47th President of the United States

47th President of the United States



9,674 posts

136 months

Thursday 4th April
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Roderick Spode said:
People who have an opinion contrary to the prevailing orthodoxy. Don't bother posting on the 45 thread unless you endorse the endless negative propaganda posted by the usual suspects, or on the 46 thread unless you despise Trump and agree Biden is definitely the bestest prez evAr.

The same names pop up here and, hey whaddayaknow, the same orthodoxy prevails. Hence why I don't bother posting on the 45 or 46 threads, and generally don't bother here. I was rather hoping this thread wouldn't have become a reheated stramash of the worst aspects of 45/46, but here we are.

Meanwhile, I and my ilk, and people like you, should just pop off with our inconvenient opinions, and leave them to their echo chamber.
That is bullst, and you know it.

Hyperbolic statements like the one I bolded is why I treat your posts with the scorn they deserve, when I can be arsed.


24,434 posts

116 months

Thursday 4th April
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Roderick Spode said:
unless you despise Trump and agree Biden is definitely the bestest prez evAr.
I don't recall anyone on there, at any time, saying Biden is the best president ever.

As to trump, it's not about 'despising' him. That makes it sound petty. It's so, so much more profound than that.


2,132 posts

164 months

Thursday 4th April
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Carl_VivaEspana said:
captain_cynic said:
People like you are banned from the Trump thread precisely because we don't want your bullying behaviour and blatant ignorance there.

You're the one afraid of things you disagree with and project that upon everyone else to justify it.
It's not actually accurate cynic, the way the Trump thread worked is that Byker posted stuff whilst attack dogs verbally abused and posted caricatures of people posting opposing opinions. I know this as I was a victim of it.

Some of these posters have been now been perm. banned entirely from the forum, not just the thread, some not, the offensive posts got (mostly) wiped and it looks like nothing occurred whilst others turned a blind eye.

paul and byker would have seen the posts and they will know I am not lying but they won't want to upset the applecart.

it's a nightmare to moderate and the current status quo seems to be working better but lets not throw stones in glass houses.
As a long term reader and occasional poster on the Trump thread, those who show support for Trump tend to post links to extremely biased outlets to try to prove that Trump is being targeted by a witch hunt.

Time and time again the posters are told that their source is wrong. They are told to post links from well respected outlets only for the posters to say they don’t believe mainstream media outlets. I have tried to get the posters to realise that they are wrong, but they don’t listen.


24,434 posts

116 months

Thursday 4th April
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14 said:
As a long term reader and occasional poster on the Trump thread, those who show support for Trump tend to post links to extremely biased outlets to try to prove that Trump is being targeted by a witch hunt.

Time and time again the posters are told that their source is wrong. They are told to post links from well respected outlets only for the posters to say they don’t believe mainstream media outlets. I have tried to get the posters to realise that they are wrong, but they don’t listen.
I can understand why the trump thread seems one-sided. It's because it IS one-sided. The reason for that is that trump is a criminal, has been so for decades and is also one of the most unpleasant characters ever to have been in public life.

I suspect a 'Nero thread', had the internet been around, would have been mostly negative.


16,625 posts

239 months

Thursday 4th April
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paulguitar said:
14 said:
As a long term reader and occasional poster on the Trump thread, those who show support for Trump tend to post links to extremely biased outlets to try to prove that Trump is being targeted by a witch hunt.

Time and time again the posters are told that their source is wrong. They are told to post links from well respected outlets only for the posters to say they don’t believe mainstream media outlets. I have tried to get the posters to realise that they are wrong, but they don’t listen.
I can understand why the trump thread seems one-sided. It's because it IS one-sided. The reason for that is that trump is a criminal, has been so for decades and is also one of the most unpleasant characters ever to have been in public life.

I suspect a 'Nero thread', had the internet been around, would have been mostly negative.
Ah, nero. Great on the fiddle.

Not unlike Trump, actually.

Baroque attacks

4,633 posts

189 months

Thursday 4th April
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paulguitar said:
Roderick Spode said:
unless you despise Trump and agree Biden is definitely the bestest prez evAr.
I don't recall anyone on there, at any time, saying Biden is the best president ever.

As to trump, it's not about 'despising' him. That makes it sound petty. It's so, so much more profound than that.
I think viewing it from the point of the ‘standing of the US on the world stage’ is helpful.

Bush Jr, did a bit of war, got some oil, chads - a proper bad republican in some eyes.

Trump, he just blows it out of the water - some type of Early Learning Centre mob boss.


12,611 posts

98 months

Thursday 4th April
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AW111 said:
Roderick Spode said:
People who have an opinion contrary to the prevailing orthodoxy. Don't bother posting on the 45 thread unless you endorse the endless negative propaganda posted by the usual suspects, or on the 46 thread unless you despise Trump and agree Biden is definitely the bestest prez evAr.

The same names pop up here and, hey whaddayaknow, the same orthodoxy prevails. Hence why I don't bother posting on the 45 or 46 threads, and generally don't bother here. I was rather hoping this thread wouldn't have become a reheated stramash of the worst aspects of 45/46, but here we are.

Meanwhile, I and my ilk, and people like you, should just pop off with our inconvenient opinions, and leave them to their echo chamber.
That is bullst, and you know it.

Hyperbolic statements like the one I bolded is why I treat your posts with the scorn they deserve, when I can be arsed.
It really does grate them that the Trump thread isn't like that at all.

We do enjoy having different views, but like any good debate your views will be challenged, discussed and occasionally dissected for merit. It seems the "script" ilk really hate having their views challenged, which is exactly what happens in the Trump thread, my (and your) views included.


12,611 posts

98 months

Thursday 4th April
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Baroque attacks said:
Anyway, veering back to the title of the thread… I can’t wait for another term of Biden, hopefully with more involvement from AOC! One to watch for the future.
Regardless of what you think of her politics, she does have a great rack.


38,074 posts

259 months

Thursday 4th April
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paulguitar said:
I can understand why the trump thread seems one-sided. It's because it IS one-sided. The reason for that is that trump is a criminal, has been so for decades and is also one of the most unpleasant characters ever to have been in public life.

I suspect a 'Nero thread', had the internet been around, would have been mostly negative.
The utterly bizarre thing being why he is being reselected as the candidate, and why Biden is the best on offer to go against him.

Western democracy seems to be in a death spiral. The US seems the worst equipped, but the UK is close behind, and mainland Europe hardly much better by and large.

Implosion "imminent".


16,625 posts

239 months

Thursday 4th April
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captain_cynic said:
Baroque attacks said:
Anyway, veering back to the title of the thread… I can’t wait for another term of Biden, hopefully with more involvement from AOC! One to watch for the future.
Regardless of what you think of her politics, she does have a great rack.
I got a timeout for posting the same thing about truss some time ago.


62,300 posts

220 months

Sunday 7th April
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captain_cynic said:
AW111 said:
Roderick Spode said:
People who have an opinion contrary to the prevailing orthodoxy. Don't bother posting on the 45 thread unless you endorse the endless negative propaganda posted by the usual suspects, or on the 46 thread unless you despise Trump and agree Biden is definitely the bestest prez evAr.

The same names pop up here and, hey whaddayaknow, the same orthodoxy prevails. Hence why I don't bother posting on the 45 or 46 threads, and generally don't bother here. I was rather hoping this thread wouldn't have become a reheated stramash of the worst aspects of 45/46, but here we are.

Meanwhile, I and my ilk, and people like you, should just pop off with our inconvenient opinions, and leave them to their echo chamber.
That is bullst, and you know it.

Hyperbolic statements like the one I bolded is why I treat your posts with the scorn they deserve, when I can be arsed.
It really does grate them that the Trump thread isn't like that at all.

We do enjoy having different views, but like any good debate your views will be challenged, discussed and occasionally dissected for merit. It seems the "script" ilk really hate having their views challenged, which is exactly what happens in the Trump thread, my (and your) views included.
Weirdly this is what the trumpettes say, yet noone on the trump thread suggests Biden is the best candidate, almost everyone has come up with who they think would be a better candidate. What is recognised is that Biden was a safe pair of hands, has managed to rapidly turn around the US after the disaterous 4 years of trump.

An obvious example is job creation

33.8m jobs = 16 yrs Clinton, Obama
15.2m jobs = 3+ yrs Biden
1.9m jobs = 16 yrs 2 Bushes, Trump

8 times more Biden jobs than last 3 GOP Presidents combined

More here:


62,300 posts

220 months

Sunday 7th April
quotequote all
captain_cynic said:
Baroque attacks said:
Anyway, veering back to the title of the thread… I can’t wait for another term of Biden, hopefully with more involvement from AOC! One to watch for the future.
Regardless of what you think of her politics, she does have a great rack.
Great politics, slightly annoying voice.

Newson gave a great interview on Fox last week, pulling apart Fox's arguments for trump, pointing out the Dem achievements despite GOP opposition, pointed out how the GOP have wasted 3 years just trying to manufacture dirt for trump and achieved nothing for the US.


3,325 posts

112 months

Monday 8th April
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I know odds aren't necessarily a barometer of public opinion or future outcomes, but Biden has gone from as high as 3.0 less than a month ago to 2.1 at some bookies, with Trump also being around 2.1 at other bookies.

This page estimates that 60% of bets are for Trump while only 20% are for Biden, which must influence the odds, although it's not necessarily clear whether those percentages were number of bets or value of bets, and if the former what amount of money is being placed on each contender. And for that matter who the other 20% of bets are going to, they still have Michelle Obama in third place!



62,300 posts

220 months

Friday 12th April
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16,625 posts

239 months

Sunday 14th April
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Murph7355 said:
paulguitar said:
I can understand why the trump thread seems one-sided. It's because it IS one-sided. The reason for that is that trump is a criminal, has been so for decades and is also one of the most unpleasant characters ever to have been in public life.

I suspect a 'Nero thread', had the internet been around, would have been mostly negative.
The utterly bizarre thing being why he is being reselected as the candidate, and why Biden is the best on offer to go against him.

Western democracy seems to be in a death spiral. The US seems the worst equipped, but the UK is close behind, and mainland Europe hardly much better by and large.

Implosion "imminent".
When was the last time you thought a UK leader would be a success?


12,501 posts

265 months

Saturday 11th May
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Around six months to go......The Times have done a write up here which I read this morning.


Al Gorithum

3,844 posts

211 months

Saturday 11th May
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Carl_VivaEspana said:
Around six months to go......The Times have done a write up here which I read this morning.

If true that's astonishing. Is it that the same black voters that Trump was trying to deny them the opportunity to vote?


19,353 posts

276 months

Thursday 6th June
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Thought it worth resurecting this thread.

Trump being Trump doing Trump things in a Trumpian way.

But Biden.. jeesus. Have you seen him in France. I doubted he will make the elections. I'm starting to wonder if he'll make the arguments..er.. debates.

Will we see Trump v Harris??


25,953 posts

196 months

Thursday 6th June
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Better to be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and confirm it.


62,300 posts

220 months

Friday 7th June
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williamp said:
Thought it worth resurecting this thread.

Trump being Trump doing Trump things in a Trumpian way.

But Biden.. jeesus. Have you seen him in France. I doubted he will make the elections. I'm starting to wonder if he'll make the arguments..er.. debates.

Will we see Trump v Harris??
Are we seeing this rubbish again. Remember trump wouldn't go because he would get his hair wet.

So whilst Biden is there praising and thanking veterens

Meeting world leaders

trump is busy praising Putin and Xi, getting russian election assistance again...and issueing threats because he was found guilty - again

Meanwhile in Arizona

Edited by Byker28i on Friday 7th June 06:54