“National Conservatism”



12,968 posts

220 months

Sunday 21st May 2023
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Carl_Manchester said:
smn159 said:
Nope, not a clue.

"The political left has never understood that, if you give the government enough power to create ‘social justice,’ you have given it enough power to create despotism. Millions of people around the world have paid with their lives for overlooking that simple fact.".

Thomas Sowell.
I assume that you're making some sort of anti Conservative point, given who's been in charge for several years now.


12,484 posts

265 months

Sunday 4th June 2023
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The dashingly handsome Pedro Sánchez has called a shock election in Spain for 23rd July.

The conservative movement didn't quite sweep the board but it was enough to rattle the old guard.

There might be life in the Thatcherite movement yet, just not in the U.K.

A Florida in the EU ? It could happen, with a woman at the helm .


52,545 posts

213 months

Sunday 4th June 2023
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Italy already have a Government with links to fascism.

Gary C

12,717 posts

182 months

Sunday 4th June 2023
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bhstewie said:
Italy already have a Government with links to fascism.
True and we don't want them back.

I mean, them Romans, what have they ever done for us.


5,596 posts

109 months

Sunday 4th June 2023
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Carl_Manchester said:
The dashingly handsome Pedro Sánchez has called a shock election in Spain for 23rd July.

The conservative movement didn't quite sweep the board but it was enough to rattle the old guard.

There might be life in the Thatcherite movement yet, just not in the U.K.

A Florida in the EU ? It could happen, with a woman at the helm .
Let's hope not.


12,278 posts

111 months

Sunday 4th June 2023
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Poland is already the Florida of Europe.


12,484 posts

265 months

Sunday 4th June 2023
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bhstewie said:
Italy already have a Government with links to fascism.
Gavin Mortimer did a piece in the Spectator today that talks about this and incidentally, also Le Pen.


The general view is that the European Left needs a new approach other than the tired old name calling approach.


7,954 posts

55 months

Sunday 4th June 2023
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Spectator article <> ‘general view’

Derek Smith

45,961 posts

251 months

Sunday 4th June 2023
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Carl_Manchester said:
bhstewie said:
Italy already have a Government with links to fascism.
Gavin Mortimer did a piece in the Spectator today that talks about this and incidentally, also Le Pen.


The general view is that the European Left needs a new approach other than the tired old name calling approach.
It's tired journalism, almost SEO for the lot they aim for. There is no all-encompassing left, any more than right. The tories have the ERM followers, the National Conservatives (really?) and also the majority. In the last group, there are some sensible points of view, some most of us would relate to.

The same goes for labour. They run the gamut from new-Marxists to those who just want to be fair to everyone. Not only that, to suggest there's a European left is farcical. A bit to the left in Poland differs from a bit to the left in Ireland by more than a bit.

The article seems to suggest that the left are stamped from a mold.

The right of the tory party eulogise Thatcher, but she had few beliefs that could be cast as right-wing. She would chew up and spit out Mogg, and although I might pay to see her and Braverman in a head-to-head, I know who'd be left bloody on the ring floor.


52,545 posts

213 months

Monday 5th June 2023
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Carl_Manchester said:
Gavin Mortimer did a piece in the Spectator today that talks about this and incidentally, also Le Pen.


The general view is that the European Left needs a new approach other than the tired old name calling approach.
What should I call people with links to fascism and people who have been found to have been parroting Kremlin propaganda?



7,954 posts

55 months

Monday 5th June 2023
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bhstewie said:
What should I call people with links to fascism and people who have been found to have been parroting Kremlin propaganda?

Come on man - it's not that, it's the 'the left' use words they don't like, so it's their fault.


12,278 posts

111 months

Monday 5th June 2023
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There are two types of left wing people to conservatives.

The entitled poor who are envious of the more well off and want to take what the have out of spite.

Champagne socialists who are hypocrites and should be giving away all their money or they aren’t really left wing.

Both are easily dismissed.


12,968 posts

220 months

Monday 5th June 2023
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ZedLeg said:
There are two types of left wing people to conservatives.

The entitled poor who are envious of the more well off and want to take what the have out of spite.

Champagne socialists who are hypocrites and should be giving away all their money or they aren’t really left wing.

Both are easily dismissed.
You make conservatives sound like complete simpletons - is that really the case?


12,278 posts

111 months

Monday 5th June 2023
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smn159 said:
ZedLeg said:
There are two types of left wing people to conservatives.

The entitled poor who are envious of the more well off and want to take what the have out of spite.

Champagne socialists who are hypocrites and should be giving away all their money or they aren’t really left wing.

Both are easily dismissed.
You make conservatives sound like complete simpletons - is that really the case?
Not all are but it would appear a lot of the high profile ones would fit that description.


2,210 posts

112 months

Monday 5th June 2023
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ZedLeg said:
smn159 said:
ZedLeg said:
There are two types of left wing people to conservatives.

The entitled poor who are envious of the more well off and want to take what the have out of spite.

Champagne socialists who are hypocrites and should be giving away all their money or they aren’t really left wing.

Both are easily dismissed.
You make conservatives sound like complete simpletons - is that really the case?
Not all are but it would appear a lot of the high profile ones would fit that description.
In terms of high profile simpletons, then (sadly) I think Labour can put up a strong field to rival/best anything the Conservatives can come up with in the stupidity Olympics...


12,278 posts

111 months

Monday 5th June 2023
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chemistry said:
ZedLeg said:
smn159 said:
ZedLeg said:
There are two types of left wing people to conservatives.

The entitled poor who are envious of the more well off and want to take what the have out of spite.

Champagne socialists who are hypocrites and should be giving away all their money or they aren’t really left wing.

Both are easily dismissed.
You make conservatives sound like complete simpletons - is that really the case?
Not all are but it would appear a lot of the high profile ones would fit that description.
In terms of high profile simpletons, then (sadly) I think Labour can put up a strong field to rival/best anything the Conservatives can come up with in the stupidity Olympics...

I was considering not answering as I didn't want to end up in a what about this labour guy back and forth.

There are stheads all over.


12,583 posts

98 months

Monday 5th June 2023
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ZedLeg said:
I was considering not answering as I didn't want to end up in a what about this labour guy back and forth.

There are stheads all over.
Can someone remind me which party has been in power for the last 13 odd years... Was it Labour?


7,853 posts

74 months

Monday 5th June 2023
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ZedLeg said:
There are two types of left wing people to conservatives.

The entitled poor who are envious of the more well off and want to take what the have out of spite.

Champagne socialists who are hypocrites and should be giving away all their money or they aren’t really left wing.

Both are easily dismissed.
Not true, but like a lot of such statements an interesting light to shine on your own thought process.

There are many types of lefty as I see it and I'm optimistic enough to think that most believe they are sincerely advocating something that would make for a better, fairer and more inclusive world. There are the types who believe in redistributing wealth from those who have it to those who need it. Those who believe restrictive traditions and customs can be dispensed with to make people freer and happier. Internationalists who believe in cooperation and assisting the world's poor to enjoy wealth and freedom.

All of which are things I would consider desirable, although as a "right winger" (they're very limiting terms) I'd probably put more emphasis on stability, prosperity and security.

I would say the healthiest societies are ones where these countervailing forces are in some sort of balance through a democratic process and mature debate with at least a starting assumption that the 'other side' is acting in good faith with a sincere belief that their ideas promote the general weal.

Unfortunately there are some, and many of the loudest ones seem to be on 'the left', who believe that anyone who disagrees with them must be somehow malevolent. As though greed, bigotry and spite were the only reasons to have other ideas or priorities, and stupidity the only reason to support them.


12,278 posts

111 months

Monday 5th June 2023
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JuanCarlosFandango said:
Unfortunately there are some, and many of the loudest ones seem to be on 'the left', who believe that anyone who disagrees with them must be somehow malevolent. As though greed, bigotry and spite were the only reasons to have other ideas or priorities, and stupidity the only reason to support them.
I agreed with you until this, just back to "it's the other side that are the problem".

As I said above, not every conservative is like the example I posted. A lot of the loudest are though. How many times a day does someone on NP&E say "politics of envy" or "champagne socialist"?


7,853 posts

74 months

Monday 5th June 2023
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ZedLeg said:
I agreed with you until this, just back to "it's the other side that are the problem".

As I said above, not every conservative is like the example I posted. A lot of the loudest are though. How many times a day does someone on NP&E say "politics of envy" or "champagne socialist"?
Plenty. I said "Many of the loudest" are on the left, still plenty of loud ones on the right too.