Macron calls a national election

Macron calls a national election



14,167 posts

99 months

Monday 8th July
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bodhi said:
This is probably more telling:



19,153 posts

171 months

Monday 8th July
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Thom said:
In the end the RN has more MPs than ever before and still got the highest amount of votes, which is rather telling. The mess Micron has deliberately thrown the country in will cement the RN's stronghold further over the long run and once half brained supporters of the far left will realise their mistake they will switch to the RN more easily than one may expect.
Think this is probably quite probable longer term. that can (ie actually attempting to address the grievances that are increasingly driving people to vote for Le Pen's lot) is and has been kickable down the road for the time being but how far that can continue is unclear. Not particularly sure that calling all of them bad thick racists is the right thing to be doing but hey.....


10,976 posts

232 months

Monday 8th July
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isaldiri said:
Think this is probably quite probable longer term. that can (ie actually attempting to address the grievances that are increasingly driving people to vote for Le Pen's lot) is and has been kickable down the road for the time being but how far that can continue is unclear. Not particularly sure that calling all of them bad thick racists is the right thing to be doing but hey.....
Well calling people you disagree with thicko racists has long been an incredibly successful strategy, so no reason why it shouldn't work in this case...

Of course the grown ups could listen to their concerns but that doesn't seem to be a thing any more.

What I find more curious, is labelling Le Pen supporters as extremists, when if you look at pictures of the victory party/riot in Paris, there were a hell of a lot of flags on display featuring the Hammer and Sickle. Call me old fashioned, but surely a regime that killed off 20 million of its own citizens is fairly extreme, no?


9,126 posts

155 months

Monday 8th July
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LimaDelta said:
Seats yes, votes no.
It’s a different system, but there are deep divisions now and many think that Macron’s use of the term ‘civil war’ is apocryphal.


2,085 posts

206 months

Monday 8th July
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bodhi said:
Well calling people you disagree with thicko racists has long been an incredibly successful strategy, so no reason why it shouldn't work in this case...

Of course the grown ups could listen to their concerns but that doesn't seem to be a thing any more.

What I find more curious, is labelling Le Pen supporters as extremists, when if you look at pictures of the victory party/riot in Paris, there were a hell of a lot of flags on display featuring the Hammer and Sickle. Call me old fashioned, but surely a regime that killed off 20 million of its own citizens is fairly extreme, no?
The biggest party in that coalition is headed by Jean-Luc Melenchon, a previous member of the French Trotskyist movement

interwebs said:
A fiery orator, Mr Melenchon is one of the most divisive figures in French politics, enthusing some voters while horrifying others.

In 2017, he ran on a platform of taxing the rich 100% on income above €400,000 (£338,000), reducing the working week to 32 hours, and scrapping nuclear power.

He is known for unbridled tax-and-spend proposals, class war rhetoric and controversial foreign policy positions, particularly on Gaza.

France Unbowed has been a vocal critic of Israel and refused to condemn Hamas as a terrorist organisation
I bet scrapping nuclear power will go down well in France laugh
It seems the centrists dont want to work with him and vice-versa.

Bon Chance! laugh


10,976 posts

232 months

Monday 8th July
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.:ian:. said:
bodhi said:
Well calling people you disagree with thicko racists has long been an incredibly successful strategy, so no reason why it shouldn't work in this case...

Of course the grown ups could listen to their concerns but that doesn't seem to be a thing any more.

What I find more curious, is labelling Le Pen supporters as extremists, when if you look at pictures of the victory party/riot in Paris, there were a hell of a lot of flags on display featuring the Hammer and Sickle. Call me old fashioned, but surely a regime that killed off 20 million of its own citizens is fairly extreme, no?
The biggest party in that coalition is headed by Jean-Luc Melenchon, a previous member of the French Trotskyist movement

interwebs said:
A fiery orator, Mr Melenchon is one of the most divisive figures in French politics, enthusing some voters while horrifying others.

In 2017, he ran on a platform of taxing the rich 100% on income above €400,000 (£338,000), reducing the working week to 32 hours, and scrapping nuclear power.

He is known for unbridled tax-and-spend proposals, class war rhetoric and controversial foreign policy positions, particularly on Gaza.

France Unbowed has been a vocal critic of Israel and refused to condemn Hamas as a terrorist organisation
I bet scrapping nuclear power will go down well in France laugh
It seems the centrists dont want to work with him and vice-versa.

Bon Chance! laugh
Still it's kept the extremists out tho, so woohoo!

Or something...


19,153 posts

171 months

Monday 8th July
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.:ian:. said:
The biggest party in that coalition is headed by Jean-Luc Melenchon, a previous member of the French Trotskyist movement

interwebs said:
A fiery orator, Mr Melenchon is one of the most divisive figures in French politics, enthusing some voters while horrifying others.

In 2017, he ran on a platform of taxing the rich 100% on income above €400,000 (£338,000), reducing the working week to 32 hours, and scrapping nuclear power.

He is known for unbridled tax-and-spend proposals, class war rhetoric and controversial foreign policy positions, particularly on Gaza.

France Unbowed has been a vocal critic of Israel and refused to condemn Hamas as a terrorist organisation
I bet scrapping nuclear power will go down well in France laugh
It seems the centrists dont want to work with him and vice-versa.

Bon Chance! laugh
To be fair... I think Melenchon has moderated his approach somewhat and the left wing coalition platform for this election was for merely 90% tax for that bracket of earners so perhaps he's no longer considered an extremist....? scratchchin


38,165 posts

259 months

Monday 8th July
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isaldiri said:
To be fair... I think Melenchon has moderated his approach somewhat and the left wing coalition platform for this election was for merely 90% tax for that bracket of earners so perhaps he's no longer considered an extremist....? scratchchin
Left extremists appear to be OK these days. It's only the right ones everyone should worry about biggrin


6,012 posts

85 months

Monday 8th July
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So, co-habitation rules again.
Alas for Macron, and France, it’s going to solve bugger all. Macron clings to power, he *may* keep Melanchon out of power, but good Lord, any chance he had of governing how he wants just evaporated.
Only those who don’t live in France could consider the idea of Melanchon in power instead of Marine *better*. It is an insane proposition because she is orders of magnitude less fking insane than he is.
Macron has just handed the 2 opposite ends of the spectrum the biggest platforms in the country. And they are going to hammer him mercilessly.
I mentioned earlier in the thread that MLP would have been constrained by the reality of having to govern had she “won”. The same problems that Macron has to deal with. An away with the faeries idealist loony she isn’t, she is very much rooted in the practicalities of power.
Do not, in any way shape or form, mistake Melanchon for being of this ilk. He doesn’t care, he will happily burn half, or more, of the place down to get what he wants.
Everyone is know bloody well hoping that Macron has a rabbit to pull out of the hat.


1,017 posts

177 months

Monday 8th July
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a controversial post because of our history.....

Sometimes I feel an important referendum should be best of 3, there are so many people who wont or cant vote for whatever reason and an important vote passed by a low turnout just lacks some credibility.

Beati Dogu

9,012 posts

142 months

Monday 8th July
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Well if they can't figure out a deal, you very well may get another general election in a few months.


4,642 posts

147 months

Monday 8th July
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Interesting to see the way this is going with Left/Right.

Right gets casted as racist, Extreme Left are a bunch of lunatics.

I think the National Front will eventually get into power in France, how is the Left going to stabilise enough to retrieve voters of the right?


19,153 posts

171 months

Monday 8th July
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Beati Dogu said:
Well if they can't figure out a deal, you very well may get another general election in a few months.
Don't think that's possible until next year unless Macron himself quits which he almost certainly won't as he rather does enjoy the trappings of being president....


6,012 posts

85 months

Monday 8th July
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fourstardan said:
Interesting to see the way this is going with Left/Right.

Right gets casted as racist, Extreme Left are a bunch of lunatics.

I think the National Front will eventually get into power in France, how is the Left going to stabilise enough to retrieve voters of the right?
It’s the surname thing. Ppl see Le Pen and automatically think “st, it’s a blonde mini me of her dad!” A very different beast is Marine from her dad, far more effective for a start. Ironically/amusingly daddy Le Pen and Melanchon are much equateable, absolutely as bonkers as each other.
The country didn’t like Macron before he pulled this stunt, it sure as hell doesn’t like him any more for it now!!

Vanden Saab

14,497 posts

77 months

Monday 8th July
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fourstardan said:
Interesting to see the way this is going with Left/Right.

Right gets casted as racist, Extreme Left are a bunch of lunatics.

I think the National Front will eventually get into power in France, how is the Left going to stabilise enough to retrieve voters of the right?
They won't, that is the problem with calling your opponents thick racists who do not know what they are voting for. It becomes impossible to then get them to vote for you or any party you support.

Mr Penguin

2,184 posts

42 months

Monday 8th July
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In what way are Melenchon and le Pen sr mad? Is it a Liz Truss ideology first, second and third approach?


6,012 posts

85 months

Monday 8th July
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Mr Penguin said:
In what way are Melenchon and le Pen sr mad? Is it a Liz Truss ideology first, second and third approach?
I’m unsure how to answer that given you have equated Melanchon and Liz Truss in the same context. This is akin to Vlad the Impaler having a knees up with JFK.


14,015 posts

287 months

Monday 8th July
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DeejRC said:
Mr Penguin said:
In what way are Melenchon and le Pen sr mad? Is it a Liz Truss ideology first, second and third approach?
I’m unsure how to answer that given you have equated Melanchon and Liz Truss in the same context. This is akin to Vlad the Impaler having a knees up with JFK.
I wouldn't have likened Melanchon to JFK, to be honest.

Given the split in the final vote, it appears the French electorate have voted for a barking but largely neutered Melanchon in coalition vs a venal Le Pen with effective sole control of the levers of power?


6,646 posts

182 months

Monday 8th July
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“It’s a bit of a mess” would cover it, then?


26,358 posts

196 months

Monday 8th July
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They've frenched it up frenchily.