RIP - Capt Sir Tom Moore 02/02/21

RIP - Capt Sir Tom Moore 02/02/21



9,080 posts

165 months

Sunday 31st January 2021
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Prognosis is surely looking dismal - fair play for going to the Bahamas though. No point waiting for next year or the year after once you get to 100.


7,789 posts

249 months

Sunday 31st January 2021
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PSRG said:
If he was in hospital being treated for pneumonia it’s surely far more likely that he caught COVID while in hospital than on a plane or in Barbados? Given that he travelled back, what, mid December?
He was only taken into hospital today. The announcement is pretty vauge overall though, just that he was being treated for pneumonia over the "last few weeks" and tested positive "last week". It could be that he was only tested the one time and it was covid all along.

I can't find any references to the date they returned from Barbados, so it's entirely possible it was caught while they were traveling, although if he lives in a busy house it could have been brought in at any time really.


13,342 posts

286 months

Sunday 31st January 2021
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I thought he'd had the first jab, obviously I'm mistaken. Fair play to the guy the Barbados trip was on his bucket list to do.
Unlucky, how did he pick it up? Who knows.

No different to those holed up since March, they venture out for the first time (say when this is all over - when the f will that be?) and get hit by a truck. Life, it's full of risks every second of every day.

True example of hiding away at home for ever (adding in that 6k people die inside their homes from accidents every year in the UK).
Lady holed up again since last March. Decides to venture to sons for Xmas, just a couple hrs, all worked out and safely distanced lunch. Yep, so very careful, and not far to travel. Arrives and son is complaining of aching leg, it's nothing he says, he fell over while walking the dog. Say cheerios and wish each other happy xmas and new year.
A few days later, she's aching. Contacts son, he has covid. So does she.
Life, full of risk. Daily.


672 posts

129 months

Sunday 31st January 2021
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Gareth79 said:
He was only taken into hospital today. The announcement is pretty vauge overall though, just that he was being treated for pneumonia over the "last few weeks" and tested positive "last week". It could be that he was only tested the one time and it was covid all along.

I can't find any references to the date they returned from Barbados, so it's entirely possible it was caught while they were traveling, although if he lives in a busy house it could have been brought in at any time really.
My mistake - I assumed that he was being treated in hospital because of his age!


10,223 posts

182 months

Sunday 31st January 2021
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Electro1980 said:
Don’t bother. He’s a saint around here and all actions must be treated as infallible because something something war hero!

For what it’s worth, I agree. Poor judgment given that we keep being told that children are suffering to protect the elderly and the NHS. Young kids are being isolated from social contact but it’s fine for him, being high risk of infection and serious complications and hospitalisation, to go on holiday.
Bless , are you missing your schoolmates?


4,024 posts

130 months

Sunday 31st January 2021
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gooner1 said:
Bless , are you missing your schoolmates?
Tom probably is haha


9,161 posts

46 months

Sunday 31st January 2021
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Gareth79 said:
PSRG said:
If he was in hospital being treated for pneumonia it’s surely far more likely that he caught COVID while in hospital than on a plane or in Barbados? Given that he travelled back, what, mid December?
He was only taken into hospital today. The announcement is pretty vauge overall though, just that he was being treated for pneumonia over the "last few weeks" and tested positive "last week". It could be that he was only tested the one time and it was covid all along.

I can't find any references to the date they returned from Barbados, so it's entirely possible it was caught while they were traveling, although if he lives in a busy house it could have been brought in at any time really.
Unless it was the medical staff as we shouldn’t be mixing with other households according to the lockdown rules. Who knows what happened.


10,223 posts

182 months

Sunday 31st January 2021
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Donbot said:
Tom probably is haha
This Tom you mean?


4,024 posts

130 months

Sunday 31st January 2021
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gooner1 said:
Donbot said:
Tom probably is haha
This Tom you mean?
Yeah. I'm sure he regrets what he has done recently.

Going off on holiday when people here are wanting to get the military in to stop people going to the park.

Fighting the nazis looks like a waste of time.


10,223 posts

182 months

Sunday 31st January 2021
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Donbot said:
gooner1 said:
Donbot said:
Tom probably is haha
This Tom you mean?
Yeah. I'm sure he regrets what he has done recently.

Going off on holiday when people here are wanting to get the military in to stop people going to the park.

Fighting the nazis looks like a waste of time.
So you didn’t mind him travelling abroad to fight those Nazis when you were in no danger. Quelle suprise.


4,024 posts

130 months

Sunday 31st January 2021
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gooner1 said:
Donbot said:
gooner1 said:
Donbot said:
Tom probably is haha
This Tom you mean?
Yeah. I'm sure he regrets what he has done recently.

Going off on holiday when people here are wanting to get the military in to stop people going to the park.

Fighting the nazis looks like a waste of time.
So you didn’t mind him travelling abroad to fight those Nazis when you were in no danger. Quelle suprise.

He can travel abroad all he likes! Hopefully I and everyone else can as well.


10,223 posts

182 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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Donbot said:
gooner1 said:
Donbot said:
gooner1 said:
Donbot said:
Tom probably is haha
This Tom you mean?
Yeah. I'm sure he regrets what he has done recently.

Going off on holiday when people here are wanting to get the military in to stop people going to the park.

Fighting the nazis looks like a waste of time.
So you didn’t mind him travelling abroad to fight those Nazis when you were in no danger. Quelle suprise.

He can travel abroad all he likes! Hopefully I and everyone else can as well.
You will likely have plenty of time to do just that. That’s not the case with this old boy who imo has earned the right to get a bit of sun to warm his old bones.


1,464 posts

168 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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So, in summary... Agreeable old boy makes worthy gesture, it gets picked up by mainstream and social meeja resulting in massive charitable giving well beyond any expected level. Old boy canonised as a result, takes advantage of related commercial freebie. Misjudgement in doing so either excused (if you think he's a saint - he isn't) or vilified (If you think he's a selfish old b*gger - he's not that, either).

The whole thing is a media confection, from start to finish.. If indeed BA flew him to Barbados gratis for the publicity, they're the ones with something to answer for.

I wish the old bloke a speedy recovery. And a thousand poxes on our w@nky newspapers and celebrity culture.


4,024 posts

130 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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gooner1 said:
You will likely have plenty of time to do just that. That’s not the case with this old boy who imo has earned the right to get a bit of sun to warm his old bones.
I have plenty of time to sit on my ass I'll grant you that. So does my Nan who I'm not supposed to see.

Though to be fair she wasn't fighting the nazis, she was just sitting at home getting bombed by them.

I don't want to give the wrong impression. I have a lot of respect for him and I wish him well with whatever he does.

It's more a commentary on the current situation. And that things quickly u turn when certain individuals are involved.

Edited by Donbot on Monday 1st February 00:34


11,311 posts

219 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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100 year old man has family holiday to Barbados on his bucket list. What next if he recovers, family skiing and safari holidays?


43,003 posts

238 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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ReallyReallyGood said:
A holiday in the bahamas instead of a few extra years existing in your care home... not the worst trade I’ve seen this week

His life and he got to have a nice holiday at an age when many are just sat staring out the window.


43,003 posts

238 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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redrabbit said:
The whole thing is a media confection, from start to finish.. If indeed BA flew him to Barbados gratis for the publicity, they're the ones with something to answer for.
Once you pass 85 your chance of dying each year is rather high. He got to have a nice holiday before he goes courtesy of BA. They have nothing to answer or apologise for. Just a decent gesture to someone who raised a lot of money for charity.


1,600 posts

150 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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redrabbit said:
The whole thing is a media confection, from start to finish.. If indeed BA flew him to Barbados gratis for the publicity, they're the ones with something to answer for.
I'm almost certain that British Airways would have issued him with an open ticket and not forced him to go whilst in the middle of a pandemic. But at 100 years old (and a fair bit younger I'd say), you really need to take the opportunities as soon as they are available. He's not a hero to me, but I can't knock the guy and he seems to have led a good, fruitful life.


8,487 posts

142 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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gooner1 said:
You will likely have plenty of time to do just that. That’s not the case with this old boy who imo has earned the right to get a bit of sun to warm his old bones.
You might have, but the children who are having their life chances and healthy damaged every day they can’t go to school.

Ultimately he got this holiday, and all the other things, through the fame he and his courted. With that opportunity comes a responsibility to act appropriately. Going on holiday paid for by your notoriety when the rest of the country are paying such a heavy price to protect you is poor judgment.

I do wonder how many people leaping to his defence were so defensive of the bloggers going to Dubai a few months ago.


57 months

Monday 1st February 2021
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This is the problem with celebrity, if you make use of the media and public to raise your profile and cause etc then they all think they own you and all have an opinion when you’re upto something else (like this holiday) afterwards.