General Election July 2024



104,880 posts

263 months

Monday 24th June
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blueg33 said:
turbobloke said:
ISWYM but she may not be wet behind the ears if she remembers that the last Labour government had officials compile a database containing details of every garden in England (possibly Wales too). About a week ago in The Guardian Wes Streeting refused to rule out council tax rises if Labour wins the election 'we will not make promises we cannot keep or that the country cannot afford'.

IIRC Starmer has said that council tax bands will not change, however, a new top band or bands may be created, and this is Capt FlipFlop we're dealing with.
++Well at lease we will be rid of:

Colonel crooked
Madame rots quicker than a lettuce
Corporal Inept

I have more respect for someone who can look at a decision and decide it was wrong or could be improved on than people who stick to idiocy no matter how idiotic it is proving to be
You have the basis for a new board game there, and it's a better diversion than most. Having read mention of Lord Ashcroft on a thread this morning, a focus group recently had people tending to agree with Tory policies but refusing to vote for them because of the people, Lord A gave an example but it wasn't Whitby Woman.

Sure, deciding a decision was wrong is OK. Beyond 'a decision' how many wrong decisions can there be before decision-making is revealed as unsound? Take your pick.


26,417 posts

176 months

Monday 24th June
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10 days, why does it feel like it's dragging on and on and on.


5,596 posts

109 months

Monday 24th June
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ChocolateFrog said:
10 days, why does it feel like it's dragging on and on and on.
Agree - we need some excitement


3,832 posts

28 months

Monday 24th June
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blueg33 said:
turbobloke said:
ISWYM but she may not be wet behind the ears if she remembers that the last Labour government had officials compile a database containing details of every garden in England (possibly Wales too). About a week ago in The Guardian Wes Streeting refused to rule out council tax rises if Labour wins the election 'we will not make promises we cannot keep or that the country cannot afford'.

IIRC Starmer has said that council tax bands will not change, however, a new top band or bands may be created, and this is Capt FlipFlop we're dealing with.
++Well at lease we will be rid of:

Colonel crooked
Madame rots quicker than a lettuce
Corporal Inept

I have more respect for someone who can look at a decision and decide it was wrong or could be improved on than people who stick to idiocy no matter how idiotic it is proving to be
Both can happen. The Tories are a shambles and don't deserve to remain in power. An incoming Labour government will raise money through Council Tax.

The latter is easy to collect compared to many other taxes and aimed at the perceived 'rich' it will be popular with Labour's core supporters. I think the people who are going to be disappointed are the not rich Guardian readers who like the message SKS is sending, It will be interesting to see the re-emergency of all the bolshy Labourites and Union leaders. Their silence is deafening but it won't last.

Since we're in the prediction game I will go for the alternative to cutting services or raising taxes that not many seem to be talking about, which is that Labour will change the fiscal rules and borrow more, to once again kick the can down the road. My nightmare is some new hare brained idea like PFI. I fear Labour and the country will be taken to the cleaners.

I just want it over now. Let's see what they can do. Everyone should want things to be improved, even if many are very comfortable with the way things are.


26,417 posts

176 months

Monday 24th June
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sim72 said:
272BHP said:
As an observation I have seen very few posters or signs for this election, usually there are always a few here and there.
In Surrey I have seen no blue or red ones at all, a few orange ones but that is it.
It's complete tumbleweed round here. We've had one Labour leaflet, and one from the Greens.

This is a seat which - whilst the Tories won with 56% of the vote last time - has gone with the winning side in every election since 1970 bar one (a very narrow Tory win in 2005). In recent years UKIP/Brexit/Reform have generally done reasonably well here too. Yet you'd hardly know there was an election on.

Edited by sim72 on Sunday 23 June 22:10
The only one I've seen was on the garden wall of a Conservative MP.

I thought it was brave if nothing else.


7,397 posts

39 months

Monday 24th June
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ChocolateFrog said:
10 days, why does it feel like it's dragging on and on and on.
Probably because most of the population don’t spend their lives being obsessed by any of it.


26,417 posts

176 months

Monday 24th June
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turbobloke said:
ISWYM but she may not be wet behind the ears if she remembers that the last Labour government had officials compile a database containing details of every garden in England (possibly Wales too). About a week ago in The Guardian Wes Streeting refused to rule out council tax rises if Labour wins the election 'we will not make promises we cannot keep or that the country cannot afford'.

IIRC Starmer has said that council tax bands will not change, however, a new top band or bands may be created, and this is Capt FlipFlop we're dealing with.
Sounds a lot like 99% of us need not be worried.


7,929 posts

258 months

Monday 24th June
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macron said:
frisbee said:
Have they investigated who has been betting on the Tories loosing the election?
Well they've certainly been slack.


104,880 posts

263 months

Monday 24th June
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sparkythecat said:
macron said:
frisbee said:
Have they investigated who has been betting on the Tories loosing the election?
Well they've certainly been slack.


7,397 posts

39 months

Monday 24th June
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sparkythecat said:
macron said:
frisbee said:
Have they investigated who has been betting on the Tories loosing the election?
Well they've certainly been slack.


2,349 posts

157 months

Monday 24th June
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Unreal said:
blueg33 said:
turbobloke said:
ISWYM but she may not be wet behind the ears if she remembers that the last Labour government had officials compile a database containing details of every garden in England (possibly Wales too). About a week ago in The Guardian Wes Streeting refused to rule out council tax rises if Labour wins the election 'we will not make promises we cannot keep or that the country cannot afford'.

IIRC Starmer has said that council tax bands will not change, however, a new top band or bands may be created, and this is Capt FlipFlop we're dealing with.
++Well at lease we will be rid of:

Colonel crooked
Madame rots quicker than a lettuce
Corporal Inept

I have more respect for someone who can look at a decision and decide it was wrong or could be improved on than people who stick to idiocy no matter how idiotic it is proving to be
Both can happen. The Tories are a shambles and don't deserve to remain in power. An incoming Labour government will raise money through Council Tax.

The latter is easy to collect compared to many other taxes and aimed at the perceived 'rich' it will be popular with Labour's core supporters. I think the people who are going to be disappointed are the not rich Guardian readers who like the message SKS is sending, It will be interesting to see the re-emergency of all the bolshy Labourites and Union leaders. Their silence is deafening but it won't last.

Since we're in the prediction game I will go for the alternative to cutting services or raising taxes that not many seem to be talking about, which is that Labour will change the fiscal rules and borrow more, to once again kick the can down the road. My nightmare is some new hare brained idea like PFI. I fear Labour and the country will be taken to the cleaners.

I just want it over now. Let's see what they can do. Everyone should want things to be improved, even if many are very comfortable with the way things are.
I think your feelings are echoed by many people. Your fear of another PFI type scheme is also shared. Labour will never, ever cut taxes ever. They will only go one way. So whilst the Tories are a shambles, Labour will be painful for anyone who earns any money or tries to save money. What is yours is theirs.

Castrol for a knave

4,901 posts

94 months

Monday 24th June
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turbobloke said:
ISWYM but she may not be wet behind the ears if she remembers that the last Labour government had officials compile a database containing details of every garden in England (possibly Wales too). About a week ago in The Guardian Wes Streeting refused to rule out council tax rises if Labour wins the election 'we will not make promises we cannot keep or that the country cannot afford'.

IIRC Starmer has said that council tax bands will not change, however, a new top band or bands may be created, and this is Capt FlipFlop we're dealing with.
Except they didn't have officials compile a database. They had the VOA drag itself into the 21st century by installing a GIS system to run alongside its Land Registry portal.

It might add a bit more info to the odd List update, but that's about it.

Maybe the CT list will be updated but given the VOA has been hollowed it, like the Environment Agency (stty rivers anyone), it's just about capable of administering the Rating List and revals, nevermind the CT List.


14,643 posts

286 months

Monday 24th June
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I think we are all aware the polls can be wrong, but usually not by much. I have noticed one thing, people talk about Reform taking Conservative votes and the odd Labour vote. But when you see Farage walking the street etc. it is always blue-collar beer in the pub types cheering him on. The demographic I would say is more Labour-leaning. Add this to the protest vote from those of Arab origin and I think Reform will do better than many expect (I live near Leicester most voters of certain foreign origins I speak to are also frustrated at the Gaza and general immigration situation). I am not saying Reform will win more than 1 seat though. I expect Labour to win like most people, but it might not be the majority expected in terms of votes across the nation.


3,832 posts

28 months

Monday 24th June
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targarama said:
I think we are all aware the polls can be wrong, but usually not by much. I have noticed one thing, people talk about Reform taking Conservative votes and the odd Labour vote. But when you see Farage walking the street etc. it is always blue-collar beer in the pub types cheering him on. The demographic I would say is more Labour-leaning. Add this to the protest vote from those of Arab origin and I think Reform will do better than many expect (I live near Leicester most voters of certain foreign origins I speak to are also frustrated at the Gaza and general immigration situation). I am not saying Reform will win more than 1 seat though. I expect Labour to win like most people, but it might not be the majority expected in terms of votes across the nation.
I think you may be right. I believe many are uncomfortable with the idea of a right leaning working class, believing they are natural labour voters. Farage also attracts those traditional Tories who don't recognise the current shower as Conservatives.


5,269 posts

33 months

Monday 24th June
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Unreal said:
targarama said:
I think we are all aware the polls can be wrong, but usually not by much. I have noticed one thing, people talk about Reform taking Conservative votes and the odd Labour vote. But when you see Farage walking the street etc. it is always blue-collar beer in the pub types cheering him on. The demographic I would say is more Labour-leaning. Add this to the protest vote from those of Arab origin and I think Reform will do better than many expect (I live near Leicester most voters of certain foreign origins I speak to are also frustrated at the Gaza and general immigration situation). I am not saying Reform will win more than 1 seat though. I expect Labour to win like most people, but it might not be the majority expected in terms of votes across the nation.
I think you may be right. I believe many are uncomfortable with the idea of a right leaning working class, believing they are natural labour voters. Farage also attracts those traditional Tories who don't recognise the current shower as Conservatives.
The Alf Garnett type of working class man has always been a right wing sympathiser, if not always a Tory voter. I had a (step) grandfather like this, fiercely racist but a lifelong Labour voter, he hated wealthy people as much as he hated brown people. Were he alive today I'd bet he'd vote Reform.


8,935 posts

199 months

Monday 24th June
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To paraphrase Stewart Lee. It’s not idiots planning to vote reform. It’s s too.


104,880 posts

263 months

Monday 24th June
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robemcdonald said:
To paraphrase Stewart Lee. It’s not idiots planning to vote reform. It’s s too.
Ye gods.


5,269 posts

33 months

Monday 24th June
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turbobloke said:
robemcdonald said:
To paraphrase Stewart Lee. It’s not idiots planning to vote reform. It’s s too.
Ye gods.
No they're highly unlikely to vote Reform, apart from Cthulhu maybe.


3,987 posts

260 months

Monday 24th June
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turbobloke said:
robemcdonald said:
To paraphrase Stewart Lee. It’s not idiots planning to vote reform. It’s s too.
Ye gods.
Ye Gods indeed!


8,935 posts

199 months

Monday 24th June
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BoomerPride said:
turbobloke said:
robemcdonald said:
To paraphrase Stewart Lee. It’s not idiots planning to vote reform. It’s s too.
Ye gods.
Ye Gods indeed!
It’s a bit of humour don’t get too upset.