Scottish Politics / Independence - Vol 12

Scottish Politics / Independence - Vol 12



1,723 posts

150 months

Saturday 22nd June
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Well that's me "gone tactical", although looking at predictions for my constituency a lib dem win seems pretty certain regardless. Should be more successful than last time I tried voting tactically biggrin

It's a close run predicted in my original hometown constituency between the Tories and SNP, but the local candidate was "weak" even before they started merrily waving their shotgun at their shoes. Frustrating, as a decent candidate/selection process I think could have done OK. The lack of quality PPCs on all sides is disappointing.


2,272 posts

36 months

Saturday 22nd June
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Apologies for being slightly off topic. Just been to Morrisons and Asda for a litre bottle of Gordon’s gin,

Greedy supermarkets selling for £24, they sell for £19 at Christmas .

Minimum pricing ha, another stupid law from the SNP, why don’t they close the subsidised bar in the pretendy parliament?

Last laugh is tanquary, a better gin is £22 a litre, so the supermarkets are taking us for mugs. Guess what I bought?

Rant over

Only another two weeks of these SNP/green imbeciles to go, will have to go for more gin on 5th July


4,970 posts

184 months

Saturday 22nd June
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Mercdriver said:
Apologies for being slightly off topic. Just been to Morrisons and Asda for a litre bottle of Gordon’s gin,

Greedy supermarkets selling for £24, they sell for £19 at Christmas .

Minimum pricing ha, another stupid law from the SNP, why don’t they close the subsidised bar in the pretendy parliament?

Last laugh is tanquary, a better gin is £22 a litre, so the supermarkets are taking us for mugs. Guess what I bought?

Rant over

Only another two weeks of these SNP/green imbeciles to go, will have to go for more gin on 5th July
I don’t think that’s MUP related (for once), prices appear the same in Asda Carlisle. Straight supermarket greed unfortunately!


2,272 posts

36 months

Saturday 22nd June
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Ah thanks for that, intended buying from Asda Carlisle on way past next week, will give it a miss.

Even buying down south by mail order can’t get it cheaper, have to change what we have for a pre dinner drink smile


7,966 posts

189 months

Saturday 22nd June
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SNP out doing the doors in bellshill today.

Will need to check the election prediction link someone put up to see if they may hold it or is it also going to Labour..


Original Poster:

22,436 posts

161 months

Saturday 22nd June
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Klippie said:
A while back I was speaking to some of the lads from BAE who were on the Type 45 program, they said they build the ship to the agreed spec, any changes were carried out after...ker-ching for BAE who charged them extra for additional work, that's fair enough.

But the SNP / CALMAC / Fergusons scandal takes this to a whole new level, the contract being just a cash cow one for all to plunder.
The Type 45 bit is true to the extent that changes after the agreed spec are charged, but getting to the agreed spec was a long winded process with many changes requested before the spec was finally agreed.


2,272 posts

36 months

Saturday 22nd June
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Scrump said:
The Type 45 bit is true to the extent that changes after the agreed spec are charged, but getting to the agreed spec was a long winded process with many changes requested before the spec was finally agreed.
I am pretty sure that is normal for a military contract, tight specification and costed. Any modifications are extra and costs agreed before proceeding.

Pity the SNP had not followed that business method but there again what do they know about business?

Primary school, secondary school the university studying politics does not give a good grounding in business mores the pity.


7,687 posts

139 months

Saturday 22nd June
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alangla said:
I don’t think that’s MUP related (for once), prices appear the same in Asda Carlisle. Straight supermarket greed unfortunately!
Not a fan of Gordon's but on Amazon the 70cl is £15 which is under £22 a litre.

I suspect I will be using Amazon a lot once the new MUP comes in by September.

For example a litre of decent vodka for what the MUP will be for 70cl in Scotland.


8,619 posts

221 months

Saturday 22nd June
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Saw an SNP banner taking up most of the wall of a house leaving Comrie. Haven’t seen anything else out of them thus far, beyond the odd leaflet.

Would be nice if publicly supporting them is starting to garner the ridicule and derision it deserves.


3,551 posts

149 months

Saturday 22nd June
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irc said:
I suspect I will be using Amazon a lot once the new MUP comes in by September.
For example a litre of decent vodka for what the MUP will be for 70cl in Scotland.
I've been using Amazon for a while now, it's far cheaper, especially if you pounce on offers (which are usually aligned with supermarket offers in England and Wales).

Would rather spend the money locally, but I resent being screwed-over by MUP - it's been proven to acheive nothing, it's juat another bit of "tinker around the edges" policy.


7,687 posts

139 months

Saturday 22nd June
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shtu said:
I've been using Amazon for a while now, it's far cheaper, especially if you pounce on offers (which are usually aligned with supermarket offers in England and Wales).

Would rather spend the money locally, but I resent being screwed-over by MUP - it's been proven to acheive nothing, it's juat another bit of "tinker around the edges" policy.
Doesn't affect the people that pass the law. Or me under current level as my tipples are malts or IPAs. The new level will though.


3,731 posts

181 months

Saturday 22nd June
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Had all the leaflets today.

Usual from all, except a couple of surprises.

SNP one has a bit at the bottom asking to display in the window, I assume as they've no funds for their own posters.

Also the local Scittish Family party. These guys make Reform look like the Lib Dems.

It's the tories or snp here, so I'll be voting Tory though theu don't deserve it, it is what it is up here till the SNP get the required shoeing they need.


3,272 posts

148 months

Saturday 22nd June
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emicen said:
Saw an SNP banner taking up most of the wall of a house leaving Comrie. Haven’t seen anything else out of them thus far, beyond the odd leaflet.

Would be nice if publicly supporting them is starting to garner the ridicule and derision it deserves.
I noticed in Lochgelly this afternoon here were was a small table out with SNP ste stuck to it, and a few loons there to hand out propaganda leaflets, but there didn't seem to be much interest from the people passing by.

Its a pity the election hadn't come during Covid I would have grabbed a handful to use as toilet paper.


1,565 posts

153 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Taffer said:
hidetheelephants said:
Given the st state of the vessels it doesn't reflect very well on him, regardless of previous experience.
Sadly,it was a bit of a poisoned chalice of a role he was given, bridging the CMAL/Ferguson's divide; he was one of the few ones driving the Ferguson's workforce as an outside influence. Things will probably slacken off now.....

Edited by Taffer on Friday 21st June 22:34
Talking of poison chalice's, in my circles I'm hearing noises about the current search for a replacement of CEO of Calmac following Drummond's departure. The headhunters are doing the rounds but the message coming back is they are struggling to find anyone interested in doing the job, such is the toxicity of the whole ferry debacle. Even the current DML interim guy standing in has said 'thanks but no thanks!'

They'll either end up paying a fortune to tempt someone half decent, or fill the role with a numpty and limp on until they get found out.


4,005 posts

100 months

Sunday 23rd June
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biggles330d said:
Talking of poison chalice's, in my circles I'm hearing noises about the current search for a replacement of CEO of Calmac following Drummond's departure. The headhunters are doing the rounds but the message coming back is they are struggling to find anyone interested in doing the job, such is the toxicity of the whole ferry debacle. Even the current DML interim guy standing in has said 'thanks but no thanks!'

They'll either end up paying a fortune to tempt someone half decent, or fill the role with a numpty and limp on until they get found out.


2,152 posts

200 months

Sunday 23rd June
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biggles330d said:
Talking of poison chalice's, in my circles I'm hearing noises about the current search for a replacement of CEO of Calmac following Drummond's departure......

.....They'll either end up paying a fortune to tempt someone half decent, or fill the role with a numpty and limp on until they get found out.
Yep, Odgers Berndston have adverts for CEO of Ferguson's and Calmac up at the moment, so ScotGov are really putting the feelers out on a global level. If you feel they'll have trouble filling the Calmac role, think about who'd want to take on the Ferguson's job!


4,972 posts

181 months

Sunday 23rd June
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They should turn the ship yard job in to a business degree to placement project. It can’t get any worse than the “professionals” have managed it.

Big Rod

6,215 posts

219 months

Monday 24th June
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Maybe a little off topic.

I've applied for a postal vote as I'll be away next week.

I've approached the Electoral Register Office and they've stated that the applications had/are being processed but I haven't heard anything or recieved anything in the post.

Only got a week left before I go away. Should I be concerned?


2,019 posts

220 months

Monday 24th June
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Big Rod said:
Maybe a little off topic.

I've applied for a postal vote as I'll be away next week.

I've approached the Electoral Register Office and they've stated that the applications had/are being processed but I haven't heard anything or recieved anything in the post.

Only got a week left before I go away. Should I be concerned?
I live in Dunfermline and received my postal vote on Friday. I completed the ballot and posted it yesterday.

Big Rod

6,215 posts

219 months

Monday 24th June
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Ecosseven said:
I live in Dunfermline and received my postal vote on Friday. I completed the ballot and posted it yesterday.
Yeah, I live just outside.

It's just concerning me a little. Never done a postal vote before.

Maybe I get in touch with the ERO again.