Gordon Brown in Interview Truth Shocker!!

Gordon Brown in Interview Truth Shocker!!



11,249 posts

285 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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esselte said:
jackal said:
esselte said:
jackal said:
you wouldn't read a paper if it didn't reinforce your beliefs

no one needs a crystal ball to know that
Which do you read then? Do they still print Socialist Worker.. or Morning Star.? smile

Edited by esselte on Sunday 8th March 20:14
What's interesting is that you presume that I read a paper at all. Also that I read a paper that is strongly politically aligned in some way. Do you want to reveal anymore to us ?
Another Labour quirk...you're unable to answer a simple question...keep going.....
I did answer it.. you just got blinded by your agenda and didn't read properly. Quirk of a political bore whose intellect stops at left and right I reckon. Keep going yourself... what were we brainwashed into thinking today then ?


90,809 posts

258 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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jackal said:
... ask any miner !
Here endeth your credibility....rofl

Gunny Sergeant D

2,248 posts

243 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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jackal said:
esselte said:
jackal said:
esselte said:
jackal said:
you wouldn't read a paper if it didn't reinforce your beliefs

no one needs a crystal ball to know that
Which do you read then? Do they still print Socialist Worker.. or Morning Star.? smile
What's interesting is that you presume that I read a paper at all. Also that I read a paper that is strongly politically aligned in some way. Do you want to reveal anymore to us ?
Another Labour quirk...you're unable to answer a simple question...keep going.....
I did answer it.. you just got blinded by your agenda and didn't read properly. Quirk of a political bore whose intellect stops at left and right I reckon. Keep going yourself... what were we brainwashed into thinking today then ?
Cant see the answer, if you read one you could have named it. If you dont then perhaps the answer should have been I dont read a paper.

The first point you made says that you will read a paper that reforces your beliefs, are you scared of revealing your beliefs?

Gunny Sergeant D

2,248 posts

243 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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esselte said:
Another Labour quirk...you're unable to answer a simple question...keep going.....
True, just look at the usual crown on PH who manage to post without ever saying anything. They talk about the other side of the argument without ever making a point as to what it is. All you get is Maggie started it. The tories would have been worse blah. Please please make a point Mr labour Man.


14,626 posts

270 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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jackal said:
esselte said:
jackal said:
esselte said:
jackal said:
you wouldn't read a paper if it didn't reinforce your beliefs

no one needs a crystal ball to know that
Which do you read then? Do they still print Socialist Worker.. or Morning Star.? smile

Edited by esselte on Sunday 8th March 20:14
What's interesting is that you presume that I read a paper at all. Also that I read a paper that is strongly politically aligned in some way. Do you want to reveal anymore to us ?
Another Labour quirk...you're unable to answer a simple question...keep going.....
I did answer it.. you just got blinded by your agenda and didn't read properly. Quirk of a political bore whose intellect stops at left and right I reckon. Keep going yourself... what were we brainwashed into thinking today then ?
I have no aganda at all....if you don't read a paper why not say so..? If you do why not tell us?


4,350 posts

217 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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Go on then, I'll bite.

Jackal, please enlighten me as to how one might stay independantly informed in these vehemently anti-Labour times?


11,249 posts

285 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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Guys, I don't support Labour, I have never voted in my life, don't read any papers regularly and don't even particularly like the current Govt or Brown for that matter... but hey, its NOT a left/right point I was making. It was about vision.

I have to say it's disappointing to discover that that's the only way you can construe it and even more worrying is the way some of you feel compelled to instantly mount an aggressive bullying assault against me, which only serves to hint at a limited emotional functioning.

Gunny Sergeant D

2,248 posts

243 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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jackal said:
Guys, I don't support Labour, I have never voted in my life, don't read any papers regularly and don't even particularly like the current Govt or Brown for that matter... but hey, its NOT a left/right point I was making. It was about vision.

I have to say it's disappointing to discover that that's the only way you can construe it and even more worrying is the way some of you feel compelled to instantly mount an aggressive bullying assault against me, which only serves to hint at a limited emotional functioning.
This is the same post repeated by a number of posters. People will moan about the criticism of Labour and how bad the Tories are and then ultimately post the I'm not a Labour supporter, dont vote line.

What a big yawn.

Edited by Gunny Sergeant D on Sunday 8th March 21:56


4,350 posts

217 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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jackal, if you dislike or are disappointed by the vitriolic response to your lofty position, then I think the moralistic high ground which you seem to take pride in sitting on whilst passing intellectual judgements on those who might dare to cast aspersions on your political compass might actually be the problem here?

If you got off your high horse for a bit, and stepped down to our level, you might appreciate just how angry people are at just how comprehensively fked this country is.

Not just the fact that we're completely unprepared to weather this storm, but crime, delinquincy, 100+ stealth taxes, massive Public Sector squandering, unwanted wars, legislation legislation legislation, you name it.

Gunny Sergeant D

2,248 posts

243 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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Dunk76 said:
jackal, if you dislike or are disappointed by the vitriolic response to your lofty position, then I think the moralistic high ground which you seem to take pride in sitting on whilst passing intellectual judgements on those who might dare to cast aspersions on your political compass might actually be the problem here?

If you got off your high horse for a bit, and stepped down to our level, you might appreciate just how angry people are at just how comprehensively fked this country is.

Not just the fact that we're completely unprepared to weather this storm, but crime, delinquincy, 100+ stealth taxes, massive Public Sector squandering, unwanted wars, legislation legislation legislation, you name it.
Your wasting your breath.


8,188 posts

246 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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jackal said:
pretty tiresome all this mudslinging and blaming
Only because of its futile monotony. But, frankly, the buck stops with Brown; Brown and his posse are the architects of much Britain's plight; and Brown should accept blame. His denials are risible, all things considered. Brown-watchers can point out the blatant contradictions between Brown's crowing of years ago and the crap he talks at the moment.

jackal said:
Cameron would have been even worse.. at least Brown has actually shown some staunch confidence and actually got up on an international stage and said and done something.
Hmmm. I am inclined (and disappointed) to agree that Cameron doesn't look much better. That's not a partisan point - the disappointment comes from seeing Brown's leading opponent just as blind/ignorant/short-sighted as Brown. As for Brown's "done something" it is probably one of the few occasions when him doing nothing at all would have been preferable. His "staunch confidence" merely presents him as deluded beyond belief and his performance on the international stage is embarrassing.

jackal said:
Since when has any PM in your lifetime been any good ? Since when has any PM made mostly fabulous decisions ?
I actually rate Thatcher as a good PM - with two codicils. One is that her blind side/weakness was a belief in individuals, modern fecklessness was not something she foresaw. The second is that the decisions taken under her administration to straighten out the country had stings in the tail. Thatcherite policies were effective in the short-term but were unsustainable - not dissimilar to a business, say, running a promotion to pull itself back into profit but then needing a steady hand to normalise the organisation after the promotion. A regime change, particularly a regime change to the craven, self-serving, power-hungry retards we got in 1997 was disastrous. Would a Tory continuation have done better? I suspect they would - but not dramatically so because the whining opposition would have always made prudence (I mean REAL prudence) seem unpopular. It's therefore my contention that our political system makes long term policies very difficult to execute, particularly when "difficult" decisions need to be taken. The electorate seems - in the main - to be preoccupied with their wage packets and promises about schools/hospitals/roads, all of which are just froth on the very serious problems this country faces. And which, even now, most people seem to be ignorant to. All that spending on schools didn't help did it?

jackal said:
Interestingly, about the only PM some people would say that about was Thatcher but ironically she was the one who started the ball rolling with her deregulation, entrepreneurialism amd privatisation. She was the most rotten egg of all. Opinions could never be more polarised... ask any miner!
As I said above, I'd rate Thatcher as the best in my lifetime but I acknowledge her shortcomings. "Ask a miner" is a bit of a daft quip though, the miners' chose to be represented by a deluded idiot. Thatcher did not set out to decimate the coal industry, merely streamline it. As soon as Scargill dug his heels in, the game was up. There could only be one winner - and it certainly wasn't going to be Scargill.

jackal said:
Wake up people... the daily papers are working you like a mindless lump of play-doh. The out of control derivatives market combined with Clintons wonderful social engineering, Bush's consolidation of that, combined with the US housing crash combined with the nature of deregulated banking in teh last 30 years or more means that whoever was at the helm 2007, from Brown to Blair to Ghandi, we'd still be in exactly the same mess.
Kind of. And this IS the heart of the matter. The basis of the monetary system had limits - we've just found them. If "boom'n'bust" avoidance were likened to driving the economy faster and faster at a wall, derivatives were like giving the runaway bus a big shot of nitrous. Coinciding with finding the end of the monetary system, we face overpopulation and underemployment with fast-changing technology working against both. Technology/innovation is helping people live longer and that same technology is removing meaningful work. Countries like Britain no longer have the means to create wealth on a large enough scale to support the population; nor to service the pre-crash debt; and certainly not to service the debt Brown has added; nor any of the promised government spending programmes.

jackal said:
Ignorant and disrespectful comments from Clarkson (who at a real anoraks level, probably knows compartively little about cars let alone politics) only serve to inform the youth of today that somehow its OK to go around insulting people with whatever names you like, even if those names refer to a disability or an impediment of some kind.
I agree. But you know what? I still think Brown and his ilk are the lowest pieces of st to ever stand at the helm of this country. And just because the chubber-tongued jerk has a disability does not excuse him from me and many others calling him a .


11,249 posts

285 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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thanks for taking the time out to understand me

It took 30 years and almost the entire world going skint, for man to realise that man's inherent destructive greed has to be regulated. Yes, Brown is incompetent, but don't let left/right tit for tat dominate and cloud the bigger issue. Is there one nation who were shrewd and insightful enough to jump off the train prematurely as it was travelling faster and faster, making more and more money ?


18,942 posts

256 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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jackal said:
thanks for taking the time out to understand me

It took 30 years and almost the entire world going skint, for man to realise that man's inherent destructive greed has to be regulated. Yes, Brown is incompetent, but don't let left/right tit for tat dominate and cloud the bigger issue. Is there one nation who were shrewd and insightful enough to jump off the train prematurely as it was travelling faster and faster, making more and more money ?
How are the swiss banks doing? (and paradoxically, as I understand the Italian banks avoided the worst too)


20,120 posts

216 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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s2art said:
jackal said:
thanks for taking the time out to understand me

It took 30 years and almost the entire world going skint, for man to realise that man's inherent destructive greed has to be regulated. Yes, Brown is incompetent, but don't let left/right tit for tat dominate and cloud the bigger issue. Is there one nation who were shrewd and insightful enough to jump off the train prematurely as it was travelling faster and faster, making more and more money ?
How are the swiss banks doing? (and paradoxically, as I understand the Italian banks avoided the worst too)
A the banks in Japan but then they weren't regulated by the one-eyed son of the manse. But as some people avoid the news to bury their heads in the sand they wouldn't know that.


8,188 posts

246 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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jackal said:
thanks for taking the time out to understand me

It took 30 years and almost the entire world going skint, for man to realise that man's inherent destructive greed has to be regulated.

jackal said:
Yes, Brown is incompetent, but don't let left/right tit for tat dominate and cloud the bigger issue.
The population, on average, has the attention span of a goldfish. That's what "soundbite" culture has achieved. Arguments in soundbites are like toddlers arguing.

Aside from tit-for-tat left/right bickering, a revealing situation at the moment is people getting all uppity about Sir Fred's pension. Uppity enough for M15 to be interested. It's revealing because public anger at banks, perhaps turning into direct action, is justified yet Sir Fred and his pension are virtually irrelevant compared with what the public ought to getting even angrier about. Public vs Banks is a worthwhile scrap but to declare the "war" over one bloke having a bigger pension than most of us is banal.

jackal said:
Is there one nation who were shrewd and insightful enough to jump off the train prematurely as it was travelling faster and faster, making more and more money ?
Still looking.... wink


11,249 posts

285 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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Fittster said:
s2art said:
jackal said:
thanks for taking the time out to understand me

It took 30 years and almost the entire world going skint, for man to realise that man's inherent destructive greed has to be regulated. Yes, Brown is incompetent, but don't let left/right tit for tat dominate and cloud the bigger issue. Is there one nation who were shrewd and insightful enough to jump off the train prematurely as it was travelling faster and faster, making more and more money ?
How are the swiss banks doing? (and paradoxically, as I understand the Italian banks avoided the worst too)
A the banks in Japan but then they weren't regulated by the one-eyed son of the manse. But as some people avoid the news to bury their heads in the sand they wouldn't know that.
ahh, who are they then.. ?

Clearly not the biggest Japanese players Mitsubishi UFJ, Mizuho & Sumitomo et al. who reported a loss of 990 billion yen on securitised debt for 2007


14,817 posts

270 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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johnfm said:
Blame SuperGordon for this. He has pissed up the wall billions and billions of tax receipts and we have very little of value to show for it.

Who else is at fault?
Tony Bliar, seems like people have forgotten that this smarmy snout-in-the-trough git was in charge for so long.


1,512 posts

203 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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thought this one was quite good as well .,




104,961 posts

263 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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Not humorous, but something connected with Gordon Clown, Labour and interview truths.

Turns out that Labour (Mandy probably) has told the BBC that Ministers will not appear to be interviewed if there is a face-to-face with their Conservative opposition equivalent. A 'BBC insider' is quoted as saying "It's a difficult situation as it's often made clear that they won't go on if these strict conditions aren't met". Which is why we've had a string of Andrew Marr sycophancy interviews of late with nobody else but a Labour stooge in the studio.

Mandy is said to be going out of his way to avoid any screen meeting with Ken Clarke. So now we can add rank cowardice to self-serving incompetence. These people aren't worthy of a single vote, from anybody.

Martial Arts Man

6,614 posts

189 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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turbobloke said:
Not humorous, but something connected with Gordon Clown, Labour and interview truths.

Turns out that Labour (Mandy probably) has told the BBC that Ministers will not appear to be interviewed if there is a face-to-face with their Conservative opposition equivalent. A 'BBC insider' is quoted as saying "It's a difficult situation as it's often made clear that they won't go on if these strict conditions aren't met". Which is why we've had a string of Andrew Marr sycophancy interviews of late with nobody else but a Labour stooge in the studio.

Mandy is said to be going out of his way to avoid any screen meeting with Ken Clarke. So now we can add rank cowardice to self-serving incompetence. These people aren't worthy of a single vote, from anybody.
Where did you hear/read this?

Glad to see old Kenneth has them worried!