Scottish Politics / Independence - Vol 12

Scottish Politics / Independence - Vol 12



4,972 posts

184 months

Thursday 20th June
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Klippie said:
I agree.

Labours projected majority surely will change with the rapid rise of Reform, I think they are going to mop up a lot of floating votes plus a lot of people don't trust Labour.
Reform could really help the SNP by splitting the nominally Tory vote in the SNP/Tory marginals in the North East and South of the country, though I notice that the Telegraph are now predicting Dumfries & Galloway going to Labour. Either way, Reform seem to be doing a far more effective job of splitting the Tory vote than Alba are of splitting the SNP.


11,495 posts

263 months

Thursday 20th June
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alangla said:
Either way, Reform seem to be doing a far more effective job of splitting the Tory vote than Alba are of splitting the SNP.
If they are still going to vote SNP after the last two decades then I doubt they would stop voting SNP if they found Swinney in bed with their significant others.


6,156 posts

67 months

Thursday 20th June
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Jinx said:
If they are still going to vote SNP after the last two decades then I doubt they would stop voting SNP if they found Swinney in bed with their significant others.
More likely to find Sturgeon, (or Peter if they are male....)


2,577 posts

202 months

Thursday 20th June
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I am still concerned not enough people understand how to vote tactically just to wipe the green and SNP smear down to a slight pebbling of the toilet


2,285 posts

36 months

Thursday 20th June
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Really grumpy FMQ today, Ross challenging SNP oil and gas industry policy. Ross been told to apologise to swinney and control his behaviour.

Harvie the headbanger proving why the greens should never be allowed in power, advocating re assessment of the council tax and taxing the wealthy,if there are any left in Scotland.

Maybe if they hadn’t wasted £200m on deposit scheme they could have directed that money to the councils

Edited by Mercdriver on Thursday 20th June 12:29


3,164 posts

80 months

Thursday 20th June
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Jinx said:
alangla said:
Either way, Reform seem to be doing a far more effective job of splitting the Tory vote than Alba are of splitting the SNP.
If they are still going to vote SNP after the last two decades then I doubt they would stop voting SNP if they found Swinney in bed with their significant others.

whatever happens at the next GE - then these are the minimum amount of core voters left to the SNP - given how its been over the years, even recent years, there will be no swaying these voters to anywhere . There are valid alternatives, even Alba...........


7,968 posts

189 months

Thursday 20th June
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First letter from Labour.
Pamela Nash is the Labour candidate.

Not overly convinced this isn’t bullst bingo winning claims though.


8,391 posts

263 months

Thursday 20th June
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Do young people not deserve a verb?

Opportunities. They're a thing. What are Labour going to do about them? Do we need more, fewer, different...?


8,619 posts

221 months

Thursday 20th June
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Mercdriver said:
Really grumpy FMQ today, Ross challenging SNP oil and gas industry policy. Ross been told to apologise to swinney and control his behaviour.

Harvie the headbanger proving why the greens should never be allowed in power, advocating re assessment of the council tax and taxing the wealthy,if there are any left in Scotland.

Maybe if they hadn’t wasted £200m on deposit scheme they could have directed that money to the councils
Council tax does need reassessing, just not in the way that he wants.

Far too many properties have been left in low bands that ought to be bumped up. Instead of solely focussing on trying to squeeze more and more out of the top tiers, there should be a wholesale fattening of the middle.


4,584 posts

162 months

Thursday 20th June
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A.J.M said:
First letter from Labour.
Pamela Nash is the Labour candidate.

Not overly convinced this isn’t bullst bingo winning claims though.
I thought I recognised her name. Ex Labour MP and Chief Executive of Scotland in Union.


7,709 posts

139 months

Thursday 20th June
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Glasgow's Maryhill area has a reputation from the old days of having high numbers of criminals. At least one (potential) criminal is just visiting this Saturday. The SNP candidate, a science denier, is getting handers from Nicola.

Perhaps the SNP think that is one Glasgow seat they might hold. My dram is at the ready for a Labour gain.


5,113 posts

225 months

Thursday 20th June
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It’s not going well for the Greens in the comments section… rofl

You really have to wonder, how these politicians can stand there and make such ludicrous claims and expect to be taken seriously after their calamitous time in office?

Edited by wobert on Thursday 20th June 18:28


1,343 posts

57 months

Thursday 20th June
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rofl they will see those comments as a validation of their policies.


2,967 posts

202 months

Thursday 20th June
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All this "ban gas boilers" stuff misses the point that it should be as simple as switching to an electric one, except that it'll cost multiple times more to run due to electric prices.

I have absolutely no idea where this idea that renewable energy is supposed to be cheap has come from.

And worth remembering this is a party that managed to bankrupt an organisation and end up on the receiving end of court action for attempting to recycle cans and bottles which are already recycled...


26,016 posts

196 months

Thursday 20th June
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John Swinney is so full of st; he's still spinning the "we should copy Ireland/Denmark/Norway" as though they might do it or worse think it's a good idea.


10,679 posts

143 months

Thursday 20th June
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alangla said:
Reform could really help the SNP by splitting the nominally Tory vote in the SNP/Tory marginals in the North East and South of the country, though I notice that the Telegraph are now predicting Dumfries & Galloway going to Labour. Either way, Reform seem to be doing a far more effective job of splitting the Tory vote than Alba are of splitting the SNP.
I spend a fair bit time in Dumfries and Galloway, it's my favourite area of the UK. That would be a surprise but unfortunately the malaise that existed around the rest of the country finally reached there so maybe the locals have had enough. No matter what happened in the rest of the country once you got down there everything was always just a little bit better. Quality of the roads, reasonable amount of local policemen that actually knew the communities and a bunch of people that due to the fishing and farming backgrounds of many were nice to meet and more capable than most of standing on their own two feet.

These days the roads are just as bad as elsewhere, they use the cheap chippings route for resurfacing (the road down the Isle of Whithorn was a disgrace when i was recently down, bits of it had inches deep of the loose stuff, deadly for bikers) and the numbers dependent on alcohol and drugs appear to be rising while many of the local Police stations are gone. Jobs have always been hard to come by in the area but there appears to be a growing population of wealthy incomers based around air bnb/tourist accommodation etc which leaves fewer properties available for locals meaning,for a significant part of the year the businesses required to service that local population have a lower base.

There are obviously more seasonal jobs now but people still need to earn through winter and i get the impression that is getting harder.


10,679 posts

143 months

Thursday 20th June
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A.J.M said:

First letter from Labour.
Pamela Nash is the Labour candidate.

Not overly convinced this isn’t bullst bingo winning claims though.
Little difference to what the likes of Reform are promising and just as (un)achievable.


10,679 posts

143 months

Thursday 20th June
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wobert said:
It’s not going well for the Greens in the comments section… rofl

You really have to wonder, how these politicians can stand there and make such ludicrous claims and expect to be taken seriously after their calamitous time in office?

Edited by wobert on Thursday 20th June 18:28
Apart from BI6 ASH , he seems a full on loon. Apparently climate is the most important issue facing us today. Naw ya fkin walloper, the most important issue of today is getting clowns like you and the SNP as far away from any position of power or influence as possible.


4,972 posts

184 months

Thursday 20th June
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Oh dear, another potential SNP expenses scandal brewing. This time it’s misappropriating stamps intended for constituency correspondence to send party political material


4,972 posts

184 months

Thursday 20th June
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wc98 said:
I spend a fair bit time in Dumfries and Galloway, it's my favourite area of the UK. That would be a surprise but unfortunately the malaise that existed around the rest of the country finally reached there so maybe the locals have had enough. No matter what happened in the rest of the country once you got down there everything was always just a little bit better. Quality of the roads, reasonable amount of local policemen that actually knew the communities and a bunch of people that due to the fishing and farming backgrounds of many were nice to meet and more capable than most of standing on their own two feet.

These days the roads are just as bad as elsewhere, they use the cheap chippings route for resurfacing (the road down the Isle of Whithorn was a disgrace when i was recently down, bits of it had inches deep of the loose stuff, deadly for bikers) and the numbers dependent on alcohol and drugs appear to be rising while many of the local Police stations are gone. Jobs have always been hard to come by in the area but there appears to be a growing population of wealthy incomers based around air bnb/tourist accommodation etc which leaves fewer properties available for locals meaning,for a significant part of the year the businesses required to service that local population have a lower base.

There are obviously more seasonal jobs now but people still need to earn through winter and i get the impression that is getting harder.
I spend a fair bit of time down there too. The A75 and other Transport Scotland maintained roads are in decent condition, but the B roads maintained by D&G council are in a terrible state. Potholes seem to survive for years on some of them and as you say, they seem to repeatedly dump chippings on the same roads rather than properly resurfacing them. The 20mph disease also seems to be spreading as well.