“National Conservatism”



13,052 posts

220 months

Wednesday 17th May 2023
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bigothunter said:
smn159 said:
What's anti-woke then? Being in favour of racial and social injustice?
Here's a previous example:

LBC News said:
The public will not tolerate 'woke' policing over catching burglars, the chief constable of Greater Manchester Police (GMP) said.

Stephen Watson felt people were "fed up" of virtue-signalling from police and that impartiality from officers could be undermined by responses to campaign groups.

You seem unable to differentiate between 'woke' and your perception of how some people and institutions interpret it. Are you also anti-Christmas because you don't like the John Lewis ads?

Your earlier post conflates woke with environmental concerns as well, with suggests some confusion about what you're actually arguing against. Modern life maybe? The fact that it's no longer then 1950s?

You seem a good fit with the JRM lot


7,954 posts

55 months

Wednesday 17th May 2023
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bigothunter said:
Pretentiousness in all its glory. Is sneering condescension next? rolleyes
It comes baked in where you’re concerned.


7,876 posts

205 months

Wednesday 17th May 2023
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So the Merriam Webster site has a better page to explain the term.


Urban Dictionary has a pretty good definition of anti-woke


Enjoy hehe


11,639 posts

63 months

Wednesday 17th May 2023
quotequote all
smn159 said:
You seem unable to differentiate between 'woke' and your perception of how some people and institutions interpret it. Are you also anti-Christmas because you don't like the John Lewis ads?

Your earlier post conflates woke with environmental concerns as well, with suggests some confusion about what you're actually arguing against. Modern life maybe? The fact that it's no longer then 1950s?

You seem a good fit with the JRM lot
You've resorted to inventing stuff now. That really is not constructive or clever.


6,577 posts

58 months

Wednesday 17th May 2023
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bhstewie said:
God even the speakers at it a defending against nazism too? Methinks they doth protest too much biglaugh



Original Poster:

57,274 posts

207 months

Wednesday 17th May 2023
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smn159 said:
bigothunter said:
smn159 said:
Not sure what point you are trying to make - Moggs religious fruit loopery is OK because a virtue signalling police chief said something about woke in 2021?

Are your views really that easily bought?
You trivialised being anti-woke. I merely highlighted that Manchester's population and chief constable did not agree.
What's anti-woke then? Being in favour of racial and social injustice?
Is it the Met?


12,686 posts

98 months

Wednesday 17th May 2023
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smn159 said:
bigothunter said:
smn159 said:
What's anti-woke then? Being in favour of racial and social injustice?
Here's a previous example:

LBC News said:
The public will not tolerate 'woke' policing over catching burglars, the chief constable of Greater Manchester Police (GMP) said.

Stephen Watson felt people were "fed up" of virtue-signalling from police and that impartiality from officers could be undermined by responses to campaign groups.

You seem unable to differentiate between 'woke' and your perception of how some people and institutions interpret it. Are you also anti-Christmas because you don't like the John Lewis ads?

Your earlier post conflates woke with environmental concerns as well, with suggests some confusion about what you're actually arguing against. Modern life maybe? The fact that it's no longer then 1950s?

You seem a good fit with the JRM lot
It's pretty much confirmed that "woke" just means "they said something I don't like".


14,167 posts

99 months

Wednesday 17th May 2023
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smn159 said:
What's anti-woke then? Being in favour of racial and social injustice?
Being able to see the world through another lens, to judge people on something other than the "terrible" colour of their skin. People used to dream about such things.


7,954 posts

55 months

Wednesday 17th May 2023
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11,639 posts

63 months

Thursday 18th May 2023
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captain_cynic said:
It's pretty much confirmed that "woke" just means "they said something I don't like".
An interpretation which fits extremely well. And all these woke warriors know that hehe


12,686 posts

98 months

Thursday 18th May 2023
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bigothunter said:
captain_cynic said:
It's pretty much confirmed that "woke" just means "they said something I don't like".
An interpretation which fits extremely well. And all these woke warriors know that
Thanks for demonstrating my point for me.

The perma-offended use "woke" because you can't even use a real insult and just want to show you're offended.


12,278 posts

111 months

Thursday 18th May 2023
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captain_cynic said:
Thanks for demonstrating my point for me.

The perma-offended use "woke" because you can't even use a real insult and just want to show you're offended.
I wouldn't be surprised if overusing it until it's meaningless is part of the appeal tbh.


7,848 posts

263 months

Thursday 18th May 2023
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Kinder, Küche, Kirche is the new Tory policy. This is straight out of the NSDAP playbook.

Too many women are going to university and working, writes female Cambridge graduate working as an MP. Why is she out of the house? Why wasn't she pregnant at 18?



40,580 posts

199 months

Thursday 18th May 2023
quotequote all
Killboy said:
So the Merriam Webster site has a better page to explain the term.


Urban Dictionary has a pretty good definition of anti-woke


Enjoy hehe
Harsh but fair IMHO biggrin


7,954 posts

55 months

Thursday 18th May 2023
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captain_cynic said:
Thanks for demonstrating my point for me.

The perma-offended use "woke" because you can't even use a real insult and just want to show you're offended.
"Sometimes when people say "woke" they mean "liberals being self-righteous and vicious about trivial things" and sometimes they mean "integration," or "civil rights laws" or "black people on television" and it's convenient not to have to explain what you actually mean."

So for idiots who use it as an insult it can mean whatever it is they don't like that particular day, or that the Daily Mail has told them to be angry with.

A nebulous concept that's utterly flexible and totally away from its original intent. Now co-opted by right-wing headbangers as a catch-all phrase of 'things they don't like other people saying' whilst at the same time whining about cancel culture, supporting people who want to limit protest, and free speech and public discourse and also moaning about 'things you can't say any more'. And by that they mean racism, homophobia, misogyny et al.


12,569 posts

265 months

Thursday 18th May 2023
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Gweeds said:
F1GTRUeno said:
The hilarity that this is only a left thing. The right do it exactly as much.
You're wasting your time there. The man supported Trump FFS.
Bannon and don't bring that baggage here buddy, Micheal Gove isn't exact the second coming of the anti-christ is he? I doubt he is a closet Spurs fan who subscribes to the combat 18 news letter.

He is rumoured to be ACDC and it wouldn't surprise me if his main secret is curating a large collection of brightly coloured cashmere sweaters and comfy slippers whilst flicking through fluid magazine. it's hardly Nuremberg rally level stuff is it?


7,906 posts

74 months

Thursday 18th May 2023
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This is light hearted but I think does make a very useful and accurate distinction between conservatism and fascism:



7,954 posts

55 months

Thursday 18th May 2023
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Carl_Manchester said:
Bannon and don't bring that baggage here buddy, Micheal Gove isn't exact the second coming of the anti-christ is he? I doubt he is a closet Spurs fan who subscribes to the combat 18 news letter.

He is rumoured to be ACDC and it wouldn't surprise me if his main secret is curating a large collection of brightly coloured cashmere sweaters and comfy slippers whilst flicking through fluid magazine. it's hardly Nuremberg rally level stuff is it?
Would you like a slice of homophobia to go with your Bannon Pie?


6,465 posts

221 months

Friday 19th May 2023
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Imagine being a fan of Steve Bannon.

fking hell.