Prison warden suspended/arrested - Wandsworth

Prison warden suspended/arrested - Wandsworth



18,490 posts

209 months

Ari said:
I think you've been watching a little too much porn if you think that this is standard normal behaviour for the prison system, or indeed women in general... smile
rofl Clearly you don't have any experience working within the justice system - the courts, the prisons and the entire process is smashed to pieces and prisons are run from the inside out.

My point is nothing to do with the act itself, it is the fact that anything goes inside (note the phones, the drugs and the fact that the lack of interruption).


5,121 posts

87 months

Dagnir said:

What a tramp!!

(Good input I know but what the hell is wrong with people?!?)
Aye she gets a good scudding up against the door rofl


3,947 posts

76 months

I’m going for, gets let off with suspended sentence. Sex addiction and mental health mitigation, wasn’t given the right support in a new stressful job.


1,506 posts

55 months

We had similar conversations when similar events happened (without the OnlyFans aspect) last time; again it was questioned whether placing women of a certain age range into male prisons was an approriate staffing policy, again with mixed views. This particular incident really does make the prison service look a bunch of arses, I hope the fact that she seems to have intentionally allowed footage to enter the public doman, quite possibly for her own intended financial advantage, is duly considered an aggravating factor.


1,506 posts

55 months

We had similar conversations when similar events happened (without the OnlyFans aspect) last time; again it was questioned whether placing women of a certain age range into male prisons was an approriate staffing policy, again with mixed views. This particular incident really does make the prison service look a bunch of arses, I hope the fact that she seems to have intentionally allowed footage to enter the public doman, quite possibly for her own intended financial advantage, is duly considered an aggravating factor.


Original Poster:

9,057 posts

165 months

Flumpo said:
I’m going for, gets let off with suspended sentence. Sex addiction and mental health mitigation, wasn’t given the right support in a new stressful job.
I can't see that happening. She's not only broken all the rules but doing it for financial gain.


3,947 posts

76 months

Petrus1983 said:
Flumpo said:
I’m going for, gets let off with suspended sentence. Sex addiction and mental health mitigation, wasn’t given the right support in a new stressful job.
I can't see that happening. She's not only broken all the rules but doing it for financial gain.
It was more tongue in cheek, but those who normally know their stuff on this thread seem to think it will be a firm penalty.

You would think she would have googled the likely outcome. People are strange.


33,306 posts

122 months

Flumpo said:
Petrus1983 said:
Flumpo said:
I’m going for, gets let off with suspended sentence. Sex addiction and mental health mitigation, wasn’t given the right support in a new stressful job.
I can't see that happening. She's not only broken all the rules but doing it for financial gain.
It was more tongue in cheek, but those who normally know their stuff on this thread seem to think it will be a firm penalty.
If it's a doddery old male Magistrate or Judge (don't what level Court she'll end up in) then she might get off with a firm pat on the arse.


18,490 posts

209 months

The lack of life experience and insight on this site is dreadful. This footage and release was not insitgated by her and nothing to do with her OF account. The quality is so poor and there would be no provenance or proof if posted to confirm it as genuine (go look up the billion other videos on sex sites where prison warden / police officer / nursey nursey engages in action with someone. She is a known sexual player and swinger having already been on Channel 4's open house, as an exhibitionist who enjoys being watched, a rogue mobile wouldn't be top of her agenda or possibly even noticeable as she was clearly enjoying it to much. It is also likely they were known to each other, or there are links to her boyfriend or friends group, so a planned occurrence or happened multiple times already.

Unfortunately this is a judgement blooper on her part, for either not realising she was being filmed or not being sufficiently careful as to ensuring it wasn't posted. This won't serve to do anything to her OF account other than now increased subscribers from those who choose to peek at her account now she has been named.


5,584 posts

26 months

Just reading a news article and it sounds like she was arrested at Heathrow. Looks like she was off back to Portugal, probably realised she was in the st.


17,418 posts

258 months

I don't think it was her first rodeo by any means. I also think she was fully aware a camera was pointed at her and proceeded to continue doing it.

The prisoner has basically lost a good source of entertainment and she's got some publicity and ending up in court. It didn't make much sense to release the footage, although the involved parties aren't exactly exhibiting good-decision making skills.


22,685 posts

218 months

Redefines the term, doing bird.


5,666 posts

212 months

honly moley....

after a lot of digging the full video.... NSFW watching this at work could get you locked up...


13,749 posts

129 months

Arrested at Heathrow

Remanded in custody by the Police and released on bail by the court on the grounds she surrendered her Portuguese passport

Surprising is certainly think she’s a flight risk, the bag she was carrying when released from the court would seem to suggest she was trying to leave the U.K.


3,747 posts

106 months

Flumpo said:
Petrus1983 said:
Flumpo said:
I’m going for, gets let off with suspended sentence. Sex addiction and mental health mitigation, wasn’t given the right support in a new stressful job.
I can't see that happening. She's not only broken all the rules but doing it for financial gain.
It was more tongue in cheek, but those who normally know their stuff on this thread seem to think it will be a firm penalty.

You would think she would have googled the likely outcome. People are strange.
Don’t think it was his tongue in her cheek


1,400 posts

30 months

Ari said:
I think you've been watching a little too much porn if you think that this is standard normal behaviour for the prison system, or indeed women in general... smile
How long was you’re stretch…


4,747 posts

258 months

She should be behind bars.

Damn. I didn't really think that through.


4,151 posts

106 months

CheesecakeRunner said:
Oliver Hardy said:
Getragdogleg said:
He is a prisoner, he cannot consent.

No different to a student and teacher situation. Again, a double standard for women abusing positions of trust, lets see how small the punishment is and how out of balance "equality" really is.
I am guessing he is over 18!
It’s not about his age. It’s about her having power and influence over him by virtue of her position.

Although perhaps her position could have done with a bit more virtue.
It’s very much the case of a position of power and trust issue. I work at RAF Halton, I don’t work in recruit training or have anything to do with it. But a few guys in the WO&Sgts mess where my digs are do. No matter the age of the recruit it is about as serious an offence as can be. You will not pass go, you will not collect £100, you will go to military court martial, followed by prison. Goodbye to your job, goodbye to your pension, hello sex offenders register.

This warden was in a position of power and control of the inmate. She deserves more punishment than she will likely get. No doubt she will make a living from only fans is she doesn’t get a lengthy custodial. If she gets a lengthy sentence then hopefully everyone will have forgotten about her and she can kiss her only fans fans goodbye as well.


19,369 posts

218 months

Random_Person said:
The lack of life experience and insight on this site is dreadful. This footage and release was not insitgated by her and nothing to do with her OF account. The quality is so poor and there would be no provenance or proof if posted to confirm it as genuine (go look up the billion other videos on sex sites where prison warden / police officer / nursey nursey engages in action with someone. She is a known sexual player and swinger having already been on Channel 4's open house, as an exhibitionist who enjoys being watched, a rogue mobile wouldn't be top of her agenda or possibly even noticeable as she was clearly enjoying it to much. It is also likely they were known to each other, or there are links to her boyfriend or friends group, so a planned occurrence or happened multiple times already.

Unfortunately this is a judgement blooper on her part, for either not realising she was being filmed or not being sufficiently careful as to ensuring it wasn't posted. This won't serve to do anything to her OF account other than now increased subscribers from those who choose to peek at her account now she has been named.
The irony is strong here! Do you seriously believe that not only was she not involved with the filming and releasing of it, but that she didn't even notice that it was happening!? biglaugh


2,339 posts

29 months

Can't recall a storyline like this in any Porridge episode, with that fat lump Ronnie Barker