CV19 - Cure Worse Than The Disease? (Vol 19)

CV19 - Cure Worse Than The Disease? (Vol 19)


B'stard Child

28,721 posts

249 months

Thursday 20th June
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jshell said:
"Z28-310" They've even given the unvaccinated their own NHS code for the records.
CDC surely not NHS?


11,214 posts

208 months

Thursday 20th June
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B'stard Child said:
jshell said:
"Z28-310" They've even given the unvaccinated their own NHS code for the records.
CDC surely not NHS?
I thought it was global, but upon searching you seem to be correct.


5,124 posts

87 months

Thursday 20th June
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jshell said:
I thought it was global, but upon searching you seem to be correct.
Do you understand what ICD10 (and soon to be ICD11) and similarly SNOMED CT codes are used for?

B'stard Child

28,721 posts

249 months

Thursday 20th June
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jshell said:
B'stard Child said:
jshell said:
"Z28-310" They've even given the unvaccinated their own NHS code for the records.
CDC surely not NHS?
I thought it was global, but upon searching you seem to be correct.
It wouldn’t matter for me as my NHS records include a “will you please fk off ringing and writing to me asking me to come and get vaccinated” letter biggrin

For clarity not anti vax - just anti wasted resources paid for by tax payer and in the height of the drive to vaccinate everyone my local GP surgery was clearly trying to get 100 compliance and it frankly got really bloody silly


4,970 posts

184 months

Thursday 20th June
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It’s a bit late in the day, but it appears the pressure to rescind all convictions for breaching Covid legislation is increasing. David Davis comments and an opinion piece by Isabel Oakeshott


3,529 posts

27 months

Thursday 20th June
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andyA700 said:
They haven't really thought this through, have they?
Big notice when you go to casualty.



5,124 posts

87 months

Saturday 22nd June
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r3g said:
How would you get your IV Abx though?


10,771 posts

261 months

Tuesday 25th June
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O/T but an interesting chat between ultra right wing MAGA Trump apologist Tucker Carlson and swivel eyed loon conspiracy theorist Neil Oliver.



3,529 posts

27 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Oh they won't be able to fire up their keyboards fast enough to get you copy and pasted into their thread! CTs Oliver and MAGA Carlson in the SAME VIDEO! yikes OMG!

Roderick Spode

3,240 posts

52 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Podcast discussion with two vaccine injured gents. 25 minutes onwards. But of course they're swivel eyed tinfoil wearing loons making it all up.

I expect the usual suspects will clamour to shoot the messenger.


10,405 posts

158 months

Wednesday 26th June
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RSTurboPaul said:
O/T but an interesting chat between ultra right wing MAGA Trump apologist Tucker Carlson and swivel eyed loon conspiracy theorist Neil Oliver.


Nope I would say you got your names pretty much spot on.


11,214 posts

208 months

Thursday 27th June
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RSTurboPaul said:
O/T but an interesting chat between ultra right wing MAGA Trump apologist Tucker Carlson and swivel eyed loon conspiracy theorist Neil Oliver.


Was any of it censored on YT? I listened to the whole thing on Spotify and it was a fascinating discussion.


1,653 posts

241 months

Thursday 27th June
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jshell said:
Was any of it censored on YT? I listened to the whole thing on Spotify and it was a fascinating discussion.
Not sure if it was self-censored but the covid segment was removed on YT. The version is on TC’s website.

Agreed, it was a good discussion. The only part I couldn’t properly agree with was the Spanish Flu/aspirin part - never heard that before but it sounded very tinfoil hat.


12,522 posts

221 months

Thursday 27th June
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Always a good drinking game with Oliver, shot when he says World in a way that uses more than one syllable.


11,214 posts

208 months

Thursday 27th June
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cliffe_mafia said:
jshell said:
Was any of it censored on YT? I listened to the whole thing on Spotify and it was a fascinating discussion.
Not sure if it was self-censored but the covid segment was removed on YT. The version is on TC’s website.

Agreed, it was a good discussion. The only part I couldn’t properly agree with was the Spanish Flu/aspirin part - never heard that before but it sounded very tinfoil hat.
Yeah, that was a bit left-field. I knew that the majority of Spanish Flu deaths were actually secondary bacterial infections, but his aspirin statement was weird.

The rest of it was, to my mind, quite accurate apart from one or two small parts.


4,560 posts

186 months

Friday 28th June
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This post is from yesterday……..


2,923 posts

82 months

Friday 28th June
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J210 said:
This post is from yesterday……..

2020 called it wants its poster back. I really thought we were finally past all this nonsense now

Roderick Spode

3,240 posts

52 months

Friday 28th June
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J210 said:
This post is from yesterday……..

When I was visiting an aged relative in l'hopital last week there were posters everywhere saying "Wear your masks to keep vulnerable patients safe" or "Masks stop Covid in it's tracks" along with an image of a frail pensioner or doe-eyed toddler all masked up. 99.9% or visitors ignored this advice, along with virtually all of the staff. In fact I only saw one person regularly masked during the entire week, and they usually had dropped it round their chin to enjoy a smoke in their wheelchair outside.

Hants PHer

5,900 posts

114 months

Friday 28th June
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Roderick Spode said:
When I was visiting an aged relative in l'hopital last week there were posters everywhere saying "Wear your masks to keep vulnerable patients safe" or "Masks stop Covid in it's tracks" along with an image of a frail pensioner or doe-eyed toddler all masked up. 99.9% or visitors ignored this advice, along with virtually all of the staff. In fact I only saw one person regularly masked during the entire week, and they usually had dropped it round their chin to enjoy a smoke in their wheelchair outside.
That's outrageous (my bold). It should say "its" not "it's".

More seriously, I really hope we don't witness a return of the mask nonsense. I had hoped we'd moved on from pointless performative stuff, although if the vast majority are, as you suggest, ignoring it then that's progress of a sort, I suppose.


10,771 posts

261 months

Moderna decide that 5 month old babies should get three injections of mRNA-1345 or mRNA-1365 in clinical trials for new RSV and hMPV products: