47th President of the United States

47th President of the United States



24,434 posts

116 months

Wednesday 3rd April
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Sleepy Joe uninspiring but a safe pair of hands overall.

Orange man a genuine threat to both the US and the wider world.

Roderick Spode

3,240 posts

52 months

Wednesday 3rd April
quotequote all
dvs_dave said:
FTFY and your ilk as you’ve been banned from the other threads because of your unacceptable conduct.
I've been banned for unacceptable conduct? When did this occur? I don't bother commenting at all on the 45/46 threads because it's so utterly pointless, as it's become so here. Responses such as yours merely reinforce that.


8,818 posts

228 months

Wednesday 3rd April
quotequote all
Roderick Spode said:
dvs_dave said:
FTFY and your ilk as you’ve been banned from the other threads because of your unacceptable conduct.
I've been banned for unacceptable conduct? When did this occur? I don't bother commenting at all on the 45/46 threads because it's so utterly pointless, as it's become so here. Responses such as yours merely reinforce that.
“your ilk”


Roderick Spode

3,240 posts

52 months

Wednesday 3rd April
quotequote all
dvs_dave said:
Roderick Spode said:
dvs_dave said:
FTFY and your ilk as you’ve been banned from the other threads because of your unacceptable conduct.
I've been banned for unacceptable conduct? When did this occur? I don't bother commenting at all on the 45/46 threads because it's so utterly pointless, as it's become so here. Responses such as yours merely reinforce that.
“your ilk”

"your ilk"

Spell it out, there's a splendid chap. What have I done that's worthy of banning on the other threads, or being associated with those who supposedly have?


17,445 posts

258 months

Wednesday 3rd April
quotequote all
Roderick Spode said:
dvs_dave said:
Roderick Spode said:
dvs_dave said:
FTFY and your ilk as you’ve been banned from the other threads because of your unacceptable conduct.
I've been banned for unacceptable conduct? When did this occur? I don't bother commenting at all on the 45/46 threads because it's so utterly pointless, as it's become so here. Responses such as yours merely reinforce that.
“your ilk”

"your ilk"

Spell it out, there's a splendid chap. What have I done that's worthy of banning on the other threads, or being associated with those who supposedly have?
It's basically a case of: "you are either with us, or against us"


9,674 posts

136 months

Wednesday 3rd April
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paulguitar said:
Sleepy Joe uninspiring but a safe pair of hands overall.

Orange man a genuine threat to both the US and the wider world.
While Biden is infinitely preferable to Trump, he's still an old fool in some respects.
Israel has killed 30,000+ Palestinians and just shot up an aid convoy:

Biden ticks them off for "not doing enough to protect civilians and aid workers" as if it's not Israeli forces doing the killing.
While still shipping them truckloads of arms.

If he pisses off the younger voters and loses to Trump, its all his own fault.

And yes, I know Trump would be worse for Palestine, but some democrat voters will definitely stay home over this.
He'd better hope it's all over by september at the latest.


25,951 posts

196 months

Wednesday 3rd April
quotequote all
AW111 said:
paulguitar said:
Sleepy Joe uninspiring but a safe pair of hands overall.

Orange man a genuine threat to both the US and the wider world.
While Biden is infinitely preferable to Trump, he's still an old fool in some respects.
Israel has killed 30,000+ Palestinians and just shot up an aid convoy:

Biden ticks them off for "not doing enough to protect civilians and aid workers" as if it's not Israeli forces doing the killing.
While still shipping them truckloads of arms.

If he pisses off the younger voters and loses to Trump, its all his own fault.

And yes, I know Trump would be worse for Palestine, but some democrat voters will definitely stay home over this.
He'd better hope it's all over by september at the latest.
WCK is a well-publicised charity in the US and the founder appears on US TV shows regularly so there's potential for significant political effect, trivial as these seven deaths are to the months of mayhem in Gaza I'd be surprised if there isn't at least more fingerwagging from the white house if not actual sanctions. I cannot fathom what purpose is served by not immediately suspending arms shipments.


9,674 posts

136 months

Wednesday 3rd April
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hidetheelephants said:
CK is a well-publicised charity in the US and the founder appears on US TV shows regularly so there's potential for significant political effect, trivial as these seven deaths are to the months of mayhem in Gaza I'd be surprised if there isn't at least more fingerwagging from the white house if not actual sanctions. I cannot fathom what purpose is served by not immediately suspending arms shipments.
This is where Biden’s age is showing.

He's been a supporter of Israel forever, and still seems to think of them as the plucky underdog facing the threat of imminent annihilation.
Think Suez, six day war, Yom Kippur war, etc.

He hasn't adjuted to the fact that Israel nowadays is a nuclear power with massive arms superiority that has no real threat of military defeat.


62,299 posts

220 months

Thursday 4th April
quotequote all
Fox guest pointing out trumps lies on crime
Waling: Listen the highest jump in the murder rate in this country happened in the last year of the trump administration. It didn't happen in any of the Biden years..

Baroque attacks

4,633 posts

189 months

Thursday 4th April
quotequote all
dvs_dave said:
“your ilk”

Just ignore them and they’ll go back to the usual thread.


8,818 posts

228 months

Thursday 4th April
quotequote all
Baroque attacks said:
dvs_dave said:
“your ilk”

Just ignore them and they’ll go back to the usual thread.
You should go over and join in (if you can). The quality of discussion is generally higher as all the trolls/morons have for the most part been purged. Unlike this thread.


17,445 posts

258 months

Thursday 4th April
quotequote all
dvs_dave said:
Baroque attacks said:
dvs_dave said:
“your ilk”

Just ignore them and they’ll go back to the usual thread.
You should go over and join in (if you can). The quality of discussion is generally higher as all the trolls/morons have for the most part been purged. Unlike this thread.
"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser."


12,611 posts

98 months

Thursday 4th April
quotequote all
g4ry13 said:
dvs_dave said:
Baroque attacks said:
dvs_dave said:
“your ilk”

Just ignore them and they’ll go back to the usual thread.
You should go over and join in (if you can). The quality of discussion is generally higher as all the trolls/morons have for the most part been purged. Unlike this thread.
"When the debate is free of ignorant fools, it flourishes."
Fixed that for you


17,445 posts

258 months

Thursday 4th April
quotequote all
captain_cynic said:
g4ry13 said:
dvs_dave said:
Baroque attacks said:
dvs_dave said:
“your ilk”

Just ignore them and they’ll go back to the usual thread.
You should go over and join in (if you can). The quality of discussion is generally higher as all the trolls/morons have for the most part been purged. Unlike this thread.
"When the debate is free of ignorant fools, it flourishes."
Fixed that for you
More specifically, what you really mean is once you have created an echo chamber and either managed to get anyone you disagree with banned, or resorted to bullying anyone with a differing opinion out from participating.

"If you’re afraid of wolves, don’t go to the woods."


12,611 posts

98 months

Thursday 4th April
quotequote all
g4ry13 said:
More specifically, what you really mean is once you have created an echo chamber and either managed to get anyone you disagree with banned, or resorted to bullying anyone with a differing opinion out from participating.

"If you’re afraid of wolves, don’t go to the woods."
The problem you have is the Trump thread isn't an echo chamber.

None of that actually happens there.

What you describe are threads like the COVID or Climate Change thread.

People like you are banned from the Trump thread precisely because we don't want your bullying behaviour and blatant ignorance there.

You're the one afraid of things you disagree with and project that upon everyone else to justify it.

Baroque attacks

4,633 posts

189 months

Thursday 4th April
quotequote all
You’d hope they would run their dreaded script (the irony!) with us all named on it hehe

Anyway, veering back to the title of the thread… I can’t wait for another term of Biden, hopefully with more involvement from AOC! One to watch for the future.

Al Gorithum

3,844 posts

211 months

Thursday 4th April
quotequote all
Baroque attacks said:
hopefully with more involvement from AOC! One to watch for the future.
Agreed. I think she's very impressive, and a good example of the American Dream (came from nothing to become successful).


12,499 posts

265 months

Thursday 4th April
quotequote all
captain_cynic said:
People like you are banned from the Trump thread precisely because we don't want your bullying behaviour and blatant ignorance there.

You're the one afraid of things you disagree with and project that upon everyone else to justify it.
It's not actually accurate cynic, the way the Trump thread worked is that Byker posted stuff whilst attack dogs verbally abused and posted caricatures of people posting opposing opinions. I know this as I was a victim of it.

Some of these posters have been now been perm. banned entirely from the forum, not just the thread, some not, the offensive posts got (mostly) wiped and it looks like nothing occurred whilst others turned a blind eye.

paul and byker would have seen the posts and they will know I am not lying but they won't want to upset the applecart.

it's a nightmare to moderate and the current status quo seems to be working better but lets not throw stones in glass houses.


17,445 posts

258 months

Thursday 4th April
quotequote all
captain_cynic said:
g4ry13 said:
More specifically, what you really mean is once you have created an echo chamber and either managed to get anyone you disagree with banned, or resorted to bullying anyone with a differing opinion out from participating.

"If you’re afraid of wolves, don’t go to the woods."
The problem you have is the Trump thread isn't an echo chamber.

None of that actually happens there.

What you describe are threads like the COVID or Climate Change thread.

People like you are banned from the Trump thread precisely because we don't want your bullying behaviour and blatant ignorance there.

You're the one afraid of things you disagree with and project that upon everyone else to justify it.
People like me or me?

Please clarify?

We're going back to the ilk stuff which has been proven incorrect.

Or is the tactic just to group anyone with a differing opinion together and then walk it back when you are incorrect?

Roderick Spode

3,240 posts

52 months

Thursday 4th April
quotequote all
g4ry13 said:
captain_cynic said:
g4ry13 said:
More specifically, what you really mean is once you have created an echo chamber and either managed to get anyone you disagree with banned, or resorted to bullying anyone with a differing opinion out from participating.

"If you’re afraid of wolves, don’t go to the woods."
The problem you have is the Trump thread isn't an echo chamber.

None of that actually happens there.

What you describe are threads like the COVID or Climate Change thread.

People like you are banned from the Trump thread precisely because we don't want your bullying behaviour and blatant ignorance there.

You're the one afraid of things you disagree with and project that upon everyone else to justify it.
People like me or me?

Please clarify?

We're going back to the ilk stuff which has been proven incorrect.

Or is the tactic just to group anyone with a differing opinion together and then walk it back when you are incorrect?
People who have an opinion contrary to the prevailing orthodoxy. Don't bother posting on the 45 thread unless you endorse the endless negative propaganda posted by the usual suspects, or on the 46 thread unless you despise Trump and agree Biden is definitely the bestest prez evAr.

The same names pop up here and, hey whaddayaknow, the same orthodoxy prevails. Hence why I don't bother posting on the 45 or 46 threads, and generally don't bother here. I was rather hoping this thread wouldn't have become a reheated stramash of the worst aspects of 45/46, but here we are.

Meanwhile, I and my ilk, and people like you, should just pop off with our inconvenient opinions, and leave them to their echo chamber.