CV19 - Cure Worse Than The Disease? (Vol 19)

CV19 - Cure Worse Than The Disease? (Vol 19)



8,499 posts

111 months

Friday 14th June
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I see LA county has recently (today?) voted to end vaccine mandates. (By 13-0)

The "dirty unvaxxed" can re apply for their jobs...if they so desire

Surprised this wasn't quietly phased out about 36 18 months ago tbh (additional leeway given because the Americans were batst re mandates. No excuses whatsoever for the past 18 months though)


3,555 posts

27 months

Saturday 15th June
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Another tragic vaxx damage case.

I know this is going to sound cruel and heartless, but fk me, he KNEW that his first AZ was the cause of him getting completely fked up so wtf did he think was going to happen when he went for a 2nd shot? I mean, on the one hand I feel for the guy, it must be absolute torture living with those problems every single day of your life with no fix coming, even more so when the doctors and consultants have washed their hands of him and aren't interested in investigating it or helping him, but on the other hand, how dumb do you have to be to get a 2nd shot of the exact same stuff that's made your life a living hell for the past 6 months? I just don't understand it.


12,533 posts

221 months

Sunday 16th June
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You believe that guys resting heartrate was 30bpm do you?

2bpm off World Record status.

10bpm lower than 28x time medal Olympian Phelps.


5,830 posts

195 months

Sunday 16th June
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EmailAddress said:
You believe that guys resting heartrate was 30bpm do you?

2bpm off World Record status.

10bpm lower than 28x time medal Olympian Phelps.
I've seen that guy interviewed before. I'm pretty sure he said he used to do some sort of sport/activity.

So it's not so unbelievable that he could have had a resting heart rate around that 3 years ago before illness.

Mine used to be around 30-40 and I've seen it drop below 30 when sleeping.

No Olympic athlete, just trained a lot for my sport.

Go on one of the threads in the health forum when HR is discussed and you'll see many people with resting HR in the 30s.


2,948 posts

40 months

Sunday 16th June
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Slagathore said:
EmailAddress said:
You believe that guys resting heartrate was 30bpm do you?

2bpm off World Record status.

10bpm lower than 28x time medal Olympian Phelps.
I've seen that guy interviewed before. I'm pretty sure he said he used to do some sort of sport/activity.

So it's not so unbelievable that he could have had a resting heart rate around that 3 years ago before illness.

Mine used to be around 30-40 and I've seen it drop below 30 when sleeping.

No Olympic athlete, just trained a lot for my sport.

Go on one of the threads in the health forum when HR is discussed and you'll see many people with resting HR in the 30s.
The same here. I did a lot of cycle racing in the 70's/80's and my HR was between 35/40. I had a small op under anaesthetic in 1980 and when I came round the nurses were a bit concerned at my very low HR because it had fallen to the 30 mark.


14,175 posts

190 months

Sunday 16th June
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andyA700 said:
Slagathore said:
EmailAddress said:
You believe that guys resting heartrate was 30bpm do you?

2bpm off World Record status.

10bpm lower than 28x time medal Olympian Phelps.
I've seen that guy interviewed before. I'm pretty sure he said he used to do some sort of sport/activity.

So it's not so unbelievable that he could have had a resting heart rate around that 3 years ago before illness.

Mine used to be around 30-40 and I've seen it drop below 30 when sleeping.

No Olympic athlete, just trained a lot for my sport.

Go on one of the threads in the health forum when HR is discussed and you'll see many people with resting HR in the 30s.
The same here. I did a lot of cycle racing in the 70's/80's and my HR was between 35/40. I had a small op under anaesthetic in 1980 and when I came round the nurses were a bit concerned at my very low HR because it had fallen to the 30 mark.
It does seem that harms from the vaccine were concentrated in people who were young or particularly active.

This is ironic as this group that gained the least benefit from the vaccines.

This isn’t supposition. It’s stated in the UKHSA reports and patient information leaflets.

I suspect this is why we also didn’t see a lot of adverse reactions in the first months of the vaccine roll out.

For me the question we should be asking is why we aggressively pushed these vaccines onto millions of people who didn’t need them.

The only answer at the moment is that health experts ‘hoped’ they would reduce transmission.


9,161 posts

46 months

Sunday 16th June
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Elysium said:
It does seem that harms from the vaccine were concentrated in people who were young or particularly active.

This is ironic as this group that gained the least benefit from the vaccines.

This isn’t supposition. It’s stated in the UKHSA reports and patient information leaflets.

I suspect this is why we also didn’t see a lot of adverse reactions in the first months of the vaccine roll out.

For me the question we should be asking is why we aggressively pushed these vaccines onto millions of people who didn’t need them.

The only answer at the moment is that health experts ‘hoped’ they would reduce transmission.
I would have thought that by the time they started to roll out the vaccine to the younger age ranges and start with the coercion with mandates etc that they would have known or at least had some indications that it did not stop transmission.

As for the reasons then in my mind then there are two other possibilities

1. Politicians worked out that they had completely messed up the response and the only way to save face was to use the vaccine as the saviour. I.e “we have saved you all with the vaccine rollout”

2.Money may have played a part of one wants to really cynical, especially in America


3,555 posts

27 months

Sunday 16th June
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Elysium said:
For me the question we should be asking is why we aggressively pushed these vaccines onto millions of people who didn’t need them.

The only answer at the moment is that health experts ‘hoped’ they would reduce transmission.
"The only answer" ?? rolleyes

Still in denial that it was very obviously a world full of corrupt government politicians who were given a tip-off by their Big Pharma campaign funders in 2019/2020 that they should sink every spare penny they've got into Big Pharma shares and medical equipment manufacturers.

You need to get out more and wake up to the real world.


14,175 posts

190 months

Sunday 16th June
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r3g said:
Elysium said:
For me the question we should be asking is why we aggressively pushed these vaccines onto millions of people who didn’t need them.

The only answer at the moment is that health experts ‘hoped’ they would reduce transmission.
"The only answer" ?? rolleyes

Still in denial that it was very obviously a world full of corrupt government politicians who were given a tip-off by their Big Pharma campaign funders in 2019/2020 that they should sink every spare penny they've got into Big Pharma shares and medical equipment manufacturers.

You need to get out more and wake up to the real world.
‘Hope’ is the only answer anyone in authority has actually given.

You seemed to go a bit quiet after the completely spurious claims you made about my previous posts were proven wrong. I wonder if you will apologise?


3,555 posts

27 months

Sunday 16th June
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Elysium said:
‘Hope’ is the only answer anyone in authority has actually given.

You seemed to go a bit quiet after the completely spurious claims you made about my previous posts were proven wrong. I wonder if you will apologise?
There is nothing to apologise for. I know what I've read from you but I've got better things to do with my time than sit here searching through thousands of posts just to once again highlight your numerous spurious claims that the vaccines have "undoubtably" saved millions of lives of the "vulnerable" and elderly when the reality is that they haven't done st other than make them worse than what they were to start with, or killed them from so-called "rare side effects" which are nothing of the sort. Your beloved sacrosanct "official" data has been exposed for the fraud that it is numerous times and I'm bored of talking to the wall.

As I said , you need to wake up and get in the real world and understand how the world works instead of automatically believing everything that comes out of officialdom simply because it has a government stamp at the top of the page. When you do that you'll instantly see covid for the psyop nothingburger that it was, but, as you've had 3 shots of the juice I expect you'll continue to kid yourself that it was just "government incompetenece" and "they didn't know what they were dealing with... they overreacted etc" as that gives you faux comfort and reassurance that you "did the right thing".

When you finally admit to the above that it was all a fraud, then we might be able to have a sensible discussion about what really went on.

ETA: You were all excited when the Covid Inquiry was starting, looking forward to having everything exposed and questions answered. I told you right then that absolutely nothing would happen except an investigation into themselves found that they did nothing wrong, and that's exactly what happened, exactly as predicted. That's how the real world works. As someone else here said at the time, if you're the government, you don't start an Inquiry into yourselves unless you already know the outcome.

Edited by r3g on Sunday 16th June 16:14


2,641 posts

174 months

Sunday 16th June
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Elysium said:
It does seem that harms from the vaccine were concentrated in people who were young or particularly active.

This is ironic as this group that gained the least benefit from the vaccines.

This isn’t supposition. It’s stated in the UKHSA reports and patient information leaflets.

I suspect this is why we also didn’t see a lot of adverse reactions in the first months of the vaccine roll out.
Question: if you'd known then what you know now, would you still have had the Covid jabs ?


14,175 posts

190 months

Sunday 16th June
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r3g said:
Elysium said:
‘Hope’ is the only answer anyone in authority has actually given.

You seemed to go a bit quiet after the completely spurious claims you made about my previous posts were proven wrong. I wonder if you will apologise?
There is nothing to apologise for. I know what I've read from you
You were provided with direct evidence that you were wrong, but clearly don’t have the good grace to admit it,


14,175 posts

190 months

Sunday 16th June
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OddCat said:
Elysium said:
It does seem that harms from the vaccine were concentrated in people who were young or particularly active.

This is ironic as this group that gained the least benefit from the vaccines.

This isn’t supposition. It’s stated in the UKHSA reports and patient information leaflets.

I suspect this is why we also didn’t see a lot of adverse reactions in the first months of the vaccine roll out.
Question: if you'd known then what you know now, would you still have had the Covid jabs ?
I was old enough that the risk from COVID was tangible. So I think I would still have the first two.

I didn’t want the booster at the time and I regret being bullied into having it.

Edited by Elysium on Sunday 16th June 22:37


2,020 posts

76 months

Sunday 16th June
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OddCat said:
Question: if you'd known then what you know now, would you still have had the Covid jabs ?

Hindsight eh! Silly question.


3,555 posts

27 months

Sunday 16th June
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Elysium said:
You were provided with direct evidence that you were wrong, but clearly don’t have the good grace to admit it,
I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong but you haven't provided any evidence whatsoever. Newsflash : not everyone is permanently attached to the government teet like you are and believes everything they feed you.

I think it's best you avoid responding to any of my posts going forwards, and I'll do the same for yours as it's become clear we'll never agree on anything. You have your opinion that it was all very serious and deadly and the "vaccines" saved the lives of all the oldies and "vulnerable". I have my opnion that it was a compliance psyop nothingburger just-the-seasonal-flu-bro and a lot more people would still be here today if the "vaccines" hadn't happened. Neither of us is likely to change our opinions so let's agree to disagree and put it to bed.

Edited by r3g on Sunday 16th June 22:21


2,641 posts

174 months

Sunday 16th June
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xx99xx said:
OddCat said:
Question: if you'd known then what you know now, would you still have had the Covid jabs ?

Hindsight eh! Silly question.
Silly in the sense that unless you have a time machine you can't change it.

Not silly in the sense that it would be useful to understand why not.


14,175 posts

190 months

Sunday 16th June
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r3g said:
I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong
You claimed I posted links to old volumes of the thread. You were wrong and the poster that actually posted the links has confirmed that.

You also claimed that my posts in those volumes showed a different and more positive view of the vaccines. I shared a post from 2021, which demonstrates very clearly that my views have not changed in any significant way. Again you were wrong.

You obviously do have a problem with admitting you are wrong, which is a bit of a shame.

I don’t think we need to ignore each other, but it would be helpful if you would stop making demonstrably false statements about my views.


4,972 posts

184 months

Monday 17th June
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Article in the Scotsman about how politicians on the campaign trail are oddly silent about their position on Covid, apart from Sunak talking specifically about furlough:


2,948 posts

40 months

Monday 17th June
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OddCat said:
Elysium said:
It does seem that harms from the vaccine were concentrated in people who were young or particularly active.

This is ironic as this group that gained the least benefit from the vaccines.

This isn’t supposition. It’s stated in the UKHSA reports and patient information leaflets.

I suspect this is why we also didn’t see a lot of adverse reactions in the first months of the vaccine roll out.
Question: if you'd known then what you know now, would you still have had the Covid jabs ?
The answer from me is a definite "no". I can no longer function how I would like to. I am getting absolutely no help from doctors. My experience is exactly the same as others who have been vaccine injured.


14,175 posts

190 months

Monday 17th June
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andyA700 said:
OddCat said:
Elysium said:
It does seem that harms from the vaccine were concentrated in people who were young or particularly active.

This is ironic as this group that gained the least benefit from the vaccines.

This isn’t supposition. It’s stated in the UKHSA reports and patient information leaflets.

I suspect this is why we also didn’t see a lot of adverse reactions in the first months of the vaccine roll out.
Question: if you'd known then what you know now, would you still have had the Covid jabs ?
The answer from me is a definite "no". I can no longer function how I would like to. I am getting absolutely no help from doctors. My experience is exactly the same as others who have been vaccine injured.
I am interested in your decision to have the vaccine.

Did you feel coerced into having it for the ‘greater good’, or did you think there would be direct benefit to you?

Were you also aware that there was a risk of side effects, as is the case with most vaccines?

Do you think the side effect risk is significantly higher than we were told?