Scottish Politics / Independence - Vol 12

Scottish Politics / Independence - Vol 12



25,947 posts

196 months

Maybe there are guerrilla teams of canvassers taking each other's lamp post signs down. hehe


4,296 posts

193 months

alangla said:
I could wallpaper my house with the amount of letters and leaflets we’ve received from them. The candidate was round as well, maybe a month or so before the election was announced. Interestingly, I also had an SNP canvasser round back in the spring, they normally don’t bother either. Very few window posters of any party around here, I suspect everyone is just a bit fed up with politics at the moment.

As an aside, what happened to the lamp-post signs that the various parties used to put up? Have these been banned or something? I know there were meant to be rules about removing them after the election etc but I can’t remember seeing any at all this time round
Most councils in Scotland have banned lamppost signs completely.


13,525 posts

218 months

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SNP accused of hypocrisy for using diesel powered election battle bus when one of their election pledges is to ban non electric new ones by next year

Roderick Spode

3,239 posts

52 months

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alangla said:
A.J.M said:
Scottish Labour have just been at the door.

They must really smell blood as I’ve never had a door step canvasser before.
I could wallpaper my house with the amount of letters and leaflets we’ve received from them.
My gerbils have never been so busy. Loads of Labour & Scumbag Nats, a few token leaflets the postie delivered from other parties.


7,682 posts

139 months

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A few home truths in The Herald today from Kevin McKenna.

"It also became clear that Nicola Sturgeon had assembled a star chamber of hand-picked glove-puppets, all of whom were using independence to maintain salary packages well beyond what real life would have awarded their mediocre talents. "

" Why should any of us continue to take independence seriously when it’s become clear that the frauds operating at the top of the SNP have been conning Yes supporters about independence for most of the last decade? They have filled the most important cabinet positions with such an assortment of mediocre knaves that no matter how much they might spend on the NHS, education and housing their efforts would be bound to fail. "


6,143 posts

67 months

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Roderick Spode said:
My gerbils have never been so busy. Loads of Labour & Scumbag Nats, a few token leaflets the postie delivered from other parties.
Still a mere trickle here. Since the election was announced...

1 from SNP
1 from Conservative
1 from Reform
1 from some loony independent I had never heard of (although you would think he was a local celebrity going by the bumph)
5 from Labour.

If this constituency doesn't fall to Labour I'll eat my keyboard. The continuity SNP candidate is no more and her chosen replacement makes Susan Aitken look like Kate Moss (not that you should judge by looks, but someone carrying that much weight has a health problem that they are ignoring).


3,712 posts

99 months

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Evercross said:
Still a mere trickle here. Since the election was announced...

1 from SNP
1 from Conservative
1 from Reform
1 from some loony independent I had never heard of (although you would think he was a local celebrity going by the bumph)
5 from Labour.

If this constituency doesn't fall to Labour I'll eat my keyboard. The continuity SNP candidate is no more and her chosen replacement makes Susan Aitken look like Kate Moss (not that you should judge by looks, but someone carrying that much weight has a health problem that they are ignoring).
Paul Mack? I'm still trying to decipher that.

I had Labour on the doorstep a couple of weeks ago, which supports just how hard they're working here when you consider that we're not really old school working class round here.

Snow and Rocks

2,012 posts

30 months

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Nothing at all from Labour here in Aberdeenshire (perhaps unsurprisingly) but plenty from the Tories and Lib Dems along with a single leaflet from the SNP.


3,730 posts

181 months

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A leaflet from each of the main parties involved here, and the local labour guy was at the door, seemed a fine guy.

I expect its going to stay \snp due to split tory vote with Lab\Reform and Cons.

however aim is much reduced SNP seats at WM ill be happy with that.


6,143 posts

67 months

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hutchst said:
Paul Mack? I'm still trying to decipher that.
Mhanki Black out. Jaqueline Cameron standing for SNP in her stead. Cameron's biggest claim to fame (because she's been completely anonymous as a councillor) is that she was allegedly featured in the lyric of a Franz Ferdinand (remember them, no - didn't think so) song.


PS. The Scottish Marxists "Green" candidate here has been taking it a bit too literally...

Athol Boyd is his name. Sounds like a right working-class type I think not....

Edited by Evercross on Tuesday 2nd July 12:30


7,682 posts

139 months

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SNP leaflet through the door. Top pledge is "Protect The NHS"

Silly me. I thought the SNP had been in charge of the Scottish NHS for 17 years. Still Thatcher's fault then I take it.


26,645 posts

183 months

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Evercross said:
Mhanki Black out. Jaqueline Cameron standing for SNP in her stead. Cameron's biggest claim to fame (because she's been completely anonymous as a councillor) is that she was allegedly featured in the lyric of a Franz Ferdinand (remember them, no - didn't think so) song.


PS. The Scottish Marxists "Green" candidate here has been taking it a bit too literally...

Athol Boyd is his name. Sounds like a right working-class type I think not....
I'm struggling not to judge that particular book by its cover. I know appearances can be deceptive and one shouldn't judge, but...

Roderick Spode

3,239 posts

52 months

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Evercross said:
Athol Boyd is his name.
Presumably spoken with a Mike Tyson lithp, and the 'd' is silent? Or would that be me assuming their gender, and also an ageist slur?


3,325 posts

112 months

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Had a leaflet from each of the parties, all of which went into recycling (apart from the Reform leaflet which I tried to burn, but it wouldn't catch so had to piss on it instead) but every other youtube video is headed up by the Scottish Labour advert - not sure if it's me or my location or what but there's obviously some money going into it.


8,384 posts

263 months

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CharlesdeGaulle said:
Evercross said:
Mhanki Black out. Jaqueline Cameron standing for SNP in her stead. Cameron's biggest claim to fame (because she's been completely anonymous as a councillor) is that she was allegedly featured in the lyric of a Franz Ferdinand (remember them, no - didn't think so) song.


PS. The Scottish Marxists "Green" candidate here has been taking it a bit too literally...

Athol Boyd is his name. Sounds like a right working-class type I think not....
I'm struggling not to judge that particular book by its cover. I know appearances can be deceptive and one shouldn't judge, but...


2,266 posts

36 months

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SNP manifesto today, don’t know what is in it, straight into bin. Delivered by postie, they must be fed up he gave us two probably to reduce the number of houses visited.

Roll on Thursday


7,939 posts

146 months

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Down here in Yorkshire not one single leaflet from any party except an attempt to post one by Jehovah's Witnesses which failed as Max (Rottweiler) was sitting by the gate. So I don't know what their 'mandate' is?



13,525 posts

218 months

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Viper201 said:
Down here in Yorkshire not one single leaflet from any party except an attempt to post one by Jehovah's Witnesses which failed as Max (Rottweiler) was sitting by the gate. So I don't know what their 'mandate' is?

Thats because you are probably in a safe seat for the sitting MP.
No.point in wasting paper.


7,682 posts

139 months

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sherman said:
Viper201 said:
Down here in Yorkshire not one single leaflet from any party except an attempt to post one by Jehovah's Witnesses which failed as Max (Rottweiler) was sitting by the gate. So I don't know what their 'mandate' is?

Thats because you are probably in a safe seat for the sitting MP.
No.point in wasting paper.
Or Max spends a lot of time in the garden.


1,407 posts

145 months

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hutchst said:
I had Labour on the doorstep a couple of weeks ago, which supports just how hard they're working here when you consider that we're not really old school working class round here.
Neither is the Labour Party.