Scottish Politics / Independence - Vol 12

Scottish Politics / Independence - Vol 12


Roderick Spode

3,240 posts

52 months

Monday 24th June
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Was watching the kick-about last night with some passionately Scotland-supporting friends. Spent the full 90+ minutes biting my tongue to avoid cheering on Hungary. Sad really I feel this way about the national side. Anyway, at end the camera panned around the sea of despondent faces, and there standing forlornly was a dude with a glengarry bunnet festooned with badges, replete with one each of YES and an SNP noose. His sad wee face with SNP badge should be on all the election night coverage on the 5th July following the annoucement of every SNP loss, accompanied by the waah-waah-waah-waaaaah trumpet sound. I cannot comprehend the mindset of someone who thinks "getting ready to head to Germany to support my team, mustn't forget the badge of my favourite political party!"


4,585 posts

193 months

Monday 24th June
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It’s frustrating that our National Anthem is all about being independent as well.


2,481 posts

54 months

Monday 24th June
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rossub said:
It’s frustrating that our National Anthem is all about being independent as well.
I think you mean the "Flower of Scotland" which, although used as an anthem at sporting fixtures, is not the National Anthem. It's a folk song by the Corries, IIRC.
The National Anthem is the familiar "God Save the King".
(Good tune, though).

Pedant mode off...

Roderick Spode

3,240 posts

52 months

Monday 24th June
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Anyone feeling a bit melancholy this afternoon should have a read of Anne McLaughlin's X post, where her rasta stoner grifter boyfriend waved a Palestine/Saltire mash-up flag in support of the fooseball. It hasn't gone down too well with the die-hard Scotland fans... make a coffee and enjoy the comments...



6,143 posts

67 months

Monday 24th June
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Error_404_Username_not_found said:
I think you mean the "Flower of Scotland" which, although used as an anthem at sporting fixtures, is not the National Anthem. It's a folk song by the Corries, IIRC.
The National Anthem is the familiar "God Save the King".
National anthem of Scotland.

Scotland has no official anthem despite the shortbread senate having the legal competence to select one.

Flower of Scotland is an absolute dirge of a tune with borderline offensive lyrics. I preferred Scotland the Brave myself, which was used until 2010.

I'll be proudly singing my other anthem tonight though...

"Fratelli, d'Italia...."


17,969 posts

163 months

Monday 24th June
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I’d prefer sunshine on leith….


14,991 posts

217 months

Monday 24th June
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I was unlucky enough to catch the Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the Scottish Greens. A poet called Gray smile


7,683 posts

139 months

Monday 24th June
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It appears there are similarities between the UK and Scottish Greens. Both preach that the plebs must get heat pumps while their leaders still have gas boilers.


3,269 posts

148 months

Monday 24th June
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I came home from work and found SNP filth through my door, there's no detering these fkers it would seem.

As usual it promises the earth...the leaflet mentions the following.

Free Prescriptions - that happend in 2011 so nothing new.
Free Tuition - that happened in 2008 so nothing new.
Free Childcare - that happened in 2021 so nothing new.
Free Bus Travel - that happened in 2006 for the old team and 2021 for the young team, so nothing new.
£26.70 child payment - that happened in 2021, so nothing new.

And the "pièce de résistance" Dumza's council tax freeze...they are so proud of this even if they don't like it.

Then there's the lies...blame Westminster for the rents going couldn't write it..!!!


2,148 posts

235 months

Monday 24th June
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Klippie said:
I came home from work and found SNP filth through my door, there's no detering these fkers it would seem.

As usual it promises the earth...the leaflet mentions the following.

Free Prescriptions - that happend in 2011 so nothing new.
Free Tuition - that happened in 2008 so nothing new.
Free Childcare - that happened in 2021 so nothing new.
Free Bus Travel - that happened in 2006 for the old team and 2021 for the young team, so nothing new.
£26.70 child payment - that happened in 2021, so nothing new.

And the "pièce de résistance" Dumza's council tax freeze...they are so proud of this even if they don't like it.

Then there's the lies...blame Westminster for the rents going couldn't write it..!!!

"Designed to lowed living costs" You what?


25,952 posts

196 months

Tuesday 25th June
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NoddyonNitrous said:
"Designed to lowed living costs" You what?
Another set of bungs to the middle class and these fkwits think they're fking Keir Hardie.


11,301 posts

270 months

Tuesday 25th June
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“With the powers of independence we could fk your life up even more. “


8,400 posts

243 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Evercross said:
Error_404_Username_not_found said:
I think you mean the "Flower of Scotland" which, although used as an anthem at sporting fixtures, is not the National Anthem. It's a folk song by the Corries, IIRC.
The National Anthem is the familiar "God Save the King".
National anthem of Scotland.

Scotland has no official anthem despite the shortbread senate having the legal competence to select one.

Flower of Scotland is an absolute dirge of a tune with borderline offensive lyrics. I preferred Scotland the Brave myself, which was used until 2010.

I'll be proudly singing my other anthem tonight though...

"Fratelli, d'Italia...."
i've always thought the same. STB is so much more upbeat.

Edited by DocJock on Tuesday 25th June 07:06


10,664 posts

143 months

Tuesday 25th June
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NoddyonNitrous said:
"Designed to lowed living costs" You what?
If they meant load they are spot on, won't be many outside their wee circle that haven't had many extra costs loaded onto them as a result of their incompetence.

If they meant lower, who do they think they are kidding.


7,683 posts

139 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Radio Scotland phone in with Douglas Ross. Indy supporter asks if he agrees Scotland with it's natural resources and talented people could be a successful independent country. Ross disagrees politely saying he thinks we are more successful as part of the UK.

Missing out the obvious answer to me. Natural resources? Like the oil and gas the SNP want to leave in the ground both in the North Sea and fracking? The talented people unable to build 2 ferries or a few miles of dual carriageway. The ones against new nuclear while our existing one supplying most of our reliable electricity supply will be closed in a few years.

We have talented people but they are not the ones that have weaseled themselves into power.


2,362 posts

157 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Klippie said:
I came home from work and found SNP filth through my door, there's no detering these fkers it would seem.

As usual it promises the earth...the leaflet mentions the following.

Free Prescriptions - that happend in 2011 so nothing new.
Free Tuition - that happened in 2008 so nothing new.
Free Childcare - that happened in 2021 so nothing new.
Free Bus Travel - that happened in 2006 for the old team and 2021 for the young team, so nothing new.
£26.70 child payment - that happened in 2021, so nothing new.

And the "pièce de résistance" Dumza's council tax freeze...they are so proud of this even if they don't like it.

Then there's the lies...blame Westminster for the rents going couldn't write it..!!!

Love how socialists claim everything is "free"
No one pays for anything ever.
Oh hang on a sec.

Roderick Spode

3,240 posts

52 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Tom8 said:
Love how socialists claim everything is "free"
No one pays for anything ever.
Oh hang on a sec.
SNP target demographic are feckless workshy spongers, with a lifetime on the bubble. Promise them endless gravy and they will vote unquestioningly for the party. Also, promise them that independence will bring about a doubling of their dole money.

Meanwhile, to the middle classes, tell them that independence will guarantee EU membership and take the rug from under the Limp Dumbs. Quietly rinse the middle classes with vastly increased taxation, but spin it so it's Westminster's fault. Proclaim progressiveness.

To the elderly, continue parroting the propaganda about "the lowest pension in Europe" and claim that independence would see a tripling of the state pension. Don't explain how any of this would be funded. Talk constantly about the future of their children and grandchildren in a green and pleasant Utopia.


1,869 posts

162 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Klippie said:
Premise: An additional customs border has increased living costs

Proposal: To reduce living costs we'll institute an additional customs border


7,683 posts

139 months

Tuesday 25th June
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maffski said:
Premise: An additional customs border has increased living costs

Proposal: To reduce living costs we'll institute an additional customs border
I am guessing here but I imagine almost all UK distribution - supermarkets, retail, industrial is set up on a UK basis. So any organisation which had to either set up a new Scotland only system or add border costs onto an existing UK system will put up prices. But I guess that is me talking Scotland down. Making something more complicated makes it cheaper after all they proved that with the ferries.


2,268 posts

36 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Look on the bright side of life, we only have another 8 days of their incompetence smile

Cava, I don’t buy anything French, is in the fridge ready for Friday the 5th