Scottish Politics / Independence - Vol 12

Scottish Politics / Independence - Vol 12



2,145 posts

235 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Mercdriver said:
Look on the bright side of life, we only have another 8 days of their incompetence smile

Cava, I don’t buy anything French, is in the fridge ready for Friday the 5th
I was thinking of cracking a bottle of Scottish parliament whisky that's been in the back of the shelf, but I'll keep it for 2026. I hope they contracted distillers better than shipbuilders


13,521 posts

218 months

Tuesday 25th June
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NoddyonNitrous said:
I was thinking of cracking a bottle of Scottish parliament whisky that's been in the back of the shelf, but I'll keep it for 2026. I hope they contracted distillers better than shipbuilders
Its Gordon & MacPhail that blend it.
I doubt its their finest work.


3,543 posts

149 months

Tuesday 25th June
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NoddyonNitrous said:
I hope they contracted distillers better than shipbuilders
Well, you actually -have- the bottle and it's ready to drink, so that''s one better than Ferguson's.


3,261 posts

148 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Well it looks like we aren't going to see the conclusion of Police investigation of the missing £600k before the election, I had a feeling this would happen, the last thing the SNP want would all this to be stirred up again and splattered all over the media.

Sturgeon, Swinney, Dumza and the other inner sanctum deadbeats being carted off to jail would be the icing on the cake...and a joy to watch.


13,521 posts

218 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Klippie said:
Well it looks like we aren't going to see the conclusion of Police investigation of the missing £600k before the election, I had a feeling this would happen, the last thing the SNP want would all this to be stirred up again and splattered all over the media.

Sturgeon, Swinney, Dumza and the other inner sanctum deadbeats being carted off to jail would be the icing on the cake...and a joy to watch.
If its as bad as we think it migtt be it could be construed as political bias during the election campaign to to arrest most of the leadership of one party.
Thats getting on for something Putin would do.
The police will wait until the election dust has settled.


6,135 posts

67 months

Wednesday 26th June
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sherman said:
If its as bad as we think it migtt be it could be construed as political bias during the election campaign to to arrest most of the leadership of one party.
Thats getting on for something Putin would do.
The police will wait until the election dust has settled.
Best keep that bombshell for just before the Holyrood election. Bear in mind that as far as devolved assemblies go 4th July is just going to be an opinion poll, albeit a very significant and accurate one.


7,642 posts

139 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Evercross said:
Best keep that bombshell for just before the Holyrood election. Bear in mind that as far as devolved assemblies go 4th July is just going to be an opinion poll, albeit a very significant and accurate one.
Ideally a Branchform trial would be taking place alongside a Holyrood election. 30% of voters would still think the SNP were a suitable party to govern Scotland.


10,656 posts

143 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Roderick Spode said:
SNP target demographic are feckless workshy spongers, with a lifetime on the bubble. Promise them endless gravy and they will vote unquestioningly for the party. Also, promise them that independence will bring about a doubling of their dole money.

Meanwhile, to the middle classes, tell them that independence will guarantee EU membership and take the rug from under the Limp Dumbs. Quietly rinse the middle classes with vastly increased taxation, but spin it so it's Westminster's fault. Proclaim progressiveness.

To the elderly, continue parroting the propaganda about "the lowest pension in Europe" and claim that independence would see a tripling of the state pension. Don't explain how any of this would be funded. Talk constantly about the future of their children and grandchildren in a green and pleasant Utopia.
That's scarily and depressingly accurate.


2,349 posts

157 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Roderick Spode said:
Tom8 said:
Love how socialists claim everything is "free"
No one pays for anything ever.
Oh hang on a sec.
SNP target demographic are feckless workshy spongers, with a lifetime on the bubble. Promise them endless gravy and they will vote unquestioningly for the party. Also, promise them that independence will bring about a doubling of their dole money.

Meanwhile, to the middle classes, tell them that independence will guarantee EU membership and take the rug from under the Limp Dumbs. Quietly rinse the middle classes with vastly increased taxation, but spin it so it's Westminster's fault. Proclaim progressiveness.

To the elderly, continue parroting the propaganda about "the lowest pension in Europe" and claim that independence would see a tripling of the state pension. Don't explain how any of this would be funded. Talk constantly about the future of their children and grandchildren in a green and pleasant Utopia.
Very true although I can't see how they separate Labour from the SNP, I suppose the only difference is the independence thing.


25,849 posts

196 months

Wednesday 26th June
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The SNP aren't socialists, nor are Labour. The former have spent 17 years pandering to the middle class while parroting progressive bullst to the hard of thinking.

Master Of Puppets

3,326 posts

65 months

Wednesday 26th June
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irc said:
Ideally a Branchform trial would be taking place alongside a Holyrood election. 30% of voters would still think the SNP were a suitable party to govern Scotland.
yes Some of that 30% used to be on here telling us how wrong we were, sadly the numbers have dwindled leaving the thread a bit
of an echo chamber, nevermind, we understand how difficult it must be supporting such a low IQ cabal of absolute troughers and grifters.


7,642 posts

139 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Master Of Puppets said:
irc said:
Ideally a Branchform trial would be taking place alongside a Holyrood election. 30% of voters would still think the SNP were a suitable party to govern Scotland.
yes Some of that 30% used to be on here telling us how wrong we were, sadly the numbers have dwindled leaving the thread a bit
of an echo chamber, nevermind, we understand how difficult it must be supporting such a low IQ cabal of absolute troughers and grifters.
How soon we forget! Who was it on here that got a job offer in England good enough to be a higher rate tapayer but wouldn't take it because his partner would not qualify for their benefits in England?

On one of my other forums a vehement SNP supporter has publicly admitted the SNP need a few years out of power to regroup.

What amazes me is the fact that while SNP support has fallen indy support has not. Still hovering around 45%. Do they not think it would be nice to have evidence of a devolved Scotland which spends more per head than England and deals with most areas of govt which affect our lives making things better before jumping off the cliff.


6,135 posts

67 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Master Of Puppets said:
yes Some of that 30% used to be on here telling us how wrong we were, sadly the numbers have dwindled leaving the thread a bit of an echo chamber, nevermind, we understand how difficult it must be supporting such a low IQ cabal of absolute troughers and grifters.
IIRC the four most pro-indy contributors to this thread (Strocky, LimJim, ZedLeg and another whose name I cannot recall) earned themselves sitewide bans for breaches of forum rules unrelated to this thread.

Long before they earned their bans I had discourses with them calling them out for their sociopathic behaviour. Four typical examples of the type of people tribalist nationalistic politics attracts, so it would seem.

I've said since the start - the Scottish Nationalists clothe themselves in populist progressive politics but ultimately they are the same as every other xenophobic nationalist party, motivated to an individual by division. The SNP's time in the sun is coming to an end and those inclined to vote for them for their pseudo-progressiveness now have other options. The ones that remain loyal to the cause need to be called out and categorised with the others 'ists and 'phobes.

Edited by Evercross on Wednesday 26th June 11:18


7,642 posts

139 months

Wednesday 26th June
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The herald asks if Useless is looking for a high profile post politics job. Notably it is not allowing comments on the story!


3,261 posts

148 months

Wednesday 26th June
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irc said:
The herald asks if Useless is looking for a high profile post politics job. Notably it is not allowing comments on the story!
Who the fk would employ that useless tt, he couldn't hold onto the kushtiest job in Scotland as he's a total bellend and fks up everything he goes near.

He might be lucky and some SNP run council starts him as a picker-up of dog ste...only if he's lucky.

Seriously though he doesn't need a job, he's minted there's plenty of money run through his fingers to build up a nice little pile.


6,135 posts

67 months

Wednesday 26th June
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irc said:
The herald asks if Useless is looking for a high profile post politics job. Notably it is not allowing comments on the story!
Shill piece.

Yousaf is almost certainly regarded as a UK security risk following his series of international diplomatic blunders.


7,962 posts

189 months

Wednesday 26th June
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My postal ballot arrived.

9 candidates to pick from.
Scottish conservatives, Lib Dem’s, SNP, British unionist party, Scottish libertarian party, reform, greens, Labour and UKIP…

Some I’ve never heard of.
Think I’ll have to break the habit of a lifetime and vote Labour to get rid of the snp.


2,220 posts

120 months

Wednesday 26th June
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A.J.M said:
My postal ballot arrived.

9 candidates to pick from.
Scottish conservatives, Lib Dem’s, SNP, British unionist party, Scottish libertarian party, reform, greens, Labour and UKIP…

Some I’ve never heard of.
Think I’ll have to break the habit of a lifetime and vote Labour to get rid of the snp.
I'm still waiting on mine to arrive, although I did finally get some lavvy paper from the SNP.

A hand delivered letter addressed to me, with the usual pish leaflet inside. Interestingly they'd also including an SAE to return an included questionnaire - now I wonder where they got the funds to cover freepost letters considering they're skinty-poos? Surely not another postage related issue for the SNP hehe


2,255 posts

36 months

Thursday 27th June
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Quote A hand delivered letter addressed to me, with the usual pish leaflet inside. Interestingly they'd also including an SAE to return an included questionnaire - now I wonder where they got the funds to cover freepost letters considering they're skinty-poos? Surely not another postage related issue for the SNP hehe

Yup, got one of these, filled it in telling them the games up and no way am I voting for them.

Yes it had a sae return but asking as money is short please put a stamp on it, so I posted it to them without, they are good at wasting money so I helped them waste some more


10,755 posts

209 months

Thursday 27th June
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Got a flyer through for the Scottish greens, it's the only leaflet I've not recycled. In the main bin you go!