David Jason's "racist" joke...



13,812 posts

194 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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I think it's David Jason that deserves an apology from some idiot thinking there was anything racist about that joke.


16,318 posts

200 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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David Jason joke said:
"What do you call a pakistani cloakroom attendant?"
"Ma-hat-ma coat."
Poor David Jason joke link

It's not funny, but neither is it offensive....


1,926 posts

205 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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One of the regular contributors to Terry Wogans' show goes by the name Mahatma Coat. Perhaps he'll be banned too now.


3,274 posts

186 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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Absolute radio, formerly Virgin was bought last year by an Indian group.
This might explain their sensitivity.



Original Poster:

16,484 posts

247 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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ianash said:
Absolute radio, formerly Virgin was bought last year by an Indian group.
This might explain their sensitivity.

I doubt it. In fact I doubt if any Indians would even bother to find it offensive.

Most people have a sense of humour, even if it is an ancient joke.


8,742 posts

248 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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Will the Scottish gay couple be offended if I put their names on this thread?
Ben Doon and Phil McCavity.

Is that scot-ist or gay-ist, or both, or neither? biggrin

Then there's the couple who don't think we should give up:
Percy Vere Theroux
Helen Highwater

Also the couple who love David Jason and think he should carry on:
Fraser Jolly-Goodfellow
Ann-Susie Olivers

I bet Seamus O'Lohver will be disappointed if all these jokes finish.

"It's enough to drive one to drink this is", piped up Carl Ingblack-Lable.

Edited by Dracoro on Thursday 26th March 13:41


16,318 posts

200 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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merc_man said:
One of the regular contributors to Terry Wogans' show goes by the name Mahatma Coat. Perhaps he'll be banned too now.
I think that most of the "contributors" would be banned smile


3,448 posts

212 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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well i didn't understand the whole apology and not acceptable bit so i told it to the Indian lady i work with, she has no idea why its meant to be racist, but does agree its pants smile


6,442 posts

193 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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What do you call a pakistani with ham on there head?

What do you call a pakistani with lots of ham on his head?

What do you call a one eye scottish idiot who bumbles and fumbles and thinks he is doing a good job?
Winky Mcfknuts

Not funny in anyway, not even borderline racist, its still a joke ffs, Virgin radio was bad enough when it was Virgin, now its Absoloute and complete st, the reason they didnt have any complaints is because, you either cant get a single thats worth listening to, most people have some form of mp3 player in there car these days, so therefore E=mc2xAbsouleteradio=complete toss that no one listens to, so therefore using the theory of relativaty(sp) if no one listens to the complete ball sack that is absoulete radio, no one can complain about it

Simple maths.....I think laugh


12,955 posts

235 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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He can't be racist, one of his best mates was Denzil.


7,637 posts

202 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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A pakistani lesbian that I know (named Minjita) thought it was funny.


1,379 posts

219 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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.....and if he had said "What do you call two Spanish firemen? Hose A and Hose B", do you think the Costas would be rioting. Don't think so.


What was the last father and son combination to play County Cricket? Miandad.

NOT RACIST!!!!!!!!!


15,370 posts

191 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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G'kar said:
esselte said:
Negative Creep said:
What do you call an Indian at a jumble sale?


What do you call an Indian pool attendant?

Juhadya Bandin
What do you call an Indian Karaoke singer..?

Gerupta Singh...

hmmm, might need to contact the judges on that one. Although Singh is a Sikh name, there are many sikhs in India.
In fact 19m out of 25m are in India.

The name Mahatma is more likely to be Indian than pakistani (as pakistan is predominantly Muslim, and India is predominantly Hindi.

Minor semantics are a moot point on the usual name based jokes. Think of how many Chinese name based jokes are in existance.


16,318 posts

200 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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G'kar said:
esselte said:
Negative Creep said:
What do you call an Indian at a jumble sale?


What do you call an Indian pool attendant?

Juhadya Bandin
What do you call an Indian Karaoke singer..?

Gerupta Singh...

"Gerupta Sikh" isn't funny though....



12,955 posts

235 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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james_tigerwoods said:
"Gerupta Sikh" isn't funny though....

What about "I'd Like To Teach The World to Singh" by the New Sikhers?


22,907 posts

244 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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DamoLLb said:
Nobody has taken offence. So why the apology?
pakistani guy took my fence once. The b'stard.


16,318 posts

200 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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Goodness Gracious Me said:
In a restaurant...

Indian man 1:For starter we shall have 6... no 12 bread rolls. For main course everybody?
Indian Man 2: What's the blandest thing on the menu?
James the Waiter: The scampi's our specialty sir.
Indian Man 2: I'll have that.


3,079 posts

201 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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In the Netherlands it is still socially acceptable to call black Africans by the the 'N' word (although it is pronounced differently). It doesn't have the same connotations that it does in English. It basically just means Nigerians. I know not all Africans are from Nigeria, but neither are all Dutch people from Holland, or all British people from England.

No I by no means consider myself a racist. But I think the levels of positive discrimination that have been forced upon us by self obsessed idiots in this country has gone beyond a joke. You can call someone a freckled faced ginger Celt in as angry a tone and with as much malice as possible and that's fine, but to make a joke about an Asian religion or a funny name is scandalous. It has all gone tits up.


7,637 posts

202 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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[AJ said:
It has all gone tits up.
nono That is sexist.


398 posts

205 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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The worst thing is that its not the Muslims complaining.

Bloody over paranoid English!