Can Sir Keir Starmer revive the Labour Party? (Vol. 2)

Can Sir Keir Starmer revive the Labour Party? (Vol. 2)



14,091 posts

99 months

quotequote all
anonymoususer said:
Can and has and is on his way to a massive majority.
Corbyn would never have been able to achieve this
You fallen out with Diane or something?

Jezza would have walked it, Starmer's just pinched his thoroughly deserved victory.


16,057 posts

249 months

quotequote all
anonymoususer said:
Can and has and is on his way to a massive majority.
Corbyn would never have been able to achieve this
Could he? Has he? Revived the Labour Party I mean? Is it not actually that he fouled up less in the voters' eyes than Sunak is perceived to have done? There's still people questioning Labour's ability based on their past, and yet Sunak managed to dive beneath that and screw the Tory image completely. There have been counter arguments put forward in mitigation: covid and lockdowns, the cost of paying for furlough and all the other contingent costs of a full-on panic response to the pandemic which Labour would have reacted even more uncontrollably to if their comments at the time were credible, Ukraine war effect on global energy prices, etc., but these have hardly been heard. Without running a control sequence it cannot be said that any other party would have cocked-up less.


1,343 posts

57 months

It’s official, he has indeed. However I believe the issue of Palestine and the relationship to the Labour Parties Muslim vote is going to be massive problem for him. Be interesting to see how he handles it.


5,723 posts

109 months

Yes, yes, yes!!! Well done Sir Keir. Bravo.


19,261 posts

262 months

S600BSB said:
Yes, yes, yes!!! Well done Sir Keir. Bravo
Assume parody, but halving your own constituency vote as an incoming PM is pretty impressive.


9,911 posts

257 months

NomduJour said:
S600BSB said:
Yes, yes, yes!!! Well done Sir Keir. Bravo
Assume parody, but halving your own constituency vote as an incoming PM is pretty impressive.
Getting less votes than Corbyn is some achievement too.
Well done Sir Keir.

President Merkin

3,877 posts

22 months

Fewer. He'll still be in Downing Street this morning giving a speech, so chin up lads.


9,911 posts

257 months

President Merkin said:
Fewer. He'll still be in Downing Street this morning giving a speech, so chin up lads.
I hope they let him finish this time. Sky cut to Ed ‘Chip Cobb’ Davey earlier.


104,961 posts

263 months

andy43 said:
President Merkin said:
Fewer. He'll still be in Downing Street this morning giving a speech, so chin up lads.
I hope they let him finish this time. Sky cut to Ed ‘Chip Cobb’ Davey earlier.
If he has time, he could consult rain radar.

Randy Winkman

16,636 posts

192 months

turbobloke said:
andy43 said:
President Merkin said:
Fewer. He'll still be in Downing Street this morning giving a speech, so chin up lads.
I hope they let him finish this time. Sky cut to Ed ‘Chip Cobb’ Davey earlier.
If he has time, he could consult rain radar.
Good point. Or use one of those new-fangled umbrella things.


3,199 posts

249 months

Regardless of the ins and outs it appears the answer to the thread title is Yes.


5,723 posts

109 months

President Merkin said:
Fewer. He'll still be in Downing Street this morning giving a speech, so chin up lads.


16,057 posts

249 months

President Merkin said:
Fewer. He'll still be in Downing Street this morning giving a speech, so chin up lads.
On 35% of the popular vote - lower than Blair scored! First past the post is now clearly on borrowed time.

President Merkin

3,877 posts

22 months

motco said:
President Merkin said:
Fewer. He'll still be in Downing Street this morning giving a speech, so chin up lads.
On 35% of the popular vote - lower than Blair scored! First past the post is now clearly on borrowed time.
It isn't. Turkeys don't vote for Christmas & four seats Reform aren't changing that.


52,719 posts

213 months

Now people are moaning about 35% hehe

It's seats that matter.


14,091 posts

99 months

Crypto markets have clearly puked at the news. Someone fetch a lettuce.



12,809 posts

213 months

motco said:
On 35% of the popular vote - lower than Blair scored!
That is one of the many remarkable things about this election.
The Labour Party has only gained +1.6 points. Not a ringing endorsement for SKS.
The collapse of the Tory vote is huge -19.9 points. Most of that seems to have gone to Reform (+12.3).
Not quite as clear cut as that I’m sure. I’d guess that many Conservative voters went Labour and many Labour went Green (another big gainer +4.1).
Lib Dems not much changed either (+0.6).


26,078 posts

170 months

AstonZagato said:
motco said:
On 35% of the popular vote - lower than Blair scored!
That is one of the many remarkable things about this election.
The Labour Party has only gained +1.6 points. Not a ringing endorsement for SKS.
The collapse of the Tory vote is huge -19.9 points. Most of that seems to have gone to Reform (+12.3).
Not quite as clear cut as that I’m sure. I’d guess that many Conservative voters went Labour and many Labour went Green (another big gainer +4.1).
Lib Dems not much changed either (+0.6).
If you have cancer, getting rid of it is all that matters. Tactical voting is fine if it does the job.

Starmer isn’t exactly inspiring but he will be competent. The chemo may not feel good, it may even feel bad, but you do it because it has to be done to kill the cancer.

The chemo worked yesterday.

President Merkin

3,877 posts

22 months

AstonZagato said:
motco said:
On 35% of the popular vote - lower than Blair scored!
That is one of the many remarkable things about this election.
The Labour Party has only gained +1.6 points. Not a ringing endorsement for SKS.
The collapse of the Tory vote is huge -19.9 points. Most of that seems to have gone to Reform (+12.3).
Not quite as clear cut as that I’m sure. I’d guess that many Conservative voters went Labour and many Labour went Green (another big gainer +4.1).
Lib Dems not much changed either (+0.6).
Thatcher won three on the bounce without exceeding 43% of the vote. I imagine lots of people in here are very cool with that.


12,433 posts

209 months

President Merkin said:
AstonZagato said:
motco said:
On 35% of the popular vote - lower than Blair scored!
That is one of the many remarkable things about this election.
The Labour Party has only gained +1.6 points. Not a ringing endorsement for SKS.
The collapse of the Tory vote is huge -19.9 points. Most of that seems to have gone to Reform (+12.3).
Not quite as clear cut as that I’m sure. I’d guess that many Conservative voters went Labour and many Labour went Green (another big gainer +4.1).
Lib Dems not much changed either (+0.6).
Thatcher won three on the bounce without exceeding 43% of the vote. I imagine lots of people in here are very cool with that.
Not really the whole story though is it?

In 1977 Thatcher polled 44% on a 76% turnout - i.e. 33.5% of the eligible electorate & she had a majority of 43

Starmer has polled 33% on a 60% turnout so just under 20% of the total for a majority of over 180

All down to FPTP obviously but not exactly what you could objectively describe as a huge democratic mandate when 4 out of 5 people are not supporting you.

The obvious answer is some form of PR but I've never been convinced that would work especially well with our culture and our system. It takes politicians capable of proper collaboration and compromise. Don't know how we fix that to make it better without making it worse first.

If Starmer has any sense he will recognise that these numbers mean that the same thing can happen to him the next time.