General Election July 2024


Bonefish Blues

27,608 posts

226 months

Monday 24th June
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The Hypno-Toad said:
don'tbesilly said:
Well I'm guessing that before he got on the ride, he had found himself in a beautiful house with a beautiful wife...


5,565 posts

109 months

Monday 24th June
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Bonefish Blues said:
The Hypno-Toad said:
don'tbesilly said:
Well I'm guessing that before he got on the ride, he had found himself in a beautiful house with a beautiful wife...
Love that


5,256 posts

33 months

Monday 24th June
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Bonefish Blues said:
The Hypno-Toad said:
don'tbesilly said:
Well I'm guessing that before he got on the ride, he had found himself in a beautiful house with a beautiful wife...
Sick Byrne.



2,455 posts

215 months

Monday 24th June
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Only had the incumbent Mark Francois leaflet through the door, boasting about how he achieved everything in the whole area - which is unlikely, as I doubt he could arrange a proverbial in a drinking establishment.

Then today, received a Reform leaflet. Very, very thin on the details - just a picture of the chap pointing at the camera, then the other side 4 bullet points - Stop the boats (obvs), net zero immigration (see point 1?), lower taxes (I also need a unicorn) and of course, cheaper energy.

I am not convinced they actually have anything sensible, or are just throwing out keywords - maybe it should have had a trigger warning for both sides of the debate?

Nothing from anyone else so far... I think the Right Honourable Mark Francois will be in yet again, steady lifer - but Reform could do some damage here?

The Hypno-Toad

12,481 posts

208 months

Monday 24th June
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CivicDuties said:
Bonefish Blues said:
The Hypno-Toad said:
don'tbesilly said:
Well I'm guessing that before he got on the ride, he had found himself in a beautiful house with a beautiful wife...
Sick Byrne.

Excellent. Well done on that one. clap


5,565 posts

109 months

Monday 24th June
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RemarkLima said:
Only had the incumbent Mark Francois leaflet through the door, boasting about how he achieved everything in the whole area - which is unlikely, as I doubt he could arrange a proverbial in a drinking establishment.

Then today, received a Reform leaflet. Very, very thin on the details - just a picture of the chap pointing at the camera, then the other side 4 bullet points - Stop the boats (obvs), net zero immigration (see point 1?), lower taxes (I also need a unicorn) and of course, cheaper energy.

I am not convinced they actually have anything sensible, or are just throwing out keywords - maybe it should have had a trigger warning for both sides of the debate?

Nothing from anyone else so far... I think the Right Honourable Mark Francois will be in yet again, steady lifer - but Reform could do some damage here?
Latest Ipsos poll has him only 6 points ahead of Labour. If Reform can keep building then there is just a chance he could be booted out. Hopefully some LDs will vote tactically for the Labour candidate too.


2,455 posts

215 months

Monday 24th June
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S600BSB said:
Latest Ipsos poll has him only 6 points ahead of Labour. If Reform can keep building then there is just a chance he could be booted out. Hopefully some LDs will vote tactically for the Labour candidate too.
He's been the local MP since 2010! 14 years - it would be good to get some fresh blood into the area I'm sure smile


4,357 posts

176 months

Monday 24th June
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Very few boards out here of any type - there are normally quite a few. I saw a Tory one yesterday, that's about it. There are usually quite a few from the Conservatives and Liberal democrats in this area, but not this time.

So far only one campaign leaflet from Labour and nothing from any of the other parties. The leaflet was really poor: only one 'fact' - that the candidate is the only local person running (which isn't true as he is not local and at least one of the others is) and no policies mentioned. Just a load of May-style 'strong and stable', this time from Labour.

I wonder if the Conservatives are very short of campaign funds here since this is traditionally a very safe seat, but has been flagged as 'at risk' in the media.

I find myself boggled at the desperately poor quality of the alternatives in front of me. I will probably vote Conservative, not because I want to (I don't) nor because they deserve my vote (they really don't), but because I fear that Starmer's utter lack of candour or honesty might be a cover for a strong swing to the left. I simply do not know what he stands for - but the party itself has too much of a whiff of Rayner, Corbyn and the class-based hatred of 'Old Labour'.

I voted for Tony Blair back in 1997 and would like to vote the current corrupt shambles out, but this time it feels very different from Blair's coherent and well articulated 'Government in waiting' - and the big majority they are likely to win this time could turn out to be dangerous. I Despair at it.

MC Bodge

22,075 posts

178 months

Monday 24th June
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Unreal said:
robemcdonald said:
BoomerPride said:
turbobloke said:
robemcdonald said:
To paraphrase Stewart Lee. It’s not idiots planning to vote reform. It’s s too.
Ye gods.
Ye Gods indeed!
It’s a bit of humour don’t get too upset.
It's possibly the only funny thing about Stuart Lee. He is about as entertaining as kidney stones and less literate.
That's quite an endorsement. It could be put on his promotional material.


12,562 posts

98 months

Monday 24th June
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MC Bodge said:
Unreal said:
robemcdonald said:
BoomerPride said:
turbobloke said:
robemcdonald said:
To paraphrase Stewart Lee. It’s not idiots planning to vote reform. It’s s too.
Ye gods.
Ye Gods indeed!
It’s a bit of humour don’t get too upset.
It's possibly the only funny thing about Stuart Lee. He is about as entertaining as kidney stones and less literate.
That's quite an endorsement. It could be put on his promotional material.
The odd thing is, I'd never had two thoughts about Stuart Lee until Unreal mentioned how unfunny he is.

I think I'll definitely have to check him out now.

MC Bodge

22,075 posts

178 months

Monday 24th June
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RemarkLima said:
Only had the incumbent Mark Francois leaflet through the door, boasting about how he achieved everything in the whole area - which is unlikely, as I doubt he could arrange a proverbial in a drinking establishment.
Lucky man for having a Spartan military hero representing you

B'stard Child

28,681 posts

249 months

Monday 24th June
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dbdb said:
I voted for Tony Blair back in 1997 and would like to vote the current corrupt shambles out, but this time it feels very different from Blair's coherent and well articulated 'Government in waiting' - and the big majority they are likely to win this time could turn out to be dangerous. I Despair at it.
I voted for Blair in 1997 too - Conservative party was a mess and deserved the kicking they got IMO - he offered credible alternative

Labour aren’t offering that at the moment IMO

I’ve never not voted in any general election so not voting isn’t an option.

I’d love to see Truss get her P45 - I certainly won’t vote conservative while she remains the constituency MP but I can’t hold my nose and vote Labour.

We do have an independent candidate (ex conservative) standing but can’t see him doing very well although if enough local voters see him as a better choice than Truss as opposed to reform or labour he might do ok

So spoil the ballot seems the obvious answer or if I’m in good mood on the day see if I can help a fringe MRLM candidate to not lose his deposit biggrin

Mrs BC has already voted Reform and she normally votes labour every time so maybe the std view on here that reform will only take votes from conservatives is slightly misplaced (straw poll of one I know)


104,861 posts

263 months

Monday 24th June
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Northern Ireland Secretary, Chris Heaton-Harris, is quoted claiming Labour is trying to “lean on” the Gambling Commission after Pat McFadden, (running the official Opposition campaign) wrote to the watchdog pressing it to release the names of figures under investigation.

Heaton Harris speaking on Times Radio said:
I think that is actually pretty concerning in itself, Labour trying to lean on yet another independent body like it leant on the Speaker of the House of Commons to not have a vote on Gaza. I think you are beginning to see, people are beginning to see, what a Labour government would actually be like.


4,458 posts

81 months

Monday 24th June
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B'stard Child said:
I’ve never not voted in any general election so not voting isn’t an option.
I really don't see how this follows.

Speed 3

4,767 posts

122 months

Monday 24th June
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MC Bodge said:
RemarkLima said:
Only had the incumbent Mark Francois leaflet through the door, boasting about how he achieved everything in the whole area - which is unlikely, as I doubt he could arrange a proverbial in a drinking establishment.
Lucky man for having a Spartan military hero representing you
Remarkable, I thought he'd scooted off to Reform by now.


10,625 posts

163 months

Monday 24th June
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turbobloke said:
Northern Ireland Secretary, Chris Heaton-Harris, is quoted claiming Labour is trying to “lean on” the Gambling Commission after Pat McFadden, (running the official Opposition campaign) wrote to the watchdog pressing it to release the names of figures under investigation.

Heaton Harris speaking on Times Radio said:
I think that is actually pretty concerning in itself, Labour trying to lean on yet another independent body like it leant on the Speaker of the House of Commons to not have a vote on Gaza. I think you are beginning to see, people are beginning to see, what a Labour government would actually be like.
Does he have any proof of he is trying to deflect?

He did have a mare of an interview with Nick Ferrari on LBC this morning so maybe just flinging mud is all they have left?

And let’s not forget the Tories leaning in on the Rayner housing thingy. Best not throw stones when you’re in a greenhouse and all that.


4,357 posts

176 months

Monday 24th June
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B'stard Child said:
I voted for Blair in 1997 too - Conservative party was a mess and deserved the kicking they got IMO - he offered credible alternative

Labour aren’t offering that at the moment IMO

I’ve never not voted in any general election so not voting isn’t an option.

I’d love to see Truss get her P45 - I certainly won’t vote conservative while she remains the constituency MP but I can’t hold my nose and vote Labour.

We do have an independent candidate (ex conservative) standing but can’t see him doing very well although if enough local voters see him as a better choice than Truss as opposed to reform or labour he might do ok

So spoil the ballot seems the obvious answer or if I’m in good mood on the day see if I can help a fringe MRLM candidate to not lose his deposit biggrin

Mrs BC has already voted Reform and she normally votes labour every time so maybe the std view on here that reform will only take votes from conservatives is slightly misplaced (straw poll of one I know)
Quite a lot of traditional Labour supporters are reasonably socially conservative and with the drift of the Labour party into being socially 'progressive' I should imagine they will loose quite a few voters to Reform. I see it as the basis for much of Boris Johnson's success in some of the Red wall areas - it wasn't just Brexit.


1,543 posts

143 months

Monday 24th June
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Will Rishi have resigned by breakfast time or lunch time?

And what will the Conservative party do? Will they carefully plan how to retake the centre ground, or will the nut jobs go on the rampage and see how far to the right they can go?


26,624 posts

183 months

Monday 24th June
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ianrb said:
Will Rishi have resigned by breakfast time or lunch time?

And what will the Conservative party do? Will they carefully plan how to retake the centre ground, or will the nut jobs go on the rampage and see how far to the right they can go?
I fear the latter. Pandering to the nut jobs didn't go well with UKIP and Brexit, and nor will it go well with Reform. Trying to reclaim the lunatic fringe is madness, but that's exactly what I think they'll do, getting further away from sensible and inclusive one-nation conservatism and alienating the core and the future base.


4,624 posts

31 months

Monday 24th June
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There’s a LD placard on every street corner around here.
True Blue area (Retiring Mays seat).
Labour a distant third.
I’ll be voting LD, a good chance of booting out the Tories.
Tories were trounced in the last local elections.