that were true, why did Boris announce plans to lift lockdown in May 2020, why did schools and some shops reopen in June 2020 and why did we have Eat Out To Help Out in August 2020?

The article also hints that the plan was to usher in lucrative mRNA vaccines, so why did we also get alternatives such as Astra Zeneca's vaccine and Novavax?

Personally, I think a more likely explanation was a groupthink mentality among developed nations - Sweden excepted - rather than some switch to a Plan B (Plan Bill? Hmmm...). Collective panic and short term populism, in other words, as opposed to something darker.
The group think mentality certainly explains a lot although my question keeps coming back to “who started the group think and came up with the idea first and why?”

The lifting of our lockdowns in May was partial and short lived as the wonderful tier system came into play. In June 20 we still had the group of 6 and outdoors only rule which only lasted over summer.

And let us not forget the extremely dodgy data that was used in October 20 to justify another national lockdown for 1 month followed by the one in January 21.


6,432 posts

204 months

Wednesday 10th July
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r3g said:
The IQ tests will continue. And most people will continue to fail them. Meanwhile doctor's surgeries and A&E departments will continue to be filled with endless lines of people with "sudden" cancers out of nowhere, "sudden" heart issues out of nowhere, "sudden" blood clots out of nowhere, various neurological issues and everyone will continue to be baffled. Just trust the multi-billion dollar profit-driven Big Pharma companies to take care of your health and well-being with their endless drugs and "vaccines" to ensure the latest deadly bogeyman is kept at bay yes .
I didn't want to get into all the anti-vax debates and this and that, I'm not here to argue but this post struck me purely from my observations in the last 2-3 years. Now it could be coincidence, some are absolute a result of the Covid vaccines. Knowing how many friends and family had it, I would be more than happy to be wrong:

Mum, develops aggressive ovarian cancer, nothing unusual about that but no history or genetic carrying of that cancer type.
Uncle, fit, healthy, exercises yet had a stroke a couple of weeks back.
Friends brother, collapses at 37 and dies two years ago.
Old college friend, collapses at 41 and dies, last year.
Work friend loses her dad to a heart attack in his sleep, was mid 50s.
Work colleague had a swollen heart following the jab, early 30s.
Local builder I used, had the jab and a heart attack 4 hours later followed by another 6 months later.

Most shocking is hearing my other half's cousin has been taken to hospital this week with a stroke, she's 24.

Now all of those examples may be things that would have happened anyway, but I can't help feel some of them are perhaps unusual given the ages of people involved.

So no, I can't give you death rates across the country, nor can I say for definite these things wouldn't have happened. But now that concerns have been raised about at least one brand of the vaccine, it does make me wonder.

Also, as my ex and mother of my eldest child had my daughter vaccinated without my consent. I would much, much rather be prove wrong!

Roderick Spode

3,279 posts

52 months

Wednesday 10th July
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Alex_225 said:
Mum, develops aggressive ovarian cancer, nothing unusual about that but no history or genetic carrying of that cancer type.
Uncle, fit, healthy, exercises yet had a stroke a couple of weeks back.
Friends brother, collapses at 37 and dies two years ago.
Old college friend, collapses at 41 and dies, last year.
Work friend loses her dad to a heart attack in his sleep, was mid 50s.
Work colleague had a swollen heart following the jab, early 30s.
Local builder I used, had the jab and a heart attack 4 hours later followed by another 6 months later.

Most shocking is hearing my other half's cousin has been taken to hospital this week with a stroke, she's 24.
Sorry to read all of this.

I've previously recounted in these hallowed volumes all the people I have known, who have been affected with new or returning health ailments in close proximity to one or more doses of the vaxx. Well over a dozen friends, family and colleagues, all similar accounts to those you list - sudden aggressive cancers, heart conditions, strokes. Mostly with no family history of such occurrences. Obviously I'm dismissed as an anti-vaxx, right wing, tinfoil-hatted, swivel-eyed, conspiracy theorist by the usual suspects.

A brief synopsis -

Friend, male, 50 - ex-military, fit as a butcher's dog. First jab - chest pains on the same day, heart palpitations. Discomfort for weeks, breathless under any physical exertion. Second jab - heart attack the next day. Since then repeated blue lights to hospital with chest pains, ongoing palps & arrhythmia. Barely able to walk, having previously been a runner. No boosters.
Friend, female, 40 - reasonably fit and healthy. First jab - pains all over body, sensitivity to light, chronic fatigue. Ended up in bed for 10 weeks. Doctors baffled. Managed to get out of bed for second jab - symptoms almost immediately worsened by an order of magnitude, muscle tremors & weakness, off work for months. GP finally admitted that it 'might' have something to do with the vaxx. No boosters.
Family, female, late 30s. First jab - intense period pains, then had menstrual bleeding non-stop for weeks on end. GP said 'purely a co-incidence, nothing to worry about'. Second jab - much worse pains, incessant menstrual bleeding, anaemic. Still chose to have boosters, with similar results.

Others that have occurred recently -

Friend, male, 58 - considered medically vulnerable, previous lung cancer years ago, stable in remission with regular check-ups. Fully jabbed and boosted. Gone to GP with breathlessness, scanned and hospitalised with an aggressive return of lung tumors. Now in ICU cry
Friend, male, 64 - recent booster as medically vulnerable. Developed shingles a week after booster.
Colleague's wife, 60 - fit and healthy for age. Going on holiday so elected to have a private booster. Developed heart issues from nowhere a few days later, no previous history. Hospitalised but died suddenly a few days later cry
Family friend, female, 87 - very fit and active for her age, walks an easy six miles a day into town and back. Recent booster, intense leg pains and tremors. Barely able to stand. Now effectively house-bound, unable to walk & requiring help to do basic tasks.


6,432 posts

204 months

Wednesday 10th July
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Roderick Spode said:
Alex_225 said:
Mum, develops aggressive ovarian cancer, nothing unusual about that but no history or genetic carrying of that cancer type.
Uncle, fit, healthy, exercises yet had a stroke a couple of weeks back.
Friends brother, collapses at 37 and dies two years ago.
Old college friend, collapses at 41 and dies, last year.
Work friend loses her dad to a heart attack in his sleep, was mid 50s.
Work colleague had a swollen heart following the jab, early 30s.
Local builder I used, had the jab and a heart attack 4 hours later followed by another 6 months later.

Most shocking is hearing my other half's cousin has been taken to hospital this week with a stroke, she's 24.
Sorry to read all of this.

I've previously recounted in these hallowed volumes all the people I have known, who have been affected with new or returning health ailments in close proximity to one or more doses of the vaxx. Well over a dozen friends, family and colleagues, all similar accounts to those you list - sudden aggressive cancers, heart conditions, strokes. Mostly with no family history of such occurrences. Obviously I'm dismissed as an anti-vaxx, right wing, tinfoil-hatted, swivel-eyed, conspiracy theorist by the usual suspects.

A brief synopsis -

Friend, male, 50 - ex-military, fit as a butcher's dog. First jab - chest pains on the same day, heart palpitations. Discomfort for weeks, breathless under any physical exertion. Second jab - heart attack the next day. Since then repeated blue lights to hospital with chest pains, ongoing palps & arrhythmia. Barely able to walk, having previously been a runner. No boosters.
Friend, female, 40 - reasonably fit and healthy. First jab - pains all over body, sensitivity to light, chronic fatigue. Ended up in bed for 10 weeks. Doctors baffled. Managed to get out of bed for second jab - symptoms almost immediately worsened by an order of magnitude, muscle tremors & weakness, off work for months. GP finally admitted that it 'might' have something to do with the vaxx. No boosters.
Family, female, late 30s. First jab - intense period pains, then had menstrual bleeding non-stop for weeks on end. GP said 'purely a co-incidence, nothing to worry about'. Second jab - much worse pains, incessant menstrual bleeding, anaemic. Still chose to have boosters, with similar results.

Others that have occurred recently -

Friend, male, 58 - considered medically vulnerable, previous lung cancer years ago, stable in remission with regular check-ups. Fully jabbed and boosted. Gone to GP with breathlessness, scanned and hospitalised with an aggressive return of lung tumors. Now in ICU cry
Friend, male, 64 - recent booster as medically vulnerable. Developed shingles a week after booster.
Colleague's wife, 60 - fit and healthy for age. Going on holiday so elected to have a private booster. Developed heart issues from nowhere a few days later, no previous history. Hospitalised but died suddenly a few days later cry
Family friend, female, 87 - very fit and active for her age, walks an easy six miles a day into town and back. Recent booster, intense leg pains and tremors. Barely able to stand. Now effectively house-bound, unable to walk & requiring help to do basic tasks.
Likewise, very sorry to hear about these people and what they're going through now.

There's only a couple of my examples I know can be directly attributed to the vaccine, the person who had a swollen heart and the builder who had the heart attack.

His story was very strange, he was a fairly straight forward bloke but he explained how he had the jab and it hurt. He was left with a pain in his arm which over the course of the day, spread across his shoulder, chest and then ended up in hospital with a heart attack.

The people I have known that have shocked me most are the two guys around my age who just collapsed with no warning and my cousin in law. A stroke at 24 is unusual by any stretch.


10,885 posts

261 months

Wednesday 10th July
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Dr Mikolaj Rasjek, an author of the paper linked to below, discusses the findings of work looking at potential links between IgG4 antibodies induced by mRNA injections and cancer:

Exploring the possible link between the spike protein immunoglobulin G4 antibodies and cancer progression

Paper Abstract said:
Repeated inoculation with messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines elicits immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) antibody production.

Such an increase in the concentration of specific and non-specific IgG4 antibodies allows the growth of some types of cancer by blocking the activation of effector immune cells.

This work proposes the hypothesis that cancer growth may be indirectly promoted by increased concentrations of non-specific IgG4 antibodies by the following mechanisms:

1) IgG4 antibodies can bind to anti-tumor IgG1 antibodies and block their interaction with receptors located on effector cells, thus preventing the destruction of cancer cells,

2) IgG4 can interact with fragment crystallizable gamma receptor IIb (FcγRIIB) inhibitory receptors, thus reducing effector functions of innate immune cells, and

3) targeting of specific epitopes by IgG4 could be oncogenic by inducing the production of a microenvironment that can promote cancer development.

This article reviews the supporting literature and suggests several experimental protocols to evaluate this hypothesis in the context of repeated inoculation with mRNA vaccines.

Additionally, this work proposes some management options aimed at reducing the unfavorable molecular consequences that could mediate cancer development when encountering high concentrations of IgG4 antibodies.


7,652 posts

39 months

Wednesday 10th July
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Roderick Spode said:
Alex_225 said:
Mum, develops aggressive ovarian cancer, nothing unusual about that but no history or genetic carrying of that cancer type.
Uncle, fit, healthy, exercises yet had a stroke a couple of weeks back.
Friends brother, collapses at 37 and dies two years ago.
Old college friend, collapses at 41 and dies, last year.
Work friend loses her dad to a heart attack in his sleep, was mid 50s.
Work colleague had a swollen heart following the jab, early 30s.
Local builder I used, had the jab and a heart attack 4 hours later followed by another 6 months later.

Most shocking is hearing my other half's cousin has been taken to hospital this week with a stroke, she's 24.
Sorry to read all of this.

I've previously recounted in these hallowed volumes all the people I have known, who have been affected with new or returning health ailments in close proximity to one or more doses of the vaxx. Well over a dozen friends, family and colleagues, all similar accounts to those you list - sudden aggressive cancers, heart conditions, strokes. Mostly with no family history of such occurrences. Obviously I'm dismissed as an anti-vaxx, right wing, tinfoil-hatted, swivel-eyed, conspiracy theorist by the usual suspects.

A brief synopsis -

Friend, male, 50 - ex-military, fit as a butcher's dog. First jab - chest pains on the same day, heart palpitations. Discomfort for weeks, breathless under any physical exertion. Second jab - heart attack the next day. Since then repeated blue lights to hospital with chest pains, ongoing palps & arrhythmia. Barely able to walk, having previously been a runner. No boosters.
Friend, female, 40 - reasonably fit and healthy. First jab - pains all over body, sensitivity to light, chronic fatigue. Ended up in bed for 10 weeks. Doctors baffled. Managed to get out of bed for second jab - symptoms almost immediately worsened by an order of magnitude, muscle tremors & weakness, off work for months. GP finally admitted that it 'might' have something to do with the vaxx. No boosters.
Family, female, late 30s. First jab - intense period pains, then had menstrual bleeding non-stop for weeks on end. GP said 'purely a co-incidence, nothing to worry about'. Second jab - much worse pains, incessant menstrual bleeding, anaemic. Still chose to have boosters, with similar results.

Others that have occurred recently -

Friend, male, 58 - considered medically vulnerable, previous lung cancer years ago, stable in remission with regular check-ups. Fully jabbed and boosted. Gone to GP with breathlessness, scanned and hospitalised with an aggressive return of lung tumors. Now in ICU cry
Friend, male, 64 - recent booster as medically vulnerable. Developed shingles a week after booster.
Colleague's wife, 60 - fit and healthy for age. Going on holiday so elected to have a private booster. Developed heart issues from nowhere a few days later, no previous history. Hospitalised but died suddenly a few days later cry
Family friend, female, 87 - very fit and active for her age, walks an easy six miles a day into town and back. Recent booster, intense leg pains and tremors. Barely able to stand. Now effectively house-bound, unable to walk & requiring help to do basic tasks.
And yet i know of 0 people who suffered from having any of the vaccines.


8,145 posts

283 months

Wednesday 10th July
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119 said:
Roderick Spode said:
Alex_225 said:
Mum, develops aggressive ovarian cancer, nothing unusual about that but no history or genetic carrying of that cancer type.
Uncle, fit, healthy, exercises yet had a stroke a couple of weeks back.
Friends brother, collapses at 37 and dies two years ago.
Old college friend, collapses at 41 and dies, last year.
Work friend loses her dad to a heart attack in his sleep, was mid 50s.
Work colleague had a swollen heart following the jab, early 30s.
Local builder I used, had the jab and a heart attack 4 hours later followed by another 6 months later.

Most shocking is hearing my other half's cousin has been taken to hospital this week with a stroke, she's 24.
Sorry to read all of this.

I've previously recounted in these hallowed volumes all the people I have known, who have been affected with new or returning health ailments in close proximity to one or more doses of the vaxx. Well over a dozen friends, family and colleagues, all similar accounts to those you list - sudden aggressive cancers, heart conditions, strokes. Mostly with no family history of such occurrences. Obviously I'm dismissed as an anti-vaxx, right wing, tinfoil-hatted, swivel-eyed, conspiracy theorist by the usual suspects.

A brief synopsis -

Friend, male, 50 - ex-military, fit as a butcher's dog. First jab - chest pains on the same day, heart palpitations. Discomfort for weeks, breathless under any physical exertion. Second jab - heart attack the next day. Since then repeated blue lights to hospital with chest pains, ongoing palps & arrhythmia. Barely able to walk, having previously been a runner. No boosters.
Friend, female, 40 - reasonably fit and healthy. First jab - pains all over body, sensitivity to light, chronic fatigue. Ended up in bed for 10 weeks. Doctors baffled. Managed to get out of bed for second jab - symptoms almost immediately worsened by an order of magnitude, muscle tremors & weakness, off work for months. GP finally admitted that it 'might' have something to do with the vaxx. No boosters.
Family, female, late 30s. First jab - intense period pains, then had menstrual bleeding non-stop for weeks on end. GP said 'purely a co-incidence, nothing to worry about'. Second jab - much worse pains, incessant menstrual bleeding, anaemic. Still chose to have boosters, with similar results.

Others that have occurred recently -

Friend, male, 58 - considered medically vulnerable, previous lung cancer years ago, stable in remission with regular check-ups. Fully jabbed and boosted. Gone to GP with breathlessness, scanned and hospitalised with an aggressive return of lung tumors. Now in ICU cry
Friend, male, 64 - recent booster as medically vulnerable. Developed shingles a week after booster.
Colleague's wife, 60 - fit and healthy for age. Going on holiday so elected to have a private booster. Developed heart issues from nowhere a few days later, no previous history. Hospitalised but died suddenly a few days later cry
Family friend, female, 87 - very fit and active for her age, walks an easy six miles a day into town and back. Recent booster, intense leg pains and tremors. Barely able to stand. Now effectively house-bound, unable to walk & requiring help to do basic tasks.
And yet i know of 0 people who suffered from having any of the vaccines.
Yup me too although I do have friends that passed away due to Covid go figure.


10,885 posts

261 months

Wednesday 10th July
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Narcisus said:
119 said:
Roderick Spode said:
Alex_225 said:
Mum, develops aggressive ovarian cancer, nothing unusual about that but no history or genetic carrying of that cancer type.
Uncle, fit, healthy, exercises yet had a stroke a couple of weeks back.
Friends brother, collapses at 37 and dies two years ago.
Old college friend, collapses at 41 and dies, last year.
Work friend loses her dad to a heart attack in his sleep, was mid 50s.
Work colleague had a swollen heart following the jab, early 30s.
Local builder I used, had the jab and a heart attack 4 hours later followed by another 6 months later.

Most shocking is hearing my other half's cousin has been taken to hospital this week with a stroke, she's 24.
Sorry to read all of this.

I've previously recounted in these hallowed volumes all the people I have known, who have been affected with new or returning health ailments in close proximity to one or more doses of the vaxx. Well over a dozen friends, family and colleagues, all similar accounts to those you list - sudden aggressive cancers, heart conditions, strokes. Mostly with no family history of such occurrences. Obviously I'm dismissed as an anti-vaxx, right wing, tinfoil-hatted, swivel-eyed, conspiracy theorist by the usual suspects.

A brief synopsis -

Friend, male, 50 - ex-military, fit as a butcher's dog. First jab - chest pains on the same day, heart palpitations. Discomfort for weeks, breathless under any physical exertion. Second jab - heart attack the next day. Since then repeated blue lights to hospital with chest pains, ongoing palps & arrhythmia. Barely able to walk, having previously been a runner. No boosters.
Friend, female, 40 - reasonably fit and healthy. First jab - pains all over body, sensitivity to light, chronic fatigue. Ended up in bed for 10 weeks. Doctors baffled. Managed to get out of bed for second jab - symptoms almost immediately worsened by an order of magnitude, muscle tremors & weakness, off work for months. GP finally admitted that it 'might' have something to do with the vaxx. No boosters.
Family, female, late 30s. First jab - intense period pains, then had menstrual bleeding non-stop for weeks on end. GP said 'purely a co-incidence, nothing to worry about'. Second jab - much worse pains, incessant menstrual bleeding, anaemic. Still chose to have boosters, with similar results.

Others that have occurred recently -

Friend, male, 58 - considered medically vulnerable, previous lung cancer years ago, stable in remission with regular check-ups. Fully jabbed and boosted. Gone to GP with breathlessness, scanned and hospitalised with an aggressive return of lung tumors. Now in ICU cry
Friend, male, 64 - recent booster as medically vulnerable. Developed shingles a week after booster.
Colleague's wife, 60 - fit and healthy for age. Going on holiday so elected to have a private booster. Developed heart issues from nowhere a few days later, no previous history. Hospitalised but died suddenly a few days later cry
Family friend, female, 87 - very fit and active for her age, walks an easy six miles a day into town and back. Recent booster, intense leg pains and tremors. Barely able to stand. Now effectively house-bound, unable to walk & requiring help to do basic tasks.
And yet i know of 0 people who suffered from having any of the vaccines.
Yup me too although I do have friends that passed away due to Covid go figure.
Assuming there may be some point attempting to be made, it is not clear what that point might be.