Can Sir Keir Starmer revive the Labour Party? (Vol. 2)

Can Sir Keir Starmer revive the Labour Party? (Vol. 2)


Seasonal Hero

7,954 posts

55 months

Monday 26th February
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London424 said:
I thought the issue was with Right to buy you had to pay money back. But on further reading the time was after that criteria. So it just reads that it’s the issues around where she was registered to vote vs where she was actually living.
Seems pretty thin to me. She sold it after 8 years and the time bar to not pay some back is 5 years. If there's fraud occurring then the police should investigate and charge if appropriate.

When we've done Rayner we can do the VIP lanes, Hunt's flats, Zahawi's tax, Ashcroft's non-dom status and the rest of it yes?

President Merkin

3,741 posts

22 months

Monday 26th February
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London424 said:
The Rayner story is going to be interesting because as read I can’t see how fraud of some description hasn’t occurred. Either she’s messed up the house sale or she’s messed up electoral fraud. I can’t see how both things can be true…unless the story is incorrect of course.
Interesting to you maybe. I'll get into it once I've had a chance to scroll back & read your posts condemning Hunt for forgetting to declare seven flats he bought in Southampton.


8,361 posts

198 months

Monday 26th February
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Seasonal Hero said:
we can do the VIP lanes, Hunt's flats, Zahawi's tax, Ashcroft's non-dom status and the rest of it yes?
I think you will find that the Mail will say that the police and courts should be investigating serious crimes like murder and stuff rather than those sort of things whistle .


12,831 posts

178 months

Monday 26th February
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Seasonal Hero said:
London424 said:
I thought the issue was with Right to buy you had to pay money back. But on further reading the time was after that criteria. So it just reads that it’s the issues around where she was registered to vote vs where she was actually living.
Seems pretty thin to me. She sold it after 8 years and the time bar to not pay some back is 5 years. If there's fraud occurring then the police should investigate and charge if appropriate.

When we've done Rayner we can do the VIP lanes, Hunt's flats, Zahawi's tax, Ashcroft's non-dom status and the rest of it yes?
But to qualify for the discount you must also live there for 5 years…which seems to be the issue.


7,352 posts

39 months

Monday 26th February
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Seasonal Hero said:
119 said:
Is what they are stating untrue?
The entire article is based on ‘there is no indication’.

With no manifesto yet published it’s conjecture. Hence it being posted in their ‘Comment’ section.

A Sunday Squirrel. Next.
You are correct about them having no clue and no manifesto, and yet he has u-turned on things not in any manifesto.


President Merkin

3,741 posts

22 months

Monday 26th February
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119 said:
You are correct about them having no clue and no manifesto, and yet he has u-turned on things not in any manifesto.

My big concern with the near future revolves around where we go next. Under the Tories, the country has demonstrably deteriorated for the majority. We are enduring a serious decline in living standards. If Labour fail to reverse or even arrest it, then it's possible people will reflect that they've tried the centre right & the centre left and neither have worked. In that event, it's not impossible the centre collapses & fringe voices gain serious traction, especially with lightly thinking souls like the guy above looking for easy answers. Nothing is assured.

Case in point from the Sunak thread.

BigMon said:
It honestly makes me despair that we have so many issues affecting us all everyday (potholes, NHS and schools to name just 3 things in dire need of improving) and we have the 2 main parties either arguing about fking Palestine or going on unhinged rants about muslims.

Parliament is currently not fit for purpose. Time for a revolution comrades.


2,851 posts

119 months

Monday 26th February
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6,157 posts

51 months

Monday 26th February
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86 said:

There is nothing wrong with being bald


1,600 posts

141 months

Monday 26th February
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86 said:
Please give it rest. Please. I beseech you. Please.


6,840 posts

62 months

Monday 26th February
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86 said:
Neither is this
40% see Labour as Antisemitic.


5,565 posts

109 months

Monday 26th February
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W124 said:
86 said:
Please give it rest. Please. I beseech you. Please.


7,352 posts

39 months

Monday 26th February
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S600BSB said:
W124 said:
86 said:
Please give it rest. Please. I beseech you. Please.
It’s almost as bad as 20 odd year old stories being dragged up..


52,521 posts

213 months

Monday 26th February
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julian987R said:
Neither is this
40% see Labour as Antisemitic.
If we're being picky it says "41% of the UK public thinks the party still struggles with anti-Jewish prejudice".

As percentages go that doesn't feel a massive surprise.


6,840 posts

62 months

Monday 26th February
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5,565 posts

109 months

Tuesday 27th February
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julian987R said:
Labour don’t need any more…


6,840 posts

62 months

Tuesday 27th February
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S600BSB said:
julian987R said:
Labour don’t need any more…
Well considering they have lost the Jewish vote then they need to make up the numbers some how


6,840 posts

62 months

Tuesday 27th February
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Uh oh

Mystery over Angela Rayner's old council house deepens as neighbours claim she was described as its 'landlady' and 'demanded money' when their son kicked a football through her window


4,624 posts

31 months

Wednesday 28th February
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A great PMQs for Starmer
Finally has the balls to have a go at Farage & his type, he doesn’t need to pussy foot around with the ‘red wall’ fringes.
Let them go do one.
Some great lines around Fruit Loop Truss.
Happy days.


6,840 posts

62 months

Thursday 29th February
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James6112 said:
A great PMQs for Starmer
Finally has the balls to have a go at Farage & his type, he doesn’t need to pussy foot around with the ‘red wall’ fringes.
Let them go do one.
Some great lines around Fruit Loop Truss.
Happy days.
From what I saw, Rishi had him on the ropes over antisemitism and that is a sucker punch by comparison to Kiers weak points.


5,565 posts

109 months

Thursday 29th February
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It would appear from some of the front pages today that SKS is also now setting Tory tax policy. Hilarious.