Scrapping non dom status


Oliver Hardy

2,801 posts

77 months

Friday 1st March
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Wombat3 said:
Skeptisk said:
Wombat3 said:
CoolHands said:
That’s ok, it’s the principle. If they want to fk off let them. In reality the banks will just pay them a bigger bonus and pension package to offset the tax.
There's an extraordinary number of people seemingly willing to cut their own noses off around here.

UK non domestic status is nothing that unusual by international norms. If we make it clear we don't want these people here they will happily go and spend their cash elsewhere.
It is not normal by international standards. Yes some other places have similar eg some Swiss cantons but most rich industrial nations do not have it.

Is everything about money? Why don’t we twist other laws to suit billions? Should the law on rape be flexible depending upon your bank balance and how many bottles of champagne you order at the Ritz?

I would be interested in seeing a breakdown of non doms to understand who they are. Are they captains of industry or Russian oligarchs and dictators’ offspring?

We should be more confident of the UK and its ability to attract people because of its qualities as a place to live, not because of a tax dodge. Interestingly in Switzerland the cantons where you would want to live eg Zurich have abolished their equivalent with mainly those cantons in the middle of nowhere still having it.
OK, well, more accurately there are plenty of other places around the world (including some in Europe) where these people can go if they wish (usually with better weather!).

Being a non dom does not and never should infer any kind of criminal immunity, that's just silly.

Attracting people to the UK because its a great place to live is likely to be losing its shine at that end of the income spectrum IMO.

If you can afford to live anywhere i'd view the UK as being highly over-rated these days.

Edited by Wombat3 on Friday 1st March 08:47
I guess that is why there are no rich people in other countries like USA, Norway and others?

Why not just wave all taxes for the well off?

The scheme does not make sense anyway, you live abroad but live here and your allowed to do this for 15 years! THe PMs used to live here but his wife was a non dom so didn't?

In reality all that will happen is some other scheme will be used to reduce the tax bill and the money will go abroad anyway as it does now.


4,480 posts

144 months

Friday 1st March
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s1962a said:

Can't see the Tories doing this personally, but getting £3.6bn as a result of it would be good. I do wonder how many of these non doms would leave the UK if this law came in. The UK has something like 68k non doms living here.
Find me another benefit that generates that return while affect so few people.

We’re all in this together remember.


7,047 posts

162 months

Thursday 2nd May
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There goes one domino.

More to follow no doubt.

Rufus Stone

6,653 posts

59 months

Thursday 2nd May
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bloomen said:

There goes one domino.

More to follow no doubt.
You know, if they are just here as a tax dodge I would rather they ps off elsewhere even if it costs me a little.


12,417 posts

209 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Rufus Stone said:
bloomen said:

There goes one domino.

More to follow no doubt.
You know, if they are just here as a tax dodge I would rather they ps off elsewhere even if it costs me a little.
Define "tax dodge".

Bloke in question invests and builds businesses overseas but lives in the UK . Then employs people here and spends lots of money here.

Uk government then decides it wants a piece of what he's built overseas which will possibly also make his overseas assets subject to punitive levels of IHT if/ when he pegs it.

Not surprised he's decided "fk that" & is off over the hill. He's not a UK native, he doesn't owe the UK any loyalty.

Rufus Stone

6,653 posts

59 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Wombat3 said:
Define "tax dodge".

Bloke in question invests and builds businesses overseas but lives in the UK . Then employs people here and spends lots of money here.

Uk government then decides it wants a piece of what he's built overseas which will possibly also make his overseas assets subject to punitive levels of IHT if/ when he pegs it.

Not surprised he's decided "fk that" & is off over the hill. He's not a UK native, he doesn't owe the UK any loyalty.
And he's clearly not giving any.



12,417 posts

209 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Rufus Stone said:
Wombat3 said:
Define "tax dodge".

Bloke in question invests and builds businesses overseas but lives in the UK . Then employs people here and spends lots of money here.

Uk government then decides it wants a piece of what he's built overseas which will possibly also make his overseas assets subject to punitive levels of IHT if/ when he pegs it.

Not surprised he's decided "fk that" & is off over the hill. He's not a UK native, he doesn't owe the UK any loyalty.
And he's clearly not giving any.

So are we better off as a result?

Rufus Stone

6,653 posts

59 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Wombat3 said:
So are we better off as a result?
Don't know, don't care.

I have no time for people claiming they are doing us a favour living here and not paying their fair share.


12,417 posts

209 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Rufus Stone said:
Wombat3 said:
So are we better off as a result?
Don't know, don't care.

I have no time for people claiming they are doing us a favour living here and not paying their fair share.
"Fair share" rofl

Oliver Hardy

2,801 posts

77 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Rufus Stone said:
Wombat3 said:
So are we better off as a result?
Don't know, don't care.

I have no time for people claiming they are doing us a favour living here and not paying their fair share.
Yes, but when he is here he generously spends his money here so spreading his wealth smile


8,713 posts

109 months

Thursday 2nd May
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This is a little telling - "Haidar, 53, who was born in Nigeria but has Lebanese citizenship, donated £360,000 to the Conservatives last year. He said he was not consulted by the government or the Tory party about the decision to scrap the non-dom tax scheme, but that he did not expect to receive special consultation because of his donation."

If he didn't expect special consultation, why is he mentioning that he didn't get any? Do other taxpayers get consulted on potential changes to the system?

Mr Penguin

1,883 posts

42 months

Thursday 2nd May
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abzmike said:
This is a little telling - "Haidar, 53, who was born in Nigeria but has Lebanese citizenship, donated £360,000 to the Conservatives last year. He said he was not consulted by the government or the Tory party about the decision to scrap the non-dom tax scheme, but that he did not expect to receive special consultation because of his donation."

If he didn't expect special consultation, why is he mentioning that he didn't get any? Do other taxpayers get consulted on potential changes to the system?
He may have been asked by whoever interviewed him.


3,918 posts

241 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Rufus Stone said:
Wombat3 said:
So are we better off as a result?
Don't know, don't care.

I have no time for people claiming they are doing us a favour living here and not paying their fair share.

Laffer curve in action.

You're happy for the country to be worse off as long as you stick it to the rich.


7,766 posts

205 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Wombat3 said:
Define "tax dodge".

Bloke in question invests and builds businesses overseas but lives in the UK . Then employs people here and spends lots of money here.
If he lives here he should pay tax here?


9,901 posts

38 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Whack the middle earners £50,271 40% tax, send the wealthy non dom’s scuttling out of the U.K. and to add to the lunacy allow millions of working age people to claim long term sickness benefits.
Then think about voting for a Labour ‘wooden top’ flip flop Party at the forth coming GE.
Welcome to U.K.


9,901 posts

38 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Killboy said:
Wombat3 said:
Define "tax dodge".

Bloke in question invests and builds businesses overseas but lives in the UK . Then employs people here and spends lots of money here.
If he lives here he should pay tax here?
Plenty of choice for non dom’s in this World, they will do what this guy is doing, off to a more welcoming Country that understands the value of skills and money of an individual.


8,476 posts

118 months

Thursday 2nd May
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crankedup5 said:
Whack the middle earners £50,271 40% tax, send the wealthy non dom’s scuttling out of the U.K. and to add to the lunacy allow millions of working age people to claim long term sickness benefits.

If scrapping non dom status was a good idea it would have been done centuries ago.

Who's gonna make up the short fall left by chasing foreign billionaires away? Oh yeah. Me. frown

Rufus Stone

6,653 posts

59 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Mandat said:

Laffer curve in action.

You're happy for the country to be worse off as long as you stick it to the rich.
We dont need these parasites. Surely you don't think they live here for our benefit?

Rufus Stone

6,653 posts

59 months

Thursday 2nd May
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crankedup5 said:
Plenty of choice for non dom’s in this World, they will do what this guy is doing, off to a more welcoming Country that understands the value of skills and money of an individual.
Wrong. They will go where they can keep more of their no doubt hard earned millions.

It's ironic guy gave more to the Tory party than he did the country and is now upset he got no benefit from it.


7,047 posts

162 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Rufus Stone said:
We dont need these parasites. Surely you don't think they live here for our benefit?
They spunk loads of money and employ lots of people.

They're an asset to the country even if they're not quite of the country.

British natives have taken the piss with this status, but if anyone from elsewhere wants to hang out and splurge I for one am not tormented by it.