Junior Doctors' Pay Claim Poll

Poll: Junior Doctors' Pay Claim Poll

Total Members Polled: 1036

Full 35%: 11%
Over 30% but not 35%: 2%
From 20% to 29%: 6%
From 10% to 19%: 18%
From 5% to 9%: 41%
From 1% to 4%: 11%
Exactly 0%: 5%
Don't know / no opinion / another %: 6%

Hants PHer

5,910 posts

114 months

Friday 14th April 2023
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I worry where this is headed. If there's a situation where junior doctors AND nurses are striking at the same time, there could be serious danger to maintaining healthcare. So far, there's been an understanding that emergency care, and (IIRC) oncology and midwifery have all been protected from the impact of strikes. Might this change? Are we looking at a situation where staff in A&E, cancer services and even midwife provision are on the picket line while patients are left unattended? Just asking the question...........

If the government play hardball, then who blinks first?


17,199 posts

193 months

Friday 14th April 2023
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Hants PHer said:
If the government play hardball, then who blinks first?
Given the record and attitude of this ‘government’ I’d say it’ll be the union staff. In fact I’d go so far as to say they’re counting on a few Daily Fail headlines placing deaths firmly on the doorstep of striking nurses and doctors.

Likewise but less seriously failing GCSE and A-level students firmly at the door of striking teachers in May..


2,856 posts

119 months

Friday 14th April 2023
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Hants PHer said:
I worry where this is headed. If there's a situation where junior doctors AND nurses are striking at the same time, there could be serious danger to maintaining healthcare. So far, there's been an understanding that emergency care, and (IIRC) oncology and midwifery have all been protected from the impact of strikes. Might this change? Are we looking at a situation where staff in A&E, cancer services and even midwife provision are on the picket line while patients are left unattended? Just asking the question...........

If the government play hardball, then who blinks first?
BMA a national disgrace. Government must stand firm and doctors and indeed nurses need to take responsibility for their actions. Doctors in particular have really gone down in my estimation. Seem a bunch a left wing activists in control as for that idiot whose cleared off on holiday I wouldn’t want him anywhere near me if I was ill.


17,199 posts

193 months

Friday 14th April 2023
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86 said:
BMA a national disgrace. Government must stand firm and doctors and indeed nurses need to take responsibility for their actions. Doctors in particular have really gone down in my estimation. Seem a bunch a left wing activists in control as for that idiot whose cleared off on holiday I wouldn’t want him anywhere near me if I was ill.
Indeed. How dare any public worker have a holiday! Should be at the coal face 12 hours a day, 365 days a year! Disgraceful.


2,856 posts

119 months

Friday 14th April 2023
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MiniMan64 said:
86 said:
BMA a national disgrace. Government must stand firm and doctors and indeed nurses need to take responsibility for their actions. Doctors in particular have really gone down in my estimation. Seem a bunch a left wing activists in control as for that idiot whose cleared off on holiday I wouldn’t want him anywhere near me if I was ill.
Indeed. How dare any public worker have a holiday! Should be at the coal face 12 hours a day, 365 days a year! Disgraceful.
Thought junior doctors were down the food bank strange how the BMA leader can afford a nice foreign holiday. If it was a Government Health minister the left would be screaming RESIGN. Doctors have lost all the goodwill through covid just a political strike. Government should take the RCN nurses offer off the table. Sadly they need to take responsibility for the increase in deaths. Truly dreadful behaviour playing with peoples lives. Call it out for what it is appalling


44,556 posts

254 months

Friday 14th April 2023
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86 said:
MiniMan64 said:
86 said:
BMA a national disgrace. Government must stand firm and doctors and indeed nurses need to take responsibility for their actions. Doctors in particular have really gone down in my estimation. Seem a bunch a left wing activists in control as for that idiot whose cleared off on holiday I wouldn’t want him anywhere near me if I was ill.
Indeed. How dare any public worker h ave a holiday! Should be at the coal face 12 hours a day, 365 days a year! Disgraceful.
Thought junior doctors were down the food bank strange how the BMA leader can afford a nice foreign holiday. If it was a Government Health minister the left would be screaming RESIGN. Doctors have lost all the goodwill through covid just a political strike. Government should take the RCN nurses offer off the table. Sadly they need to take responsibility for the increase in deaths. Truly dreadful behaviour playing with peoples lives. Call it out for what it is appalling
Regardless of the ins and outs, food banks, and who pays for his holiday, and that he's co-director of the family investment firm, set all that completely to the side, the timing, ie taking a holiday where he will still be paid, whilst his members are on the picket lines and unpaid shows remarkably poor judgement and lack of leadership.


2,856 posts

119 months

Friday 14th April 2023
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FiF said:
86 said:
MiniMan64 said:
86 said:
BMA a national disgrace. Government must stand firm and doctors and indeed nurses need to take responsibility for their actions. Doctors in particular have really gone down in my estimation. Seem a bunch a left wing activists in control as for that idiot whose cleared off on holiday I wouldn’t want him anywhere near me if I was ill.
Indeed. How dare any public worker h ave a holiday! Should be at the coal face 12 hours a day, 365 days a year! Disgraceful.
Thought junior doctors were down the food bank strange how the BMA leader can afford a nice foreign holiday. If it was a Government Health minister the left would be screaming RESIGN. Doctors have lost all the goodwill through covid just a political strike. Government should take the RCN nurses offer off the table. Sadly they need to take responsibility for the increase in deaths. Truly dreadful behaviour playing with peoples lives. Call it out for what it is appalling
Regardless of the ins and outs, food banks, and who pays for his holiday, and that he's co-director of the family investment firm, set all that completely to the side, the timing, ie taking a holiday where he will still be paid, whilst his members are on the picket lines and unpaid shows remarkably poor judgement and lack of leadership.
Agree so he should resign. Student Union seems to be his level


2,295 posts

272 months

Friday 14th April 2023
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When did you book his holiday?


57 months

Friday 14th April 2023
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86 said:
MiniMan64 said:
86 said:
BMA a national disgrace. Government must stand firm and doctors and indeed nurses need to take responsibility for their actions. Doctors in particular have really gone down in my estimation. Seem a bunch a left wing activists in control as for that idiot whose cleared off on holiday I wouldn’t want him anywhere near me if I was ill.
Indeed. How dare any public worker have a holiday! Should be at the coal face 12 hours a day, 365 days a year! Disgraceful.
Thought junior doctors were down the food bank strange how the BMA leader can afford a nice foreign holiday. If it was a Government Health minister the left would be screaming RESIGN. Doctors have lost all the goodwill through covid just a political strike. Government should take the RCN nurses offer off the table. Sadly they need to take responsibility for the increase in deaths. Truly dreadful behaviour playing with peoples lives. Call it out for what it is appalling
Whereas the actual Health Secretary oversaw 133000 deaths during his tenure from a global pandemic he was hopelessly unprepared for despite it being number one in the national risk register, had an affair with an aide and broke several of his own Governments rules during lockdowns, aided friends and backers to make huge profits from VIP lane contracts, was labelled “fking hopeless” by his Boss and yet millions thought he was doing a good job…..


2,856 posts

119 months

Friday 14th April 2023
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pablo said:
86 said:
MiniMan64 said:
86 said:
BMA a national disgrace. Government must stand firm and doctors and indeed nurses need to take responsibility for their actions. Doctors in particular have really gone down in my estimation. Seem a bunch a left wing activists in control as for that idiot whose cleared off on holiday I wouldn’t want him anywhere near me if I was ill.
Indeed. How dare any public worker have a holiday! Should be at the coal face 12 hours a day, 365 days a year! Disgraceful.
Thought junior doctors were down the food bank strange how the BMA leader can afford a nice foreign holiday. If it was a Government Health minister the left would be screaming RESIGN. Doctors have lost all the goodwill through covid just a political strike. Government should take the RCN nurses offer off the table. Sadly they need to take responsibility for the increase in deaths. Truly dreadful behaviour playing with peoples lives. Call it out for what it is appalling
Whereas the actual Health Secretary oversaw 133000 deaths during his tenure from a global pandemic he was hopelessly unprepared for despite it being number one in the national risk register, had an affair with an aide and broke several of his own Governments rules during lockdowns, aided friends and backers to make huge profits from VIP lane contracts, was labelled “fking hopeless” by his Boss and yet millions thought he was doing a good job…..
You must be desperate if that’s the excuse for putting thousands of peoples lives at risk for a strike over a ridiculous pay offer. Doctors and nurses need to take their own responsibility for their actions. As for Hancock he was useless but so it seems were a lot of the senior NHS management


20,770 posts

125 months

Friday 14th April 2023
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86 said:
You must be desperate if that’s the excuse for putting thousands of peoples lives at risk for a strike over a ridiculous pay offer. Doctors and nurses need to take their own responsibility for their actions. As for Hancock he was useless but so it seems were a lot of the senior NHS management
Glad you agree the current pay offer from the government is ridiculous.


7,708 posts

139 months

Saturday 15th April 2023
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pablo said:
Whereas the actual Health Secretary oversaw 133000 deaths during his tenure from a global pandemic he was hopelessly unprepared for despite it being number one in the national risk register, had an affair with an aide and broke several of his own Governments rules during lockdowns, aided friends and backers to make huge profits from VIP lane contracts, was labelled “fking hopeless” by his Boss and yet millions thought he was doing a good job…..
Your logic seems to be that because the Health Sec was an arse junior doctors being arses and causing patient deaths is OK.


9,938 posts

38 months

Saturday 15th April 2023
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Hants PHer said:
I worry where this is headed. If there's a situation where junior doctors AND nurses are striking at the same time, there could be serious danger to maintaining healthcare. So far, there's been an understanding that emergency care, and (IIRC) oncology and midwifery have all been protected from the impact of strikes. Might this change? Are we looking at a situation where staff in A&E, cancer services and even midwife provision are on the picket line while patients are left unattended? Just asking the question...........

If the government play hardball, then who blinks first?
The Government have the responsibility. ensuring health and well-being of the Nation.


2,856 posts

119 months

Saturday 15th April 2023
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crankedup5 said:
Hants PHer said:
I worry where this is headed. If there's a situation where junior doctors AND nurses are striking at the same time, there could be serious danger to maintaining healthcare. So far, there's been an understanding that emergency care, and (IIRC) oncology and midwifery have all been protected from the impact of strikes. Might this change? Are we looking at a situation where staff in A&E, cancer services and even midwife provision are on the picket line while patients are left unattended? Just asking the question...........

If the government play hardball, then who blinks first?
The Government have the responsibility. ensuring health and well-being of the Nation.
And I thought people joined as a Doctor or nurse because they wanted to care for people. I find it very difficult to see how these militants on picket lines have the interests of patients anywhere near their thinking. Everything is designed to cause the maximum pain to patients and I guess some of those will be their own families. They must take full responsibility for the extra deaths that will follow. 35% pay request shows they are not serious and it’s find a way to bring the Tory government to its knees


2,443 posts

122 months

Saturday 15th April 2023
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86 said:
crankedup5 said:
Hants PHer said:
I worry where this is headed. If there's a situation where junior doctors AND nurses are striking at the same time, there could be serious danger to maintaining healthcare. So far, there's been an understanding that emergency care, and (IIRC) oncology and midwifery have all been protected from the impact of strikes. Might this change? Are we looking at a situation where staff in A&E, cancer services and even midwife provision are on the picket line while patients are left unattended? Just asking the question...........

If the government play hardball, then who blinks first?
The Government have the responsibility. ensuring health and well-being of the Nation.
And I thought people joined as a Doctor or nurse because they wanted to care for people. I find it very difficult to see how these militants on picket lines have the interests of patients anywhere near their thinking. Everything is designed to cause the maximum pain to patients and I guess some of those will be their own families. They must take full responsibility for the extra deaths that will follow. 35% pay request shows they are not serious and it’s find a way to bring the Tory government to its knees
What should the pay request be and why, then?

Timothy Bucktu

15,398 posts

203 months

Saturday 15th April 2023
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I chose the 1 to 4% option, which is what I got working in the private sector...or the real world, if you will.


4,933 posts

233 months

Saturday 15th April 2023
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86 said:
And I thought people joined as a Doctor or nurse because they wanted to care for people. I find it very difficult to see how these militants on picket lines have the interests of patients anywhere near their thinking. Everything is designed to cause the maximum pain to patients and I guess some of those will be their own families. They must take full responsibility for the extra deaths that will follow. 35% pay request shows they are not serious and it’s find a way to bring the Tory government to its knees
They do care, thats why they are pointing out that the nhs is on its knees and the government have caused it, with pay freezes and below inflation rises since cameron was in downing st.

The responsibility lies fully with the government


3,411 posts

223 months

Saturday 15th April 2023
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Timothy Bucktu said:
I chose the 1 to 4% option, which is what I got working in the private sector...or the real world, if you will.
If you ever find yourself with your life in the hands of these people are you going to let them know they don’t work in the real world?

I reckon there will be a big crossover between people that are dismissive of anything medical and the most demanding awkward patients when they need it.

Fast Bug

11,874 posts

164 months

Saturday 15th April 2023
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sawman said:
They do care, thats why they are pointing out that the nhs is on its knees and the government have caused it, with pay freezes and below inflation rises since cameron was in downing st.

The responsibility lies fully with the government
The NHS and public sector aren't the only ones to have had pay freezes and below inflation pay rises though are they? Most of the private sector are in the same boat without the job security or the better pensions.

We had a big family gathering last weekend and the topic of pay rises came up. 2 people got 10% and everyone else got between 4 and 5%. Asking for 35% is just taking the piss in all honesty


2,856 posts

119 months

Saturday 15th April 2023
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pghstochaj said:
86 said:
crankedup5 said:
Hants PHer said:
I worry where this is headed. If there's a situation where junior doctors AND nurses are striking at the same time, there could be serious danger to maintaining healthcare. So far, there's been an understanding that emergency care, and (IIRC) oncology and midwifery have all been protected from the impact of strikes. Might this change? Are we looking at a situation where staff in A&E, cancer services and even midwife provision are on the picket line while patients are left unattended? Just asking the question...........

If the government play hardball, then who blinks first?
The Government have the responsibility. ensuring health and well-being of the Nation.
And I thought people joined as a Doctor or nurse because they wanted to care for people. I find it very difficult to see how these militants on picket lines have the interests of patients anywhere near their thinking. Everything is designed to cause the maximum pain to patients and I guess some of those will be their own families. They must take full responsibility for the extra deaths that will follow. 35% pay request shows they are not serious and it’s find a way to bring the Tory government to its knees
What should the pay request be and why, then?
I got 5% in the private sector and I don’t have a gold plated pension scheme. My aunt got a 10.1% pension increase this year from the NHS paid for by the taxpayer. You don’t get pensions like that in the private sector ! Never see a poor doctor most do private work on the side. You only have to look at the size of their pension pots.