General Election July 2024



2,434 posts

35 months

Monday 24th June
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ChocolateFrog said:
The only one I've seen was on the garden wall of a Conservative MP.

I thought it was brave if nothing else.
There's a big billboard outside a house on the A19 near Thirsk with the conservative MP's grinning face on it, Shelbrooke, knighted by Truss. It must be where his mum lives or the householder is getting danger money.


3,832 posts

28 months

Monday 24th June
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robemcdonald said:
BoomerPride said:
turbobloke said:
robemcdonald said:
To paraphrase Stewart Lee. It’s not idiots planning to vote reform. It’s s too.
Ye gods.
Ye Gods indeed!
It’s a bit of humour don’t get too upset.
It's possibly the only funny thing about Stuart Lee. He is about as entertaining as kidney stones and less literate.


1,740 posts

181 months

Monday 24th June
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Fair bit of noise around Reform content being taken down by Meta and Alphabet this morning


104,880 posts

263 months

Monday 24th June
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robemcdonald said:
BoomerPride said:
turbobloke said:
robemcdonald said:
To paraphrase Stewart Lee. It’s not idiots planning to vote reform. It’s s too.
Ye gods.
Ye Gods indeed!
It’s a bit of humour don’t get too upset.
Well disguised, and why assume people are upset - the PH NP&E bar is low enough already, expressing hope anywhichway that it goes back up a bit is a positive response. The point of repeating Lee's obscenity based on a silly generalisation was humour? Aye. Soon enouogh it'll be par for PH and it won't be noticed, not a good thing.


5,269 posts

33 months

Monday 24th June
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I suppose snowflakes do need safe spaces after all.

It's just a joke. Although pretty near the truth, which is probably why it hurts.


38,044 posts

259 months

Monday 24th June
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CivicDuties said:
I suppose snowflakes do need safe spaces after all.

It's just a joke. Although pretty near the truth, which is probably why it hurts.
Have the mods approved a gloves off day for joking?

This could get very fruitily amusing. biggrin


14,045 posts

166 months

Monday 24th June
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Murph7355 said:
CivicDuties said:
I suppose snowflakes do need safe spaces after all.

It's just a joke. Although pretty near the truth, which is probably why it hurts.
Have the mods approved a gloves off day for joking?

This could get very fruitily amusing. biggrin
CD’s still got you on mute from your last joke, I never understood why he never got it. hehe


5,269 posts

33 months

Monday 24th June
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don'tbesilly said:
Murph7355 said:
CivicDuties said:
I suppose snowflakes do need safe spaces after all.

It's just a joke. Although pretty near the truth, which is probably why it hurts.
Have the mods approved a gloves off day for joking?

This could get very fruitily amusing. biggrin
CD’s still got you on mute from your last joke, I never understood why he never got it. hehe
Evidently you're still pissed from all the Independence Day street parties yesterday. How was the Carling? Suitably weak and warm?


14,045 posts

166 months

Monday 24th June
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CivicDuties said:
don'tbesilly said:
Murph7355 said:
CivicDuties said:
I suppose snowflakes do need safe spaces after all.

It's just a joke. Although pretty near the truth, which is probably why it hurts.
Have the mods approved a gloves off day for joking?

This could get very fruitily amusing. biggrin
CD’s still got you on mute from your last joke, I never understood why he never got it. hehe
Evidently you're still pissed from all the Independence Day street parties yesterday. How was the Carling? Suitably weak and warm?
I don’t drink beer, and rarely drink any alcohol at all.

Being wrong seems to come naturally to you.

Anyway how’s the campaigning going for the Lib-Dems, I hear the producers of the last leaders debate told Ed that he was going to Alton Towers, hence him showing up.


104,880 posts

263 months

Monday 24th June
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don'tbesilly said:
Murph7355 said:
CivicDuties said:
I suppose snowflakes do need safe spaces after all.

It's just a joke. Although pretty near the truth, which is probably why it hurts.
Have the mods approved a gloves off day for joking?

This could get very fruitily amusing. biggrin
CD’s still got you on mute from your last joke, I never understood why he never got it. hehe
CD is also transparently playing down their C-bomb repost gaffe with diversional play-the-man replies.

Snowflakes more accurately describes those scared of Reform's growing support at the expense of Labour and the Tories. Some aren't keen on Reform being mentioned in public forums, and some of those have the power to stop it happening. Coincidentally, who's President of Global Affairs at Meta? Meta interfering directly in a UK election, surely not?

A UK brexit related campaign group unsurprisingly supports Reform, and gets their post around an interview with Reform's deputy temporarily taken down. It was removed in less time than the video would take to watch so why touch it?

Before any deep thinking Reform antifan snowflakes get the wrong message, I'm not supporting or defending anything beyond free speech within the law while not supporting what looks like overseas interference in a UK election. I'd do the same if a Facebook post supporting Labour containing an interview with Rayner was removed by Meta. I'm in favour of all election Parties being given airtime in MSM and online to promote their policies. Fortunately there's an Independent candidate who will get my vote, this means I can participate in July as otherwise 'none of the above' would apply and I'm not keen on daubing a C&B on the ballot paper.


5,269 posts

33 months

Monday 24th June
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Missing two jokes in one go, top marks DBS.

Despite all the st parenting, humour is still a thing in our household, here's my son's idea of a laugh today, lying in wait for me on the staircase.

Gave me a little chuckle on the way down to get a cup of tea, he's a good lad in reality, been out helping the LibDem campaign in a local "safe" Tory seat which they're targeting to win. Sad thing is the previous incumbent, an old school Tory big beast, has chickened out and isn't standing, depriving us of a nice Portillo moment next week. Oh well.


14,045 posts

166 months

Monday 24th June
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CivicDuties said:
Missing two jokes in one go, top marks DBS.

Despite all the st parenting, humour is still a thing in our household, here's my son's idea of a laugh today, lying in wait for me on the staircase.

Gave me a little chuckle on the way down to get a cup of tea, he's a good lad in reality, been out helping the LibDem campaign in a local "safe" Tory seat which they're targeting to win. Sad thing is the previous incumbent, an old school Tory big beast, has chickened out and isn't standing, depriving us of a nice Portillo moment next week. Oh well.
Nice touch from the son by the way, I’m a tad surprised he’s in the UK at the mo & not on a gap year serving Latte’s in Barcelona or Nice.

You went to the ends of the earth to get him an EU passport (apparently) and he’s now going to vote Reform if he can get hold of your polling card. hehe

You need to being hiding any forms of ID and that card, the little rascal!



52,545 posts

213 months

Monday 24th June
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Sounds like they've thrown the towel in.

Is Starmergeddon Coming for the Tories?

Iain Dale is pretty well connected.


5,269 posts

33 months

Monday 24th June
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don'tbesilly said:
CivicDuties said:
Missing two jokes in one go, top marks DBS.

Despite all the st parenting, humour is still a thing in our household, here's my son's idea of a laugh today, lying in wait for me on the staircase.

Gave me a little chuckle on the way down to get a cup of tea, he's a good lad in reality, been out helping the LibDem campaign in a local "safe" Tory seat which they're targeting to win. Sad thing is the previous incumbent, an old school Tory big beast, has chickened out and isn't standing, depriving us of a nice Portillo moment next week. Oh well.
Nice touch from the son by the way, I’m a tad surprised he’s in the UK at the mo & not on a gap year serving Latte’s in Barcelona or Nice.

You went to the ends of the earth to get him an EU passport (apparently) and he’s now going to vote Reform if he can get hold of your polling card. hehe

You need to being hiding any forms of ID and that card, the little rascal!

Er, he's not voting Reform, he's out campaigning for the LibDems as I said. He's got his own polling card, too, being an adult.

I appreciate the effort at humour, but don't give up the day job, Clacton needs its Lattes (no apostrophe needed) too.


3,603 posts

179 months

Monday 24th June
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Upinflames said:
Fair bit of noise around Reform content being taken down by Meta and Alphabet this morning
The back of the queue one?


8,494 posts

103 months

Monday 24th June
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Upinflames said:
Fair bit of noise around Reform content being taken down by Meta and Alphabet this morning
What, in particular, was taken down? What were the reasons?

A quick Google didn't reveal anything, but the usual reason for content being taken down is that it violates policies set by the companies who own the platform. Not political orientation.

For an extreme take, if you posted a video shouting "vote Labour!" whilst waving your willy at the camera, that will get taken down for violating the "don't post videos of your knob" rules. But if you post a video saying "I love Reform, and Farage is a lovely person" whilst keeping your willy hidden, then that will stay.

Likewise saying "oooh, I really don't like (insert name of politician) because they're a silly sausage", that is fine. But "I wish someone would kill (insert name of politician)" is not. This latter type of statement seems to trip up Corbynites more than most as they have the "supporting terrorism is fine just so long as you change your hairstyle between then and any interviews on the matter" mindset, but it is the incitement to violence that is the issue, not the politics.


25,940 posts

170 months

Monday 24th June
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bhstewie said:
Sounds like they've thrown the towel in.

Is Starmergeddon Coming for the Tories?

Iain Dale is pretty well connected.
Isn’t Iain Dale the guy who quit the radio to become a Tory candidate, then was heard saying the place he was going to represent was a sthole or something to that effect?

They are all just a bunch of scum aren’t they. Why even bother if you hate the place? Just an ego trip?


52,545 posts

213 months

Monday 24th June
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p1stonhead said:
Isn’t Iain Dale the guy who quit the radio to become a Tory candidate, then was heard saying the place he was going to represent was a sthole or something to that effect?

They are all just a bunch of scum aren’t they. Why even bother if you hate the place? Just an ego trip?
This one.

Iain Dale drops MP bid after Tunbridge Wells comments

He's had his odd moment like that one and there was something a few years ago where he was trying to manhandle someone out of shot during some political interview or something.

I listen to his LBC show a lot and he's someone who I think was doing it for the right reasons tbh.

I don't know if he'd have had to give up his media commitments if he's been elected but I'd be reasonably sure he wasn't doing it for the money and he felt he could make a difference.

The Hypno-Toad

12,484 posts

208 months

Monday 24th June
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don'tbesilly said:
Well I'm guessing that before he got on the ride, he had found himself in a beautiful house with a beautiful wife...


12,584 posts

98 months

Monday 24th June
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robemcdonald said:
BoomerPride said:
turbobloke said:
robemcdonald said:
To paraphrase Stewart Lee. It’s not idiots planning to vote reform. It’s s too.
Ye gods.
Ye Gods indeed!
It’s a bit of humour don’t get too upset.
Nonononononono, Humour is only permitted as an excuse for bigotry and only when it's their bigotry that needs to be excused.