Can Sir Keir Starmer revive the Labour Party? (Vol. 2)

Can Sir Keir Starmer revive the Labour Party? (Vol. 2)



52,545 posts

213 months

Wednesday 26th June
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It's just strange how it always seems to come back to Brexit.

I lost I'm over it.

It'll probably get slowly unpicked over the next couple of Parliaments but that's how a democracy works.

No need to keep banging on about it.

President Merkin

3,787 posts

22 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Is it not obvious? If you've defined yourself on an issue that's clearly a failure & for which the clock is inevitably ticking, then your psychological reflex is to defend & trumpet it at every opportunity. Never occurs how tedious & swivel eyed it makes one appear, the programming demands it like a tic day after day.


4,197 posts

227 months

Wednesday 26th June
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MC Bodge said:
bhstewie said:
turbobloke said:
What tantrums? The result has been obvious for some time, it's not a close run thing, nobody will be surprised.

Putting a Brexit Syndrome affliction onto anyone other than remainers after brexit is unwarranted and looks like wishful thinking. Friday morning, 5th July, is make another cup of tea time as per Labour - Coalition - Tories in the past. Five years or more of braying / sneering are far more likely.

When Blair won with a landslide, newspapers carried reports of Labour supporters gathering outside gov't buildings in London who then swore and spat at office workers including female admin staff leaving their jobs. Admins, not conservative politicians. That couldn't possibly happen again in enlightened 2024.
This is definitely not a tantrum ^^
I know we should "play the ball, not the man", but Turbobloke is actually strange, to the point of being concerning, in his apparent obsession.
You're replying to a bloke who's posted 52,000 variants on the theme of "grrrr tories" so I don't think he'll recognise it as obsession. Not as such.


104,872 posts

263 months

Wednesday 26th June
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MC Bodge said:
bhstewie said:
turbobloke said:
What tantrums? The result has been obvious for some time, it's not a close run thing, nobody will be surprised.

Putting a Brexit Syndrome affliction onto anyone other than remainers after brexit is unwarranted and looks like wishful thinking. Friday morning, 5th July, is make another cup of tea time as per Labour - Coalition - Tories in the past. Five years or more of braying / sneering are far more likely.

When Blair won with a landslide, newspapers carried reports of Labour supporters gathering outside gov't buildings in London who then swore and spat at office workers including female admin staff leaving their jobs. Admins, not conservative politicians. That couldn't possibly happen again in enlightened 2024.
This is definitely not a tantrum ^^
I know we should "play the ball, not the man", but Turbobloke is actually strange, to the point of being concerning, in his apparent obsession.
Not obsessed and ciorrect, not a tantrum, and strangely that's just another playground level slur in the absence of anything remotely grown up.

I don't use gruntspeak and don't agree with dumbing down. If that's strange to some, jeez.

The pattern is clear enough. If somebody takes the time to respond to juvenile name calling and hyperbolic post content without agreeing and using the same level of abuse and hype in the same direction, they must be 'defending' something or somebody or 'supporting' something else or voting this way or that way. The influx of Monty Python 5 minute / half-hour arguers only helps to take the baton forward such that it's possible, and has happened, that agreeing can still generate an argumentative reply. Such is NP&E these days.


14,015 posts

99 months

Wednesday 26th June
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bhstewie said:
It's just strange how it always seems to come back to Brexit.

I lost I'm over it.

It'll probably get slowly unpicked over the next couple of Parliaments but that's how a democracy works.

No need to keep banging on about it.
This is definitely not a tantrum ^^


104,872 posts

263 months

Wednesday 26th June
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768 said:
bhstewie said:
It's just strange how it always seems to come back to Brexit.

I lost I'm over it.

It'll probably get slowly unpicked over the next couple of Parliaments but that's how a democracy works.

No need to keep banging on about it.
This is definitely not a tantrum ^^

There's a parrot somewhere on one leg cleared for take-off.


27,120 posts

164 months

Wednesday 26th June
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bhstewie said:
God five years of these tantrums is going to be brilliant hehe
We've had 14 years of your tantrums smile

Personally I don't care if they get in as long as they leave me alone. I've had a decent working life, paid more then my fair share of taxes, invested and saved for my retirement, and now retired.

If they can resist having a rifle through my pension/ISA's and eyeing up my house, then I'll be happy.


17,969 posts

163 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Why only 5 years?


104,872 posts

263 months

Wednesday 26th June
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98elise said:
bhstewie said:
God five years of these tantrums is going to be brilliant hehe
We've had 14 years of your tantrums smile

Personally I don't care if they get in as long as they leave me alone. I've had a decent working life, paid more then my fair share of taxes, invested and saved for my retirement, and now retired.

If they can resist having a rifle through my pension/ISA's and eyeing up my house, then I'll be happy.
I wasn't in the scouts but have been prepared for Miliband / Corbyn and now Starmer which was much ado about nothing, rather like him. July 5th = make another cup of tea. We don't know what Rayner will do, so good luck to those with no options.


52,545 posts

213 months

Wednesday 26th June
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98elise said:
We've had 14 years of your tantrums smile

Personally I don't care if they get in as long as they leave me alone. I've had a decent working life, paid more then my fair share of taxes, invested and saved for my retirement, and now retired.

If they can resist having a rifle through my pension/ISA's and eyeing up my house, then I'll be happy.
Water off a ducks back.

It's looking like an exorcism on July 4th so it seems I'm not alone in my views of the current shower - which is mainly thanks to the last five years and Johnson's normalisation of deviance than it is anything Cameron or May or Starmer have done.

Mr Penguin

1,909 posts

42 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Man arrested over the honeytrap / William Wragg scandal - turns out it was a member of the Labour Party.


25,849 posts

196 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Mr Penguin said:

Man arrested over the honeytrap / William Wragg scandal - turns out it was a member of the Labour Party.
Where does it say that, it's not in the article?


2,851 posts

119 months

Wednesday 26th June
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14,045 posts

166 months

Wednesday 26th June
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hidetheelephants said:
Mr Penguin said:

Man arrested over the honeytrap / William Wragg scandal - turns out it was a member of the Labour Party.
Where does it say that, it's not in the article?
Not the Times:

Mr Penguin

1,909 posts

42 months

Wednesday 26th June
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hidetheelephants said:
Where does it say that, it's not in the article?
In the headline, subheading, and first three sentences.

Also reported in the Guardian


42,883 posts

238 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Mr Penguin said:
hidetheelephants said:
Where does it say that, it's not in the article?
In the headline, subheading, and first three sentences.

Also reported in the Guardian
First time I have had any interest in this story beyond thinking what a colossal Tw*t yet another Tory MP is. Could be our very own house of cards.


5,595 posts

109 months

Wednesday 26th June
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I had forgotten about the Wragg scandal

MC Bodge

22,096 posts

178 months

Wednesday 26th June
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turbobloke said:
The influx of Monty Python 5 minute / half-hour arguers only helps to take the baton forward such that it's possible, and has happened, that agreeing can still generate an argumentative reply. Such is NP&E these days.
Is the implication that anybody posting on here needs to surfing the internet or their memories for obscure/false stories and be doing it on a full-time basis?

NP&E appears a bit less reactionary than it once was. This is a good thing.


5,595 posts

109 months

Wednesday 26th June
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