Has PH always been so Tory?



3,101 posts

242 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Thing is, has PH become more Tory now its owned by a Tory?


7,080 posts

241 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Plotloss said:
sadako said:
cazzer said:
Or perhaps a lot of the people who voted them in at the time are now saying "No guv, not me guv, I've always voted tory. Maggie? God bless her".

Would you admit to voting this shower of st into power?
Considering the current erosion of rights started well into when the Torys were in power, notably with the criminal justice bill, and only escalated with the current government. I suspect that the st is the same no matter which assholes you vote for...
Criminal Justice Bill was '94 so well into the Tory Autumn years.

This shower of st have done far more damage to the fabric of this country than the Tories ever have.
Agreed. The lesser of two evils is still nothing more than damage limitation though. In the meantime I will continue to clear my debts and keep my passport up to date in case things get worse.

Invisible man

39,731 posts

287 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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M3333 said:
Could somebody be more specific with a list of Tory failings? The reason i ask is in 1997 i was 16 years old, i remember growing up under a Tory government and i also remember life being a dam site better for the people of this country than it is now.

I remember there being some lazy people, a bit of waste in local councils, hardly any of this 'nanny state' stuff. Problems yes, but nothing to make people feel scared, opressed and just utterly down due to a massive political failure?

How bad are Labours failings in comparison?

I do remember a lot of Tory 'sex' sleaze but hardly any serious 'political' sleaze as seems to be rotten to the core of the current administration.

I do not think i could ever vote Labour for the record, thats from someone who lived in blairs constituency and Blair before he was PM, didnt believe in him even at the young age of 16.

One guy in my year at school loved Labour, he still does now and constantly has things on his facebook message thing. I swear if i ever see him i will want to really try and hold him to account on this bloody government - moron.

Not sure who i will vote for yet. . . . . but i do want this lot gone!

Edited by M3333 on Tuesday 17th March 21:07
I think the sleaze went on back then as it does now.......you just didn't get to hear about it so easily


28,377 posts

287 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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Pesty said:
el stovey said:
I expect here are loads of posters here who voted Labour in '97.

The tories were almost as corrupt and out of touch with the electorate as Labour are now. The country really needed change.
I was brought up surrounded by Coal mines in a council house in the North. Not old enough to remember the last labour government.
I voted labour in 97.

I would rather chop off my arms than vote Tory. I expected these muppets to be better, in fact I was banking on it. They are worse much worse.

Now I would rather chop off my legs than vote Labour.

They are all s.
Difficult political situation, that. In your position (and to retain my limbs) I would find the most local independent candidate and vote for them. Whilst they may not affect government if they get in they will tend to be a good local MP as they have no whip.


28,377 posts

287 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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J500ANT said:
Thing is, has PH become more Tory now its owned by a Tory?
Well. It used to be owned by PetrolTed - and his political leaning are his own business. Now it's owned by a Company. Companies aren't politically motivated. They are profit motivated.

So I don't think that even begins to be relevant.

It's just down to the demographic. If you like sports cars/performance cars/motorsport. You'll tend to be the sort of person who can afford it. Chances are if you've got money you'll be in favour of policies and politics that let you keep as much as possible of it. Chances are, here in the UK, it will be the Conservative Party that represents you best.

All of the above, of course, is not a hard and fast rule - merely a tendency.


13,553 posts

208 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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I will proudly say I voted Labor at the last election.

Of course I am in Australia so it is a different matter here

I can understand the outrage at the current UK leadership, but even if it changes it will still be useless politicians in charge.


7,619 posts

227 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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old enough to remember the rubbish piling up in the streets, even a few dead bodies in hospital yards, seems the unions said NO, and that was it

even the comics when was a kid, something about being unable to have more than one trade, eg a plumber could not do carpentry or electrical work as it was against the rules

so, now that have a car, house and job, get taxed to the hilt for having one, whilst those out of work, get lots of nice housing, food and benefits paid for by the workers ?

will I vote labour ? never have and never will, does not mean will vote tory, but as the lib dems like taxing people more than labour, it does not leave much choice frown


18,231 posts

243 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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M3333 said:
Could somebody be more specific with a list of Tory failings? The reason i ask is in 1997 i was 16 years old, i remember growing up under a Tory government and i also remember life being a dam site better for the people of this country than it is now.

I remember there being some lazy people, a bit of waste in local councils, hardly any of this 'nanny state' stuff. Problems yes, but nothing to make people feel scared, opressed and just utterly down due to a massive political failure?

How bad are Labours failings in comparison?
About 10 times worse. The Tories had their failings as you say, but are rank amateurs when it came to Labour. Labour really are loading their boots right now and playing the system for all its worth.