Scottish Politics / Independence - Vol 12

Scottish Politics / Independence - Vol 12



10,713 posts

143 months

Friday 5th July
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Roderick Spode said:
Yup, still enjoying myself here. Hoping Alistair Carmichael is returned in Orkney & Shetland for the Lib Dems, he's a decent guy. Of the remaining Scottish seats hoping that the borders will stay blue, and somehow the last North East seats don't go to the SNP. Really hoping the SNP are reduced to single figures. Keith Brown on the Beeb just now saying "aye but but we were on six seats back in 2007, then we won loads..." The delusion is still strong within the bunker.
Glad to see you are still conscious, i'm just home off the back of a 12 hour night shift and as i saw the results coming in during breaks for up here i was genuinely worried you might have alcohol poisoning by now going on the dram per SNP loss formula biggrin

It's the highlight of this election for me and i genuinely hope the rabbit in the headlights look that Starmer was sporting just before giving his speech is not a sign of things to come ( whoever thought a UK election campaign strategy of just say nothing would be a winner). I remember where the last Labour rout ended up, with some councils being run with levels of corruption that would put some of the outgoing shysters to shame. I didn't expect Reform to get an MP and they got far more votes than i would have liked, but so did the Tories and the SNP despite their pasting (WTF is wrong with our neighbours in Perth and Kinross ?) and i suspect the turn out UK wide is going to be abysmal.

Labour really do have a job on their hands. For me we are in a transitional phase that will hopefully see the old left and right parties finally put to sleep and something new and better emerge but there is just as much chance we might be in for some instability and some unpleasant people being elected, if as i suspect Labour stay on the current path that both they and the Tories have been treading in terms of net zero and high levels of immigration.

Both will come to a head in the not too distant future as the cost of net zero starts biting and there is no chance Labour can create the huge level of infrastructure that's required to support the increase in population we have seen in the last twenty years along with what is to come in the next five years.

At least it looks like this might be the final nail in the SNP coffin, certainly for a few generations (i mean generations in the traditional sense as well, not the SNP five minute generation) and hopefully for good. At the end they showed just what a nasty, spiteful, hypocritical bunch they really are and due to them politicising Police Scotland hopefully the regime change will see a few of them in jail.


1,732 posts

150 months

Friday 5th July
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Presumably, of the 4 still to declare in Scotland the SNP are shoo-ins for Inverness and Skye and Angus and Perthshire?


2,236 posts

120 months

Friday 5th July
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Roderick Spode said:
Aw for the love of fk. Tiresome pub bore Stephen Gethins gets parachuted into Arbroath & Broughty Ferry and manages to win it.
Yeah that was a bit of a nailed on result from the get-go I'm afraid, too many freebie lovers in the new larger ward now. Glad I did my bit and went for the tactical vote to at least try to hoof them out, but not too surprised that the free bus pass / prescriptions / money brigade won in the end.

Oh and well done to the PHers who managed to stay up and toast every SNP loss, thank you for your service bowbiggrin

Edited by csd19 on Friday 5th July 07:35


2,968 posts

202 months

Friday 5th July
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With that many SNP losses I'm surprised Roderick is still able to type coherently biggrin


2,020 posts

220 months

Friday 5th July
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s2kjock said:
Presumably, of the 4 still to declare in Scotland the SNP are shoo-ins for Inverness and Skye and Angus and Perthshire?
I think so. That will give them 10 seats as predicted by the exit poll. The 2 Dumfries seats will probably go to either the Tories or Labour.


1,732 posts

150 months

Friday 5th July
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Ecosseven said:
s2kjock said:
Presumably, of the 4 still to declare in Scotland the SNP are shoo-ins for Inverness and Skye and Angus and Perthshire?
I think so. That will give them 10 seats as predicted by the exit poll. The 2 Dumfries seats will probably go to either the Tories or Labour.
Frustrating, but hey-ho. Apparently the age of "greed is good" is over so guess I need to get with the programme......


2,306 posts

36 months

Friday 5th July
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Oh Dundee what have you done? Ashamed to be a Dundonianranting

Broughty Ferry as well, got up at six and saw only four seats for SNP, then at seven o’clock they were at seven boo-hoo. Still better than expected though, roll on 2026 elections in Scotland


16,315 posts

205 months

Friday 5th July
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Yes city banghead


3,173 posts

80 months

Friday 5th July
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"oh what a night............."

anyone got any news on what Sturgeon was doing all night - for some reason i suspect she'd be thinking there may be a way back for her.............


11,402 posts

270 months

Friday 5th July
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Sad and ironic that the central belt, whom the SNP have pandered to have kicked them out, whilst northern constituencies, which the SNP doesn't give two fks about, have voted them back in.


2,600 posts

202 months

Friday 5th July
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I want single digits - but I suspect the excuses are primed.

"postal votes aye?"

"was abooot them tories aye?"

I dont see an ounce so far of likely reflection on that fact independence is dead. The question is whether this would be reflected in a Scottish election, I assume Labour will need to prove their onions and quick?


6,177 posts

67 months

Friday 5th July
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Morning all!

Radio silence from me was because I was involved in the local count.

SNP needed to learn the lesson of loss.

Hopefully (but I am not entirely confident about it) Labour won't play back into their hands in the next two years.

I'm off for a lie-down.


3,295 posts

148 months

Friday 5th July
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SNP wiped out..!!!

There must be a lot of happy faces on here this morning...this day has been long coming but it was worth it, I can't wait to hear the excuses from the muppet squad.

Swinney will now be under mega pressure from Labour to call a Scottish election following that landslide.

Here are our results, frightening to see that 36% still voted for the SNP...still they were removed and that's all that matters.


7,790 posts

139 months

Friday 5th July
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I was getting a bit greedy late on in the night when single figures looked likely on the other hand unlike SNP last time who benefitted from many narrow victories most results I saw were good cuffings. Not likely to return to the SNP next time at a UK election.

More importantly these figures are a great starting point for Holyrood in 2026.

If it looks likely the SNP will not get huge numbers of fptp seats the infighting to get good places on the list will be intense. Grifters will grift.

That virtue signalling move to give top list places to BAME and the "disabled" doesn't look so clever now.

Indy off the table for the foreseeable.


6,177 posts

67 months

Friday 5th July
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Klippie said:
Swinney will now be under mega pressure from Labour to call a Scottish election following that result.
The call will come but Swinney will ride things out as planned. He's there to manage the decline so no point in speeding it up.


7,790 posts

139 months

Friday 5th July
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I have to say I thought in the circumstances Stephen Flynn came across pretty well. Talked fairly well on the hoof to broadcasters. Quoted in the Herald

"To see your friends and colleagues losing their seats is tough to take,” he said. “Now we need to do what’s difficult in politics: to pull back the curtain and look at some of the skeletons in your closet.”

I wonder if the golden lining here for the SNP is that he may be able to purge the old Sturgeon clique.


3,295 posts

148 months

Friday 5th July
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irc said:
I have to say I thought in the circumstances Stephen Flynn came across pretty well. Talked fairly well on the hoof to broadcasters. Quoted in the Herald

"To see your friends and colleagues losing their seats is tough to take,” he said. “Now we need to do what’s difficult in politics: to pull back the curtain and look at some of the skeletons in your closet.”

I wonder if the golden lining here for the SNP is that he may be able to purge the old Sturgeon clique.
I can't see it, Sturgeon still rulles the roost in the SNP, it would take somebody very brave to spill the beans, only then will the Surgeon house of cards come crashing down then jail time will come a calling.


1,227 posts

169 months

Friday 5th July
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I was quite pleased when I woke up this morning!

I do think a lot of the gains are more of a protest vote to try and wake up the SNP, especially when reading r/Scotland. A lot are saying that, or just blaming the English (as usual).


2,805 posts

70 months

Friday 5th July
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Given their core voters have still voted for them, what chance of change up here? I was fizzing at the thought of having yet another single issue election foisted on me pretty sure it's the 7th in a row. I only voted Labour because they put up a decent candidate in my area. If they put up the same child as last time for the Scottish election I won't for them.


3,561 posts

149 months

Friday 5th July
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Monsterlime said:
a protest vote to try and wake up the SNP
Unless they were all saying that weeks ago, it's just retconning the result in the least damaging way.

With 2 to declare, looks like the SNP will hang on to Inverness, Skye & West Ross, and aren't (never were) in the running for Dumfries and Galloway.


Not *quite* the best-case single figures wipeout many of us were hoping for, but pretty damn close. Following on from Roderick's maths earlier, between the loss of short money and the MPs "tithe" to party funds, looks like the SNP stand to lose roughly £1.1M a year income, with membership in freefall and no lottery winners or businessmen donating either.