The U.S.A. Mass Shootings Thread

The U.S.A. Mass Shootings Thread



2,485 posts

215 months

Thursday 8th March 2018
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mx5nut said:
mko9 said:
For some random perspective somewhere around 3000 people are killed each year in Texas alone, in traffic accicidents only on the Interstate Highways.
Family and friends of anyone killed on the road would be unlikely to get death threats from militant car enthusiasts if they tried to do something to improve road safety.

Gun nuts can't show the same courtesy.
What if they tried to ban cars for everyone simply because someone they loved was killed in a car crash? That would probably provoke some strong feelings on the interwebz.

Being involved in a shooting doesn't make you a fire arms expert or a national gun policy expert, any more than surviving a plane crash or car crash makes you an aviation safety expert or a road safety expert.

Penelope Stopit

11,209 posts

112 months

Thursday 8th March 2018
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mko9 said:
mx5nut said:
mko9 said:
For some random perspective somewhere around 3000 people are killed each year in Texas alone, in traffic accicidents only on the Interstate Highways.
Family and friends of anyone killed on the road would be unlikely to get death threats from militant car enthusiasts if they tried to do something to improve road safety.

Gun nuts can't show the same courtesy.
What if they tried to ban cars for everyone simply because someone they loved was killed in a car crash? That would probably provoke some strong feelings on the interwebz.

Being involved in a shooting doesn't make you a fire arms expert or a national gun policy expert, any more than surviving a plane crash or car crash makes you an aviation safety expert or a road safety expert.
Guns are of no use, cars are


13,554 posts

234 months

Thursday 8th March 2018
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Penelope Stopit said:
Guns are of no use, cars are
No use to you. They are useful tools to a high number of folks in the UK, and human rights to some in the US.


4,180 posts

86 months

Thursday 8th March 2018
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Have you ever come home with a hammer or a drill and looked around for something to hammer or drill.
Sort of sums up gun ownership and the military industrial complex.


8,082 posts

160 months

Thursday 8th March 2018
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Anyone been watching Active Shooter on Sky Atlantic?

Interesting series on past shootings. Well worth a watch for background info and the police side of things.

Butter Face

30,733 posts

163 months

Thursday 8th March 2018
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randlemarcus said:
Penelope Stopit said:
Guns are of no use, cars are
No use to you. They are useful tools to a high number of folks in the UK, and human rights to some in the US.
Perfect logic there rolleyes . Guns have a place, in the hands of armies defending countries and hunters shooting animals (for food)

Devices designed solely for he purpose of killing shouldn’t be handed out to anyone who passes a basic background check (or not)

Cars != Guns. Not even close.


27,428 posts

282 months

Thursday 8th March 2018
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some guy wearing a powdered wig in the 1770s said:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
That is the famous Second Amendment that has cost the lives of thousands of people.

A constitutional amendment is not some holy scripture that must be enforced for all eternity - after all, the 21st Amendment was a repeal and complete reversal of the 18th Amendment.

The Second Amendment only says that people can bear arms in the context of a well-regulated militia, which is very far from how it is interpreted by the NRA et al.

Americans... bonkers.


999 posts

97 months

Thursday 8th March 2018
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Butter Face said:
Perfect logic there rolleyes . Guns have a place, in the hands of armies defending countries and hunters shooting animals (for food)
If you aren't in the armed forces and don't hunt for food, you have no place owning a gun?


Original Poster:

4,705 posts

124 months

Thursday 8th March 2018
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DurianIceCream said:
If you aren't in the armed forces and don't hunt for food, you have no place owning a gun?
Unless you are an armed robber? I cannot think of a good reason for your average Joe to own a firearm.


999 posts

97 months

Thursday 8th March 2018
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Ructions said:
DurianIceCream said:
If you aren't in the armed forces and don't hunt for food, you have no place owning a gun?
Unless you are an armed robber? I cannot think of a good reason for your average Joe to own a firearm.
Will you be writing to your MP and the Home Secretary?


5,404 posts

85 months

Friday 9th March 2018
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randlemarcus said:
No use to you. They are useful tools to a high number of folks in the UK, and human rights to some in the US.
Unfortunately, some Americans see their "human right" to own a device designed exclusively for killing as more important to somebody else's human right to life itself.


5,404 posts

85 months

Friday 9th March 2018
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mko9 said:
mx5nut said:
mko9 said:
For some random perspective somewhere around 3000 people are killed each year in Texas alone, in traffic accicidents only on the Interstate Highways.
Family and friends of anyone killed on the road would be unlikely to get death threats from militant car enthusiasts if they tried to do something to improve road safety.

Gun nuts can't show the same courtesy.
What if they tried to ban cars for everyone simply because someone they loved was killed in a car crash? That would probably provoke some strong feelings on the interwebz.
Who said ban them all? Are you really trying to defend and rationalise people sending death threats to the survivors of a mass shooting?

mko9 said:
Being involved in a shooting doesn't make you a fire arms expert or a national gun policy expert, any more than surviving a plane crash or car crash makes you an aviation safety expert or a road safety expert.
It would certainly inspire you to want to raise safety standards in the face of obvious flaws.


14,927 posts

194 months

Friday 9th March 2018
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mko9 said:
TheRainMaker said:
WOW, some updated stats for the year so far.

57 Police Officers shot or killed
41 Mass shootings (not sure what a mass shooting is)
304 people shot by accident rofl
106 Children UNDER 11 shot or killed frown
495 Teens shot or killed
9875 total incidents

It's only the start of March eek
For some random perspective somewhere around 3000 people are killed each year in Texas alone, in traffic accicidents only on the Interstate Highways.
In the US about the same number of people die in car crashes as die due to firearms (including suicides) .
In the UK, the odds of being killed by a gun (including suicides) is about the same as being killed by farm machinery!


2,485 posts

215 months

Friday 9th March 2018
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mx5nut said:
... Are you really trying to defend and rationalise people sending death threats to the survivors of a mass shooting?
You will note that I made no statement of any kind addressing that point. But I will now. If you are going to get your panties in a bunch about random idiots making death threats to others, then you should probably get off the interwebz. Pick any contentious subject and some dumbass will be making death threats against others they don't agree with. That seems to be the nature of social media. It is not justifyable in any circumstances, regardless of the subject matter. It also has no impact at all on the relative merits and arguments for or against any subject. Do you have any suggestions for how to stop these death threats? Maybe we need some "reasonable speech laws", or a national registry of people who make threatening statements, or perhaps not allow freedom of speech to people until they are at least 21?


5,404 posts

85 months

Friday 9th March 2018
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mko9 said:
Do you have any suggestions for how to stop these death threats?
How about restricting their easy access to a device designed entirely to help them follow through on them smile


13,554 posts

234 months

Friday 9th March 2018
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mx5nut said:
How about restricting their easy access to a device designed entirely to help them follow through on them smile
Agreed. FBI background checks and enforced wait periods on smartphones.


2,485 posts

215 months

Friday 9th March 2018
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A national background check before being allowed a FaceSpace account?


53,012 posts

186 months

Saturday 10th March 2018
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mx5nut said:
How about restricting their easy access to a device designed entirely to help them follow through on them smile
THat would seem most sensible

thse NRA types though, insidious


1,266 posts

163 months

Saturday 10th March 2018
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TheRainMaker said:
WOW, some updated stats for the year so far.

41 Mass shootings (not sure what a mass shooting is)
AFAIK mass shootings are when 4 or more people have been killed.


7,935 posts

112 months

Saturday 10th March 2018
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Gogoplata said:
AFAIK mass shootings are when 4 or more people have been killed.
Indeed. From memory, number of shootings where 2-3 people have been killed surpasses total of all, per definition, mass-shootings.

Just reading these threads it's always the people who you'd least want to have access to weapons, that are the main proponents of 'from my cold dead hands' idiocies.

Like totally normal, together with mum's shooter safely placed next to the bookcase.

Edited by jjlynn27 on Saturday 10th March 12:21