UK General Election '24 - Results Watch Thread

UK General Election '24 - Results Watch Thread



13,395 posts

151 months

Waking up to the worst kept secret ever!


Original Poster:

3,735 posts

181 months

Just awake again, dissaointed my seat remained SNP with the fat toad Leadbitter, but only 999 votes in it.

The SNP have had a shake and hopefully will carry on this downward momentum into 2026.

Seems a night of tory votes into reform and voter apathy did for the tories.


13,395 posts

151 months

Rick_1138 said:
Just awake again, dissaointed my seat remained SNP with the fat toad Leadbitter, but only 999 votes in it.

The SNP have had a shake and hopefully will carry on this downward momentum into 2026.

Seems a night of tory votes into reform and voter apathy did for the tories.
Voter apathy? It's Starmageddon!


2,010 posts

111 months

Labour landslide as expected and good as we needed change but when you look at share of vote it does look that it was an election lost by the Tories than an inspiring Labour victory.

I wonder if SKS will be as keen in moving forward with proportional representation and pass it to law. With smaller and multiple parties it makes more sense. Let’s see and wait. Looking forward to cross the items on their manifesto shortly. The are hitting the ground running ao to speak.


Original Poster:

3,735 posts

181 months

48k said:
Rick_1138 said:
Just awake again, dissaointed my seat remained SNP with the fat toad Leadbitter, but only 999 votes in it.

The SNP have had a shake and hopefully will carry on this downward momentum into 2026.

Seems a night of tory votes into reform and voter apathy did for the tories.
Voter apathy? It's Starmageddon!
Voter apathy as in a low turnout and little vote increase for labour but big downturn on tory vote share and swing to reform.

It's a landslide but not from an increased voter turnout IYSWIM


6,080 posts

180 months

Morning all!

I've just woken up to the confirmed and counted Labour landslide! Reform only got 4 seats in the end, but Farage has managed to bag a seat. It's not going to be the last we see of him.


11,994 posts

218 months

anonymoususer said:
prand said:
Rees Mogg loses.
\Brilliant they were just going to do his result but cut to Keirs speech
Its great because his loss is pretty much around the time Labour hit the 326
Have a late night ahead tonight so couldn't stay up for the results however waking up to this news has made my day, week, month, year, decade!

JRM would have been my MP had he won last night, thankfully the voting electorate turned out in their droves (70% turnout IIRC) to vote Victorian Dad out of office.

To paraphrase another more popular knight, Sir Tom Moore..... "Today will be a good day!".

Mr Penguin

2,068 posts

42 months

CrgT16 said:
Labour landslide as expected and good as we needed change but when you look at share of vote it does look that it was an election lost by the Tories than an inspiring Labour victory.

I wonder if SKS will be as keen in moving forward with proportional representation and pass it to law. With smaller and multiple parties it makes more sense. Let’s see and wait. Looking forward to cross the items on their manifesto shortly. The are hitting the ground running ao to speak.
I don't think he's ever been keen on it but the more interesting PR question is whether the Lib Dems will bring it up now they are also beneficiaries.


52,720 posts

213 months

FreeLitres said:
Morning all!

I've just woken up to the confirmed and counted Labour landslide! Reform only got 4 seats in the end, but Farage has managed to bag a seat. It's not going to be the last we see of him.
Might be the last the people of Clacton see of him though now they've served their purpose.


11,313 posts

270 months

bhstewie said:
FreeLitres said:
Morning all!

I've just woken up to the confirmed and counted Labour landslide! Reform only got 4 seats in the end, but Farage has managed to bag a seat. It's not going to be the last we see of him.
Might be the last the people of Clacton see of him though now they've served their purpose.

I'm sure there will be a pub where he holds surgeries. wink


6,380 posts

271 months

Voting system ha to change. 33.8% share of the vote for Labour, but 63% of the seats??? Barely 3 out 10 actually voted for them. He won't get the easy ride he thinks.


52,720 posts

213 months

Leithen said:

I'm sure there will be a pub where he holds surgeries. wink
If he and Tice graft for their constituents like a constituency MP should then all credit to them.

Afraid I think both are just in it for themselves.


11,313 posts

270 months

bhstewie said:
Leithen said:

I'm sure there will be a pub where he holds surgeries. wink
If he and Tice graft for their constituents like a constituency MP should then all credit to them.

Afraid I think both are just in it for themselves.
Agree entirely. If a constituent can help him get his gurning face in the news he'll be there like a shot.

Otherwise tumbleweed


27,155 posts

164 months

MiniMan64 said:
Waking up to see the SNP being totally destroyed, nearly the same seats as SF!
Surprised this hasn't had more air time. They've taken as much of a battering as the Tories.


27,155 posts

164 months

CrgT16 said:
Labour landslide as expected and good as we needed change but when you look at share of vote it does look that it was an election lost by the Tories than an inspiring Labour victory.
Landslides are never good. You need a viable opposition to keep the government in check.

I said the same when the Tories won the last election with a large majority.


6,388 posts

135 months

sixor8 said:
Voting system ha to change. 33.8% share of the vote for Labour, but 63% of the seats??? Barely 3 out 10 actually voted for them. He won't get the easy ride he thinks.
Asked and answered, 2011:

A resounding ‘no’ vote for proportional representation.

One of the contradictions of any PR campaign is that it isn’t generally favoured by the ruling party; after all, they got in via the existing system!


11,589 posts

287 months

Barchettaman said:
...One of the contradictions of any PR campaign is that it isn’t generally favoured by the ruling party; after all, they got in via the existing system!
Neither of the Tories or Labour want PR as it only favours smaller parties.

In other news, Labour gain Poole by 18 votes:

Is that the closest result so far?


1,460 posts

145 months

Barchettaman said:
sixor8 said:
Voting system ha to change. 33.8% share of the vote for Labour, but 63% of the seats??? Barely 3 out 10 actually voted for them. He won't get the easy ride he thinks.
Asked and answered, 2011:

A resounding ‘no’ vote for proportional representation.

One of the contradictions of any PR campaign is that it isn’t generally favoured by the ruling party; after all, they got in via the existing system!
What was offered wasn't PR, which is why so many voted against.


43,915 posts

153 months

sixor8 said:
Voting system ha to change. 33.8% share of the vote for Labour, but 63% of the seats??? Barely 3 out 10 actually voted for them. He won't get the easy ride he thinks.
Funny that it always needs to change when it works against you, but never when it works for you.

Anne Widdicombe moaning about it, Reform with more votes than the Lib Dems but a fraction of the seats. OK Anne, how often did you raise your concerns about the voting system when you were in govt with the Tories? Also, 16.1m people voted remain and they got no representation.

To quote post referendum rhetoric, you lost, get over it. Will of the people.


16,012 posts

207 months

prand said:
Vanden Saab said:
Truss gone
Lost a 24k majority. Lost by 600 votes. Oof.
In a lot of people's minds (including mine) she lost the whole election.
Turned up, killed The Queen, made the inflation problem worse, made the UK look financially irresponsible, made people's mortgages more expensive, then fked off.