Your Voting Intentions Part 2.0 (End Is Nigh)

Your Voting Intentions Part 2.0 (End Is Nigh)

Poll: Your Voting Intentions Part 2.0 (End Is Nigh)

Total Members Polled: 674

Conservative: 16%
Labour: 27%
Reform: 30%
Lib Dem: 10%
Indy: 2%
Green: 2%
SNP: 1%
Not Voting for any of 'em (Stay At Home): 7%
Spoil Paper: 5%
Plaid Cymru: 1%


26,566 posts

197 months

quotequote all
xx99xx said:
No such thing as a wasted vote. Not voting or spoiling is a wasted vote.
I disagree.

Voting against something by putting an X in someone else's box isn't thought of as a protest. It's taken as complete endorsement of that party's proposals.

So, even though you don't really agree with those policies, they're going to be pursued with the vigor your vote has empowered them with.

fk that. I'll be more direct and spoil by writing 'none of the above', no it's not going to make a difference in the result, but at least no one is going to use my X as full endorsement for stuff I don't believe in.

B'stard Child

28,681 posts

249 months

quotequote all
Sway said:
xx99xx said:
No such thing as a wasted vote. Not voting or spoiling is a wasted vote.
I disagree.

Voting against something by putting an X in someone else's box isn't thought of as a protest. It's taken as complete endorsement of that party's proposals.

So, even though you don't really agree with those policies, they're going to be pursued with the vigor your vote has empowered them with.

fk that. I'll be more direct and spoil by writing 'none of the above', no it's not going to make a difference in the result, but at least no one is going to use my X as full endorsement for stuff I don't believe in.
On spoiling the ballot paper I agree - they are counted and published as part of the results regardless of how you spoil (NOTA or a big cock and balls) it says you don’t like any of the choices but you are engaged enough to state that and your participation is included in the turnout %

You are not doing a stay home (apathy) don’t care which st show ends up in charge

On not voting - going back to brexit (oh noes) if you didn’t vote you weren’t bothered about the result either way and that I agreed with.

However some used that apathy to bolster their argument against the result (ie off top of my head 60% of the electorate didn’t vote for Brexit) which was and always will be bks biggrin


25,443 posts

195 months

quotequote all
B'stard Child said:
On spoiling the ballot paper I agree - they are counted and published as part of the results regardless of how you spoil (NOTA or a big cock and balls) it says you don’t like any of the choices but you are engaged enough to state that and your participation is included in the turnout %

You are not doing a stay home (apathy) don’t care which st show ends up in charge

On not voting - going back to brexit (oh noes) if you didn’t vote you weren’t bothered about the result either way and that I agreed with.

However some used that apathy to bolster their argument against the result (ie off top of my head 60% of the electorate didn’t vote for Brexit) which was and always will be bks biggrin
A spoiled ballot paper also lumps you in with the people who couldn't even manage to put a cross in a box.

Completely agree on non voters though, if you don't vote you are saying you're happy to go along with whatever the majority of the voters want.

MC Bodge

22,075 posts

178 months

quotequote all
Stick Legs said:
MC Bodge said:
S600BSB said:
Pretty sure Ken Clarke wouldn’t support that decision! Look at Reform’s policies and their awful candidates. I know you can hold your nose, but come on - they stink!
Choosing to endorse (even if believing/pretending not to) by voting for them seems awful to me.
Oh I know.

But Labour are not where I am.
If you vote LibDem, even if they don’t get in, you are still adding to the percentage of the electorate that think high taxes & ludicrous spending plans are okay.

Reform are never going to enter government but the (I suspect large number) of people who vote for them will at least indicate to the incoming Labour government that you have to sort illegal immigration out and you can’t do it by taxing income any more than it is.

That’s it.

The choices don’t delight me at this election but where I am (Tiverton & Minehead) it’s going to be LibDem or Conservative anyway.
Taxes are needed, and the UK will need more, whether or not some choose to ignore it.


10,656 posts

143 months

quotequote all
Sway said:
xx99xx said:
No such thing as a wasted vote. Not voting or spoiling is a wasted vote.
I disagree.

Voting against something by putting an X in someone else's box isn't thought of as a protest. It's taken as complete endorsement of that party's proposals.

So, even though you don't really agree with those policies, they're going to be pursued with the vigor your vote has empowered them with.

fk that. I'll be more direct and spoil by writing 'none of the above', no it's not going to make a difference in the result, but at least no one is going to use my X as full endorsement for stuff I don't believe in.
That's how i see it. Quite happy for others to disagree but after seeing the performance of the SNP up here even after they had to go cap in hand to the Greens to support them i don't want anymore political delusion that my vote for the least worst candidate is actually full endorsement.

Kermit power

28,980 posts

216 months

quotequote all
Stick Legs said:
As someone who has voted Tory in every election I have been eligible for I cannot bring myself to this time.

I always saw myself as a ‘Ken Clarke’ Tory. They have abandoned that side of their nature.

The Conservative Party always stood for fiscal prudence, low taxes, a resistance to faddism & competence.
The most efficient election winning machine in the democratic world.
The have trashed that.

May, Johnson, Truss & Sunak. Hopeless weather cock politicians.

I shall be voting Reform for one reason only and that is to assist in the final downfall of the Conservatives.

European Membership is gone, we can’t bring it back, now we are out we should use the opportunity to do something better, not to try & align ourselves as closely as possibly in the hope they’ll still be our friends.

I know that Reform won’t get it, but if it signals a mood in the country that Labour can’t just tax & spend their way through the next (probably 3 terms) then it is worthwhile.
The only signal that a Reform vote sends to anyone is that the numpties who destroyed "your" Conservative Party (and mine for that matter) had exactly the right idea but just weren't ambitious enough.

MC Bodge

22,075 posts

178 months

quotequote all
Kermit power said:
The only signal that a Reform vote sends to anyone is that the numpties who destroyed "your" Conservative Party (and mine for that matter) had exactly the right idea but just weren't ambitious enough.

Reform are just an even more ridiculous version of the Tories, which a charlatan of a figurehead who some people are still keen to follow.

I am alright Jack

3,761 posts

146 months

quotequote all
Stick Legs said:
As someone who has voted Tory in every election I have been eligible for I cannot bring myself to this time.

I always saw myself as a ‘Ken Clarke’ Tory. They have abandoned that side of their nature.

The Conservative Party always stood for fiscal prudence, low taxes, a resistance to faddism & competence.
The most efficient election winning machine in the democratic world.
The have trashed that.

May, Johnson, Truss & Sunak. Hopeless weather cock politicians.

I shall be voting Reform for one reason only and that is to assist in the final downfall of the Conservatives.

European Membership is gone, we can’t bring it back, now we are out we should use the opportunity to do something better, not to try & align ourselves as closely as possibly in the hope they’ll still be our friends.

I know that Reform won’t get it, but if it signals a mood in the country that Labour can’t just tax & spend their way through the next (probably 3 terms) then it is worthwhile.
I keep reading people saying "probably 3 terms" but i just don't see it and think more like maximum of one.

The majority of labour's votes are from people who are not voting "for" labour, they're just not voting for someone else. If the conservatives hadn't destroyed themselves Starmer wouldn't be getting much of a look in.

Within 4-5 years time there'll be a whole new conservative party, bigger, better, stronger etc. with a new leader and new members that the protest voters can flock back to with a clear conscience. Then there's the reform party and who knows what will happen to them, will Farage stay or go? Will there be some sort of merging with the conservatives? Nobody knows, but the point is there will be a viable alternative for all the people who don't consider they have much of an alternative this time.

Starmer hasn't even got to do anything wrong in his first term not to win a second. The only possible way of him winning a second is if he does the best ever job ever in the history of best ever jobs. If people are not saying, "WOW Kier has done a great job, I can now afford to feed my family, turn the heating on and afford ice-cream" in 3-4 years time then Starmer will lose the next election.

Edited by I am alright Jack on Friday 28th June 00:11


42,859 posts

238 months

Kermit power said:
Stick Legs said:
As someone who has voted Tory in every election I have been eligible for I cannot bring myself to this time.

I always saw myself as a ‘Ken Clarke’ Tory. They have abandoned that side of their nature.

The Conservative Party always stood for fiscal prudence, low taxes, a resistance to faddism & competence.
The most efficient election winning machine in the democratic world.
The have trashed that.

May, Johnson, Truss & Sunak. Hopeless weather cock politicians.

I shall be voting Reform for one reason only and that is to assist in the final downfall of the Conservatives.

European Membership is gone, we can’t bring it back, now we are out we should use the opportunity to do something better, not to try & align ourselves as closely as possibly in the hope they’ll still be our friends.

I know that Reform won’t get it, but if it signals a mood in the country that Labour can’t just tax & spend their way through the next (probably 3 terms) then it is worthwhile.
The only signal that a Reform vote sends to anyone is that the numpties who destroyed "your" Conservative Party (and mine for that matter) had exactly the right idea but just weren't ambitious enough.
No they did not have the "right idea". The Conservatives betrayed their base with the decisions made by May, Johnson, Truss and Sunak.

It was not policies not being ambitious enough but policies the opposite to what a big chunk of their supporters wanted.

I include Sunak on the list but by comparison he is actually just the work experience lad left running the company when everyone else had crashed and burned, most of the damage had already been done.

Stick Legs

5,245 posts

168 months

I think it’s funny that 30% of those responding to the poll say they’re voting Reform.

I put my reasons forward and I have had a que of people telling me I am wrong.

Probably more responses than to any other post I have put on here.

MC Bodge

22,075 posts

178 months

JagLover said:
No they did not have the "right idea". The Conservatives betrayed their base with the decisions made by May, Johnson, Truss and Sunak.

It was not policies not being ambitious enough but policies the opposite to what a big chunk of their supporters wanted.

I include Sunak on the list but by comparison he is actually just the work experience lad left running the company when everyone else had crashed and burned, most of the damage had already been done.
Which decisions did you feel most betrayed by?

Gary C

12,709 posts

182 months

Stick Legs said:
As someone who has voted Tory in every election I have been eligible for I cannot bring myself to this time.

I always saw myself as a ‘Ken Clarke’ Tory. They have abandoned that side of their nature.

The Conservative Party always stood for fiscal prudence, low taxes, a resistance to faddism & competence.
The most efficient election winning machine in the democratic world.
The have trashed that.

May, Johnson, Truss & Sunak. Hopeless weather cock politicians.

I shall be voting Reform for one reason only and that is to assist in the final downfall of the Conservatives.

European Membership is gone, we can’t bring it back, now we are out we should use the opportunity to do something better, not to try & align ourselves as closely as possibly in the hope they’ll still be our friends.

I know that Reform won’t get it, but if it signals a mood in the country that Labour can’t just tax & spend their way through the next (probably 3 terms) then it is worthwhile.
I get what you are saying, and some I agree with

but I would never vote for reform.

They have just shown their true colours and I could never support that.


1,326 posts

57 months

After the last 14 (wasted) years I could never endorse the conservatives, they leave the country broken, crumbling infrastructure and a civil service that’s simply self serving.

With labour’s previous with the EU and Keir Starmers salivating enthusiasm to keep locking / circuit breaking the country down late into 2021 I could never again vote Labour. Also, I just don’t trust the man or those he has surrounded himself with.

I’ve postal voted Reform, we desperately need change, every ocean started as a single raindrop etc.


5,565 posts

109 months

Essarell said:
After the last 14 (wasted) years I could never endorse the conservatives, they leave the country broken, crumbling infrastructure and a civil service that’s simply self serving.

With labour’s previous with the EU and Keir Starmers salivating enthusiasm to keep locking / circuit breaking the country down late into 2021 I could never again vote Labour. Also, I just don’t trust the man or those he has surrounded himself with.

I’ve postal voted Reform, we desperately need change, every ocean started as a single raindrop etc.
But you presumably trust Farage and the people he has surrounded himself with. Crazy.


25,788 posts

196 months

People are free to vote for an amoral grifter and his motley collection of kooks and racists, that's the wonder of democracy.


1,326 posts

57 months

S600BSB said:
Essarell said:
After the last 14 (wasted) years I could never endorse the conservatives, they leave the country broken, crumbling infrastructure and a civil service that’s simply self serving.

With labour’s previous with the EU and Keir Starmers salivating enthusiasm to keep locking / circuit breaking the country down late into 2021 I could never again vote Labour. Also, I just don’t trust the man or those he has surrounded himself with.

I’ve postal voted Reform, we desperately need change, every ocean started as a single raindrop etc.
But you presumably trust Farage and the people he has surrounded himself with. Crazy.
If your comment is a generalisation as opposed to a personal criticism of my right to a free vote then I’ll happily explain my position. Do I trust Farage? Honestly, yes, can I be sure that an essentially new party with little depth of experience in governance will be able to indeed govern correctly then no, it’s way to early to tell. But, at least the subject of Net Zero and its ruinous costs is now in the debate. Illegal migration is talked about openly instead of being cloaked behind the veil of “most desperate people in the world “

The greens live in an untested fantasy land, Lib Dem’s are the darlings of the bandwagon jumping fraternity.

Successive labour and (so called) conservative parties have left this country in an absolute mess, pick your metric, defence, health, transport, education, crime, migration, the nation’s finances, devolved assemblies, almost the most expensive energy in the world. It doesn’t matter where you look they’ve failed us as a nation and it’s time for change no matter how distasteful that sounds to you.


1,326 posts

57 months

hidetheelephants said:
People are free to vote for an amoral grifter and his motley collection of kooks and racists, that's the wonder of democracy.
I take it that’s the wonder of democracy that gives you the answer you approve of?

SKS is only just managing to keep the lid on the anti semites within the Labour Party,


5,565 posts

109 months

hidetheelephants said:
People are free to vote for an amoral grifter and his motley collection of kooks and racists, that's the wonder of democracy.
Indeed - you get the government you deserve.

MC Bodge

22,075 posts

178 months

Essarell said:
After the last 14 (wasted) years I could never endorse the conservatives, they leave the country broken, crumbling infrastructure and a civil service that’s simply self serving.

With labour’s previous with the EU and Keir Starmers salivating enthusiasm to keep locking / circuit breaking the country down late into 2021 I could never again vote Labour. Also, I just don’t trust the man or those he has surrounded himself with.

I’ve postal voted Reform, we desperately need change, every ocean started as a single raindrop etc.
So you give your reasons and then announce that you have voted for Reform?


1,326 posts

57 months

MC Bodge said:
Essarell said:
After the last 14 (wasted) years I could never endorse the conservatives, they leave the country broken, crumbling infrastructure and a civil service that’s simply self serving.

With labour’s previous with the EU and Keir Starmers salivating enthusiasm to keep locking / circuit breaking the country down late into 2021 I could never again vote Labour. Also, I just don’t trust the man or those he has surrounded himself with.

I’ve postal voted Reform, we desperately need change, every ocean started as a single raindrop etc.
So you give your reasons and then announce that you have voted for Reform?
That’s how I read it…..