Can Sir Keir Starmer revive the Labour Party? (Vol. 2)

Can Sir Keir Starmer revive the Labour Party? (Vol. 2)



26,004 posts

196 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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I watched a bit of a News Agents podcast on some independent standing in Birmingham Ladywood; apart from his distinctly simplistic ideas about Gaza he just seems like a standard issue Tiktok bellend with added Andrew Tate. It will be interesting to see what the result will be, the polls are saying the incumbent doesn't need to worry but tiktok man does have a surprising amount of name recognition.


4,314 posts

259 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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bhstewie said:
They shouldn't be attacking a man for saying he'll have dinner with his family once a week because it's important to him and them.

I really didn't think it needed explaining but here we are once again.
It's a huge mistake by SKS which won't win any votes up North. Any self respecting son of a toolmaker should surely refer to it as "tea" smile

Oliver Hardy

2,826 posts

77 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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bhstewie said:
They shouldn't be attacking a man for saying he'll have dinner with his family once a week because it's important to him and them.

I really didn't think it needed explaining but here we are once again.
No they shouldn't, but a man who wants that sort of life shouldn't be in the type of job that requites him to be available 24/7

Edited by Oliver Hardy on Wednesday 3rd July 14:47

Oliver Hardy

2,826 posts

77 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Camoradi said:
bhstewie said:
They shouldn't be attacking a man for saying he'll have dinner with his family once a week because it's important to him and them.

I really didn't think it needed explaining but here we are once again.
It's a huge mistake by SKS which won't win any votes up North. Any self respecting son of a toolmaker should surely refer to it as "tea" smile

smile I always thought dinner/lunch was in the afternoon and tea/supper was in the evening?

Learn something new every day


9,319 posts

160 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Oliver Hardy said:
No they shouldn't, but a man who wants that sort of life shouldn't be in the type of job that requites him to be available 24/7
Is so much of the electorate really so reductive in its reasoning? He can both have dinner with his family and be available if a threat comes to light.

He won't, one presumes, barricade the door and throw his phone out of the window in order he can't be contacted. He will - again, one presumes - arrange his diary such that the day-to-day work is shifted to the 23 hours available either side of his dinner.

In much the same fashion as the vast majority of people, at either end of the indispensability scale and all points in between, do.

As an aside and apropos of nothing, I posit that the more indispensable an individual contends themselves to be, the less indispensable they are. And it's likely the case that the constant machinations of state which surround the prime minister of the day conspire to ensure the prime minister taking an hour off for dinner once a week is basically inconsequential.

Edited by iphonedyou on Wednesday 3rd July 15:38


52,716 posts

213 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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I suspect some of it is lazy media reporting rather than people reading all of what he actually said.


9,319 posts

160 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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bhstewie said:
I suspect some of it is lazy media reporting rather than people reading all of what he actually said.
Well, quite, and I suppose t'was ever thus.


43,003 posts

238 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Rivenink said:
That's the point being made, isn't it.

Starmer has said he'll carve out a bit of time every week for his family, and delusional as they are, the Tories think that'll play badly to the millions of men and women who have families ( and are paying £100's more on their mortgages thanks to the Tories)
Desperation from the condemned men and women.

Oliver Hardy

2,826 posts

77 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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iphonedyou said:
Is so much of the electorate really so reductive in its reasoning? He can both have dinner with his family and be available if a threat comes to light.

bhstewie said:
I suspect some of it is lazy media reporting rather than people reading all of what he actually said.
"I will not do a work-related thing after six o’clock, pretty well come what may."

He won't, one presumes, barricade the door and throw his phone out of the window in order he can't be contacted. He will - again, one presumes - arrange his diary such that the day-to-day work is shifted to the 23 hours available either side of his dinner.

In much the same fashion as the vast majority of people, at either end of the indispensability scale and all points in between, do.

As an aside and apropos of nothing, I posit that the more indispensable an individual contends themselves to be, the less indispensable they are. And it's likely the case that the constant machinations of state which surround the prime minister of the day conspire to ensure the prime minister taking an hour off for dinner once a week is basically inconsequential.

Edited by iphonedyou on Wednesday 3rd July 15:38
Phone on voice mail?

If he wants a job were he can arrange his diary to be home by 6 on Friday he shouldn't be running for PM.

Obviously not been in jobs were things happen or you just need to be in a place and your diary fails you.


52,716 posts

213 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Yeah I'm pretty sure Director of Public Prosecutions is a strictly 9-5 job.

Have you read the full interview where he spoke about it?


26,698 posts

197 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Oliver Hardy said:
iphonedyou said:
Is so much of the electorate really so reductive in its reasoning? He can both have dinner with his family and be available if a threat comes to light.

bhstewie said:
I suspect some of it is lazy media reporting rather than people reading all of what he actually said.
"I will not do a work-related thing after six o’clock, pretty well come what may."

He won't, one presumes, barricade the door and throw his phone out of the window in order he can't be contacted. He will - again, one presumes - arrange his diary such that the day-to-day work is shifted to the 23 hours available either side of his dinner.

In much the same fashion as the vast majority of people, at either end of the indispensability scale and all points in between, do.

As an aside and apropos of nothing, I posit that the more indispensable an individual contends themselves to be, the less indispensable they are. And it's likely the case that the constant machinations of state which surround the prime minister of the day conspire to ensure the prime minister taking an hour off for dinner once a week is basically inconsequential.

Edited by iphonedyou on Wednesday 3rd July 15:38
Phone on voice mail?

If he wants a job were he can arrange his diary to be home by 6 on Friday he shouldn't be running for PM.

Obviously not been in jobs were things happen or you just need to be in a place and your diary fails you.
Utter nonsense. I've had roles I would be absolutely required at short notice to cover my area across businesses covering the majority of the available time shifts.

I've never not been able to organise regular 'family time' events, nor has anyone found it an issue.

Let's not forget he'll be living at the office.


7,497 posts

39 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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bhstewie said:
Yeah I'm pretty sure Director of Public Prosecutions is a strictly 9-5 job.

Have you read the full interview where he spoke about it?
For those that haven’t, can you post a link?



52,716 posts

213 months


3,459 posts

59 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Oliver Hardy said:
iphonedyou said:
Is so much of the electorate really so reductive in its reasoning? He can both have dinner with his family and be available if a threat comes to light.

bhstewie said:
I suspect some of it is lazy media reporting rather than people reading all of what he actually said.
"I will not do a work-related thing after six o’clock, pretty well come what may."

He won't, one presumes, barricade the door and throw his phone out of the window in order he can't be contacted. He will - again, one presumes - arrange his diary such that the day-to-day work is shifted to the 23 hours available either side of his dinner.

In much the same fashion as the vast majority of people, at either end of the indispensability scale and all points in between, do.

As an aside and apropos of nothing, I posit that the more indispensable an individual contends themselves to be, the less indispensable they are. And it's likely the case that the constant machinations of state which surround the prime minister of the day conspire to ensure the prime minister taking an hour off for dinner once a week is basically inconsequential.

Edited by iphonedyou on Wednesday 3rd July 15:38
Phone on voice mail?

If he wants a job were he can arrange his diary to be home by 6 on Friday he shouldn't be running for PM.

Obviously not been in jobs were things happen or you just need to be in a place and your diary fails you.
If his family move into the flat, he won't have far to walk to the office.


12,392 posts

191 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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26,004 posts

196 months

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Big uptick in duplicate threads filled with evidence-free pant-wetting and pearl-clutching about how Keir is going to house migrants in their spare room, Rachel is going to steal their pensions and Bridget is going to kidnap their children and brainwash them into revolutionary committees who will put their parents in camps. I guess the polls are bad.


104,961 posts

263 months

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hidetheelephants said:
Big uptick in duplicate threads filled with evidence-free pant-wetting and pearl-clutching about how Keir is going to house migrants in their spare room, Rachel is going to steal their pensions and Bridget is going to kidnap their children and brainwash them into revolutionary committees who will put their parents in camps. I guess the polls are bad.
Which site is that? Polls have been what they are for many weeks. This particular type of repeat post must be fashionable somewhere.


27,155 posts

164 months

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Oliver Hardy said:
bhstewie said:
They shouldn't be attacking a man for saying he'll have dinner with his family once a week because it's important to him and them.

I really didn't think it needed explaining but here we are once again.
No they shouldn't, but a man who wants that sort of life shouldn't be in the type of job that requites him to be available 24/7

Edited by Oliver Hardy on Wednesday 3rd July 14:47
It's a perfectly reasonable aspiration though, and in any given normal week quite possible. I'm not a Labour supporter and I can't see the problem.

If we have some sort of massive crisis on a Friday afternoon I doubt he will be walking out of no10 at 6pm.


15,803 posts

132 months

quotequote all
Oliver Hardy said:
bhstewie said:
They shouldn't be attacking a man for saying he'll have dinner with his family once a week because it's important to him and them.

I really didn't think it needed explaining but here we are once again.
No they shouldn't, but a man who wants that sort of life shouldn't be in the type of job that requites him to be available 24/7

Edited by Oliver Hardy on Wednesday 3rd July 14:47
Deary me, desperate much?

When did he say he wouldn't be available.

Do you think Prime Ministers sit at their desk 24/7 just incase something happens?


6,227 posts

51 months

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Can and has and is on his way to a massive majority.
Corbyn would never have been able to achieve this