Firkin celebrities walking up a mountain. FFS.

Firkin celebrities walking up a mountain. FFS.



57 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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to be honest, i thought that they all did very well. they were out of their comfort zone which meant that it was a struggle for them. regardless of whether they live in the real world, do anything for a living or get paid £XXXXX per year for shouting for 3 hours on the radio each morning, i couldnt really care. furthermore, they all had been to the places where the money they have raised will support. they saw kids die of malaria and other nasty diseases. they climbed with that on their mind so again, well done to all of them. on the same day that bernie madorff is found guilty of £30bn fraud and they money is untraceable, people are dying because they dont have a mosquito net and any money raised, by whatever means, is better than none.

as for "been there, done that" comments, well done, what you really wanted to type in your first message was that you have climbed kilimanjiro or some other big mountain but because you arent famous, no one gave a st. so you came here and whinged subtley telling everyone that you are just as good as them if not better because you didnt do it with a support crew of 80 and really you should just fk off.

Andy Zarse

10,868 posts

250 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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ewenm said:
Andy Zarse said:
FFS, they flew back to RAF Northolt on a private jet.

If one is being cynical, and one is, one wonders how much money could have been donated to charidee by flying scheduled? What a bunch of self-serving claptrap, they can stick Red Arse day up their noses.
Paid for by Gary Barlow personally if I heard correctly and only from the Netherlands, not the whole way.

You don't HAVE to watch or donate you know...
Only from the Netherlands? My mate is driving over from Rotterdam tomorrow they could have had a lift.

I'm simply questioning the principle of the thing, and no, I won't be donating.


13,993 posts

252 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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well said.
Climbing towards summit in the dark with a tiny light on your head at -20 c and 75mph windspeed is 'a walk in the park'?


Original Poster:

10,590 posts

234 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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pablo said:
as for "been there, done that" comments, well done, what you really wanted to type in your first message was that you have climbed kilimanjiro or some other big mountain but because you arent famous, no one gave a st. so you came here and whinged subtley telling everyone that you are just as good as them if not better because you didnt do it with a support crew of 80 and really you should just fk off.
Cor blimey guv'nor! That's a bit strong. I clearly stated earlier that what I have/have not done or may do in the future has no bearing on this. But, hey, thanks for telling me to 'fk off' for daring to hold an opinion contrary to your own. Your debating skills are clearly far superior to my own and I hang my head.......



9,840 posts

232 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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missdiane said:
well said.
Climbing towards summit in the dark with a tiny light on your head at -20 c and 75mph windspeed is 'a walk in the park'?
75mph wind my a*se. When it is blowing that hard you can hardly stand up, you certainly can't be heard on a microphone. It looked flat calm at the summit.

-20 is chilly, but they had all the best gear so it shouldn't have been anything to worry about.


6,282 posts

260 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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9 celebrities walk up a mountain to raise money and all the get is slagging off on here.

Full respect to them all including those in the group (around 40 iirc)

All done something I would love to do but never can do. And they raised ove £1.5M for charity

Fair play to all of them.


5,900 posts

256 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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jeebus said:
It takes me about 15-20 minutes to get to work, and most of the time moyles wont play a single song in that 15-20 minute journey.It boils my piss knowing i have to contribute to his salary.

Make sure you are sitting down.

Your radio can receive other stations.

No, it really can.

And some of them - get this - aren't even BBC ones.

Wild isn't it?


445 posts

187 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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limpsfield said:
jeebus said:
It takes me about 15-20 minutes to get to work, and most of the time moyles wont play a single song in that 15-20 minute journey.It boils my piss knowing i have to contribute to his salary.

Make sure you are sitting down.

Your radio can receive other stations.

No, it really can.

And some of them - get this - aren't even BBC ones.

Wild isn't it?
Why thank you kind sir. Your exactly right I can and I do.


9,871 posts

246 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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skinner05 said:
Look at the size of the crew thats with them, FFS
Apparently, the total crew is 150 - it must have been busy at the top! At the end of the day, it is still 19,000ft up, that's a bloody good effort for everyone who makes it.

Says he, living in a part of the country that is about 5ft above sea level.

Funk Odyssey

1,983 posts

232 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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of course everyone on PH is superfit and would've got up with no problems at all?


1,395 posts

188 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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Fair play they raised loads of money, but more respect to this climb


17,517 posts

213 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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tim2100 said:

9 celebrities walk up a mountain to raise money and all the get is slagging off on here.

Full respect to them all including those in the group (around 40 iirc)

All done something I would love to do but never can do. And they raised ove £1.5M for charity

Fair play to all of them.
I'm glad somebody said that.

Sorry state of affairs when people just slag off others who are helping with fundraising for a charity. No matter what you think of the people doing it. It wasn't as if they just sat in a bath tub full of baked beans. They climbed the one of the highest mountains in the world, for people who are not walking enthusiasts this is a humongous achievement.

Edited by elster on Thursday 12th March 23:02


1,893 posts

213 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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andy400 said:
Frederick said:
So when are you going to walk up a mountain for charity if it's so easy winksmile
1. Been there, done that.
And raised 1.5 million (at last count) for charity?

skinner05 said:
Moyles is on 850k? WTF
I have no idea, but the climb raised nearly twice that.
Raise twice your salary for a charity of your choice, then come back and rant about what he earns.


2,149 posts

245 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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The only reason they were able to raise (read as "cause people to donate") the amount of money that they did was because they are already famous.

How does the amount they raised compare to their total combined annual earnings?


Original Poster:

10,590 posts

234 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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elster said:
They climbed the 3rd highest mountain in the world.
Did they? I thought they walked up Kilimanjaro. Confused now.... confused

Funk Odyssey

1,983 posts

232 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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100SRV said:
The only reason they were able to raise (read as "cause people to donate") the amount of money that they did was because they are already famous.

How does the amount they raised compare to their total combined annual earnings?
so what?


752 posts

201 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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andy400 said:
IforB said:
With the back up ans support that they have had on this walk, then frankly it isn't anymore than a walk in the park. Watching the sherpas go powering past these "celebs" with bigger backpacks and carrying stuff on their heads doesn't exactly show them in a great light. You can see the guides sitting there thinking "Oh FFS.........."

It's great that they have all raised so much, that is very commendable, but a bit less of what a massive trial it is. At least that Alicia lass seems to have her head screwed on though.

1. No planning, all done for them.
2. No carrying, ditto.
3. Best support that money can buy.
4. Very easy to give up your time for charidee when you are paid a king's ransom for fk all in the first place.

Not really sure what they think they've 'achieved'.
Ok,maybe it wasn't as difficult as it could have been, but they could be sitting on their ass spending their money and not helping anyone, they did it and IMO that is to be applauded.


1,893 posts

213 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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100SRV said:
The only reason they were able to raise (read as "cause people to donate") the amount of money that they did was because they are already famous.

How does the amount they raised compare to their total combined annual earnings?
So they used a priveliged position where they have access to a lot of listeners/viewers/fans to raise money for a charity?'re right, what b*st*rds!

FFS, you miserable c**ts, get a life and find something worthwhile to waste you life moaning about.


17,517 posts

213 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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andy400 said:
elster said:
They climbed the 3rd highest mountain in the world.
Did they? I thought they walked up Kilimanjaro. Confused now.... confused
I don't know why I thought Kilimanjaro was the 3rd Highest.


9,840 posts

232 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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Well, Kilimanjaro is the highest summit with mobile phone coverage..................K2 it aint!