Can Sir Keir Starmer revive the Labour Party? (Vol. 2)

Can Sir Keir Starmer revive the Labour Party? (Vol. 2)



17,969 posts

163 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Has any Party ever before won a landslide of the magnitude we are talking…..with less than 40% of the popular vote?


9,884 posts

257 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Wombat3 said:
andy43 said:

Looks like it was a great concert.
Not mine, twitter.
I think there could be a merch angle though… Keir’s missing a trick.

Mr Penguin

1,912 posts

42 months

Sunday 23rd June
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25,850 posts

196 months

Sunday 23rd June
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BigMon said:
turbobloke said:
Good summary.
And it gives me no pleasure whatsoever to make that summary.

I was listening to Tobias Ellwood on 5 Live half an hour ago and he gave a pretty sobering summary of the state of modern politicians vs the politicians of previous generations.
A decade of grandstanding tts and fibbertigibbets have trained the public to expect no substance at all; Blair started this propensity for content-free bullst but CMD and successors have utterly destroyed meaningful political discourse.


6,169 posts

51 months

Sunday 23rd June
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turbobloke said:
Not this again! Johnson and Truss did the work, with icing on the cake from Sunak;s gaffes. Starmer breathed air as it happened.

If you missed the Lord Ashcfoft and Guardian links, Starmer has failed to win hearts and minds, voters tend to prefer Tory policy but dislike the Tories more, and won't vote for them due to the people. Self-inflicted.
Starmer changed the party
There is considerable difference between the ideals of Rachel Reeves and those of John McDonnell for example
You might not like that but there it is.
I don't need to look at selected links to realise and point out that as per the title Keir Starmer has revived the Labour Party


3,918 posts

241 months

Sunday 23rd June
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768 said:
bhstewie said:
I'm sure at some point something will come up at some point but genuinely is nobody even a tiny bit surprised at the utter lack of scandal in the Labour party in comparison to the Conservatives?
I appreciate you're too new to politics to understand this, but it's how it works when you're in government. The Conservatives were seen to be scandal free during the scandalous last Labour government, before which the Conservatives were the party of scandals.

It will be Labour's turn again next.
I'm looking forward to reading all the grrr Starmer, grrr Rayner & general grrr Labour threads that Stewie will be starting from 5 July.


4,026 posts

217 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Labour is set to abandon its promise to scrap university tuition fees in England if it wins power, its leader has said. Sir Keir Starmer told BBC Radio 4's Today programme the party was "likely to move on from that commitment", blaming the economic backdrop. The Labour leader pledged to support getting rid of fees in his 2020 leadership campaign.

No climbing out of the labour cess pit for the less well off.


7,397 posts

39 months

Sunday 23rd June
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philv said:
Labour is set to abandon its promise to scrap university tuition fees in England if it wins power, its leader has said. Sir Keir Starmer told BBC Radio 4's Today programme the party was "likely to move on from that commitment", blaming the economic backdrop. The Labour leader pledged to support getting rid of fees in his 2020 leadership campaign.

No climbing out of the labour cess pit for the less well off.
Well what a surprise.

What’s the next thing he is going to u turn on?


104,880 posts

263 months

Sunday 23rd June
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119 said:
philv said:
Labour is set to abandon its promise to scrap university tuition fees in England if it wins power, its leader has said. Sir Keir Starmer told BBC Radio 4's Today programme the party was "likely to move on from that commitment", blaming the economic backdrop. The Labour leader pledged to support getting rid of fees in his 2020 leadership campaign.

No climbing out of the labour cess pit for the less well off.
Well what a surprise.

What’s the next thing he is going to u turn on?
Amazing, another u-turn so it's time for another outing, which seems to have got wind of this one anyway.


52,545 posts

213 months

Sunday 23rd June
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philv said:
Labour is set to abandon its promise to scrap university tuition fees in England if it wins power, its leader has said. Sir Keir Starmer told BBC Radio 4's Today programme the party was "likely to move on from that commitment", blaming the economic backdrop. The Labour leader pledged to support getting rid of fees in his 2020 leadership campaign.

No climbing out of the labour cess pit for the less well off.
Why have you quoted a year old BBC article? confused


19,260 posts

262 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Derek Smith said:
What justification can there be for what is an expensive item, out of reach for most of the population and enjoyed by, as you suggest, a 'minority'?
Education isn’t subject to VAT, there’s a reason for that.

Universities are private, profit-making institutions. Presumably the politics of envy simpletons are calling for VAT on their fees too?


6,169 posts

51 months

Sunday 23rd June
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bhstewie said:
philv said:
Labour is set to abandon its promise to scrap university tuition fees in England if it wins power, its leader has said. Sir Keir Starmer told BBC Radio 4's Today programme the party was "likely to move on from that commitment", blaming the economic backdrop. The Labour leader pledged to support getting rid of fees in his 2020 leadership campaign.

No climbing out of the labour cess pit for the less well off.
Why have you quoted a year old BBC article? confused
It's called biding your time.
By posting it now those with children wanting to go to University will read that and think "well I was going to vote Labour as it looks like they could be competent"
Now I won't because our twins Steve and Rosetta want to go to university and I was hoping that the fees would be cancelled by a Labour government but I think I will stick with the Tories because whilst they seem like they are really carp and untrustworthy and spend a lot of time down at William Hills they don't do many U turns.


7,397 posts

39 months

Sunday 23rd June
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bhstewie said:
philv said:
Labour is set to abandon its promise to scrap university tuition fees in England if it wins power, its leader has said. Sir Keir Starmer told BBC Radio 4's Today programme the party was "likely to move on from that commitment", blaming the economic backdrop. The Labour leader pledged to support getting rid of fees in his 2020 leadership campaign.

No climbing out of the labour cess pit for the less well off.
Why have you quoted a year old BBC article? confused
Still relevant isn’t it?


9,929 posts

38 months

Sunday 23rd June
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anonymoususer said:
turbobloke said:
Not this again! Johnson and Truss did the work, with icing on the cake from Sunak;s gaffes. Starmer breathed air as it happened.

If you missed the Lord Ashcfoft and Guardian links, Starmer has failed to win hearts and minds, voters tend to prefer Tory policy but dislike the Tories more, and won't vote for them due to the people. Self-inflicted.
Starmer changed the party
There is considerable difference between the ideals of Rachel Reeves and those of John McDonnell for example
You might not like that but there it is.
I don't need to look at selected links to realise and point out that as per the title Keir Starmer has revived the Labour Party
Starmers latest word is ‘change’ and true to form he has changed the Labour Party into a Conservative Party. The only difference is that the new look Party has less baggage in the form of
scandal. Give it a couple of years and rich pickings will be available. Seems to be the way now since the great ‘MP expenses’ scandal came to public attention.
We are all poorer for it, except of course those former politicians who profited from such scandals.


9,929 posts

38 months

Sunday 23rd June
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119 said:
philv said:
Labour is set to abandon its promise to scrap university tuition fees in England if it wins power, its leader has said. Sir Keir Starmer told BBC Radio 4's Today programme the party was "likely to move on from that commitment", blaming the economic backdrop. The Labour leader pledged to support getting rid of fees in his 2020 leadership campaign.

No climbing out of the labour cess pit for the less well off.
Well what a surprise.

What’s the next thing he is going to u turn on?
I believe the correct terminology is ‘flip flop’ wink
He has more flip flopping than a large cod on the deck of a boat.


52,545 posts

213 months

Sunday 23rd June
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119 said:
Still relevant isn’t it?
It's over a year ago that they said they can't afford to do it.

Promising free everything would get short shrift but it's possibly philv read it and didn't notice the date.

I don't think you're likely to vote Labour thinking they've said they'll scrap tuition fees.


1,374 posts

145 months

Sunday 23rd June
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bhstewie said:
I don't think you're likely to vote Labour thinking they've said they'll scrap tuition fees.
It worked for the Liberal Democrats...

...until it didn't.


52,545 posts

213 months

Sunday 23rd June
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From what I remember the Lib Dems literally ran on a manifesto saying they would scrap tuition fees then found out that when you're actually in Government even as a partner in a coalition you don't always get to do everything you said you would and they got punished for it.

I don't think it's the same situation as a party very clearly changing their stance over a year ago and being clear going into an election in two weeks time that they will not scrap tuition fees.


5,596 posts

109 months

Sunday 23rd June
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philv said:
Labour is set to abandon its promise to scrap university tuition fees in England if it wins power, its leader has said. Sir Keir Starmer told BBC Radio 4's Today programme the party was "likely to move on from that commitment", blaming the economic backdrop. The Labour leader pledged to support getting rid of fees in his 2020 leadership campaign.

No climbing out of the labour cess pit for the less well off.
Do you want us to throw you a rope?