Scottish Politics / Independence - Vol 12

Scottish Politics / Independence - Vol 12



3,336 posts

91 months

ScotHill said:
irc said:
Slight thread drift.News that many postal votes will arrive too late. I know my opinion here is not popular but I believe unless you are unavoidably away from home or too disabled to walk you should go to your local polling place to vote.
Don't schedule an election in the school holidays then; it's pretty clear that England wouldn't have stood for an August election.
Quite. The whole thing needs moved online in any case, would massively improve turnout and reduce cost.


13,515 posts

218 months

ScotHill said:
irc said:
Slight thread drift.News that many postal votes will arrive too late. I know my opinion here is not popular but I believe unless you are unavoidably away from home or too disabled to walk you should go to your local polling place to vote.
Don't schedule an election in the school holidays then; it's pretty clear that England wouldn't have stood for an August election.
Is it maybe a tory agenda as most people taking the trades holidays at the start of the school holidays are generally Labour/SNP/Green voters.


3,307 posts

112 months

sherman said:
Is it maybe a tory agenda as most people taking the trades holidays at the start of the school holidays are generally Labour/SNP/Green voters.
I don't even think they thought twice about it, and if they did they probably didn't give a fk because Scotland. Plenty of middle class people we know are already jetting abroad for their holidays and may not have received a postal vote. We got ours about a week ago although we've been registered for them for years.


13,515 posts

218 months

ScotHill said:
sherman said:
Is it maybe a tory agenda as most people taking the trades holidays at the start of the school holidays are generally Labour/SNP/Green voters.
I don't even think they thought twice about it, and if they did they probably didn't give a fk because Scotland. Plenty of middle class people we know are already jetting abroad for their holidays and may not have received a postal vote. We got ours about a week ago although we've been registered for them for years.
The middle class vote left too. Teachers etc.
All the Lothian councils finish school today for instance.


14,958 posts

217 months

They chose the 4th July as that was the date the bookies gave the best odds for and thus the highest return. smile

No issue with postal vote here, it arrived last Saturday.


25,788 posts

196 months

ScotHill said:
I don't even think they thought twice about it, and if they did they probably didn't give a fk because Scotland. Plenty of middle class people we know are already jetting abroad for their holidays and may not have received a postal vote. We got ours about a week ago although we've been registered for them for years.
I get the impression it's not even contempt for Scotland, it's just No.10 doesn't have anyone capable of thinking outside of SW1. Pure ignorance.


8,369 posts

263 months

Anyone heard that Sturgeon has apparently got herself a nice news presenter job with ITV?

I'll try to find a source when I have a moment later...


25,788 posts

196 months

dxg said:
Anyone heard that Sturgeon has apparently got herself a nice news presenter job with ITV?

I'll try to find a source when I have a moment later...
Said so in the Herald yesterday, it figures as she's always had more front than Brighton.


7,630 posts

139 months

Only a one off pundit job for STV on election night. I usually watch BBC but may take a look to see her excuses as SNP seats fall

Obviously she will blame the ferry fiasco and her failures education and infrastructure along with the massive divisive gender politics.

Only kidding. She will blame voters for being ‘misogynist, homophobic, possibly racist’ .


14,958 posts

217 months

dxg said:
Anyone heard that Sturgeon has apparently got herself a nice news presenter job with ITV?

I'll try to find a source when I have a moment later...
Yes, it was announced and mentioned on this thread a couple of weeks ago she's going to be a pundit on election night.


8,369 posts

263 months

cuprabob said:
dxg said:
Anyone heard that Sturgeon has apparently got herself a nice news presenter job with ITV?

I'll try to find a source when I have a moment later...
Yes, it was announced and mentioned on this thread a couple of weeks ago she's going to be a pundit on election night.
Ah, I though it was something permanent. I guess she's best only making plans for the short term. wink

Roderick Spode

3,203 posts

52 months

irc said:
Only a one off pundit job for STV on election night. I usually watch BBC but may take a look to see her excuses as SNP seats fall
Didn't have you down as a sado-masochist. Imagine willingly subjecting yourself to an entire night of listening to fingernails on blackboard that is Sturgeon's narcissistic nasal Ayrshire whine. Add to that the self important pomposity that she will inevitably carry into the conversation, the delight at every Tory loss, and the incredible brazen brass neck she will show at every SNP loss - it'll all be "it wisnae me" as each domino falls. Hard pass for me on that one.


7,630 posts

139 months

Roderick Spode said:
irc said:
Only a one off pundit job for STV on election night. I usually watch BBC but may take a look to see her excuses as SNP seats fall
Didn't have you down as a sado-masochist. Imagine willingly subjecting yourself to an entire night of listening to fingernails on blackboard that is Sturgeon's narcissistic nasal Ayrshire whine. Add to that the self important pomposity that she will inevitably carry into the conversation, the delight at every Tory loss, and the incredible brazen brass neck she will show at every SNP loss - it'll all be "it wisnae me" as each domino falls. Hard pass for me on that one.
Oh no! Couldn't watch her all night. Just popping in for a visit wondering if she will still be blaming Thatcher/Westmister/Tory Austerity etc.

Big Rod

6,215 posts

219 months

cuprabob said:
No issue with postal vote here, it arrived last Saturday.
We're still waiting on ours.

Cutting it fine despite applying promptly and chasing repeatedly. Apparently it should arrive today but if that passes they couldn't tell me if I could change the address it should be sent to. I'm a somewhat irked by the ERO blaming royal Mail and vice versa. Admittedly, there'll be a significantly higher volume of applications but it's not rocket science.


4,562 posts

162 months

I’ve just went past the parliament and SNP HQ on my motorbike this morning and there is a large yellow coach with SNP branding parked up, so they must have some money left over from the motorhome.


3,258 posts

148 months

tim0409 said:
I’ve just went past the parliament and SNP HQ on my motorbike this morning and there is a large yellow coach with SNP branding parked up, so they must have some money left over from the motorhome.
That's next years tax rises sitting right there...we will all be paying for it.


3,258 posts

148 months

There a petition going to try to stop Sturgeon from getting the STV election gig...I urge everyone on here that hates Surgeon to sign up, your vote might just make the difference...and please share the link around.


4,960 posts

184 months

Klippie said:
There a petition going to try to stop Sturgeon from getting the STV election gig...I urge everyone on here that hates Surgeon to sign up, your vote might just make the difference...and please share the link around.
This is the channel that made that sycophantic, North Korean style Covid tribute video we’re talking about here, yes? It’ll make zero difference.


2,219 posts

120 months

Big Rod said:
cuprabob said:
No issue with postal vote here, it arrived last Saturday.
We're still waiting on ours.

Cutting it fine despite applying promptly and chasing repeatedly. Apparently it should arrive today but if that passes they couldn't tell me if I could change the address it should be sent to. I'm a somewhat irked by the ERO blaming royal Mail and vice versa. Admittedly, there'll be a significantly higher volume of applications but it's not rocket science.
I ended up dropping into my local delivery office this morning as I do a keepsafe on my mail when I'm away with work but it hadn't been delivered so far. Top guy behind the counter was able to bring my mail (including my postal vote and all the political leaflets) to me, he said they've had staffing issues recently so that's affecting the rounds. Sample size of 1 so taken with a pinch of salt but could similar be happening with you?


4,562 posts

162 months

Klippie said:
There a petition going to try to stop Sturgeon from getting the STV election gig...I urge everyone on here that hates Surgeon to sign up, your vote might just make the difference...and please share the link around.
I commented on The Times article yesterday and received quite a lot of “likes”; it does seem like an odd decision from ITV to alienate more than half your potential viewership.