Wimbledon schools deaths - no charges

Wimbledon schools deaths - no charges



1,103 posts

14 months

Wednesday 26th June
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i have epilepsy, it was first thought to be caused by a car crash and head injury i received in the crash, it was later found that the crash had been caused by my first ever seizure late 40,s.
I had never shone any signs before, it has since been a real problem, ive fallen down stairs, breaking my shoulder and leg, countless times fallen and broken ribs nose etc.
Im on meds and it takes along time to get the dose/pills right, and ive now been seizure free a year or so, after 4 years of them messing with my doses etc, and some not good side effects.
I was a normal healthy person.
I am soon allowed to apply for my license back, but im not going to, im never going to drive again. I cant trust that i will never have another seizure.
I also suffer from petit mall sizures where you dont black out but shake uncontrollably
but they are deemed not a reason not to drive, mad.
I only think that if i was driving on a motorway at speed and blacked out, i could kill alot of people, im not prepared to risk that.
.Point is, it can happen to anybody any time, and it really is a life changing thing.
Thankfully nobody else was injured in my crash.
I wouldnt wish it on anybody.


26,010 posts

196 months

Wednesday 26th June
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This is just a tragedy, whereas the Glasgow bin motor deaths were the responsibility of the driver for lying about his health and GCC for not checking his references, bizarrely he did not get charged.


3,341 posts

112 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Chrisgr31 said:
I find it interesting how many cases of seizures in later life have been mentioned in this thread. Potentially makes them more common than I thought.
An NP&E thread changed someone's opinion about something? fk me, hallelujah!

the tribester

2,489 posts

89 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Don Roque said:
I wonder if the kids would have lived if she hadn't been driving an 2500kg soft-roader rather than something more suited to the urban environment.
At what point when driving a soft roader from your rural home into an urban area should you stop and change vehicles?


3,977 posts

33 months

Wednesday 26th June
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WonkeyDonkey said:
Shocking, punishments for killing while driving are so tamely punished.

Her choice of car in a built up area must have some blame for the outcome.

If she had be driving a k11 Micra I doubt it would have got through the front gates, but having a dead weight on the accelerator of a 2.5T 300bhp+ car is always going to cause serious damage in a built up area.
Probably the stupidest post of the week

Baroque attacks

4,645 posts

189 months

Wednesday 26th June
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kestral said:
The first sizure she ever has.....and ....... it happens when she is driving.... and....... directly towards a childrens school.

That takes some believing for me!

But there again O J Simpson was not guilty of murder.
This is one of those embarrassing moments when you tell us far more about yourself than you think.


1,103 posts

14 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Thing is, it can happen to anybody, anytime, you dont even know, you just black out.
Worst one i remember was i was leaving my flat(1st floor) remember locking the door, next thing im at the bottom of the stairs, and a cleaning lady was there, bless her she was great, telling me my leg looked funny, it was pointing the wrong way, i knew nothing about it, no warning at all. I had been a fit middle aged man, not even overweight or any other health issues.
Walk a mile in someones shoes before you judge.


8,726 posts

118 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Dingu said:
WonkeyDonkey said:
Shocking, punishments for killing while driving are so tamely punished.

Her choice of car in a built up area must have some blame for the outcome.

If she had be driving a k11 Micra I doubt it would have got through the front gates, but having a dead weight on the accelerator of a 2.5T 300bhp+ car is always going to cause serious damage in a built up area.
Probably the stupidest post of the week
Unless he's got a load of Micras in stock and he's trying to convince us that we have a moral obligation to buy one on the off-chance we have an undiagnosed brain disorder. Because, obviously, completely collapsing at the wheel of a Micra wouldn't hurt anyone.


1,249 posts

15 months

Thursday 27th June
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BikeBikeBIke said:
Dingu said:
WonkeyDonkey said:
Shocking, punishments for killing while driving are so tamely punished.

Her choice of car in a built up area must have some blame for the outcome.

If she had be driving a k11 Micra I doubt it would have got through the front gates, but having a dead weight on the accelerator of a 2.5T 300bhp+ car is always going to cause serious damage in a built up area.
Probably the stupidest post of the week
Unless he's got a load of Micras in stock and he's trying to convince us that we have a moral obligation to buy one on the off-chance we have an undiagnosed brain disorder. Because, obviously, completely collapsing at the wheel of a Micra wouldn't hurt anyone.
A pedestrian can die if they get hit by a cyclist, arguments about the weight of a vehicle, etc are just moot.

Life is fragile, get over it.


21,816 posts

228 months

Thursday 27th June
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Daz68 said:
Wife had a seizure totally out of the blue at 54. Load of tests and scans done and nothing found to what caused it. Couldn't drive for a year as she lost her licence and had regular scans after that. 5 years later and touch wood all good. Was a very scary experience.
My best friend's wife had some sort of seizure/blackout whilst driving - ended up in a head-on and the other driver was quite badly injured. Shocking.

Pretty much the same experience as your wife - there was no medical explanation and my friend's wife has zero recollection. She hasn't driven for a couple of years since the accident - there was no prosecution and the whole thing was an unexplained 'episode'.

Whilst I am glad my mates wife recovered, I feel bitterly sorry for the other driver - as I do for the families of these poor young children.


6,972 posts

222 months

Thursday 27th June
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Looking at the photos the Land Rover went through a wooden fence.

I had a neighbour who demolished a brick-built structure after a moment of pedal confusion, in a VW Polo, in reverse gear.

A Micra / small city car might well have had exactly the same outcome.


3,473 posts

201 months

Thursday 27th June
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croyde said:
kestral said:
The first sizure she ever has.....and ....... it happens when she is driving.... and....... directly towards a childrens school.

That takes some believing for me!

But there again O J Simpson was not guilty of murder.
What's odd is that I know and have driven past that school so many times and you couldn't speed even if you wanted to.

The Land Rover flattened the pedestrian barrier, tore through the gate and continued on to cause such tragedy frown

I guess it was an automatic, plus it's such a big lump.

I am quite concerned that many people now drive quite powerful and heavy electric cars, where confusion and/or medical incident can easily launch them into others on the road/pedestrians/houses.
The odd thing in this tragedy is why didn't the land rover have some form of anti collision which stopped the car before hitting the fence etc?


52,720 posts

213 months

Thursday 27th June
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This thread has kind of gone how I thought it would.

I've noticed this seems to be a bit of a pattern recently where it's as if people think people have "got away with it" when something awful happens and nobody is seen to be held to account legally.

Replace epilepsy for fatal random heart attack -and I wonder if the attitudes would be the same?

I can't imagine what it must be like to be the families who lost children in this but I'm just not sure it helps when they're quoted in the way they have been as coldly I don't think it should make a difference to where the evidence leads the Police and the CPS etc.


6,048 posts

96 months

Thursday 27th June
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Square Leg said:
Don Roque said:
vaud said:
So would you hold a self employed delivery driver driving a 7.5ton truck to account if the same thing happened?
You may need a light goods vehicle to do a job. You don't need a faux-off road battering ram for driving around city centres. It is perhaps time that society had the conversation about the inept driving automatic battering-rams instead of more suitable vehicles.
5000 people die each year from air pollution caused by traffic.
Around 1800 die from vehicle accidents.

Perhaps you should stop driving that big Jag of yours?

I find it odd to come on a car forum and read posts complaining about people's choice of car. It's usually miserable old sods complaining that people don't need a large SUV. And yes, it's true, they probably don't need one, a small-mid sized hatch would probably do the job 99.99% of the time. But the same could be said about plenty of other cars.

Anyone who thinks large SUV's should be banned, just remember to be careful what you wish for. Ban SUV's, then after that it will be anything deemed remotely sporty, or luxurious.


51,137 posts

158 months

Thursday 27th June
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theboss said:
Looking at the photos the Land Rover went through a wooden fence.

I had a neighbour who demolished a brick-built structure after a moment of pedal confusion, in a VW Polo, in reverse gear.

A Micra / small city car might well have had exactly the same outcome.
Quite. I think most vehicles weighing a ton+ at 25mph would have gone through that.

Overall, desperately sad for all.

Randy Winkman

16,637 posts

192 months

Thursday 27th June
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richhead said:
i have epilepsy, it was first thought to be caused by a car crash and head injury i received in the crash, it was later found that the crash had been caused by my first ever seizure late 40,s.
I had never shone any signs before, it has since been a real problem, ive fallen down stairs, breaking my shoulder and leg, countless times fallen and broken ribs nose etc.
Im on meds and it takes along time to get the dose/pills right, and ive now been seizure free a year or so, after 4 years of them messing with my doses etc, and some not good side effects.
I was a normal healthy person.
I am soon allowed to apply for my license back, but im not going to, im never going to drive again. I cant trust that i will never have another seizure.
I also suffer from petit mall sizures where you dont black out but shake uncontrollably
but they are deemed not a reason not to drive, mad.
I only think that if i was driving on a motorway at speed and blacked out, i could kill alot of people, im not prepared to risk that.
.Point is, it can happen to anybody any time, and it really is a life changing thing.
Thankfully nobody else was injured in my crash.
I wouldnt wish it on anybody.
Well done to you for your plan to not get your licence back. Clearly that will bring you some inconvenience but it's great you are doing it because of the risk to others. I really hope you get on OK in the future. smile


2,948 posts

40 months

Thursday 27th June
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Drclarke said:
A tragic accident, and it was just that an accident.

I feel for the parents of the children killed, but saying they have been denied justice is wrong.

Locking the woman involved up for something she had no control over won’t change the situation or ease their grief.

The woman will also be suffering for the rest of her life.
Exactly, we cannot lock people up for medical incidents which are beyond their control.


2,948 posts

40 months

Thursday 27th June
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WonkeyDonkey said:
Drumroll said:
Or she could have been driving a 3 tonne motorhome.

At what point does society say what type of vehicle someone can own?
When we start holding people accountable for damages their choice of vehicle causes.
You are as bad as Kestral.

The Hypno-Toad

12,486 posts

208 months

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Seems the senior staff at the school were surprised at the verdict and think its fair to say are disappointed in the standard of the Police investigation.

Senior staff from the school said:
“No, I think the words ‘thorough’ and ‘tireless’ suggest that you would have a body of evidence that you would be able to share… but in some areas there was just a complete lack of knowledge, of basic information.”

“Maybe when they [the Met] go away and look at the evidence, they will remember the answers. But there were a number of occasions where they weren't sure if something had been done, or they couldn't remember.”
It will be interesting to see what the investigation into the investigation reveals.


8,726 posts

118 months

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The Hypno-Toad said:
It will be interesting to see what the investigation into the investigation reveals.
They don't list the "key questions".