Can Sir Keir Starmer revive the Labour Party? (Vol. 2)

Can Sir Keir Starmer revive the Labour Party? (Vol. 2)


Mr Penguin

2,024 posts

42 months

£400? £40 shoes would be an improvement on those.

Rufus Stone

6,698 posts

59 months

Mr Penguin said:
£400? £40 shoes would be an improvement on those.
At least he doesn't have his ankles showing.


18,209 posts

269 months

anonymoususer said:
It's not often I say this, but today I must your post has opened up possibilities in my head that only ytesterday would have been too much to hope for.
Is it the time for the Burgon to rise into government and put us back in the centre of international affairs ?
Is it time for Richard to be working closely with Angela?
Time4 the Burgon
While we're talking shoes Angela's Brothel Creepers are an odd choice.

BTW who's that on her left?


14,074 posts

99 months

Rosena Allin-Khan. I think that's a picture of deputy leader contenders. Bit of a minnow, politically.


9,936 posts

38 months

bhstewie said:
Vanden Saab said:
They have kept Lammy out of the way since he suggested that trans women could grow a cervix a couple of years ago and that campaigners for women's rights were dinosaurs.
I suspect it's more likely because there are rumours that he won't be Foreign Secretary.
Any ‘rumours’ who might be offered the Office? Nobody could be worse than ‘The Lammy’ could they?


52,627 posts

213 months

Iain Dale is suggesting Douglas Alexander (who I've seen mentioned before) or possibly David Miliband.

Mr Penguin

2,024 posts

42 months

bhstewie said:
Iain Dale is suggesting Douglas Alexander (who I've seen mentioned before) or possibly David Miliband.
David Milliband was touted a few weeks ago but only for a day or two so I don't know where it came from. More likely to be Douglas Alexander IMO, although I think Miliband will be better.


7,454 posts

39 months

Can't see the Miller Band being chosen.


25,947 posts

196 months

I doubt they are seriously proposing to knight Milliband and have him be foreign secretary from the HoL, amusing tabloid fodder though it is. hehe Perhaps if it does happen we should look forward to a return of the divine right of kings and Brian will dictate net zero and mandatory talking to plants.


2,024 posts

206 months

hidetheelephants said:
fk me, did he and Murray buy their suits from a charity shop blindfolded and then sleep in a skip before the photoshoot?
Doubled up as a Man from C&A photoshoot.

What the C and A stand for I will leave up to you laugh


25,947 posts

196 months

They look like extras from the "Surprising Adventures of Sir Digby Chicken Caesar". hehe


1,959 posts

171 months

FiF said:
Plus certain of them are already leaking that there will be an emergency budget in the autumn with Rachel Reeves taking a "and the kitchen sink" type approach that will go far beyond what is being declared in the manifesto, ref Wes Streeting and other shadow cabinet members.

There's an attempt to play in advance the "well once we've seen the books" card, but even Reeves admits that's false as the OBR lays out all the details to make a proper assessment and costing. We know Labour is not telling the truth and extremely surprisingly they're starting to admit it.
Why would a budget in the Autumn be an "emergency" budget? It isn't exactly unusual to have either an Autumn budget or a post election budget.


44,540 posts

254 months

markh1973 said:
Why would a budget in the Autumn be an "emergency" budget? It isn't exactly unusual to have either an Autumn budget or a post election budget.
I'm using Labour wonks own words, it's just spin really.


16,052 posts

249 months

.:ian:. said:
Doubled up as a Man from C&A photoshoot.

What the C and A stand for I will leave up to you laugh
Traditionally it stands for "Coats & 'ats"


9,936 posts

38 months

quotequote all
bhstewie said:
Iain Dale is suggesting Douglas Alexander (who I've seen mentioned before) or possibly David Miliband.
Blimey Douglas Alexander, now that’s a name from the past. Haven’t heard or seen anything from him in years.


24,404 posts

223 months

quotequote all
Brilliant ploy today. The Tories criticism of Starmer for saying he won't be working after 6pm Fridays CAN, if you look hard enough, and really twist, turn and torture the statement be construed as anti-semitic because of the relevance of Friday to his wife's faith.

And nobody thought about this.... the one thing they really had, the one stick they could pick up in case of emergency, the labour party's problematic relationship with this subject had been negated with one comment...

Does nobody in politics think anymore? Does nobody examine statements and advise, tactically?


10,956 posts

200 months

quotequote all
biggbn said:
Brilliant ploy today. The Tories criticism of Starmer for saying he won't be working after 6pm Fridays CAN, if you look hard enough, and really twist, turn and torture the statement be construed as anti-semitic because of the relevance of Friday to his wife's faith.

And nobody thought about this.... the one thing they really had, the one stick they could pick up in case of emergency, the labour party's problematic relationship with this subject had been negated with one comment...

Does nobody in politics think anymore? Does nobody examine statements and advise, tactically?
Sir Keir is well know for doing the normal work hours only and being an ESSO. Nowt wrong with that.

Anyone who mangles the comments into some sort of attack on Jews is quite frankly a moron.


8,670 posts

118 months

quotequote all
LivLL said:
Sir Keir is well know for doing the normal work hours only and being an ESSO. Nowt wrong with that.
Impossible as PM. He'll be flat out all hours.


10,956 posts

200 months

quotequote all
BikeBikeBIke said:
LivLL said:
Sir Keir is well know for doing the normal work hours only and being an ESSO. Nowt wrong with that.
Impossible as PM. He'll be flat out all hours.
Exactly, another nothing burger from the tories.


24,404 posts

223 months

quotequote all
LivLL said:
biggbn said:
Brilliant ploy today. The Tories criticism of Starmer for saying he won't be working after 6pm Fridays CAN, if you look hard enough, and really twist, turn and torture the statement be construed as anti-semitic because of the relevance of Friday to his wife's faith.

And nobody thought about this.... the one thing they really had, the one stick they could pick up in case of emergency, the labour party's problematic relationship with this subject had been negated with one comment...

Does nobody in politics think anymore? Does nobody examine statements and advise, tactically?
Sir Keir is well know for doing the normal work hours only and being an ESSO. Nowt wrong with that.

Anyone who mangles the comments into some sort of attack on Jews is quite frankly a moron.
I 100% agree with you, but given the current situation its an absolute own goal, isn't it? Why give your opponents such an easy molehill to make a mountain out of?

Edited by biggbn on Tuesday 2nd July 13:47