Another dog attack


Mr Moley

530 posts

193 months

Saturday 5th November 2022
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paul.deitch said:
Dog should always be under the control of their owner or the responsible person.
That may mean on a leash and/or muzzled depending on the circumstances. How can this be controversial?
No owner wants others, especially children, to be injured.
Quite smile

Mr Moley

530 posts

193 months

Saturday 5th November 2022
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bmwmike said:
Mr Moley said:
Any why is it bizarre exactly? Should we not have driving licences then?

If a dog goes nuts it is out of control whether it is on the lead or not. Why punish dogs and owners that are well behaved and no threat to anyone? My dog is gun trained and wouldn't bite another living creature if his life depended on it. I know this because we have been in that exact situation more than once, and on two of those occasions is was dogs on a lead that grabbed him around the throat
Driving licenses? Are you one of those PH'ers who throw out ridiculous counter points as if they are relevant.

Your dog could have taken part in Come Dancing for all I care, and for reference nearly every dog owner says their dog wouldn't bite another living creature. Until it happens. Then there is always some mitigating circumstance as it's never poor little pooches fault is it. Leads make it easier to drag the dog away, end of. No they don't make it any less likely the dog will bite, obviously, but nobody would claim that. Ability to drag it away though, yes.

Edited by bmwmike on Saturday 5th November 17:05
No, I'm one of those PH'ers who can understand basic concepts, you, clearly, aren't

As you didn't answer my question I'll do it for you.

Licensing is used to ensure that people are responsible. Speed consistently or drink and drive and you'll lose your licence. Your dog bites, you lose your licence.

It's breathtakingly simple.

The tone of your posts is telling.

Finally and funnily enough I know my dog better than you do and no, he would not bite under ANY circumstances


7,070 posts

111 months

Saturday 5th November 2022
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Mr Moley said:
No, I'm one of those PH'ers who can understand basic concepts, you, clearly, aren't

As you didn't answer my question I'll do it for you.

Licensing is used to ensure that people are responsible. Speed consistently or drink and drive and you'll lose your licence. Your dog bites, you lose your licence.

It's breathtakingly simple.

The tone of your posts is telling.

Finally and funnily enough I know my dog better than you do and no, he would not bite under ANY circumstances
And whom do you think would enforce those dog/owner licenses? It's breathtakingly simple to see that they were originally dropped because your average chav mutt was never licensed and nobody bothered to enforce it. Not sure which planet you live on but people will buy dogs off marketplace and not give two hoots to whether they are supposed to have a license or not. To take your analogy if licenses actually worked we wouldnt have mobile phone use whilst driving, speeding, etc. Licenses for dogs would do zero.

And yes I'm sure you believe your dog is a little angel but it's missing the point and doesn't change my mind that dogs should be on leads in public places irrespective of how well behaved the owners believe their dogs to be.

Mr Moley

530 posts

193 months

Saturday 5th November 2022
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bmwmike said:
Mr Moley said:
No, I'm one of those PH'ers who can understand basic concepts, you, clearly, aren't

As you didn't answer my question I'll do it for you.

Licensing is used to ensure that people are responsible. Speed consistently or drink and drive and you'll lose your licence. Your dog bites, you lose your licence.

It's breathtakingly simple.

The tone of your posts is telling.

Finally and funnily enough I know my dog better than you do and no, he would not bite under ANY circumstances
And whom do you think would enforce those dog/owner licenses? It's breathtakingly simple to see that they were originally dropped because your average chav mutt was never licensed and nobody bothered to enforce it. Not sure which planet you live on but people will buy dogs off marketplace and not give two hoots to whether they are supposed to have a license or not. To take your analogy if licenses actually worked we wouldnt have mobile phone use whilst driving, speeding, etc. Licenses for dogs would do zero.

And yes I'm sure you believe your dog is a little angel but it's missing the point and doesn't change my mind that dogs should be on leads in public places irrespective of how well behaved the owners believe their dogs to be.
So, much like driving licences then

The point in this context is that if said scrote's dog bites then the dog can easily removed. People not following rules is not a reason not to have them.

If you don't like dogs perhaps stay off the dog threads, you're just making yourself look like a plonker

oh and fyi I live on planet earth, do let me, and the rest of us, know when you land


8,622 posts

285 months

Saturday 5th November 2022
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I see a Dog thread brings out the bellends on PH...much like a dog whistle.


7,070 posts

111 months

Saturday 5th November 2022
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Mr Moley said:
So, much like driving licences then

The point in this context is that if said scrote's dog bites then the dog can easily removed. People not following rules is not a reason not to have them.

If you don't like dogs perhaps stay off the dog threads, you're just making yourself look like a plonker

oh and fyi I live on planet earth, do let me, and the rest of us, know when you land
I do like dogs. I also don't need to resort to insults to make my point. Leads make it easier to pull a dog away, but you seem to not be able to understand that. Licenses will make no difference because there is literally nobody to enforce and nobody cares anyway.

Police enforce driving without a driver's license. They won't be interested in unlicensed dogs.


7,070 posts

111 months

Saturday 5th November 2022
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juice said:
I see a Dog thread brings out the bellends on PH...much like a dog whistle.

Mr Moley

530 posts

193 months

Saturday 5th November 2022
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bmwmike said:
juice said:
I see a Dog thread brings out the bellends on PH...much like a dog whistle.
I could be wrong (it has been known) but I believe he's referring to you BBWmike

Mr Moley

530 posts

193 months

Saturday 5th November 2022
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bmwmike said:
Mr Moley said:
So, much like driving licences then

The point in this context is that if said scrote's dog bites then the dog can easily removed. People not following rules is not a reason not to have them.

If you don't like dogs perhaps stay off the dog threads, you're just making yourself look like a plonker

oh and fyi I live on planet earth, do let me, and the rest of us, know when you land
I do like dogs. I also don't need to resort to insults to make my point. Leads make it easier to pull a dog away, but you seem to not be able to understand that. Licenses will make no difference because there is literally nobody to enforce and nobody cares anyway.

Police enforce driving without a driver's license. They won't be interested in unlicensed dogs.
It's not an insult, it's a fact, you do sound like a plonker

I don't believe that you like dogs either, if you did you would understand that it's both unkind and unnecessary to keep them all tethered at all times

Edited by Mr Moley on Saturday 5th November 19:58


7,070 posts

111 months

Saturday 5th November 2022
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Mr Moley said:
bmwmike said:
juice said:
I see a Dog thread brings out the bellends on PH...much like a dog whistle.
I could be wrong (it has been known) but I believe he's referring to you BBWmike
Lol maybe, water off a ducks back. Especially when I'm right.

BoRED S2upid

19,848 posts

243 months

Saturday 5th November 2022
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OP what lead do you use? We use one of those retractable jobbies which is a pretty big piece of plastic. I’ve never been in your situation but I’m thinking that chunk of plastic would come in handy to give the attacking dog a whack with rather than risking your hand.


Original Poster:

10,725 posts

205 months

Saturday 5th November 2022
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BoRED S2upid said:
OP what lead do you use? We use one of those retractable jobbies which is a pretty big piece of plastic. I’ve never been in your situation but I’m thinking that chunk of plastic would come in handy to give the attacking dog a whack with rather than risking your hand.
Conventional lead and collar but we do use a harness occasionally.

I would imagine it would have been quite difficult in the melee my wife described to aim something like that


203 posts

186 months

Saturday 5th November 2022
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We already have a law that adequately covers the exact situation the OPs wife and dog unfortunately found themselves in. The police did (rightly) get involved – I don't understand why further laws would make any difference.

"It’s against the law to let a dog be dangerously out of control anywhere"

This means that any dog that could pose a threat whilst off-lead, must be kept on-lead in public. There is no need to put a blanket ban on off-lead dogs because there are plenty of owners/dogs that cause no issues whilst off-lead.

The problem is that a large proportion of dog owners aren't aware of or are blissfully ignorant to the current law. Perhaps more robust application of it is the answer, rather than further legislation.


Original Poster:

10,725 posts

205 months

Sunday 6th November 2022
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billbring said:
We already have a law that adequately covers the exact situation the OPs wife and dog unfortunately found themselves in. The police did (rightly) get involved – I don't understand why further laws would make any difference.

"It’s against the law to let a dog be dangerously out of control anywhere"

This means that any dog that could pose a threat whilst off-lead, must be kept on-lead in public. There is no need to put a blanket ban on off-lead dogs because there are plenty of owners/dogs that cause no issues whilst off-lead.

The problem is that a large proportion of dog owners aren't aware of or are blissfully ignorant to the current law. Perhaps more robust application of it is the answer, rather than further legislation.
The only reason the police took any action was due to my wife’s injury, the constable was under the impression that a dog on dog attack is not an offence so it’s not just dog owners that don’t understand the law


6,825 posts

179 months

Thursday 10th November 2022
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This has gone the same way all these threads do, they are almost pointless!

Idiot owners dont control their dogs and the vast majority of owners, who are responsible, get lumped inot the same bracket!

I live opposite a park in a town, there are 100's of dogs walked there daily, I have not witnessed an issue, worst I have seen is a whippet got hold of a squirrel and made an almighty red mess!

I have a dog, I rarely walk it on a lead, it is in control however, I always ask parents ahead if there children are ok with dogs. Not that he would take a moments notice of a child, but I wouldn't want to surprise or scare the child!

Boosted LS1

21,190 posts

263 months

Thursday 10th November 2022
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liner33 said:
billbring said:
We already have a law that adequately covers the exact situation the OPs wife and dog unfortunately found themselves in. The police did (rightly) get involved – I don't understand why further laws would make any difference.

"It’s against the law to let a dog be dangerously out of control anywhere"

This means that any dog that could pose a threat whilst off-lead, must be kept on-lead in public. There is no need to put a blanket ban on off-lead dogs because there are plenty of owners/dogs that cause no issues whilst off-lead.

The problem is that a large proportion of dog owners aren't aware of or are blissfully ignorant to the current law. Perhaps more robust application of it is the answer, rather than further legislation.
The only reason the police took any action was due to my wife’s injury, the constable was under the impression that a dog on dog attack is not an offence so it’s not just dog owners that don’t understand the law
You make an interesting point. Dog on dog can be quite normal for some dogs so to them it's not an offence. I'm not sure it's an offence either. Maybe when vets fee's arrive it becomes damage to property?


Original Poster:

10,725 posts

205 months

Friday 11th November 2022
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IANAL so just went off the TVP own website.

Leads have little to do with it since a dog off the lead may still be under control and a dog on a lead may not.

In this case I would argue that two dogs off the lead AND that the owner had no control over ie no recall, that went onto attack another dog and injure it would be an offence, irrespective of my wife's injury


2,165 posts

91 months

Friday 11th November 2022
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I hope your wife’s hand is healing OK


Original Poster:

10,725 posts

205 months

Friday 11th November 2022
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garythesign said:
I hope your wife’s hand is healing OK
It’s healing really well thanks


1,794 posts

236 months

Friday 11th November 2022
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I still don't understand people after letting their dogs run free and an issue arising with either another dog or a person, arguing about what went wrong. If you dog bites anyone (bad bds excluded) or another dog unprovoked, (some defence of owner is understandable) then it is untrustworthy.
Of course your dog can defend the pack or home, but biting with no need is sadly an indication of need for control or removal from risk. I trust my pooch not to bite or hurt anyone unless you count standing on their toes significant, but woul I ever have him lead free where I couldn't control him ?(ie other dogs ) NO he is too important and would be classed as dangerous.
Do I stop him challenging people who come to the house, of course not, but my hand is always on his collar. Why oh why would you not control your hound, even if not on lead? Scooby jumped out ot the garden last year when some people walked by with thier dog (off lead) and I ran around to stop any issues, Scooby wasn't interested int the lab once free and vice versa, but on progressing to collar my hound 2 metres away, theirs growled, and was follwed by "I don't like yout attitude", so some dog owners are such tts. Anyway, no harm done and I've never seen the same owners walk this road again(thankfully).
If you value your dog, be careful, none of them are completely predictable.