“National Conservatism”



6,714 posts

134 months

Sunday 21st May 2023
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Your right. That’s why Marx and Engels challenged the status quo but to assume that Conservatisn doesn’t have some serious intellectual heft behind it which isn’t about screwing the poor is just nonsense.


3,029 posts

124 months

Sunday 21st May 2023
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True, but Burke’s arguments work just as well for liberalism. He says we don’t have human rights somehow granted divinely (he was arguing against rights of man in US and French Revolutions) we have rights inherited from a historical process, which we then can alter and pass on. If those rights should be progressive or reactionary is irrelevant to the thesis

I.e we don’t have gay marriage because of some universal human rights, we have gay marriage because society and parliament decided we should have gay marriage


42,961 posts

238 months

Sunday 21st May 2023
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2xChevrons said:
Does the same hold true when discussing Labour post-2019? Because a common refrain was that Labour had to accept that a true left-wing offering was always doomed to electoral defeat and they had to accept that Britain was a (small c)onservative country.

Those of us who believe that it important and correct to offer effective opposition and a meaningful alternative (and to argue the case for progressive solutions) have been repeatedly told that this is 'student politics', that we'd see Labour rendered a 'protest movement' and that 'principles are nothing without power'.

I could swap round many of your sentences above - "Labour becoming the Conservatives in order to be elected rather defeats the purpose" - but we are always told that this is how it must be.
Fair points and an argument for PR to stop the process of voting for the "least worst" option.


14,075 posts

99 months

Sunday 21st May 2023
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I'm not sure what would be Trumpian about it, but the Conservatives have moved so far left, economically at the very least, that it was always going to leave them vulnerable from the right.

Maybe we'll be stuck with Sleepy Keir for a bit.


7,864 posts

74 months

Sunday 21st May 2023
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Ridgemont said:
Your right. That’s why Marx and Engels challenged the status quo but to assume that Conservatisn doesn’t have some serious intellectual heft behind it which isn’t about screwing the poor is just nonsense.
I think that is something certain people find very intimidating. Just from those links posted above you have Douglas Murray who is gay, Melanie Phillips who is Jewish and Theodore Dalrymple, a psychiatrist, atheist and son of a Jewish refugee. A funny line up for a Nazi rally aimed at knuckle dragging bible bashers who secretly just hate minorities. Each of them giving well thought out talks on serious topics from a place of love.

I don't know if there is a Glob Prog conference where alternative ideas are similarly discussed. I've never seen it.

It strikes me that while the progressive left tend to assume intellectual superiority and that conservative ideas are a cover for spite, greed and bigotry, the reality is more like the reverse. They see spite and greed everywhere because that is the lense through which they perceive the world.


52,631 posts

213 months

Sunday 21st May 2023
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Isn't that things like the WEF?

I mean it's good nobody loses their st over ideas like 15 minute cities or "You'll own nothing and be happy" or buys into a bunch of conspiracy theory rubbish about "Uncle Klaus" running the world laugh

Randy Winkman

16,608 posts

192 months

Sunday 21st May 2023
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768 said:
I'm not sure what would be Trumpian about it, but the Conservatives have moved so far left, economically at the very least, that it was always going to leave them vulnerable from the right.

Maybe we'll be stuck with Sleepy Keir for a bit.
Fair point, but I'd have thought that what's going to get them back on track is some clear headed and well informed economic thinking rather than some religious, "anti-woke" stuff. I guess that some of them have picked the latter because they simply don't know how to do the former. Led by the ones that got jobs because of their appropriate views on Brexit or friendship with Boris.

Castrol for a knave

4,918 posts

94 months

Sunday 21st May 2023
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I think most people just want to be able to pay their mortgage, fuel and food bills, get a GP appointment in a reasonable time and know if they or a family member falls ill, the NHS will be able to treat them.

So long as whichever government is in power can deliver that, then all to the good.

They are not engaged in the culture wars or care about trans rights, birthrates or unfetered economic markets. It is not an ideological battleground.

PH can be a little self selecting, and NP&E moreso.

Just as we on PH struggle to understand why for many, a car is a large metal box for moving children, shopping and sickly pets around, then politics is equally vanilla and uninteresting to a good proportion of the UK.


19,429 posts

262 months

Sunday 21st May 2023
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Castrol for a knave said:
I think most people just want to be able to pay their mortgage, fuel and food bills, get a GP appointment in a reasonable time and know if they or a family member falls ill, the NHS will be able to treat them.

So long as whichever government is in power can deliver that, then all to the good.

They are not engaged in the culture wars or care about trans rights, birthrates or unfetered economic markets. It is not an ideological battleground.

PH can be a little self selecting, and NP&E moreso.

Just as we on PH struggle to understand why for many, a car is a large metal box for moving children, shopping and sickly pets around, then politics is equally vanilla and uninteresting to a good proportion of the UK.
I think about 80-90% of politics is just that, frame-dragging by perception management to acquire voters, but little in terms of any real practical change. Small changes are about the obligation to fulfil specious or purely rhetorical arguments made at some distance from realities.


7,801 posts

205 months

Sunday 21st May 2023
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768 said:
I'm not sure what would be Trumpian about it, but the Conservatives have moved so far left, economically at the very least, that it was always going to leave them vulnerable from the right.

Maybe we'll be stuck with Sleepy Keir for a bit.
Sleepy Keir? I think this conference worked.


12,501 posts

265 months

Sunday 21st May 2023
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F1GTRUeno said:
It's a flawed social contract when the masses have to accept that the few will hoard all the wealth and bargain for as low a tax as it gets whilst privatising and defunding anything that might look after them in the process.
the problem with the current set of activist cup cakes is that their definition of 'rich' is a nuclear family who can afford a car and a basic house and two children.

not many will challenge the concepts of social justice but the implementation challenges you have with achieving it is that you need everything and all contained inside an air tight box otherwise, the 'rich' will simply flee to a place that's not under tyranny of the implementation of 'social justice'.


13,003 posts

220 months

Sunday 21st May 2023
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Carl_Manchester said:
the problem with the current set of activist cup cakes is that their definition of 'rich' is a nuclear family who can afford a car and a basic house and two children.

not many will challenge the concepts of social justice but the implementation challenges you have with achieving it is that you need everything and all contained inside an air tight box otherwise, the 'rich' will simply flee to a place that's not under tyranny of the implementation of 'social justice'.
Nope, not a clue.



12,278 posts

111 months

Sunday 21st May 2023
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I think this is going back to the discourse over whether having £1m+ in assets means you’re well off.

Some people are desperate to prove it doesn’t. Presumably because they see themselves as salt of the earth average guys and being in the top 10% doesn’t track with that.


7,848 posts

263 months

Sunday 21st May 2023
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ZedLeg said:
I think this is going back to the discourse over whether having £1m+ in assets means you’re well off.

Some people are desperate to prove it doesn’t. Presumably because they see themselves as salt of the earth average guys and being in the top 10% doesn’t track with that.
It's considerably more nuanced than that. For example, if you had looked around my mother-in-laws North London house you would have concluded she lived in poverty, and yet the value of that house put her in the top 10%, even though she paid £3,000 for it 70 years ago. But making her move out of it, the house in which she had cared for two parents and a husband, and had two children, would have been verging on abuse.


12,278 posts

111 months

Sunday 21st May 2023
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Zumbruk said:
ZedLeg said:
I think this is going back to the discourse over whether having £1m+ in assets means you’re well off.

Some people are desperate to prove it doesn’t. Presumably because they see themselves as salt of the earth average guys and being in the top 10% doesn’t track with that.
It's considerably more nuanced than that. For example, if you had looked around my mother-in-laws North London house you would have concluded she lived in poverty, and yet the value of that house put her in the top 10%, even though she paid £3,000 for it 70 years ago. But making her move out of it, the house in which she had cared for two parents and a husband, and had two children, would have been verging on abuse.
We did this argument not long ago.

While there is still a generation of people who just bought a house that is now worth a lot of money. It’s more the children of those people who’ve taken advantage of their parent’s good fortune and have ended up pretty well off. They don’t like to admit it though.

I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with it, just admit it.


7,848 posts

263 months

Sunday 21st May 2023
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ZedLeg said:
Zumbruk said:
ZedLeg said:
I think this is going back to the discourse over whether having £1m+ in assets means you’re well off.

Some people are desperate to prove it doesn’t. Presumably because they see themselves as salt of the earth average guys and being in the top 10% doesn’t track with that.
It's considerably more nuanced than that. For example, if you had looked around my mother-in-laws North London house you would have concluded she lived in poverty, and yet the value of that house put her in the top 10%, even though she paid £3,000 for it 70 years ago. But making her move out of it, the house in which she had cared for two parents and a husband, and had two children, would have been verging on abuse.
We did this argument not long ago.

While there is still a generation of people who just bought a house that is now worth a lot of money. It’s more the children of those people who’ve taken advantage of their parent’s good fortune and have ended up pretty well off. They don’t like to admit it though.

I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with it, just admit it.
OIC. Thank you for the elaboration.

And even though I was co-beneficiary when the house was sold, I am inclined to agree with you.

Although what really boils my piss is the fact that the Duke of Westminster paid less IHT on his £12 billion estate than we did on a three bedroom semi in North London.


17,431 posts

174 months

Sunday 21st May 2023
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Castrol for a knave said:
I think most people just want to be able to pay their mortgage, fuel and food bills, get a GP appointment in a reasonable time and know if they or a family member falls ill, the NHS will be able to treat them.

So long as whichever government is in power can deliver that, then all to the good.

They are not engaged in the culture wars or care about trans rights, birthrates or unfetered economic markets. It is not an ideological battleground.

PH can be a little self selecting, and NP&E moreso.

Just as we on PH struggle to understand why for many, a car is a large metal box for moving children, shopping and sickly pets around, then politics is equally vanilla and uninteresting to a good proportion of the UK.
Agreed, but politicians need an "enemy" otherwise they have to admit the failures the provide the above needs are their own. The current government have been in power so long that they're running out of people to blame - it was originally Labour, then the Eastern Europeans, now its the "tofu eating wokerati", or the "anti democratic judges" or asylum seekers, or usually (if Priti Patel or Braverman are speaking) all 3 at once.

The party was gutted of sensible and rational heads who had seen things come and go, and instead it contains a raft of MPs who are utterly unsuited to their roles and instead of fixing real problems which real people care about, they point fingers of blame and attempt to stop those instead.

The reason that asylum seekers are an issue is not the number, but the huge amount of time now needed to process them, which you can map pretty easily against the cuts to the Home Office budget. Obviously the issue is the budget being cut, but far easier to blame the asylum seekers instead.


12,501 posts

265 months

Sunday 21st May 2023
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smn159 said:
Nope, not a clue.

"The political left has never understood that, if you give the government enough power to create ‘social justice,’ you have given it enough power to create despotism. Millions of people around the world have paid with their lives for overlooking that simple fact.".

Thomas Sowell.


18,209 posts

269 months

Sunday 21st May 2023
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JuanCarlosFandango said:
I think that is something certain people find very intimidating. Just from those links posted above you have Douglas Murray who is gay, Melanie Phillips who is Jewish and Theodore Dalrymple, a psychiatrist, atheist and son of a Jewish refugee. A funny line up for a Nazi rally aimed at knuckle dragging bible bashers who secretly just hate minorities. Each of them giving well thought out talks on serious topics from a place of love.

I don't know if there is a Glob Prog conference where alternative ideas are similarly discussed. I've never seen it.

It strikes me that while the progressive left tend to assume intellectual superiority and that conservative ideas are a cover for spite, greed and bigotry, the reality is more like the reverse. They see spite and greed everywhere because that is the lense through which they perceive the world.
Good post.