Scottish Politics / Independence - Vol 12

Scottish Politics / Independence - Vol 12



24,330 posts

223 months

Thursday 27th June
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Evercross said:
Master Of Puppets said:
yes Some of that 30% used to be on here telling us how wrong we were, sadly the numbers have dwindled leaving the thread a bit of an echo chamber, nevermind, we understand how difficult it must be supporting such a low IQ cabal of absolute troughers and grifters.
IIRC the four most pro-indy contributors to this thread (Strocky, LimJim, ZedLeg and another whose name I cannot recall) earned themselves sitewide bans for breaches of forum rules unrelated to this thread.

Long before they earned their bans I had discourses with them calling them out for their sociopathic behaviour. Four typical examples of the type of people tribalist nationalistic politics attracts, so it would seem.

I've said since the start - the Scottish Nationalists clothe themselves in populist progressive politics but ultimately they are the same as every other xenophobic nationalist party, motivated to an individual by division. The SNP's time in the sun is coming to an end and those inclined to vote for them for their pseudo-progressiveness now have other options. The ones that remain loyal to the cause need to be called out and categorised with the others 'ists and 'phobes.

Edited by Evercross on Wednesday 26th June 11:18
Hey EV, as you know I'm pro independence and none of the above. There are a few of us you know? Detest the SNP though!


2,255 posts

36 months

Thursday 27th June
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biggbn said:
Hey EV, as you know I'm pro independence and none of the above. There are a few of us you know? Detest the SNP though!
I was too, thought we could be better managed in Scotland, how wrong I was, all they had to do was make life better for the majority, failed miserably all down to Sturgeon she blew independence out of the water.

Just do not think we have the politicians in Scotland that are up to the task of running an independent country. Not just SNP, none of them sparkle.

Speaking of not being up to the task what are the chances of these two Green chancers sneaking in the back door again?


7,642 posts

139 months

Thursday 27th June
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Alex Cole-Hamilton on Radio Scotland just now. Another preacher of the green revolution who doesn't have a heat pump in his own home. He can't afford it. MSP on £90k? Married to a teacher.

How does he expect the 90% or more households poorer than his to afford them


4,967 posts

184 months

Thursday 27th June
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Mercdriver said:
I was too, thought we could be better managed in Scotland, how wrong I was, all they had to do was make life better for the majority, failed miserably all down to Sturgeon she blew independence out of the water.

Just do not think we have the politicians in Scotland that are up to the task of running an independent country. Not just SNP, none of them sparkle.

Speaking of not being up to the task what are the chances of these two Green chancers sneaking in the back door again?
Which ones? Harvie/Slater or Lucas? Lucas is retiring at this election, but Electoral Calculus is predicting a Green hold for Brighton Pavilion.

For the various Scottish ones, the one thing to bear in mind is that Slater is currently second on the Lothian list behind the current presiding officer, so has a far better chance of holding on if she was to be first next time. Others are, as far as I can tell, first on their respective lists


2,255 posts

36 months

Thursday 27th June
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Harvie and slater are the two I want booted out, at least hopefully if labour are in control they will not have to depend on these two clowns to get legislation through, fingers crossed


2,255 posts

36 months

Thursday 27th June
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Another bad tempered exchange on FMQ today in the kindergarten .

Swinney blaming thatcher, Westminster and austerity for Scotlands ailments, still protesting that joining the EU and Independence is the solution

What about the millions wasted in the last five years by the SNP?

Sanwar having a go about the numbers of patients giving up with the health service and going private.

I do not drink before evening but Breakfast next Friday will be smoked salmon, scrambled eggs and a bottle of fizz, fingers crossed.


14,975 posts

217 months

Thursday 27th June
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Mercdriver said:
Another bad tempered exchange on FMQ today in the kindergarten .

Swinney blaming thatcher, Westminster and austerity for Scotlands ailments, still protesting that joining the EU and Independence is the solution

What about the millions wasted in the last five years by the SNP?

Sanwar having a go about the numbers of patients giving up with the health service and going private.

I do not drink before evening but Breakfast next Friday will be smoked salmon, scrambled eggs and a bottle of fizz, fingers crossed.
I could not believe Swinney brought up Thatcher...


6,135 posts

67 months

Thursday 27th June
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cuprabob said:
I could not believe Swinney brought up Thatcher...
Of course he did. The name has entered folklore in Scotland and is much a talisman of ignorant, passed-down bigotry as William of Orange and Bobby Sands.

Everywhere has its share of low IQ'rs, but I truly believe Scotland has more than most and they are absolutely entranced by the sort of tribal crap the SNats still peddle, especially across the sectarian central belt.

Humza pulled the same trick with Boris Johnson, constantly invoking his name despite Johnson being an ex-ex PM by the time the thick tt with a penchant for funding terrorism got into office.

Edited by Evercross on Thursday 27th June 16:09


2,255 posts

36 months

Thursday 27th June
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Oh my god, hold the fiz just read a poll forecasting a win for the SNP where I live. Just what do they have to do to get thrown out? Depressingbangheadranting


7,642 posts

139 months

Thursday 27th June
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cuprabob said:
I could not believe Swinney brought up Thatcher...
Thatcher was out of power half a lifetime ago. Half the population were not born when she was in power. Can we go back a bit further and hand some of the blame to Pitt the younger?


6,135 posts

67 months

Thursday 27th June
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irc said:
Thatcher was out of power half a lifetime ago. Half the population were not born when she was in power. Can we go back a bit further and hand some of the blame to Pitt the younger?
Surely Swinney should be blaming Blair and Brown rather than Thatcher, assuming he's got even a grain of political nous in the midst of an election campaign where Labour are clearly out in front and about to steal the SNP's lunch?

But then political nous has always been scarce in the SNP since Salmond was memory-holed.


7,642 posts

139 months

Thursday 27th June
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Tax refund today. Yes! How much? £15.74 Boo!

On the other hand my statement shows despite earning several £k past £43 I only paid the 42% SNP envy/greed tax on £171 of income. I made a pension contribution a couple of months before the end of the tax year so only had an estimate of the final total but got close enough.

I will need to add a few quid to my tax refund to buy something suitable to toast the loud clang of SNP seats falling on 5th July.

Slight thread drift.News that many postal votes will arrive too late. I know my opinion here is not popular but I believe unless you are unavoidably away from home or too disabled to walk you should go to your local polling place to vote.

Even when I was doing a job where I was on duty at polling place all day on election days (before widespread postal votes) my employer ensured that everyone who wanted it got a break long enough to go and vote.

Just trying to think how many times I have done it since old enough to vote in 1979.

11 for UK parliament. 1979, 1983, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2017 ,2019

6 for Scottish parliament 1999, 2003, 2007, 2011, 2016, 2021

13 Local or regional elections

5 European parliament

Finally I have voted in 6 referendums and been on the winning side every time.

So 41 times I have walked down to my local school and placed an X in a box.


4,967 posts

184 months

Thursday 27th June
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irc said:
Slight thread drift.News that many postal votes will arrive too late. I know my opinion here is not popular but I believe unless you are unavoidably away from home or too disabled to walk you should go to your local polling place to vote.
One might suggest that the UK Government (ie the clown who couldn’t comply with his own legislation at the council elections) introducing voter ID has perhaps made postal voting even more attractive than before and, combined with the schools being off & loads of people on holiday, has resulted in a significant surge in demand. FWIW, I agree with you that postal voting should be the exception but Blair disagreed, so we are where we are. Apparently voter ID isn’t required for Holyrood or Scottish council elections.


7,586 posts

133 months

Thursday 27th June
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irc said:
Finally I have voted in 6 referendums and been on the winning side every time.

Including the devolution one?

It's all your fault.


2,152 posts

146 months

Thursday 27th June
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Mercdriver said:
biggbn said:
Hey EV, as you know I'm pro independence and none of the above. There are a few of us you know? Detest the SNP though!
I was too, thought we could be better managed in Scotland, how wrong I was, all they had to do was make life better for the majority, failed miserably all down to Sturgeon she blew independence out of the water.

Just do not think we have the politicians in Scotland that are up to the task of running an independent country. Not just SNP, none of them sparkle.

Speaking of not being up to the task what are the chances of these two Green chancers sneaking in the back door again?
Add me to your group. I too thought (mistakenly) “Here’s a breath of fresh air. Here’s a chance to shine, control our own affairs, prove to the world etc etc”

Christ you have no idea how much I regret that choice. The guilt at my small contribution to the stshow we now find ourselves in is immeasurable. I cannot apologise enough to my fellow countrymen..... SNP! Never again. Ever. For as long as I draw oxygen. Never. Ever. again.


7,642 posts

139 months

Thursday 27th June
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technodup said:
irc said:
Finally I have voted in 6 referendums and been on the winning side every time.

Including the devolution one?

It's all your fault.
I thoght it was a good idea. I was wrong. I would vote differently if I could go back in a time machine.


18,916 posts

198 months

Thursday 27th June
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irc said:
So 41 times I have walked down to my local school and placed an X in a box.
And what good did it do?! Busy work


1,767 posts

47 months

Thursday 27th June
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irc said:
Tax refund today. Yes! How much? £15.74 Boo!

On the other hand my statement shows despite earning several £k past £43 I only paid the 42% SNP envy/greed tax on £171 of income. I made a pension contribution a couple of months before the end of the tax year so only had an estimate of the final total but got close enough.

I will need to add a few quid to my tax refund to buy something suitable to toast the loud clang of SNP seats falling on 5th July.

Slight thread drift.News that many postal votes will arrive too late. I know my opinion here is not popular but I believe unless you are unavoidably away from home or too disabled to walk you should go to your local polling place to vote.

Even when I was doing a job where I was on duty at polling place all day on election days (before widespread postal votes) my employer ensured that everyone who wanted it got a break long enough to go and vote.

Just trying to think how many times I have done it since old enough to vote in 1979.

11 for UK parliament. 1979, 1983, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2017 ,2019

6 for Scottish parliament 1999, 2003, 2007, 2011, 2016, 2021

13 Local or regional elections

5 European parliament

Finally I have voted in 6 referendums and been on the winning side every time.

So 41 times I have walked down to my local school and placed an X in a box.
I have only ever voted once and that was No in the independence referendum. Never bothered before or since and likely never will.


7,642 posts

139 months

Friday 28th June
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CoolHands said:
irc said:
So 41 times I have walked down to my local school and placed an X in a box.
And what good did it do?! Busy work
It's not perfect but if you don't vote then don't complain about who gets elected.


3,315 posts

112 months

Friday 28th June
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irc said:
Slight thread drift.News that many postal votes will arrive too late. I know my opinion here is not popular but I believe unless you are unavoidably away from home or too disabled to walk you should go to your local polling place to vote.
Don't schedule an election in the school holidays then; it's pretty clear that England wouldn't have stood for an August election.