BBC News this morning...OMG!!!!!

BBC News this morning...OMG!!!!!


Famous Graham

26,553 posts

228 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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gazza_3 said:
Stephikins said:
Blimey, reactions a tad extreme on here methinks!!! Weird?? I was up early this morning, and happened to read BBC news website, when I clocked the story about the taxi driver rapist...decided to play about with words a bit for a giggle just to make some peeps smile...blimey, what strange responses I got, eh!!?
Never been called a stalker before...flippin' 'eck...only chap I'm obsessed with is my partner biggrin

I've been oop London all day with beloved, browsing St Martin's Lane model shop and Motor books, and didn't expect any replies, if I'm honest!! yikes


Does the name Wildcat mean anything to you?

Edited by gazza_3 on Saturday 14th March 18:53
Not enough "u"s

Cara Van Man

29,977 posts

254 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
quotequote all
Swilly said:
Cara Van Man said:
Well I haven't hit the report button.

It's all meant in good humour.

I'm sure. At least I think I'm sure.
hehe You've been out-stalked and now... you appear a bit apprehensive maybe !?

Makes you wonder doesn't it what it's like on the other side of the weirdness.

I think stephinikins whatever her name is has done a great job.

I refuse to be out-weirded.


9,699 posts

277 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Cara Van Man said:
Swilly said:
Cara Van Man said:
Well I haven't hit the report button.

It's all meant in good humour.

I'm sure. At least I think I'm sure.
hehe You've been out-stalked and now... you appear a bit apprehensive maybe !?

Makes you wonder doesn't it what it's like on the other side of the weirdness.

I think stephinikins whatever her name is has done a great job.

I refuse to be out-weirded.
It doesn't appear you had much choice in the matter.

Some of your posts suggest you were right and proper rattled hehe

It's a shame she felt she had to apologise really...

Cara Van Man

29,977 posts

254 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
quotequote all
Swilly said:
Cara Van Man said:
Swilly said:
Cara Van Man said:
Well I haven't hit the report button.

It's all meant in good humour.

I'm sure. At least I think I'm sure.
hehe You've been out-stalked and now... you appear a bit apprehensive maybe !?

Makes you wonder doesn't it what it's like on the other side of the weirdness.

I think stephinikins whatever her name is has done a great job.

I refuse to be out-weirded.
It doesn't appear you had much choice in the matter.

Some of your posts suggest you were right and proper rattled hehe

It's a shame she felt she had to apologise really...
No, not at all.....I was playing along wink

Maybe other people were a bit put out as she is so new......not sure.


16,484 posts

247 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
quotequote all
Famous Graham said:
gazza_3 said:
Stephikins said:
Blimey, reactions a tad extreme on here methinks!!! Weird?? I was up early this morning, and happened to read BBC news website, when I clocked the story about the taxi driver rapist...decided to play about with words a bit for a giggle just to make some peeps smile...blimey, what strange responses I got, eh!!?
Never been called a stalker before...flippin' 'eck...only chap I'm obsessed with is my partner biggrin

I've been oop London all day with beloved, browsing St Martin's Lane model shop and Motor books, and didn't expect any replies, if I'm honest!! yikes


Does the name Wildcat mean anything to you?

Edited by gazza_3 on Saturday 14th March 18:53
Not enough "u"s
Is she still about?


9,699 posts

277 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
quotequote all
Cara Van Man said:
Swilly said:
Cara Van Man said:
Swilly said:
Cara Van Man said:
Well I haven't hit the report button.

It's all meant in good humour.

I'm sure. At least I think I'm sure.
hehe You've been out-stalked and now... you appear a bit apprehensive maybe !?

Makes you wonder doesn't it what it's like on the other side of the weirdness.

I think stephinikins whatever her name is has done a great job.

I refuse to be out-weirded.
It doesn't appear you had much choice in the matter.

Some of your posts suggest you were right and proper rattled hehe

It's a shame she felt she had to apologise really...
No, not at all.....I was playing along wink

Maybe other people were a bit put out as she is so new......not sure.
Aaaahhh the newbie thing... I didn't realise one had to be the supplicant until xx months or posts wink

Maybe some other people have double standards methinks... not sure hehe

Famous Graham

26,553 posts

228 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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anonymous said:
Now that you mention it, I haven't seen an "und" for some time now...


6,225 posts

210 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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I'm scared, and I don't even live in Caravanshire...


31,319 posts

244 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Famous Graham said:
Now that you mention it, I haven't seen an "und" for some time now...
Thank god. Saves me scrolling past her posts.


Cara Van Man

29,977 posts

254 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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BlueCello said:
I'm scared, and I don't even live in Caravanshire...

i feel your pain, brother.


518 posts

238 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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I can spot a mental girl. OP is mental.


2,828 posts

201 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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anonymous said:


90,809 posts

258 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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I think this is made up...

The old fart is too knackered to do all that...


15,323 posts

254 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Stephikins said:
I am in shock...this is quite long, but fairly interesting... not hilarious, what's the word? Disturbing, that's it.


90,809 posts

258 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Bloody hell...

Not lads, too....?



27,428 posts

282 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Stephikins said:
Trial judge Mr Justice Pervy-Davey adjourned sentencing until 21 April for reports but told CVM to expect a "very substantial experience of bum action throughout imprisonment".

Quite funny when the PH babe-hounds get all panicky over a frisky gel.

Edited by Bushmaster on Saturday 14th March 23:21


9,871 posts

246 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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When this story emerged a few days ago, my first thoughts were of CVM and his van! I actaully know Ben Nando-Chicken and he lives just down the road, I might send him a link to this biggrin

Harriet Harman

90,809 posts

258 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Making light of this is absolutely disgraceful.

Won't somebody think of the victims?

We have rights.


3,728 posts

189 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Cara Van Man said:
BlueCello said:
I'm scared, and I don't even live in Caravanshire...

i feel your pain, brother.

Which is bad.Stop it

Edited by G'kar on Sunday 15th March 00:00


57 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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hehe What an odd thread.