Missing lad in Tenerife



7,774 posts

249 months

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Wozy68 said:
Also why would part of the money be used to pay for the mountain rescue teams, are these voluntary
Yes, so if the money is going to them for fuel, food, equipment etc. then that's surely totally justified.


1,128 posts

156 months

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The GoFundMe is now over £38k. eek


27,108 posts

164 months

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Gareth79 said:
Wozy68 said:
Also why would part of the money be used to pay for the mountain rescue teams, are these voluntary
Yes, so if the money is going to them for fuel, food, equipment etc. then that's surely totally justified.
Agreed. It's a bit like saying why does the RNLI need money when the crews are volunteers.

He's a British national and a lot of Spanish resources are going into looking for him. Donating to the Mountain Rescue teams for equipment etc would be a good use for the money.

I would also say paying for the families food and accommodation is perfectly OK. The bloke may have be a tt, but his parents and family are suffering. It's not a free holiday.

I'm surprised some people on PH would see it that way. Maybe they would see it as an opportunity if they were in the same position.

Edited by 98elise on Thursday 27th June 14:58


15,993 posts

207 months

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Petrus1983 said:
Kitchski said:
skwdenyer said:
Because 170k people are reported missing every year; because the media loves a mystery with a chance of a resolution. Nicola Bulley vanished in an instant in broad daylight; Michael Mosley likewise just wandered off; this lad likewise; the chap a few years back who is believed to have slept in a dumpster; and so on.

My sister drove her car to a remote location and vanished. It looks like a deliberate act, because it was - she drove there. There's no real mystery, no whodunnit. She's just missing, but there's no obvious chance she was abducted (by humans, aliens or beasts).

There's no intriguing story. She's just another missing person. And most people would say they already know what the outcome is; we just don't have the detail yet.

We did get some traction in the media. But to really cut through you need that additional "X" factor. And even then, the media cycle will soon pass, and all you're left with is the hangover from the false hope that lots of media attention will actually change anything. And maybe (if that's who you are, and your story happens to cut through) some money from a fundraiser or selling interviews etc.

For those with an interest, of those 170k people reported missing, 77% are found within 24 hours, 87% within 48 hours. 3% will be missing longer than a week; <1% for longer than a month. At any one time there are over 5000 people who are "long term missing" (meaning more than one year). Of those 170k per year, about 0.5% have fatal outcomes.
Interesting post, appreciate that.
skwdenyer has an eye opening/sad thread over here -


Just incase you hadn't noticed it before.
I'm surprised (but not upset) that the fatality figure is as low as 0.5%

I'm sorry for what you continue to be going through with your sister.


1,342 posts

44 months

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Jordie Barretts sock said:
There is a definite whiff of something not quite right here. Elements of the odd behavior of the girl who shall not be named but went missing some time ago in Portugal along with elements of the girl under the uncle's bed.

And yet, you have to equate it with the Doctor found dead on a Greek island. There's a possibility he's toast and they haven't found him yet, and there's also the possibility he's toast and sleeping with the fishes. I can't imagine it's all an elaborate ploy to obtai money. The whole bunch don't strike me as intelligent enough to come up with this plot.
Tenerife is a very dangerous place if you mix in that scene. If Lucy and her crew (maybe Jay was recruited for the festival along with his ‘mates’) are low level distributors, you can almost guarantee that there will be a very well organised and fluid network above them, running all of this, who would be well aware and mindful of what was going down at all times.

Something must have gone badly wrong, the outcome of which we don’t yet know, and then this story was fabricated to get money fast and get them out of their situation.

Lucy strikes me as being completely out of her depth and I am convinced she and the group of mates, not to mention the two older English guys and the AirBnB owners know far more than is being shared.

I’m aware this may sound far-fetched and I may have gone down my own rabbit hole researching it, but I just don’t buy that a young lad at a party with his mates in a foreign country would (by choice) jump in a car with two blokes he doesn’t know (who are both much older) and drive up to a highly remote location in the mountains for a few hours. A location which was quickly identified by Lucy from a few random Snapchat messages? Or were there more than three of them in car, or did Jay even go to Masca (his phone may have…). You just wouldn’t start walking 11 hours when buses were due shortly, it’s totally ridiculous however hungover or whatever comedown you’re on, imho.

So many questions need answering. It’s fascinating and concerning in equal measure and I appreciate I probably sound loopy but it’s got me gripped for some reason.


2,721 posts

182 months

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2HFL said:
Jordie Barretts sock said:
You just wouldn’t start walking 11 hours when buses were due shortly, it’s totally ridiculous however hungover or whatever comedown you’re on, imho.

You would, I got in some right situations in the 90's off my nut, infact we had a local man do it 10 year ago and he froze to death.



10,038 posts

221 months

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98elise said:
I would also say paying for the families food and accommodation is perfectly OK. The bloke may have be a tt, but his parents and family are suffering. It's not a free holiday.

Edited by 98elise on Thursday 27th June 14:58
whilst I agree with this, do they need to fly out all the extended family also ?

she says she is surrounded by wonderful people already and its their Families the money is paying to fly over and stay.


5,399 posts

173 months

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98elise said:
Gareth79 said:
Wozy68 said:
Also why would part of the money be used to pay for the mountain rescue teams, are these voluntary
Yes, so if the money is going to them for fuel, food, equipment etc. then that's surely totally justified.
Agreed. It's a bit like saying why does the RNLI need money when the crews are volunteers.

He's a British national and a lot of Spanish resources are going into looking for him. Donating to the Mountain Rescue teams for equipment etc would be a good use for the money.

I would also say paying for the families food and accommodation is perfectly OK. The bloke may have be a tt, but his parents and family are suffering. It's not a free holiday.

I'm surprised some people on PH would see it that way. Maybe they would see it as an opportunity if they were in the same position.

Edited by 98elise on Thursday 27th June 14:58

I was only asking if the Mountain Rescue team were voluntary or not. I have absolutely no issue with giving money to them for their time and effort and resources.

In relation to family I have no issues there either. It's later from the wording ... 'Surrounded by wonderful people'. That doesn't sound/come across as family to me, so why should the fund pay for their family also to go over.

Edited by Wozy68 on Thursday 27th June 15:51


10,049 posts

121 months


2,792 posts

60 months

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Wozy68 said:
2HFL said:
From the GFM page, update from Jay’s Mum.

I think they’re all fully aware some bad st went down that night.
That seems exceptionally well written.

Having seen the interview with the mum, pretty sure she didn't write that by herself.

Four Litre

2,052 posts

195 months

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98elise said:
Leptons said:
98elise said:
Leptons said:
Vasco said:
Leptons said:
vaud said:
Leptons said:
Also, Kicked the st out of a car thief? What’s not to like!?
It was a bit more than that.

"A gang of teenagers who launched a horrific attack on another using machetes, an axe and a golf club shockingly avoided jail."

"The baying mob of eight then surrounded him and launched a frenzied attack on the defenceless lad, using weapons or fists or encouraged the others. Judge Philip Parry said they acted together"
8 against one with weapons and they didn’t kill him? Doesn’t sound too frenzied does it. Was he the one doing the machete-ing?
How does any of this matter ? - it's just an example of how low he can get, regardless of the 'Mummy's little darling' being reported.
Of course it matters, it’s context. He wasn’t beating old grannies up for their pension money or nonceing. He doesn’t sound like a persistent offender, has a Job and has served the sentence given to him. He was 16, trying to act hard in front of other 16 year olds. But according to the bell end brigade deserves to be punished for the rest of all time. rolleyes
Nor was the car thief...but he deserves a kicking/machete to the head, while the violent remorseless criminal is just a lad being daft?

Do you know him?
Do you? Do you know the car thief?
No but I read what they were convicted of, and what judge said about them, their actions, and their behaviour in court. Violent criminals with zero remorse.

You've said he was just a daft lad trying to act hard in front of his mates. What brings you to that conclusion if you don't know him?
I did read that he attacked a kid with a machete and thought he must be a little toe rag, not to be missed. Had no ideas it was a car thief. Having had my car nicked by a little scumbag, I would of bought him a drink instead!


15,993 posts

207 months

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skwdenyer said:
skwdenyer said:
2HFL said:
Just picked up on this clip which was posted, which purports to be Lucy (in distress) finding/talking to Jay, if it’s legit and even them of course.

If true, that seems like it might lend support to the anonymous post on Facebook detailing the mechanics of the supposed drug dealing, the missing bag, etc.
So I've cleaned up the audio a bit. The video title seems misleading. This isn't about Jay losing the bag. This sounds like Jay might have been sent to deliver a bag, and it has gone sideways.

The female voice says "Did he look in the [indistinct] bag? Oh Jay! Oh Jay! fk! I'm sorry [rest is indistinct for now]."

That sounds more like Jay was sent to try to smooth over *her* mess, not the other way around as has been suggested elsewhere. If this is at all relevant of course.

That anonymous post suggesting Jay had suddenly been given responsibility in the organisation, and had abused it, sounded like post-hoc justification to me. This sounds more plausible.

I'd either assume Jay is toast at this stage (as an example), or the GoFundMe is a ransom.
If that's what it's purported to be and she's talking to Jay, then maybe something more sinister has happened. You could imagine that conversation if, say Jay had been sent to deliver a bag full of money/drugs, the recipient "he" looks in it and notices it's short before Jay gets the hell outta dodge, Jay calls her saying her little plan didn't go as predicted and he's in deep st.

Or even to someone else about Jay. I mean if she's got him into deep doo doo you I can easily belive yelling "Jay, Jay I'm so sorry" at the sky when the go-between person giving her the news tells her what's happened.

Less likely than "young man on the lash gets pissed, tries to walk back to the hotel an unfortunately falls down a ridge trying to take a shortcut" I'll admit.


3,307 posts

112 months

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Where even did that footage/audio come from, CCTV? Any confirmation of where or when it was alleged to have been taken? (can't read any text captions on my mobile)


1,342 posts

44 months

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ScotHill said:
Where even did that footage/audio come from, CCTV? Any confirmation of where or when it was alleged to have been taken? (can't read any text captions on my mobile)
From CCTV or a camera of some description at Playa de las Americas I read.

This version is clearer and longer if our audio expert can take a listen, although I noticed when the on screen video pauses the distressed girl keeps speaking, so is this just a cleverly dubbed video?


Edited by 2HFL on Thursday 27th June 18:03


17,072 posts

243 months

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2HFL said:
ScotHill said:
Where even did that footage/audio come from, CCTV? Any confirmation of where or when it was alleged to have been taken? (can't read any text captions on my mobile)
From CCTV or a camera of some description at Playa de las Americas I read.

This version is clearer and longer if our audio expert can take a listen, although I noticed when the on screen video pauses the distressed girl keeps speaking, so is this just a cleverly dubbed video?


Edited by 2HFL on Thursday 27th June 18:03
I’m not at my desk right now, so can’t do any work on it. However a quick listen seems to include the phrase “what was I thinking?” amongst what sounds like a stream of “of fk, oh fk” of a sort I’m sure familiar to anyone whose surfeit of bravado over skill behind the wheel has ended badly…


1,342 posts

44 months

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skwdenyer said:
2HFL said:
ScotHill said:
Where even did that footage/audio come from, CCTV? Any confirmation of where or when it was alleged to have been taken? (can't read any text captions on my mobile)
From CCTV or a camera of some description at Playa de las Americas I read.

This version is clearer and longer if our audio expert can take a listen, although I noticed when the on screen video pauses the distressed girl keeps speaking, so is this just a cleverly dubbed video?


Edited by 2HFL on Thursday 27th June 18:03
I’m not at my desk right now, so can’t do any work on it. However a quick listen seems to include the phrase “what was I thinking?” amongst what sounds like a stream of “of fk, oh fk” of a sort I’m sure familiar to anyone whose surfeit of bravado over skill behind the wheel has ended badly…
So the camera is indeed genuine (with audio), and is at Los Cristianos - here it is:



3,345 posts

163 months

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ApOrbital said:
Clearly put together to suggest she's some sort of drug mule, however if it's not fabricated, it does beg the question "how can an 18 year old with no source of income fund this sort of thing"

note to self don't end up a CT nutterbiggrin

Oliver Hardy

2,801 posts

77 months

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ninepoint2 said:
ApOrbital said:
Clearly put together to suggest she's some sort of drug mule, however if it's not fabricated, it does beg the question "how can an 18 year old with no source of income fund this sort of thing"

note to self don't end up a CT nutterbiggrin
if she is 18, so 16 when she started globe trotting?


1,251 posts

185 months

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2HFL said:
I’m aware this may sound far-fetched and I may have gone down my own rabbit hole researching it, but I just don’t buy that a young lad at a party with his mates in a foreign country would (by choice) jump in a car with two blokes he doesn’t know (who are both much older) and drive up to a highly remote location in the mountains for a few hours. A location which was quickly identified by Lucy from a few random Snapchat messages? Or were there more than three of them in car, or did Jay even go to Masca (his phone may have…). You just wouldn’t start walking 11 hours when buses were due shortly, it’s totally ridiculous however hungover or whatever comedown you’re on, imho.

So many questions need answering. It’s fascinating and concerning in equal measure and I appreciate I probably sound loopy but it’s got me gripped for some reason.
The Airbnb woman said she spoke to him regarding the bus times, he then setoff walking and she passed him 15 minutes later in the car.


1,342 posts

44 months

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duckson said:
2HFL said:
I’m aware this may sound far-fetched and I may have gone down my own rabbit hole researching it, but I just don’t buy that a young lad at a party with his mates in a foreign country would (by choice) jump in a car with two blokes he doesn’t know (who are both much older) and drive up to a highly remote location in the mountains for a few hours. A location which was quickly identified by Lucy from a few random Snapchat messages? Or were there more than three of them in car, or did Jay even go to Masca (his phone may have…). You just wouldn’t start walking 11 hours when buses were due shortly, it’s totally ridiculous however hungover or whatever comedown you’re on, imho.

So many questions need answering. It’s fascinating and concerning in equal measure and I appreciate I probably sound loopy but it’s got me gripped for some reason.
The Airbnb woman said she spoke to him regarding the bus times, he then setoff walking and she passed him 15 minutes later in the car.
Aware of that, yet on what is a popular tourist route and hiking area, in broad daylight, there wasn’t one other sighting, which is what I find inconceivable and so personally I’m not convinced about the Airbnb lady.